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VIP Member
Why does she need to leave the country and leave her kids behind in order to find herself? She did it last time they split up too. Put them first for once and not yourself.
i seen a quote the other day that said something like ‘Those who do things in private are the ones with nothing to prove’ and it’s so true. She documents this to make herself look like something she’s not. Like not a narcissist a bum and a shite mother.
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Imagine your children being on a CPP and you leave them with someone who you publicly accused of SA! Looks good in court that Lace!

Wouldn't surprise me if she asked Rhys to have the kids the weekend and he said he can't so she refused to let him see them last week when she claimed he didn't turn up leaving the kids heartbroken!!!
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And I’m now blocked 🤷🏻‍♀️you know what that means….she doesn’t like the truth. We’ll suck it up buttercup cos more and more people are seeing you for what you are and are voicing their opinions 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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This will play out like the amber heard and Johnny depp trial with all the recordings, but the 35p energy drink version. I feel guilty watching any of this at this point, it's just tragic. How could you put so much of your personal life on the internet. What a massive massive mess.
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She’s fucking delusional. “Not listen to their mummy being abused” but it’s okay for you to push him to his limit and emotionally and mentally abuse him? Mate, those kids have NOTHING with you. No life no nothing. You’re the bottom of the barrel when it comes to being a mother. You’ve no fucking clue what it is to be a real decent parent.
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See she makes a dig about Rhys saying how Emily is struggling to get back into her routine! Maybe it's the music you're blaring out or the fact she isn't properly settled in an evening as you just leave her!
‘Woke up at 2am as expected’

if you’re expecting your child to wake up in the middle of the night would you not go to bed and grab an early night? 🙄
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Erm Lacy. Feeding your kids cereal isn’t cooking them dinner.
having a wish list isn’t YOU buying clothes for them and scamming the system isn’t YOU paying the bills

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There’s nothing wrong with any of her kids she scamming it for the dla she’s a crank 😂
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Ahhh still the victim I see. What about you changing lacy? Gunna put your kids first. Gunna stop stalking your ex? Nope! Didn’t think so
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Looks wise, lacy was punching way above her weight. I don’t like to call people ugly as it’s harsh as fuck but she’s no oil pointing to put it polite.

I don’t think Rhys is even talking to anyone she’s making it up. Considering she’s now ‘free’ and moving on etc, she’s really giving *obsessed*
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Eeee well I was with the tattooist until he made that comment about beating her bf up on live, can’t be saying that lol. She’s got the upper hand now
Tbh I think he had enough of her shit. Sniggering on live making comments to someone who is the professional and knows his job. She was awful. Rolling her eyes at him and agreeing with the comments to a thousand people! The wife should have thumped her. Lacy needs knocking down going about on live putting people in uncomfortable positions.
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Recording in a pretty basic nightclub at her age is just plain embarrassing. So is having an Amazon wish list
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See she makes a dig about Rhys saying how Emily is struggling to get back into her routine! Maybe it's the music you're blaring out or the fact she isn't properly settled in an evening as you just leave her!
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She's adult fo god sake, I stay past midnight when my children sleeping,I watched her live last night and I was glad she wasn't talking about it and hopefully it will stay that way
Do you stay up past midnight being the adult parent you are then moan and tell 233k people online that you are tired and can't cope with the morning rush of getting kids washed, dressed and fed ready for school???
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lol catfishhhh
She reminds me of Tommy from the Rugrats 🙈

This whole not feeling safe and needing to go into refuge is to use against Rhys. She’s adding in so many extras from when he took them like leaving Emily’s peppa pig book with mummy on she will say this to make out to the courts he’s unsafe around the children to the point she wants to go to refuge. I said she will have a plan up her sleeve and I think this could be it. She keeps saying she was smashing it before in them 3 months but she wasn’t was she she had her dad there, Rhys was still going round she spent 2 weeks away from 4 of 5 children buggered off on holiday to jump out of a plane? I’m sure she could of done that at her local airfield
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For him to be accusing her of taking Coke they either used to do it together on occasion or she did.
Imagine putting your life all over tiktok and calling on your loyal supporters 🤢🤢🤢
He won’t make his tiktok private because he also loves the attention
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She really set herself up last night for some big gifts. She was with the American who can sing and she’s sat there bawling her eyes out at his singing, lo and behold in came more gifts at she jumped to 10 in the risings.
it’s just shy of a week till Christmas and people are dropping hundreds of pounds on her, it’s concerning really. These are clearly single parents on low incomes.
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