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so her and purse only spend 2 days a week together? I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up meeting someone else (if he hasn't alaready...)
Also, anyone else wonder if Guido's recent high blood pressure might be from living with KyLie the past couple of years?😅 I'm only half joking. 😬 Fake weddings, filming, in-laws for months, having to commute from work to the farm--lately only weekends, her whining about the haters and complaining about Italy...
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As predicted another recipe :rolleyes: which kitchen is this? wasn't the one she "renovated" with those awful hand painted blue tiles the one in the tuscan ruin? or was that the florence one? I cannot keep up and I don't know why I care really :ROFLMAO: I doubt I will bother with this but why (from her instagram) has she made 400 tortellini now? or is she planning to freeze them for xmas?
"Oh why and why did I do it," regrets Porkpie, as he gazes at the 400 tortellini, KyLie made him watch her do (with her great love of arduous, back-breaking work). He must have been drunk by the end. Interminable and I missed the entire middle section😅


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So she will bemoan the "algorithm" because she's skipped weeks and she doesn't get the views expected.
"Sorry everyone, but I needed to rest after working 70 hours a week for basic content I ask you to pay me for. And due to my healthcare status the fascist Italian gov't won't let me visit the cultural sites you expect from my films!"
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I feel like this whole forum took a much needed break after watching the cringiest 11 minutes ever.

who thinks she’ll actually upload something this friday? I’m starting to doubt she will or, if she does, it will be recycled/reuploaded old content ( remember the episode of the dolce vita diaries from a few months ago, which a bunch of subs commented on and said they had seen the whole thing before?)
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I hope Kylie's father did not have CVD-19 which is beyond horrible, a mask law is in place here as of Monday, silly freaks still not using them as of yesterday when I was out for the local weekly shop. Forget about social distancing with some people, they are like zombies. If you have a refrigerator door open and are leaning in for an item, some think it's ok to push their way beside and behind thisclose, it raises the hairs on the back of my neck! CVD etiquette was better when there were one way arrows and social distancing footprints on the floors, which I hope will return.

There was a discussion today on Bloomberg re: how long before the pandemic will become endemic, biologically speaking. Still years to go according to Johns Hopkins' Dr Shaun Truelove: vaccination, social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing will be with us for the foreseeable future. The latest statistics are that 1 out of 100 elderly people have passed away from CVD in the US which is heartbreaking. Stay safe friends!
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There's something about her saying "as soon as I am free" that really struck me. Free from what? Covid rules? Sounds very Libertarian imo but maybe I am jumping to conclusions here.
Anyway yes @emm I don't think her parents will be allowed back in if they are not vaxed, not even to Byron Bay which has the lowest percentage of vaccinated in Aust. :rolleyes:
She strikes me as the kind of person who doesn’t read news as she doesn’t like the “negativity “ so I assume she has no idea what is going on in the world . God knows what she means by being “free” COVID clearly isn’t going anywhere any time soon
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Yes, what’s the talk about “tribes”; she mentions it several times. Just what we need, more division, in today’s echo chamber society. Have you’ve ever seen anyone more desperate, aggressive AND pathetic in the way she begs and pleads for money ? So many of the comments in that video can not understand why she doesn’t have many more subscribers. It’s because not everyone is as gullible and naive as her patrons. If she were so good as she says, over ten years she has been trying, she would have seen results.

Could be she is lording it over ma and pa because they taught her the beach life is enough and all it takes. That and she’s a self absorbed, self centred, shallow, clueless, crude, entitled brat narcissist.
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Yes, renovation content usually draws a lot of viewers, and she knows it. @aLieParallel

I think the drop is a combination of her lame content as well as people understanding what type of lifestyle she enjoys now (as opposed to crying about her small space in Rome without an oven or electricity , having to pay bills etc lol).
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@aLieParallel @emm It's a way for Kylie to get people to send money, via Patreon.
And a platform for her acting "skills", crying and carrying on in an extremely embarrassingly unprofessional way.
17:29 Kylie's "presentation" (bring your barf buckets).
For example
She actually disgusts me in that video. How did she ever imagine that she should go to such a place to give a talk "to inspire them"? She led a discussion on bullying FFS! It can only have been from her PoV as a "victim" and how much strength she found to overcome it, and they can too!

She is insincere, patronising, arrogant and exploitative, asking for Patreon money to "support my work", hoping viewers might infer that the funds are going towards supporting the featured enterprise. She shamelessly places her Patreon link in the YT description box, right under the links where people can read about the charities, but no direct link to their donation page.
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@Alessandro This riff is deranged. Kylie is living in the first world, there is no way she has it harder than "them" <cyborgs?>.
(Also, this lady looks as though she is bored trying out a couch in an IKEA showroom).

@Jerry the latest video is so terribly cliche and vile, a real "suck it up buttercup" to the viewers. As you mention, it is only a few months until summer and tourist season, Kylie is hopeful the Patreons will have paid for that big iron gate with spikes on it to keep out "the tourists" from the airbnb coop.
Jordan Peterson would disagree. Lol! He seems to promote the idea that certain privilege does not exist, and if people are struggling, it's only because they aren't trying enough or are "coddled" by progressive thinking.

And Kylie tried saying she doesn't really agree with his views. 🤣
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Juxtapose @Alessandro ‘s transcript of K’s audio where she elaborates about “the vulnerables” that she helps through her videos, with her current slog where she seems to distance herself, saying that she is “nauseated and fragmented by most of social media”. Add to that the disparate quotes and the image of Porkie on the ground examining a pine cone, what exactly was that and what is she saying ? In her IG statement, she promises to explain; where is the explanation ? All she provides is more confusion.

Maybe self sainthood is too much of a strain for her. The video is a tour of her inner turmoil.

: "I'm drawn to vulnerabliity. That's why I moved away television (oh yeah) ...I'm already very sensitive. There is so much pain out there. When people tell me they watch my videos and tell me they're suicidal, or they're escaping their husband thanks to my work because I've inspired them to want more out of life, or a kid sitting in a toilet cubicle being bullied at school and watching my videos that are helping them...."
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Merry Christmas to all my fellow Tatlers who have become great compatriots in telling Italy like it is and not through KyLie’s faux rose-coloured glasses! 🎉💫🍰🎈🎁🥂🎄💐
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Yes, the performance activism yet again. But of course if someone were to delicately try pointing this out to her, they'd be met with her defensive and ugly sides.
If I heard right, this was a camp for hemophiliacs; being a hemophiliac does not make them idiots, the way she was treating them and talking to them. I knew some who were lawyers. It’s telling that K was only talking with the three daughters; the mother likely wanted nothing to do with her. I could stand corrected, not going through that slog again.
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Last week, K was reduced to making 400 tortellinis and playing with a toy red plastic meat grinder that G had to keep his hand in to have a chance to work. She even made gingerbread cookies, as I had predicted. In order to keep G’s interest, she relented with the drinking and offered him a bottle to keep his attention.

What keeps our attention is the farce of her running out of ideas and still claiming to work 80 hours a week, only allowing herself Sunday off, but still using that day to write Patreon letters. What won’t grubby beach bum freeloader turned manor matron do to keep coasting with her patrons ?

Today will be the same but less again as even she is getting bored with herself. Wonder how the various renos are doing; who cares, this is Italy, everything moves slowly, if at all. No visit to a hilltop town for Christmas, because she doesn’t drive and has no green pass. My guess is another faux recipe, with Guido manacled to the chair, a bottle of wine no longer incentive enough to stay during his two days back from his life in Florence.
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Using @SusieCPPF 's coordinates, the satellite picture found there is very fresh, from 2022. Perhaps the pesky satellite is the harassment issue Koiles has been dealing with.
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@Michael From Mountains. Thank you - the saddest thing is that Covid has isolated people from their loved ones in their last moments for fear of CONTAGION !
@ Jerry Buon Appetito with all those tortellini - some for the puppy? Btw how is it?
@Spiritofplace What a traumatic experience to live through, and those poor people with covid, it is unspeakably awful.
Pfizer has come up with an omicron booster, hopefully the pandemic will become endemic and less virulent soon.

@Jerry People who won't play by the rules, who won't vaccinate, who don't wear masks and/or social distance but attend super spreader events are such selfish cruel idiots.
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