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Could be the family has had an intervention; ma and pa are fed up being treated like serfs and foraging for roots, Porkie is spending more time with the girlfriend he impetuously gave up for K, the so called in laws see no return on the investment in social media and promises of revenue for the manor, restaurant and chicken coop, why else would they debase themselves for a non wedding and having the chapel deconsecrated by the bishop and priest. They’ve all had enough of the Italian Lady of the Manor charade and faux Dolce Vita at their expense. They’ve sat her down over the holidays and put an end to the insipid and insulting slogs, so they can get back to a normal life of privilege, yacht building, house sitting, accounting; whatever it is they do.
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Spirit of place

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@aLieParallel...Trouble is, when you are pretending to let people into your life, however superficially, you can't just cut them off when it suits you. She adores the attention but it annoys her to have to keep updating & answering their questions. She said as much in a crappy interview with a blogger/journalist when they were laughing at the people contacting them about coming to live in Italy etc
@lucy ..on the ball as usual with references - unfortunately I've hardly ever seen Morse, just occasionally when back in the UK so thanks for uploading 'poor sod' scene. I put her in good company then !
Btw, don't recall her actually skiing just plodding - she filmed G skiing down the nursery slopes whereas if she could
show off it would have been her swooping down a mountain.
Methinks the 'friends' they hang out with are all G's buddies - does she have any of her own there?
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Hey guys I’m new here! I’m actually a patreons of Kylie because I keep forgetting to unsubscribe haha!

I’m going to summarise how I came across Kylie and you guys real quick.

I found her at the start of covid and was so invested in her Amalfi series because I had plans to go there before the pandemic happened (so start of 2020). To be honest, I always found her accent and expression to be a bit strange but thought I was just being judgmental and should learn to accept/appreciate that perhaps she was just quirky- so with that in mind I became a fan of hers and have since followed all her content- even becoming a patreon.

And as much as I enjoyed and still enjoy her video quality and production, there was always a nagging feeling that something was off. Tbh, I had been to italy many times for lengths of a time because my partner is from Trentino-Alto Adige so knew that she romanticised the realities of italy heavily- but I accepted this because I understood that ultimately she is a content creator and part of her brand is marketing ‘la dolce vita’ to her audience… anyway it took me the longest time but finally I’ve seemed to pin point that my problem with Kylie is that she comes across quite pretentious and judgemental and it might not seem extremely obvious at first but when you’ve watched her content as long as I’m guessing we all have, you can definitely spot it out. She gives off “I’m not like other girls” vibes and I can’t stand that about her 😂

I found this picture online and it reminds me of Kylie haha! She has a superiority about her and I noticed that about her content. When speaking of herself, it’s centred around her sensitivities and what makes her different from other women because instead of buying biscuits at the bakery she would rather make them, instead of going to the club in a mini skirt she would rather be at home sewing, and etc etc- so many examples of this. It’s like, we get it! You’re different and this is okay, but no need to elevate yourself by putting others (especially women) down.


So anyway, one day after watching a video of hers I wanted to see if anyone else felt the way I did about her content so googled Kylie Flavell forum and you guys popped up. I am not joking I spent until 3 in the morning reading the forum and found it so amusing that I wasn’t the only one

Granted I don’t dislike her and can still enjoy her content, although I am finding it dry as of late.
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What on earth was Kylie talking about, what group? What circles? WT the actual ____?
Did Kylie watch "Westworld", "Blade Runner", "Terminator", or something?
Hello: Is she upset and referring to a formerly fresh old boyfriend who is actually getting married on the beach (to an angel).
Just wondering...
I think she just goes to some generic book of quotations or some random New Age audio to find something that she thinks sounds good, seems authoritative and uses it without thinking, presenting it with her faux A Hepburn voice to lend it credibility to those impressed with accents.

Even the title is way over the top dreadful, “Comparison is the Death of Contentment”. Discernment, differentiation, decisions all depend on comparisons. It’s how we see a photograph, by visualizing shadow and light. It’s a silly title and I defy her to put it into practice; she couldn’t even get through her ten minute video without doing it.

She starts her slog by saying she’s been thinking about “the myriad definitions of fulfillment; what happiness means to different people”. She ends it with the graphic, “What Will I Do With the Hand I Have Been Dealt”.

In between, for the rest of the video, she is parsing various quotes and all too self obsessive and self serving explanations, as if she has a conclusion already in mind that she is saving for the end.

I think she’s trying to find a way to free herself from her subscribers, many of whom she encouraged to rely on her emotionally. She almost literally says to them, “Deal with it.” She sugar coats it, as usual, but it gives her an out to deal only with herself, which, has been said, is all she cares about.

I think she’s spent the last three weeks figuring out how to keep the funding rolling in without having to deal with the pesky customers. Wait until travel restrictions loosen up and they start appearing at the manor. Her chickens will soon come home to roost in the coop.
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buon natale everyone! i hope you all have your 400 handmade tortellini ready for xmas lunch later 🤣
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Spirit of place

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@aLieParallel If Guido has high blood pressure as it is, a move away from Florence would finish him off - leaving his accounting job in a prestigious studio & as you said @Denise leading a routine life with his friends to then go and live isolated with a manic partner among rubble and paint just so she can have content for her vlogs, chivvying him along the whole time. He has said he's not interested in renos, nor doing agricultural work so what's in it for him? Working in a provincial town with no contacts or possibly friends and then to come home & have a camera shoved in his face.
All this penny pinching she is signalling is there for a purpose (can't afford a plumber or electrician or even paint really)- is it building up to a massive begging session? And now her parents are going away, will she stay alone for the week toiling away or pretending to while Guido is away or will she trot along with him too?
All that 50s ethic of housewife preparing full meals to greet the return of her husband is in any case taking its toll on Guido apparently.🍷🍷ALLA SALUTE GUIDO WHILE YOU CAN😜

His work profile is on LinkedIn but no need to expose him further here. And Henri, when is your next incarnation? Susan Copperfield?
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Yes @Antonio , you captured the exact expression that I have grown to loathe! So exaggerated and phoney.

Another thing that makes this seem like a work related trip is...why Venice and why now? She has not done any other travelling all of these months, aside from that deserted island which she said was for a work project. She must have received an invite and offer too good to pass up.
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Based on all of your comments, can't wait to watch and mock!,😂

Well...that was boring. It felt like one of those videos I had to sit through in "Intro to" Sociology or Psychology at University. Complete with stock images. I could have whipped up similar content for IG stories! Images,✅ text✅ voiceover (read from some quotes strung together)✅.

I wonder if she is feeling like an outsider in Guido's circle? Perhaps his friends aren't overly find of her or she is comparing herself to Italian wives. She is such a try-hard, I can only imagine her giving off the same "I'm a perfect casalinga, and you?" image that she gives us in her videos.

*fond not find.
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She makes a lot of assumptions and judgements about other people’s lives and limitations; maybe she shouldn’t be taking her precious time looking at others. She seems obsessively concerned comparing herself to others as she counsels others not to compare to others. Very presumptuous to parse her thoughts and internal self conversation into a projection. She generalizes her neurosis onto others, without the slightest discussion with another person. Utterly pretentious and predictable.
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I agree that Guido is gaining weight and K struggled to get that apron around the circumference of his waist. He is developing 'spaghetti tummy' and will look like the late Luciano Pavarotti if he doesn't rein in his appetite soon. Do you think she might be fattening him up so that he is no longer attractive to other ladies? Just a thought. 🤣🤦‍♀️
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Welcome @rainman! Work trips to Italy? Consider me officially jealous!

as for where she goes from here… that’s something I’m wondering as well. I’m on record here predicting that she would sell a sob story about her extended absence and use it to manipulate more patreon $$$. I suppose that could still be coming.

but she hasn’t gone that way yet. It feels to me that k’s content is at a real crossroads. Didn’t she hint this past summer or autumn that she would be doing some sort of travel series? I don’t think we’ve seen that (besides the Gritti deal).

I think she has thoroughly squeezed the life out of the recipe/cooking genre. I know I can’t finish those videos at this point.

so what’s next? I would have figured the travel series or more renovation content, as we know they have multiple construction projects running at once.

but with this last video, I’m out of guesses. It was one of the weirdest things I’ve sat through for a while.
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I’m almost surprised she doesn’t come out and say she is anti vax, I imagine the Jordan Peterson fans of hers feel the same
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I think the drastic drop is due to it being the end of the month. A month, in which, she skipped multiple uploads with no real explanation and then cobbled together a voiceover video to some stock footage.

The trend is killing me though! I don’t think it is too surprising for her numbers to peak around the time of the wedding. YouTube loves wedding content and I’m sure that video got recommended more than her average slog.

But it’s very clear that the last few months of content have really not resonated. Explains why she is beating “renovating a ruin” to absolute death this month.

@surreal dont be afraid to participate! I like reading your opinions. I totally agree that K is using that camera as a weapon against G. I will never forget the insta story on the ski mountain where he’s bored to tears watching a music event until she slams the camera in his face and then it’s 😅🥳🤩

He’s aware that he is being watched.
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Still puzzled how/why they aren’t married! Help! 🙃
The priest refused to marry them in a family chapel that had been used for such ceremonies for 150 years; he detected it was a commercial venture and bowed out. They invited the bishop for dinner to sway him, but was not persuaded. There were documents that she could not get from Australia, although there is a question about why she couldn’t get them online or at the embassy. I believe, in Italy, you must get the civil marriage and then can follow up with a church ceremony. It was felt, at the time, that the whole thing was a charade to present the family property as a venue for weddings and events, plus services. A revenue stream for the family. End result, they had a small garden party, everyone posed and played along it seemed, there were no masks worn and this was during lockdown. The “wedding” video was released after lockdown was eased, it seemed to avoid being charged for breaking Covid restrictions. All in all, they are not married and, after such a big buildup for the “wedding that never happened”, KyLIE seldom, if ever, mentioned the big day again. She just carried on allowing the false perception to pervade. If you see the “proposal” video, you will see KyLIE hunched over Guido like her prey. The “proposal” itself, is staged with cameras and sound equipment in the middle of a field. Just happened to be there at the right moment ! Hope this helps, but probably confuses you more !
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Jerry et al ... just to be clear here ... I am not saying that I think all scammers &c &c should be allowed paid leave ... but I just wondered how people who made this type of work their main income stream managed to take leave and survive. I guess they realise that their algorithms will inevitably take a hit and some of their followers will stop subsidising them and they accept it as an 'occupational hasard' and save enough money to afford some occasional down time. I agree, Denise, that creating some content in advance to cover the occasional period of absence is eminently sensible. As I keep saying she is disorganized and careless and all this 'poor me' stuff is not very attractive or elicits much empathy after a while. I also agree that 'am well, can explain later' is highly unsatisfactory. She wants the money, gifts and adulation but doesn't take it seriously as her livelihood, but probably doesn't need to now she's married and has a provider. 😊
to answer your question re: taking leave and surviving-

I can’t relate as an influencer (lol) but I have worked as an hourly contractor in the past. The way it worked, I did not have paid leave. Taking a full week off was a very big financial decision.

The way I handled unpaid time off at the time was basically micromanaging the impact with a calculator and making sure I fully understood the financial downside. I’m very happy to report that this was a temporary time in my career and I now have paid leave again :)

but my point is, it’s hard for me to believe that this long of an absence was fully unplanned, and if it was, something drastic must have happened. At this point between lost patreons, YT revenue, and ad revenue, this has cost her a couple thousand at least. Even when you are financially comfortable it is very difficult to leave money on the table and most won’t do it without a good reason.

but, that’s all assuming K’s brain works like mine, which, it probably does not ;)
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Kylie did say her FB page was hacked years ago. I wonder if it was the same person/people scamming? She probably clicked a dodgy link and all her personal info and passwords were sold. 😂

I also think she is back at that castle/retreat in Trento based on that IG pic @LucyHoneychurch posted.
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Looks as though M. Beyle might be skulking around and decided to take your advice @Spirit of place (see attached). That said, we’re all entitled to a break, annual leave etc. and I guess the same goes for influencers and YouTubers who monetize their work. What in everyone’s opinion is the right way of going about this? After all K hasn’t got an HR department/line manager she should apply to. What do other influencers do when they take a break? This is the only vlog and thread I’m involved with so don’t know what the norm is. Should she have posted a message at the end of her last Vlog wishing all her Patreons and followers a Happy Christmas and NY and explained that she would not be posting till whatever day in January so as to spend the holidays with friends and family?View attachment 988301
So even her fans are bored of her content judging by that last commment 🙄

@Denise0211 I am not even sure not working with anyone else is about her ego, I imagine she is a nightmare to work with and no one would want to :ROFLMAO: not to mention she clearly doesn't want to pay anyone to do anything, remember she advertised for an unpaid intern a while ago (which surprisingly was unsuccessful)
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@Susie is it possible it has been caught by her auto filter? I’m not a youtuber but I believe they can set up filters that look for specific words in comments and choose not to display them to others. It will appear to have been posted normally to the comment poster. I think you can check by signing out of your YouTube account and going back to the vid and looking for the comment. If it shows up when you are logged out then it is actually visible.
It's there, I see it. TBH I have found that since this group has called her out, she deletes much less than previously. Seems to catch maybe the first hour of comments. She realized too late that her trigger finger has only fueled this page. 🤭
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