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Spirit of place

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Mm, Guido has something of Pavarotti about him though I imagine he'll end up more Falstaffian as a buffoonish foil for K's new style homely couple video.
He certainly has morphed from the stiff, economics spouting accountant role he had in the beginning (well, clever clogs, he got 100 in school certificate & 100 cum laude at uni) but she plays him down, only mentioning he needed psychiatric therapy.
The video? Long winded, but not interested in the making & I wonder how much hair got minced up in the process.
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Been mulling this over a bit. It DOES seem like Guido has been given a progressively negative edit in the slogs.

I just can’t decide if it’s to illicit sympathy from her fans, to set the stage for a breakup, or if she’s purely using it to hurt Guido. Or some combination of those reasons.

I just cringe so badly knowing that their friends and family, on both sides, get to see this play out over YouTube.
Strong signs of narcissism - they only care and see themselves. She doesn’t appear caring, protective or respectful of those around her.
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Should we inquire about reservations at Magliano for a Tattlers reunion and conference ?
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Lying in bed after the third jab Pfizer Booster bought forward thanks to Omicron in Xmas week , as if I have not got a gazillion things to do.
Since I love Venice as well I watched it I think it’s a triple or even quadruple ad . Hotel/ dress/ lipstick/ boots .

Kylie the Grifter can’t resist a disapproving ticking off anyone who might want to buy a mask as a momento ….no such thing as live and let live….

I’m sure the extra modus operandi was to research furniture and interiors for the promised bathroom and bedroom slogs.
But how can any of it be truly romantic while in between every video we see she’s fiddling and fluffing around with cameras and lights and carrying all the equipment ( or probably beast of burden purse is doing all that ) . It’s certainly a staged romance , an offensive farce in the city that has mastered facade .
The purse has become a mug and a smug mug to boot , sadly predictable.
I mean it’s not even an original promotion - all the shots are repeated million fold across tourism advertising . Weird little vacuous expressions and that pose in the bat tub ? WTF is that ?!
? Reaching for the water spout !

From the Marriot Gritti Venezia website
@nostoneunturned you have so perfectly captured the essence of what I was trying to convey in my now deleted post🥰 😂
So much like one of those overly long luxury brand ads that would screen before the film at the yearly Lavazza Italian Film Festival here in Melbourne.
The bath tub pose was just really odd 😳
My fave bit was when she boasted about sitting at Hemingway's table hidden away from all the other diners, panning the camera around the room to show only empty tables, ZERO diners 🤪
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Anyone who has little or no interaction with narcissists (or don’t recognize they have) or haven’t done even a bit of study on the signs, will normally think it’s not possible for anyone to actually behave that way; it just can’t be that bad. That is why you still hear comments about, well, why doesn’t she do an in-depth travel series or focus on cultural aspects or why doesn’t she give attention for awhile to others, instead of always herself. The answer is simple; She CAN’T.

That’s why it’s so interesting to see it play out, week after week, because her capacity, in my view, to do what would actually be interesting and insightful, is simply not there. Some things she cannot fake.

The people around her will notice and become wary, as we are seeing. They may not know what to do, as she gains more control and reveals her nasty side.

The cultural appropriation is bad enough, the misrepresentation and fakery is worse, the begging for money is beyond contemptible and then, complaining about how difficult and expensive it is to do, is farcical.

Thankfully, we have this forum to counterbalance her effects.
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“As soon as I am free “ needs some serious un - picking….it could mean a variety of things
I don’t know wtf “complications with my healthcare status “ means beyond some stinky horse dung : yet again KyLIE needs special attention from the authorities, the family and anyone else who gives a rat’s arse .

It explains just about everything doesn’t it ? I mean if she was pro vaccination …then there would be no reason to be evasive …it’s the evasion that’s the narcissistic needle .
For someone who is so convinced and zealous and extreme , so outspoken and demanding about non life threatening topics … to then be evasive bout the topic of the decade is …well insufferable and just plain shallow
I take it she never got her vaccination and has no green card; she can’t travel. Simple as that.

Wants to be free of “certain Covid rules”. Good luck with THAT delusion.
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Agree with @Denise0211, I think it is customary to post a brief note on your YT/other social media if you plan to be absent for a bit, basically just to let people know you’re okay and approx when you’ll go back to posting.

I don’t follow a ton of YouTubers but I can’t think of a time when one with such a large and well monetized following just went silent with no warning for this long. And then, to post but not explain what happened or even a vague “personal issues”? To me that is odd.
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@emm if she goes with “he was abusive” I would be so surprised. I don’t want to make light of domestic violence and how it can be easily hidden. But remember last spring she was bragging about how every partner had proposed to her and she thought sooo long and hard about accepting G?

I guess if she claims the abuse didn’t start til after the marriage it would hypothetically save her from having to eat those words.

I’m being extra chatty in the thread because I am so disturbed this time around. It’s one thing to leave the fall in. I’m floored by how she is interacting with the angry and concerned comments. She seems to be loving it.

I have a feeling she is referencing @Jerry in that one reply ;)
I only joined this forum because I was very disturbed by what I observed. She sees herself as gifted - creates fantasy which in turn lets her play her fantasy which of course brings her devoted fans to her defence. She runs ahead without thinking of anyone or anything. She appears to have love for herself, fawning fans and money. One of the reasons I have joined - probably for a short time - is that emotional abuse toward a man - male pride prevents them from accepting and confirming that it is actually happening. He appears to be part of a proud established family so would be very hard and stressful for him hence the blood pressure problem maybe. By the way - red wine good for heart but I believe this has been mentioned there. I have a strong feeling that she will present herself as victim showing him as uncaring so when he finally breaks free - well you know the rest. I hope I am way off base on my thoughts as this involves commenting on couple that I know nothing about. I am chatty - good news is that I spill my thoughts then can become silent. Keep up good work in keeping up with her.

She wouldn’t say anything that defamatory, and I am definitely not saying he is abusive, what she would do it imply it and then say she didn’t want to talk about it, leaving her fans to speculate in the comments as she takes a social media break to focus on her mental health or whatever. At this point I am sure they would also start to bring up the log incident as well.
I agree - to imply more dangerous than stating it aloud. Her followers imagination would run wild and he would be one left with stain on reputation - very calculated on her part and she started awhile ago but seems to be fanning the flames painting him bad and herself as innocent girl whose only goal in life is happiness, happiness …………. I can picture the running through fields. Her fans adoring her. Very disturbing to watch this.

@surreal Kylie has Guido's office address listed as her contact and the place to send gifts and whatnot. Which is a calculated move on Kylie's part. If Kylie upsets her fans & portrays Guido as a numb n#ts who is hurting or upsetting their Principessa Kylie, it is implied and now shown in the comments that Kylie has influence to turn opinion of volatile fans against Guido.
Exactly my thoughts too. It shoes how cold she must be emotionally. Her fans sound unbalanced to the point of scary. She has placed a person in a bad situation - an address with an angry follower. She appears to have a cold interior - I hope I am wrong but this is what I see. At 40 years I guess the dye is cast.

My last thought - if I have read this correctly. I hope g does research available thru net. We have all done things we regret but the saying - pull up boots and continue on - just a blimp or close call. Something to laugh about with caring friends down the road.
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Yes I noticed that too, she is down at least 150-plus patreons in the last few months @Jerry 🙄But who on earth would pay for KyLie's smug, narcissistic slogs with Porkpie and fund her selfish, circumscribed life on a hilltop ringed by the ubiquitous pines watching her elderly father work like a serf for the feudal GGT overlords🙈
And complains about having to drive once a week between their farm in Tuscany and the apartment in Florence, while putting on her begging show, also once a week; what took her Patreons so long to figure out she doesn’t need the charity.

Whatever she gets, she pockets, even using leftover paint from the bathroom to paint her car; begs for money for ingredients for her recipes, as she documents 1 cent for salt.
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@Denise0211 yes I am dying to know which regions they hit for s2!

every time someone posts these crazy comments I just think about Kylie saying these people are her “tribe”. Good for you, hun! Great tribe, well done.
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@Jerry it's a decommissioned insane asylum: State Hospital Staunton Virginia, now being converted to condos!

I really do recommend that any interested tatters go back and read the first thread or two. I wasn’t active at the time but reading them back was very informative. The sleuthing there was very impressive.

Totally agree @emm. On the one hand it’s a little refreshing to not see everything being constantly lovely and perfect and beautiful and cinematic 🤢. But it isn’t clear that K is also self aware about how annoyed everyone seems with her in the last few slogs. It seems so unlike her to post anything that’s not about her being the ultimate woman.
All Kylie's passive aggressive comments are designed to show Kylie in an advantageous light to her followers, she is St Kylie the ultimate woman who bears Guido's "slights and lack of proper care and understanding or nurturing of the Kylie spirit" or whatever the videos are meant to show, and Kylie's passive aggressive struggles trying to please her man are designed to elicit views, comments and money.

Kylie could also be setting the stage for palimony or divorce Italian style or whatever........
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I'm so confused since I have never watched or paid much attention to that camp slog (or were there 2?) But is this not where she recently visited again after Xmas, in Trento? Unfortunately IG stories expire after 24h, but I thought she was eating lunch outside with the camp directors? Which, yeah @emm , if so is strange she wouldn't tag them or anything.

Sorry if I'm mixing up her Trento adventures!🤪
She visited Trento where she was enthralled with washing dishes communally; it seems the camp slog was also there and, yet again, her adventures in the snow, doing whatever she was doing recently, also seemed to be there. Whatever she does, wherever she goes, she showcases herself, even if a camp for kids. I still have no idea what Trento is like, one of the regions I have yet to visit and learned nothing from her visits there.
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Man it is too easy to mine the comments section for funny takes. Here is someone basically begging K to do something, anything, with her talent besides cut some drone footage against stock clips and a sad 11 minute podcast
He’s back; he’s been trying to become an actor/director with her for some time. Has he not seen her Disneyfied slog ? Even if she thought it would be a good idea, some online electrified improv playhouse, she would play all the parts herself, as she once did.

Soliciting scripts from her followers, what might they send her;

• a reenactment of the coup attempt on the U.S. Capitol, this time successful,

• an expose of Jordan Peterson’s childhood and traumatic rejection of his bid as homecoming queen to determine the cause of his far right leanings,

• a passion play to delve into the source of born again religiosity that is able to turn the concept of kindness into one of quackery and confusion,

• a psychodrama to explore the hidden causes of hyper narcissism commonly seen in self appointed UTube stars,

• a Shakespearean comedy/tragedy revealing the character flaws that allowed a former American president to become a terrorist leader because of an inability to admit he is a loser.

These are just a few quick thoughts; imagine what her viewers could come up with !
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Spirit of place

VIP Member
Just speculating which is the essence of Tatler anyway & often we're right btw!- I doubt that it's covid as they're right out in the country - more like heart trouble after seeing that poor man heaving furniture up flights of stairs, pushing & dragging giant stoneware pots, picking & carrying all the olives - all to show he's a tough Aussie earning his keep to satisfy his daughter's ego.
So a rehash video of Venice to keep the ball rolling? We wait with bated breath.
Yes Emm she ignored Nikki because she has to hog the limelight & Nikki is a local on the Amalfi coast by now & knows everyone rather than just the proverbial tourist like herself who wafted in & out.
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No, she's a very shrewd shrew.
A shrewd shrew, possibly. But what quality of life is she having? What ambition does she have? Each to his own for sure, but what a boring life. Her creativity, such as it ever was, is stymied, partly through laziness and partly through lack of stimulation from the outside world beyond those pencil pines that @Alessandro mentioned the other day.

I am reminded of that very melancholy Janis Ian song, At Seventeen, where in the first stanza Ian refers to ‘high school girls with clear skinned smiles who married young and then retired…’. Okay, Kylie isn’t so young anymore but was her ambition to marry a well off man and become a lack lustre housewife? I find it hard to relate to. 😔
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Also, if the jogging photo is ACTUALLY from this AM as she says in the post… what does she mean convince Guido to come with her? Guido woke up in Florence this AM 🤣 would be a long run!
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I feel like this whole forum took a much needed break after watching the cringiest 11 minutes ever.

who thinks she’ll actually upload something this friday? I’m starting to doubt she will or, if she does, it will be recycled/reuploaded old content ( remember the episode of the dolce vita diaries from a few months ago, which a bunch of subs commented on and said they had seen the whole thing before?)
Maybe she’ll upload another old video with someone who is clearly an ex boyfriend 😂
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No, C Allen’s post is the very first comment; the other one is unconnected and the poster notices a change in K’s demeanor.

Allen’s post, it sounded to me, like she was telling K to stop complaining, she’s not poor.
im reading Allen’s post as a sarcastic attempt to quote Kylie. K has a line in the vid that’s along the lines of “maybe you’ve been given a circumstance in life that’s completely unfair, that’s holding you back from your dreams… but what will you do about it?” Which smacks a bit of “being born poor is no excuse to complain”

through a certain lens, the monologue is quite defensive of the various social and economic privileges Kylie enjoys.
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@Jerry et al
The axe scene is truly bizarre, and the Psycho Guido storyline seems to be getting a lot of engagement from Kylie's fan club.
Is this story "Punch and Judy", "Fight Club", or "Clockwork Orange"?
The fall looked to me as if she staged it. Boots, gloves, pants - he looked to be not to be surprised she reacted the way she did but think she plays these stunts for camera and he may have had enough. Her followers are people that I would not want near me where she has opened her private life and now do they feel part of it? When I read some comments - it makes me cringe. They know her location, his family, g business address, etc. she appears to be winding them up into emotions that could become nasty. Like I say - this is what I see. I can see her leaving with wealthy man in tow - of course - midriff on display to be pampered. As always she will be the the most perfect partner for him that he has ever seen - like g - until he gets to know her and then cycle will begin again. Meanwhile g and family left with mess - mentally, physically plus business wise. I could be way off base so welcome thoughts from others to put this in perspective from their point of view.
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