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Chatty Member
Two layabouts who have never heard of sun-protection🙈I have to say I really can't stand KyLie's travel slogs, the superficiality of the people she chooses to 'interview' and her limited understanding of each place with her railing constantly about 'tourists' when she is one herself, is laughable.

The 'hooked up' flogs are the worst offenders with KyLie's manic and breathless exhortations for people to give up their jobs for her particular brand of hedonistic and aimless travel.

This insincere and glib playboy is just another one in KyLie's long history of shallow, spoilt brats who have no time for work and sponge off their parents wealth (always her preferred type)🙄And who do a good line in spouting narcissistic slogans about the necessity to throw away nine-to-five jobs in favour of a nebulous, rootless peripatetic existence funded by other people's hard-earned money😬
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Ma and pa may get their chance to live the slow life once they leave Italy and get back to Byron Bay. Can only imagine how their departure will rev up K’s maniacal engine; she may be the one who needs to run among the pencil pines to burn off excess static craziness. Maybe she’ll get to work and single handedly tackle the completion of the KFCoop ! Can’t see her confined to the manor in solitary confinement; even with company and family around, she already veers off into decorator hell, painting bathroom tiles with a broken roller brush, in colours we only see when not feeling well. Speedo red Guido, ashamed at his inevitable failure at the diet/exercise regimen, will find excuses to spend the weekends in Florence; she has already expounded on how taxing that commute can be. There is always the option of shifting the show to the beaches of Byron Bay, where it would appear more natural baring her midriff, instead of in Italian winters as she still does now. If so, she’ll have better wifi access to upload her Friday vlogs and ma and pa can still help her build rickety yacht style cabinets and shelves for her patrons to enjoy. Speedo will be free and happy to watch TV in the chicken coop where he can catch her slogs like the rest of us and not have to chug down the gravel road in red Speedos with a camera in his face.
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It makes sense for Kylie to do "Renovation Vlogs Forever" as those videos are getting the most views. Looks as though Kylie is painting the airbag-less Fiat as well. Guido's cameo as "the fatman in cinematic red shorts": I guess Guido doesn't read the comments.
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I have a friend who specifically asked Kylie to showcase it, Denise, and Kylie ignored the request. Though I think she’d be out of her depth historically. It would mean she’d have to do some work and research….
she wouldn't need to research, as she always does she would find someone working there (most likely a man) and just laugh manically while they explained while she waited until she could tlak again, occassionally saying "ahh si??" :ROFLMAO:
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The amounts also seem SO random, all of the other influencers I know who do patreon give free/early content so you are paying for something, that anyone is giving her any money baffles me. Is there a way to see how many are at each tier?
It’s like she can’t decide what image she wants to portray, even in the past things like staying in expensive hotels, going to Cannes during the film festival, none of this matches with being poor even if these things were all gifted . She cannot decide if it is better to sell an idealistic lady of the manor image or a poor charitable artist 🙄
KyLie would definitely love to keep boasting about all the property but she is torn about whether she will lose even more Patreons and their money @emm 😬 I remember when she started on Patreon they disclosed the amount that was "donated" and it was about €1,700 a month but then she only had a few paying now there are ten times as many, so quite a lot of money is at stake for her🤭
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🤣🤣🤣🤣 'the kumbaya group' cracks me up. It conjures up memories of a non-conformist church and services my grandparents 'forced' me to attend when I stayed with them as a youngster.

On a recently-posted IG episode Kylie and Guido seem to be very breathless in a mountainous snowy place so maybe the next episode will be situated in Trento again though I sincerely hope not.
Yes, just saw the big party with everyone spittling and mouth breathing as they dance and toast, all elbow to elbow lol. Omicron cluster for the local news. 😂

ETA: Lol, just watched again and Guido looks so over being on camera with his faux enthusiasm. I'd post a screen, but you have to see his complete reaction "oooh yay." 😂
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i love it, to be fair she has done so little what else can we put in a title 😂
Just watched this weeks production - in 3 spaced intervals. No words to fully describe but initial reaction - definitely reaching out to sugar daddy patrons - so obvious in words, expressions and plead for camera money not to mention wardrobe. Reno attempts place blame on his shoulders. She even taped his response so she would be innocent of any damage. Father does all work but money and praise goes to her re her followers. How is she going to cope without them? How will she do her Renos without them? Mummy telling her no darling when she roughly tears into wall. No words. Prince Charming cleans enchanted forest to reach sleeping beauty - what possible world does she live in - I can only liken it to a child playing make believe and has never been denied anything. Her comment re women don’t like to be filmed and so much respect for friends to tape their visit - I imagine she was told no pictures or film - leave it home. Meantime she appears so respectful and sensitive - she is a pro in making herself everything her people want. Surreal

Yes! Just came to say the same! Ugh. At least under her IG post a few people noted "everyone exercises differently" or "running can be bad on the knees, maybe he could walk or bike?" God she sounds like such a bitch. She has her muesli, Guido probably has some cornetti and a romp with someone sugar addicted as he is afterwards. Am I being harsh?😬🤭😬

Invited to a party in London, waking at 5 am to edit. Poor little rich girl, eh? So is she vaccinated then? I'm not updated on entry reqs. Just a negative test needed?

And more begging at the end! Now SD card problems? But"thanks to viewers like you" she can repair it? Wow.

Also the puke green tile with ugly brown cabinets is horrendous.
Yes the editing during travel. Come on subscribers and patrons - this poor girl never stops and here is her partner sleeping. Can’t you see them reaching to up their tier - such a farce - amazing what someone will do to keep themselves in easy money. As she does not appear to have empathy for anyone - I would think someone like her would not be concerned about spreading a virus or making someone at risk Very ill. I tend to lean non vac as she has never approached topic or defended the benefits. Dare I state - comes across as a very selfish person.
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Yes thought the same @Jerry ! Porkpie said he was too fat for the apron🙄"Tortellini in Brodo" is the latest flog: BORING BORING BORING. Couldn't get past the first couple of minutes🙈Baby talk and KyLie's fake Audrey Hepburn are out of control.

KyLie also looks a mess with crazy hair and an unattractive brown top, while she pushes red wine on the Purse to keep him happy as he drools over each piece of food...Will FF to the end to warch Porky, no doubt,
stuffing it down🤭
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As predicted another recipe :rolleyes: which kitchen is this? wasn't the one she "renovated" with those awful hand painted blue tiles the one in the tuscan ruin? or was that the florence one? I cannot keep up and I don't know why I care really :ROFLMAO: I doubt I will bother with this but why (from her instagram) has she made 400 tortellini now? or is she planning to freeze them for xmas?
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Chatty Member
I hope posting the links is okay per the rules, seems like tattle has a specific list of trusted sites? At any rate, here’s what I found.

magazine issue:

Blog post announcing the publication:

The blog post is from early 2009 and cites KF by name as a sr editor with the marketing group hired to produce the publication. Fits very well, IMO with the previously cited 1983 birth date. Someone born in 1983 would have been about 26 years old in 2009.

I know it’s her for real this time because the magazine issue includes her pic and a short bio a few pages in :) and laughably notes her as being fluent in Italian and Japanese, which I consider highly unlikely at that point in her life.
Yes @aLieParallel we knew about this from the beginning. That casino has also been involved in numerous Royal Commission corruption investigations and the "magazine" didn't last long.

It has always been very grating that KyLie claims to be a "journalist and editor" when she is neither and has only this awful PR brochure for the Casino as her claim to being a professional. It is as fake and superficial as she is. She even says she is an "award-winning" journalist which is an outright lie🙄
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Still puzzled how/why they aren’t married! Help! 🙃
so none of us really get it, but they don't have either a legal nor catholic marriage - they basically have a had garden party with her in a white dress.
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Does anyone get majorly annoyed when she complains that people send in hate for her doing “charity work”?

Its like she has no concept of white saviourism. All her videos are about how great she is and how beautiful she is. If you put that content in the middle of a favela or a refugee camp instead of a Tuscan villa, it is very exploitative.

She has so many shots of nameless poor children who are props in her “cinematic experience”. It’s cruel. They never agreed to be plastered all over YouTube.

To top it all off, she walks away from these experiences saying “it’s terrible how people treat ME for trying to help these people who didn’t ask for it” and not “my god, no child should have to live this way” or even “I really learned something today about how trying to help without enough information, can actually make a situation worse”. She has brought up the “hate” she got at the time in multiple interviews, definitely that podcast and during her recent episodes where she is interviewing someone else.

Her carelessness and narcissism is so blatant in her “charity” videos from a couple years back. I know she has deleted some due to backlash but I can’t understand why she keeps any of them up. They are all horrible.
This is one of my pet hates generally, no one in the UK, for example, would go into a children's playground and take photos with unknown children smiling and hugging them, yet it is fine and totally normal to do so in a poor village somewhere in Africa :rolleyes:
Generally I think youtubers/influcners with a big(ish) following like her should be much more considerate and blur people's faces out/make them less clear if it is obvious they are just strangers in the background who haven't consented to being filmed

OT but I have just noticed your name, love it!
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Here it is. Not only the views🙄 but notice the emphasis on things she can do at home. She knows she's locked out of anything cultural or social now. Heh. Italian country life, eh?
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Spirit of place

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@emm so very true ! Did none of her patreons think to ask how she afforded such a princely suite? Isn't there some ruling about occult publicity? I wish someone would make off with her camera one day as she sets it up to film the 'happy' couple.😎 That expression of G's in @Antonio 's post makes me laugh every time I see it bc he's making such an effort to play his part in the grifting - his new chicken coop will benefit plus his wife's expenses will be taken care of. Remember how sullen & mundane he used to be? Come to think of it, he's still mundane....
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Jerry - I have not figured out how to reply to comments that are posted - do you touch quote? To respond within your comment? Pls advise. Yes quite the comments and her sad timid response that yes she is fine. Perfect response to fuel her followers thinking she is helpless and timid. I applaud you and your follow tattlers for reaching out to expose someone like this. I wonder if her numbers and money increases due to concern by painting g so negatively. As mentioned in this form - he seemed like private man not someone who was comfortable on display. The first stage of relationship with passion - brain cells are not quite there - wonder if he just woke up and found himself in nightmare.

Just an afterthought but if her angle is saving and increasing her followers - do you think she knows it’s over and is painting a sad picture of poor me - clut blames mean old g - her numbers go up to help support her renew her life - just to protect and keep her smiling. She comes across as using him and has no problem using her editing skills to make sure he looks bad and she is so sweet and loving. The whole thing is surreal.
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I could only watch a minute or so; she seems so abrasive, fueled by her “euphoria” or, more likely, manic phase. So dismissive of ma and pa, telling him he might have another cabinet to do, sharp reply to ma who is only trying to give her suggestions about the swing of the door. Snappy responses to Speedo as well, when talking about the fruit trees. We are seeing KyLIE as herself, as she has decided that her route to more charity is to beg for money on the basis of being herself. Don’t think it will go well.
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Kylie could also be setting the stage for palimony or divorce Italian style or whatever........
Been mulling this over a bit. It DOES seem like Guido has been given a progressively negative edit in the slogs.

I just can’t decide if it’s to illicit sympathy from her fans, to set the stage for a breakup, or if she’s purely using it to hurt Guido. Or some combination of those reasons.

I just cringe so badly knowing that their friends and family, on both sides, get to see this play out over YouTube.
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