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VIP Member
Yes, and I have noticed more and more "Wow Kylie, all that land is yours?" "You've got all that property? Who maintains it?" type of comments. Some people have started thinking about what they are watching, at least.
All that bragging and the high elevation drone shots of the land are giving a very graphic idea of how poor she is NOT. Juxtaposed against her constant claims of poverty and she can’t afford this or that and her stale Patreon page appeals for charity, it has to eventually twig that, while she is an entitled brat, she is anything but deprived.
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I really detest the way K garners sympathy from her followers. Why can't she just say that she will be late this week? Reminds me of the migraine excuse. It's not like their lives depend on her vlogs arriving every Friday night or whenever they do appear. She always seems late these days anyway. The way she stresses 8 days in hospital and that he is seriously ill but recovering now is just unnecessary. Is it anyone's business? I wonder if her father gave his permission for her to use him in such a way.
I agree @Rina Valtellina it does seem as though she’s playing the sympathy card. I feel sorry for her poor parents more than I do her. It’s no fun to be taken ill so far away from home.
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Weather it happened or not is subject to speculation
I do wonder if she just googled someone prominent at the event (who would never see her videos) and just made this up, almost sure that was the case tbh. But regardless, saying bella/bellissima is not really such a big deal in italian anyway is it? if you can call a nice plate of pasta "un bel piatto di pasta" it is not as "strong" as saying beautiful in english anyway, but obviously her Jordan Peterson fans would not know this
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Chatty Member
that latest video is the worst yet, I got 3 minutes in and gave up, all the random stock images interspersed with old footage of the countryside,is this what 70hours of work brings :rolleyes:
Lets get our favourite Kylie word out: insufferable @Denise0211 @emm 😬 Only sat throught the 11 minutes for the sake of the group! This was so bad on every level. But still gave more of an insight into her hyper, narcisstic competitiveness, since that was theme and obviously her obsession not necessarily the people she was trying to preach to🤭 Who does this or even thinks this?? : "Without having to body scan every person we meet and put them into a hierarchy"😱

Hierarchy of what?? Body shape? Fitness? Fatness? Obviously this is what KyLie does🙈What kind of awful person is she??!!🧐
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Chatty Member
He is definitely wildly insane. I did not realize he left these long winded suggestions before!

as impractical as the advice is, I love seeing her crackpot diehards get bored with her current output and suggest she try something else. I wish I had screenshotted it, on one of her recent vids someone said something along the lines of “you could just shoot a normal day-in-the-life vlog and we’d be happy, it would take less time and be more interesting”
Working in the film industry professionally as I do is incredibly hard work and takes skill, training, experience and the capability to work with teams of people, whether its crews or actors or producers. KyLie's pretense that she is a serious "filmmaker" is a joke.

It is so ridiculous, unprofessional and unbelievably stupid that this wacker "George S" suggests that Patreons send in FREE scripts and synopses to KyLie for her to choose from!!! A good script takes months if not years of work and is paid for handsomely if it is produced. These followers are mad even suggesting these ludicrous schemes. And then she makes money out of ideas she got from patreons who pay her to come up with slogs?!!!

All of KyLie's flogs are vanity projects for her own ego and narcissism which is why she can't work with anyone else. "Wildly insane" is an apt description @aLieParallel of subs who make these crazy suggestions.

Agree @Michael From Mountains that George's idea of improvising as well is sheer lunacy. Anything good that is produced has a huge amount of preparation behind it and a script, even if it appears "improvised" .... Anyway, KyLie was way out of her league trying to produce a series for Netflix with her as the star, embarassingly bad...and of course no one was interested.

She needs to "stay in her lane" making up fantasies about Italian life that are just long extended boasts about herself and that we can happily continue to excoriate🙄
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will there be another incident making guido look bad? maybe even worse this time?
She seems to place him at fault when her projects go south - very convenient. The paint for instance - his fault, etc - the ceiling will be interesting. Meanwhile her fan club will slowly shake their heads thinking - our poor girl works so hard working with nothing but radiates with joy with trying to reach her vision. I wonder if g believes in fate. Maybe there was a reason legal paperwork was not available in the rushed covid lockdown event. Will be interesting to watch her behaviour next slog. Smiling and counting her patron pots while editing negative comments. From what I can understand - you emm - the founder of this forum - good for you standing up and protecting the venerable. I could easily see a senior draining their account to support her but a family member reading your forum to them - you have probably helped many to see the truth versus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sorry can’t find word.
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Spirit of place

VIP Member
Yes! Hi Spirit! Taking a break from the CD shenanigans, tried KF, but she bores me :cool: :sleep: :cool: and Guido, ugh! I prefer snorts ;)
Mm, Guido v Snorts ? Never occurred to me to face them off together ..but I prefer Guido - he's got a real job & doesn't wear his 'wife's' clothes but above all he isn't enraptured by cutlery & I've never yet heard him talk about his grandfather. Plus he doesn't snort behind the camera. What's not to love?

On another note - having said I was getting a lawyer friend to look up G's status (married or not), what is a straightforward procedure normally, i mean it doesn't involve criminal records or anything secret & is usually automatic, well in this case Scandicci first requested a fee of € 0.20 (!) then a written request as to why this info was wanted. My friend asked who the heck this family was & if it was vital to know. Without unmasking us tatlers and finding it all so cloak & daggers for something so harmless, I said not to worry, it was just ludicrous. What have they got to hide that a public act is stymied??
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Yes quite the comments and her sad timid response that yes she is fine.
Saint KyLIE; that’s what narcs do, set themselves up to look better and others worse. She had a strong reaction which shows on the video when it happened. She chose to leave it in; she is the master at censorship, so we know she wanted it shown and wanted blowback in Speedo’s direction. Now that she has made her New Year’s resolution, after her hiatus in Trentino hiking in the snow, to promote herself AS herself, her true colours will become more apparent. The train wreck will continue, only accelerated.

Yes, use the “quote” button to respond.
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VIP Member
@Jerry et al

The Kylie speak is indeed horrible, what exactly is Kylie saying the Patreons are paying for?

  • Phone cards to upload 8 hours per video
  • Petrol to commute
  • Equipment repair
  • Stone for the steps
  • Trees
  • Flowering plants
  • Various pottery
  • Ingredients for recipes including 1 cent for salt ;)
  • Paint for apartment kitchen and bathroom and now manor bathroom and leftover for Panda roof
  • Mr Clean Eraser
  • Paint for the kayak
  • Floor gunk for the cotto, <although spent motor fluid was free, unless Guido charges for that>
  • Table cloth for made at home gingham WC cleaning outfit & toilet brush
  • Sink and Bompani appliances were gifted in the apt
  • Pa has been fashioning things by hand: gate? pergola? furniture? Perhaps some wood and hardware bits were purchased for the current non IKEA bathroom storage
  • The stoves for wood burning <if any> will be free and reimbursed through taxes on earned income as will the couches and some or all of the renovations to the coop and pig sty.
  • Vintage pieces on shopping trips were too pricy
  • This week we see a vintage mirror and 2 vintage sconces.
  • The commode table was already at the manor as were the urns
  • Pa's saw
  • Not to mention some holidays and hotel rooms :)
  • The wedding
What else?
Herbal tea to stay up through the night editing.
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VIP Member
I agree with you, do you think they are all as sanctimonious as Kylie?
Michael I don’t know. It’s wrong to make generalizations but they look like a group of Evangelical earth warrior types and it’s just not to my taste.

Kylie has been through so many transformations. I can’t understand the various personality types all being part of the same character. The dreadful show-off that hung out with Patrick Drake, the tousled sex goddess who’d roll out of bed after a night of passion and make whoever she was with some pancakes in a Victorian nightie. This earth warrior who lives the simple life with other couples in gilets and Birkenstock’s up a mountain and the sophisticated rich girl who spends almost €20,000 for two nights at the Grotty Palace. I know we’re all multi faceted in our ways but don’t these characters strike you as being quite disparate?
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Spirit of place

VIP Member
This is all getting hilarious...who would have thought that such a humourless channel could generate these witty backhanders? The slogger has overslept at Xmas I'm afraid.
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VIP Member
If K were to read this, I’d just want to tell her to get out of her way. Shes good enough with a camera to not need all the lying and fake relationships with fans to pay her bills.

Focus on making great travel content and she’d be fine, I wouldn’t have much to say about her. It’s the grifting that keeps me coming back to talk smack.

a little OT but has everyone here seen Stanley Tucci’s “Searching for Italy” series? I really enjoyed it and I felt like, it’s the content k THINKS she’s making. Visually beautiful, culturally informed, engaging interviews, and all about fantastic Italian food.
Yes, loved that series and am looking forward to S2. So very informative, and as you said, K thinks she gives that but fails. All she puts out are quotes from other people or info from travel sites lol.

Also...more fandom:
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Chatty Member
It's funny how Guido is becoming Kylie-fied while she seems to maintain all of her same behaviours. 🤔
His voice and baby talk, no coffee, lemon water at breakfast, now running? What's next? Plant based diet and no alcohol? Daily inspirational quotes and yoga? No doctors, but naturapaths?
Poor old Porkpie being forced to run by KyLie and not even able to have a coffee afterwards @Denise0211 🙄


As for the rest Ma and Pa Flavell are back to serfdom on the farm...


KyLie's back to the tiles and bathroom next to the loo🙈


And back to completely useless projects like painting the Panda🤭


And who isn't sick and tired of seeing that road with the pencil pines (I bet Guido hates it now after his forced runs with Bootcamp KyLie) and the drone view showing "her" property that she apparently can't get enough of😵💫
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I feel sorry for Kylie’s father. I always felt their free’ accommodation came at a heavy price for seniors. 🥲 @emm I would have flatly not allowed my parents to work like that for me. Ditto at Kylie’s wedding, treating her mum and sister like handmaidens while she swanned around. Actually, I know what my mum would say to me …. “What did your last servant die of?”. Even if they wanted to do this ‘hard labour’ I wouldn’t publish photos of them working like slaves. So disrespectful and sad. I hope he’s going to be okay. 🥲
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I wish we had such a system in the UK, they are debating introducing one but there is so much opposition I bet it will just be a very watered down one. No wonder she is doing alll this home cooking if she can’t eat out at all 😂
I thought they had, but saw on the news they’re still quarreling over it. It’s been a fact of life for some time now in italy. To go into a restaurant last night in Florence, we had to produce our vaccination certificates. Glad to know everyone in the space is protected.

One of the few times I’m grateful for Italy’s bureaucratic ways.
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Chatty Member
Babble, babble, babble in that awful fake Audrey accent. KyLie is so precious about herself. Saint Kylie indeed @Jerry 🙈 : "I'm drawn to vulnerabliity. That's why I moved away television (oh yeah) ...I'm already very sensitive. There is so much pain out there. When people tell me they watch my videos and tell me they're suicidal, or they're escaping their husband thanks to my work because I've inspired them to want more out of life, or a kid sitting in a toilet cubicle being bullied at school and watching my videos that are helping them...." 🙄
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Well-known member
Well it’s a pity the former contributors to the forum who had such strong historical art knowledge / feelings about Venice have gone to ground … they may have been able to critique KF ….and her out of context Venice vid.
Something is off here why Venice all of a sudden ? Why would you even be mentioning the poor father’s illness?😑
Looks like the Carnivale masks are being dusted off to me…🤥 something about tangles and webs is being cooked up I reckon … 🕷
Meanwhile in Australia the cricket 🏏 is on the radio and Adelaide oval is in splendid condition But in the garden 👀👀 loookie here A Jacaranda flower! To herald the longest days of the year ! The season is so humid so far all the spiders and mosquitos are having a rave all over the house and the every other surface yoh


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Does she mean you, @Jerry ? 😂😂😂

Also ... does Russ know what "HALF a million" means?😂View attachment 1025190
Could this be possibly written by the star herself? Some of the comments make it difficult to believe whether they are real or self praise put by her. It would make sense in her dream world. So professional, does everything herself, etc. it has been commented that she does not work well with others, has never been part of a team so if maybe she does this to show she is acknowledged to impress her people and make herself feel above the rest - so to speak.

Oh I will. With pleasure. video camera and a notepad. And I will have no idea who she is and make it clear I'm not interested to know more. Then I will write reviews. Oh, I will!
Interesting idea - what a way to make tubers accountable. You could set up your own slog by going in unnoticed record and reveal. Make one visit a month - record - x amt of vlogs and wow you would not only make money but show starry eyed people that the fantasy is not real. Make money and open up innocent eyes. For me - watching her slogs is like a science experiment - a study in human behaviour. Narcissistic behaviour never makes sense.
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