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OMG.. he's a toddler. Casey says she doesn't think it's a good idea to get a dog right now. Lil Kylie whines "noooooooooo" like a little boy.

Cringe warning 😬.
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He said he wants a “starter home” that he will live in for 3 years or whatever he said, but then will look for a more permanent home after that. I hope Susan and GerBear are prepared to have him live with them forever, because his YouTube career is going to be dead by then, and he’s not going to be able to afford even a lugshuree apartment. This whole situation just makes no sense and it just feels like the Pallo clan is digging themselves into
a huge financial hole they can’t get out of.
GerBear hasn't been looking too well since Disneyland. I'm not saying this to be funny, but, I don't see him being around for a long time. Susan looks exhausted and rundown. I really can't believe they bought that house for so much more than what it's worth. I know it's been said by a few others here, but, who the hell wants a house with stairs in their twilight years?! Part of me feels sorry for their poor decision making and part of me thinks they created the man-child monster and continue to enable him bigtime, they deserve to suffer him 'til the end.
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Hardly Here

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Oh no, he’s going to start a Bourbon Channel now. Along with the Gaming Channel, Cooking Channel, Golfing Channel….,
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Adams & Brush

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Everything he's hearing from his audience is 100% earned. His incessant need to explain just how tough his life is & how he deserves so much more is absolutely hard to take. We see him as a useless grifter, but his stans see him as fun fluff. These kind of airing of grievances/"I work so hard" videos completely contradict what he's generally trying to push with his "brand". You think DebySue Smothers is interested in listening to him complain right before she heads to her 60 hour a week job as a cashier at Piggly Wiggly? He's got what most of his stans see as the ultimate dream job, not a single one of them wants to hear this shit
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He’s going to use this break to move. The question is where? I personally think they’re moving to another apartment or possibly a townhouse. I don’t think he’s getting the house. Some people think he’s getting the house. I just don’t buy it. I feel like he’s going to come back in January with a live from the cruise and do his 12 cruise vlogs and then hope his stans forgot about the house. Or he’ll have a new excuse as to why he “elected not to purchase” the house.
He never made a big deal about the house, and never mentioned another peep about a house since the house they toured went under offer the next day. It was only Tattle who ended up finding out all of that. So it's not like he was hyping up putting down an offer on a house and needing to address it. He went from whining about "I WAAAANT A HOUSE" on almost a daily basis, to nothing. And last we saw was Sue & The Clown saying they'll discuss it and it went under offer the next morning. I personally think it's going to be another one of his lame "surprises." :rolleyes:
He says the video when he comes back on the 25th (2 days before the cruise) is going to be GOOD. Trust.


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Adams & Brush

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So, all in one day, we have 4 Disney vloggers - Kp, JoJo, Woo, and Tim Tracker all doing Festival of the Arts. Three of them (no Kp) - JoJo, Tim, and Woo - all make an appearance in JoJo's vlog, which shows at least a little bit of creativity (unlike the other three.) Really, what is this world coming to? The fact that fans of these guys have nothing better to do than to waste time watching them wandering aimlessly around EPCOT never ceases to blow my mind. Get a grip, people. Life is bigger than watching their crap every day.
Looks like Jojo & Jete clowning Kyle in Jete’s podcast the other day was legit. For all of them to be there together & Jojo to have the other guys & not small potatoes Pallo in his vlog is incredibly telling. Kyle & Jojo used to have lots of overlap in between, now Kyle gets ignored at very best. It looks like it’s not just the hatters who don’t take oar guy the least bit seriously anymore. You do have to love Kyle bringing on the couple from ResortTV1, one of the few channels that gets less views than Kyle’s Daily Dose. Weakest flex in the business. Poor Kyle, Shame, really…
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OMG does he not understand that when people were paying 50 cents a gallon for gas, they were NOT making the same amount of money people make now? WOW.
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Damn, he may be away but the downvotes just keep coming! 😂
Seems people just love to stop by and flip him this metaphorical 'bird.' 🖕

I think it's just a viewer 'feel good' thing to do.


View attachment 2703913
She certainly is also quiet during Kylie's hiatus.

maybe she is papering the kitchen cabinet shelves?
She's a (about to laugh) ___"Digital Creator"? ___ I can't stress this enough. BWWWWWAHAHHAAHAAA ~deep breath!~ AAAAAAAAAA
That's like calling the little boy who mixes chemicals at your local car wash a Noble Prize winning chemist.
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That really is an ugly ass house.
I think it's the perfect house for him. It's surrounded by much bigger, more expensive homes. It's the runt of the entire neighborhood. Slapped together with cheap materials by a low-rated builder, overpriced, and ugly. That house is the embodiment of everything that dwarfy is.
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It's Tito's time. Wake up Casey :rolleyes:

View attachment 2688174
Also who said he played a fake Christian for a photoshoot? He still loves to pretend to be a fake Christian.

View attachment 2688177
That sort of religious sophistry and bumper sticker posting using someone's perverse religious views to attack other people is repugnant. And Kyle Pallo would be a perfect example of the kind of shallow, unlearned cretin who exemplifies that group, small minded, ignorant to a fault, a child predator, a pathological liar and a self hating closet case whose homosexual traits are glaringly obvious. They are the first to, metaphorically, beat people over the head with a bible, a book most of them have NEVER read and I guarantee you Kyle never has. I said before that Pallo family is a perfect example of the repressive mindset that gives birth to ignorant self hating hypocrites like Kyle.

Their sort are the ministers who stand in the pulpits in churches across this country and attack other religions, other ethnic groups and especially the gay community and their lurid fascination with other people's sex lives, straight and gay, is legendary ___ actually, they attack any group that doesn't fit their own twisted and perverse definitions of Christianity. And they are the hypocrites who, like so very many of those same priests / preachers / evangelists .....etc. , go on to molest children, hire postitutes (looking at you Jimmy Swaggart), or are found blowing some guy at the local Holiday Inn, hiring some rent boy or paying for living arrangements for a same sex companion, mega church pastor Ted Haggard was the perfect example...... And I won't even detail Jerry Falwell Jr's pool boy and his personal trainer. It's astounding how many are outed every year. It's also astounding how common they are in politics, in religious institutions and in every social setting. They relfect their home life and both nature and nuture come in to play. You don't have to go far to see how that racist and bigoted white trash dwarf Kyle Pallo reflects the values, or lack thereof, of that odious and simplish, shallow white trash Pallo clan.
“Thinking” is such a novel experience for Kyle, he needs to mark the occasion on his vlog every time it happens
I'd argue that process is almost completely alien to him and the last original thought he had died from loneliness.
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Colonel Angus

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So it’s my last day at WDW and I’m flying home this evening. I haven’t seen any vloggers in the flesh but I saw one live streamer on a couple of occasions but I can’t figure out who he is. Older guy maybe early 50’s and either black or Hispanic with glasses. Any ideas?

Oh also, I’ve already gone further outside the Disney bubble than oar boy. I met some folks in line at Epcot and we became quick friends. I was invited out to a really fun arcade bar in town and had a blast. Incredible beer selections as well! And then we went to another bar down the road. I paid under $20 for 3 beers wtf!! So good!
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Some new comments on Wednesday's dump:





He's not your friend, Shaun.

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If this wasn’t mentioned yet, then let me say that he’s getting roasted for his last vlog. I’ve never seen so many of his viewers criticize him & put him in his place. But of course his kool-aid stans are defending him with those obvious remarks of how much work our little squirt puts into his vlogs.
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Adams & Brush

VIP Member
Didn't Alexa leave about 4 days ago? The dwarf has been double vlogging again.

View attachment 2691389

Another day wandering around Magic Kingdom and eating :poop: Big things in 2024. SSDD
He’s upping his work schedule. He must’ve logged in 200 hours this week, at least
Looks like pretty soon you’ll need a lid with a chin strap.
View attachment 2691406
He is sooo self conscious about that receding hairline of his. Grow up, Kyle, there was nothing Hollywood about your looks, even at your peak
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The slightest pressure sends him reeling and out of control. That he's an infantile coward who fears the real world is no longer in question. He acts brave and acts out on online and he certainly has acted out, probably out of control acted out, with his parents___ to mimic old Susan, he " exhausting. He just wears you down." He's certainly worn them down and long ago.

Clown Ger is old and seeming tired of it; he's in poor health and seems just to want some peace and quiet and has given up feeling he can control anything. Susan is the mover here to the point of vitriolic exchanges with Kyle's critics online. She even tried to guilt "Dudley" at X by asking him, "What's your endgame here? Do you want him to hurt himself?" ___ That was a bizarre response. I just saw it as trying to guilt a critic, but it's perhaps more. You wonder how many times he's "guilted" her and his old man with that threat to hurt himself if he didn't get his way? It's an old play by a spoiled child who cries and threatens to get his way ___ and even at 30, Pallo's that.

He's a defective and wholly self absorbed leech of a man, a social reject in the real world and a grifting parasite online. He's found every way to play his parents and they've allowed it to go on and on and on his whole sick and miserable life. NOW he expects it. He was evidently so bad they sent him to a half brother who tried to help him grow up. It didn't work. Now they'll do anything to try to keep him from collapsing and hitting rock bottom ___especially his mother. He's her 'baby' and he plays her easily and she gives in. He's drained the life out of them all and now they've resigned themselves to his caretakers evidently for the rest of their lives, resigned to the point of enabling whatever he wants to whatever degree they can afford it and the funds must be running low. The other children are afterthoughts and come in a distant second to his wants. It's sick, certainly, dysfunctional, of course. But that's where they are. I have a hard time finding a scintilla of sympathy for them. They can't keep what looks to be a pressure cooker of his own making, enabled and made possible by them, from blowing up and watching him come more and more unhinged and perhaps dangerous ___ to himself, doubtful. He's a near psychotic egoist ___ to Casey and them. Certainly possible.
That reply from Susan also struck me as odd.


Why would she assume that he'd hurt himself if his "career" fails? That right there tells me that it must be a regular 'threat' he uses on them to get what he wants.

His sister would post similar things too.
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Hardly Here

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Oh look, he’s ‘thinking’ about booking another cruise. Along with the other three, four, five, or six others he has booked, with deposits paid on 3, 4, 5 or 6 of them and some of them paid in full, technically, literally, per se.
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