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Susan sarcastically saying she’ll be sure to get him into therapy because she controls his whole life is laughable. While he might be nearing 30 and yes, of course parents don’t have control over their kids by that point, there ARE things she and the family can do.

1) Stop enabling his disgusting behavior by defending his every move. To her credit, Alexa does seem to have “elected” to stop defending her brother’s every move but Susan has not.

2) Stop subsidizing his life. If he can’t afford something, that’s on him, stop bailing him out. Maybe then he’ll stop blowing money on frivolous purchases like Disney Halloween decorations and Tito’s and start prioritizing better spending habits. He still doesn’t have a place to properly sit and eat a meal at for “Pete’s” sake.

3) Stop simultaneously acting like their son is an adult while still babying him. They act like he’s a full fledged adult online with the “hatters” but then turn around and constantly treat him like a child. When they visit, they pay for everything. There was even once, I think when the entire family (the Pallos and Susan’s sister’s family) was there and Alexa bought her own meal, Kile’s meal was in the same order his parents bought.

4) While they can’t put him into therapy by force, they CAN sit down and talk with him about going on his own accord. On the family cruise livestream, him and Alexa got into an argument over mental health and how big he is about its importance on the channel. In reality, he uses “mental health” to manipulate his family and doesn’t actually do anything to try and improve it. His family falls for it hook, line, and sinker too because he gave a look across the table to his parents during the argument and suddenly Alexa changed topics. I’m assuming Susan mouthed “stop it” or did something else to shut Alexa up.

Of course, all of that takes effort and from what’s been shown from his family, they don’t like effort. They could let him do his own thing and when he inevitably fails at it, always welcome him a spot at their house until he gets back on his feet but I don’t think they want him back. They’d rather chastise the hatters for “ruining” his career and shove Kile off to his new mommy Casey. He just “wears them down” when he’s there, remember? 🙄
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HOLY SHIT, Doormat is ‘living the dream’ shopping at Target with Dwarfys bank account?

View attachment 2571015

10,000 comedians are out of work and he’s telling jokes?

What a riot.

Chugging down his coffee, touching EVERYTHING saying ‘let’s get this’, it’s like taking a 4 year old shopping with you.
Look at squirt's smug grin into the camera when Casey says that she's living the dream. 🤣
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And remember him saying how he NEEDS a house to showcase all these PO unboxing goodies? Guess the current "lug-jury" apartment doesn't have enough space to showcase these things so they're all stashed in the garage (or trashed). Maybe, a new house will be one of the YUGE things coming in 2024 - along with the 3, 4, or 5 cruises (2 of which are already paid for 😅 ). He's getting so bad that he can't even tell plausible lies anymore. LMAO.
He needs a "Disney office room" to display all of your guyses' stuff. 🤣 He also gave a countdown on this video where he promises he's going to have a house. The deadline for that is December 3rd of this year. :sneaky:
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He really is clueless about the ways of the world. Are there no home improvement stores in central Florida? I mean, his first thought when tries to buy a ladder is Publix, & he purchases his Xmas lights 2' feet at a time at Target? I'm not especially handy, but damn straight I enjoy a good Home Depot run. Meanwhile, this dipshit acts like the chain doesn't exist
ya know? I could be remembering wrong... but wasn't there an old vlog where he said Home Depot didn't hire him?? I sort of remember something in Wisconsin where he was with Alexa going into Costco or somewhere that was next to a home depot and he said something about that they didn't hire him back in the day. Our boy is BITTER!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Hardly Here

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Does he not realize that the week before Thanksgiving is usually one of the slower weeks at WDW?
This idiot doesn't 'realize' anything having to do with Disney.

He stumbles around with a more luxury camera in his grubby little mitt without knowing or absorbing ANY Disney information that is usable to anyone.

This tool purchased an Individual Lightning Lane$$$ today to ride Tron WHILE telling us the VQ was still open.

After years of all Disney every day all the time, he has less Disney Knowledge in his Pea Brain than a random first time visitor.

He's even worse than being a 'know nothing' about Disney, if he doesn't know something he'll just make up blatantly false info just to be able to keep his mouth running.

Oar Little Dwarf is a total moron. He works 24 hours a day honing his craft. EVERY single day he has bad camera shots where the pic is totally dark, or bright, or washed out, he's too lazy to even learn how to use his $4,000 camera. He won't even take the time to learn how to operate the ONLY piece of equipment necessary for his Media Empire.

This guy is a douche bayg.
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OMG she is living the dream because she is picking out Christmas shit and getting a boyfriend meant all of this. I guess it is a dream when you act like you are in middle school

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Vyle Pallo

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I told my friend about Kyle and the “Lahj” and showed them the video and they were dying. So we have been calling it the LAHJ the whole time we have been here lol!
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When will Tater start opening his endless supply of Christmas decorations grifted to him? He should have more than enough to decorate his entire little apartment.
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Impersonating other people seems to run in the family. First, KP and his sock puppet Peter account who uses that white supremacist's photos. And now Farlexa impersonating "Mrs. SnapChet". Absolute trashy low class behavior!
The family has no answer for his numerous lies and malevolent behavior, so they have to resort to these trashy antics, impersonating other people, and ad hominem attacks.

Good luck with that Pallo family. I'm sure that will save squirt's flailing channel and get the "haters" to stop.
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And he hadn't missed a night in weeks ranting like a drunk idiot every night with those depraved tweets and memes.

But PAB Kyle (*see below for details if you don't know. :ROFLMAO:) tonight was a no show. Color me shocked!:eek:
View attachment 2564528 "PAB is now enshrined in the Congressional Record." :ROFLMAO:
Twitter/X sure is entertaining tonight (and somewhat peaceful without the drunk idiot) if you search for "kyle pallo" and sort by 'Latest' with everyone calling him out 🤣

Just a few from many while I was reading over there:






Even his family is quiet. They didn't show up immediately with all the bravado like when the 'Frank' story came out. It's getting hard to defend the indefensible, huh?
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Looks like there was some new discussion (mostly from the Troll Patrol videos) about squirt over on Reddit this past month. :poop:





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@tnutz I believe starts us off.

Previously, our boy KP was caught with his pants down by some stellar detective work.
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Incredible just how bad he looks. That booze and grease diet has really taken a toll on him.
Booze, grease, sugar, staying up until 3-4AM in the morning every night obsessing about Tattle and critics.

Amazing what a few years can do.

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Hardly Here

VIP Member
HOLY SHIT, Doormat is ‘living the dream’ shopping at Target with Dwarfys bank account?


10,000 comedians are out of work and he’s telling jokes?

What a riot.

Chugging down his coffee, touching EVERYTHING saying ‘let’s get this’, it’s like taking a 4 year old shopping with you.
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