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Someone said earlier that Kyle was mentally ill. I don’t think that is in doubt anymore. The degree and severity of his extremely unstable and aberrant nature is the only thing in question.

That it’s getting worse is also no longer in doubt.
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The rumor is ..Kylie is so hated in the parks it’s just a matter of time he will need to change his diapers in the park…mini man ..people are coming with receipt’ small and elusive..but you will be confronted on the lies and misinformation that you spew. Don’t forget how you interrup peoples vactions and ruin ride experiences with your childish entitled behavior…the end is coming soon…🍄😎
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Colonel Angus

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Do you ever think the reason he wants to go on cruises so badly is because he heard the term from a gay friend and so he thinks if he goes out to sea on a cruise it will also be where he can "cruise" for gentlemen?
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I call BS on this whole AK sponsored trip. A few weeks ago he said something along the line of “I would love to do a run Disney event but they always sell out so fast.” So he expects us to believe they reached out to him AND sponsoring his stay? 🙄🙄🙄. Kevin is a member of Casey’s family so why is he also not busy with family like she will be?
Exactly. Is Kevin not considered family? He DID take THEIR last name when he married into the family.
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"I don't like to do what people say things are I like to do it the Kyle way."


More cooking with Casey and then watch them eat off a towel on the floor. Riveting. :sleep:
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if she's 5'3", he's 5'5" at best
I would say 5'4" at most. Him and Casey are virtually the same height when they're not wearing shoes. Often he wears sneakers and she wears flats. Another trick he uses is to stand slightly in front of her and raise the camera up (see my last post for an example. 🤭)
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Do you like Grounded Coffee????????????

View attachment 2531235
He’s so fucking stupid! BTW I have already told my fiancé who works for Joffrey’s to tell their marketing team not to send this loser any more gift boxes because he’s a piece of shit! He’s not that special btw because we can get those boxes like the one he was gifted for practically anyone but still!
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Saw a few minutes of Kyle's video in Disneyland (where he excused his 3rd grade ignorance of multiplication tables by trying to cover his stupidity and stating his gaffe was, 'girl math'.) I also saw Susan respond automatically with the correct equation and answer by addressing his 'bad math' rather than addressing Kyle's disrespect of the female population. To make matters worse, his idiot sister who heard his disrespectful utterance, said, 'it's 'free' because it's on the credit card.' I just...can't...
So let's stand back for a minute and consider these people and their upbringing that does not call 'foul' on this garbage. How would you feel if someone disparaged your wives, daughters, and sisters? How can a 30 year old person think that just because they did not open a wallet the 'cost' is free? she raised to think like that? Especially by someone in the finance industry?
I am ticked off with him---and with you all for not kicking up a bigger fuss on this! I am also laying the blame for his ghastly upbringing on his three travel companions/ family members. He should have had more of Uncle Shaun's real world behavior and less 'helicopter actions' by the family.
If I ever see that sniveling excuse, you can be darn sure I will call him on it. At the parks, and in front of others (read that as women). If, a group of women, can see what he said and are accepting of his world view then I will back down and lament for the decline of the western world. But, if I am right, getting heckled by women wherever he goes might just clue him into the fact that maybe he should do some editing in his speech and in his videos. And yes, I would be happy to point him out to them.
He wants to be famous? Let's get some shirts made up with some of his more choice musings from his youtube videos. We can wear them in the parks to bring him the attention he craves. Maybe 'ban Kyle Pallo' across them? I will have to check Disney's clothing guidelines on this first.
His hate for women is glaring. I'm shocked that none of his fans made any deal out of the "girl math" comment, when he couldn't even do the equation. The dumbass couldn't even figure it out, yet disparages women despite his mom having to correct him? His hate for women can be traced through his old tweets where he makes demands from his "future gf" to have his coffee ready, his old videos where he obsesses over what "girls should look like for him," the way he treats Casey, the Frank allegation of high school experience (if you believe that to be true), the way he treats his sister and mom compared to his dad, his candid tweets from his Peter sock puppet account, and on and on.

He has that incel energy. He despises women because the weirdo could never get a girlfriend when he desperately wanted one, so he seems to hold this grudge. The fact that his stans tolerate this and continue to fawn over the toxic little troll is pretty sad.
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The Kale was juicy. He eats right off the serving spoon by shoving the entire spoon in his mouth. 🤮


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I find it quite interesting that 6 feet is the height that Kylie said he was "supposed to be" and Peter is exactly 6 feet. 🤔

Because of his extreme inferiority complex, he has to create an alter ego that is much taller and stronger than himself to have the courage to face down the hatters. That's pretty sad when you think about it.
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Check out his wonky eyelid when he’s lying. One thing about Kyle is that when he lies his eye’s gonna go crazy, he’s gonna start sniffling or rubbing his nose, or he’ll start looking really angry when he speaks OR he’ll start rambling really fast. 😂


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Don’t forget he’s a card carrying member of the MAGA club, so denial of reality and lying are requirements, and he’s doing his best not to disappoint.😂

Disney’ didn’t invite him to anything. That’s a lie of course. The phoning ol’ enabler Susan was pure cringe bad acting.

The bullshit lies are to ‘own the hatters ‘ and he knows if he told that bunch of idiots who follow him that Bob Iger showed up at his lurrg-jury apartment with a hand engraved invitation, those moronic dull dimwits would believe him. He counts on that level of stupidity to keep his fraud and con going.
Bingo. Don't let up on the pressure calling out this grifter and his lies.

His mom was on 'X' yesterday begging the "haters" to mind their own business and "move on with their lives." People naturally pointed out that he puts himself into the public eye on the internet because he wants an easy job and fame. And that he can't expect everything to be sunshine, rainbows, and compliments. Especially when he acts the way he does and lies like he does.

Then his mom tried to accuse everyone of trying to "ruin his career and make him hurt himself." Utterly ridiculous.

His family is panicking, and mini-man's lies are getting bigger and more unhinged as he desperately tries to hang onto his grift. Is getting a job really that bad?
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member
I am leaving EPCOT now. Unfortunately, I did not see Grifty or Sister-Wife. I was scanning the crowd like facial recognition software as I was walking through the park LOL, but alas, tonight was not my night to see the man child in the wild. I’m kind of shocked that I have never seen him despite being an Orlando resident and going to the parks at least once a week. I have a real job though so I don’t rope drop and spend an hour and a half in the parks in the morning and then go home. I was all ready to snap a pic paparazzi style and share it with the group lol. I wish he would publish a schedule of where he’s gonna be, but we all know oar boy doesn’t plan anything.
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First, let me just state that I truly don't give a shit about JoJo. In many ways he's just a more adventurous and smarter (although both bars are very low) version of Grifty The Dwarf.
But I couldn't help but note how much he's traveled just this year and I applaud that and admit I've checked in on a couple of his vids and enjoyed most of the content and the visuals. Trips to England, France, Greece, UAE..etc and soon to China. Lately he's included a trip to Vegas and checked out the new attractions. (We went to the U2 opening concert at The Sphere and it was spectacular, btw 👋)

And as 'Dismom' pointed out he did it while not blaming that lovely girlfriend of his for 'holding him back.' 🤣

On the other hand, Grifty actually blamed Casey Doormat and his 'devotion'🤣 to their relationship for his failure to deliver on any of the 'Big Plans' made and ready to go in 2023. "...big plans confirmed." "Count on it." "Locked in" "I'm not playing." Of course, it was ALL a lie. He lies; he's a liar. Surprise!
It was so him to blame her for his failings even when SHE got the rooms for the horrible 'staycations' and paid for them using her CM discouts (and she even went along with him going in, turning of the TV and then entering and pretending to be surprised. Another example of this laughably 'scripted' and rehearsed shit show, and she's all in. )
So, I'm still 'proud'? if that's the word of dipshit JoJo for traveling. He'll never regret it and he'll grow from it. If his vlog lives or dies, I don't give a rats ass, but with all his emotional issues (boo hoo __ help me fainting Camille) he's never blamed Krista (I believe is her name) for any his failures.
Pallo's useful fool, Casey, is obviously willing to accept her role and she's playing the part of just one more enabler for the loser, liar and fraud.
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Adams & Brush

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Kyle would’ve showed up in shorts and dirty sneakers to this.
View attachment 2529975
How many +1s did Nate receive? He got the whole lame ass Kingdom Krew with their nonexistent sub numbers in as well. Meanwhile, Kyle & Casey are doing haircut vids & playing grab ass in a 3rd rate pumpkin patch
Speaking of "friends" what ever happened to Mike the realtor?
Don’t you mean “real estate advisor”? I don’t think we know if he’s actually licensed. I bet money that once their MLM real estate scheme failed to gain any traction with Kyle’s low rent subs, their “friendship’s” usefulness simply petered out
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Interesting. I made a couple calls. This is what I found out. The only Disney influencer known to be hosted for a runDisney event was actually hosted by Citizen one of Disney’s corporate alliances. They do all the race timing also. She has a large following and high quality vlogs and also has a connection with a runDisney manager. I wasn’t given this infuencer’s name. I recall them saying in the past that Brianna and Kevin are hardcore runners. No doubt Kevin registered long ago. Also, I was told that Disney social media managers NEVER schedule “skypes” with influencers prior to media events, the way he said Disney called a meeting with him. It Sounds just like the supposed call he received when he was at Animal Kingdom the day before hurricane Ian from Disney social media. He claimed they wanted to do something with him that, “has never been done before.” Hey Kyle!! You’re BUSTED!!!
OMFG! You mean to tell me Kyle Pallo is lying?

If he is, this must be a day that ends with the letter 'Y'!

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PS- Kyle in slow mo ALWAYS cracks me up HAHAHAHA!
The wonky eye and way he talks in slow mo

Exactly!!! A completely black screen! Just like in the clip where he got the fake phone call about the house. Who does he actually think he’s fooling? The fact that he thinks that people are falling for this is what’s so sad about the whole situation. Like WTF! Is he THAT slow? I swear it’s like dealing with a little 10-year-old that’s telling a lie.
And if you point out these obvious lies then you get called a jealous hatter and weirdo. :rolleyes:
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