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Hardly Here

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Geez Kylie, what kind of rep do you have when you tell people you're in pain and they think you're faking?

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No sponsorships, no more media invites, YouTube channel on the decline, reputation ruined, needs to do shower shows for extra cash, can’t afford another cruise, & can’t furnish his luxury apartment.

Mini man has made it!
He has won at life. You hatters jealous?

I too wish I could live a 1 bedroom family-subsidized half-furnished apartment, drive a 14 year old clunker, panhandle for money on the internet, mooch off my parents and a dowdy 'girl friend,' visit the same theme park 1,000 times in a row, and always need to carry a phallic-shaped camera with me everywhere I go.
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He also keeps talking about a "fifth gate" despite Disney cutting $700 million from the parks this year. In conclusion, Pallo is a moron and has no clue what he's talking about.
Right. Anyone talking about a fifth gate right now beyond their "Perfect Blue Sky Park" is a moron; AK has 7 rides, one of which is a Dumbo reskin, and they are ripping out Dinosaur to retheme it to Zootopia. Also, how many consecutive decades are we in now of the Yeti being broken? How about some actual theming on Kali besides Deforestation. How about an omnicoaster surrounded by a fish tank themed to Way of Water, so you will have something else to drop $14 on every time you enter AK, Kyle.

How about turning some of DHS parking lot into garages and adding some rides there before a Fifth Gate, so you can ride something besides MMRR.

Fifth Gate, but Reflections isn't getting built?

It took them 5 years to build a roller coaster that they already built in another park, but FiFtH gAtE Cum-ming.

But what is the real reason you want a 5th gate, Kyle, because you want the herd thinned at EPCOT so you can get your drinks around the world faster.
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One would think, since his “job” is to be on camera, he would care about his looks. No harm in going bald. Jete is bald and handsome (though he should fix his teeth) because he is fit. Kyle, hit the gym on a daily basis. You are 37. You should start to take care of yourself.

He should also work on his credibility. People are going to see him as the fraud we all do if he continues his “bookend” nonsense from yesterday. Own your mistake (on camera) and correct yourself. It is okay you messed up. You are human. Just own it. People will respect you more…because right now they don’t.
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Just the fact that he put the camera on the floor to record himself showing how much in pain he is by putting his hands on his face says everything I need to know about this.
Just like he did yesterday… he brings his camera to set it on his car to film him walking up holding that big box. He’s such a loser
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He seems all better and back to his manic & infantile behavior once Casey takes him to Publix to buy all the ingredients for his meal.
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When I moved into my currently place, I put my TV on a couple rubbermaid totes for a couple months while I tracked down the stand I wanted.

he's been out of college for how long now?

kile b broke!
OMFG! This $300K per year😁🥹😅😂🤣 wage earner owes student loans?
What a fucking joke and assclown he is.

A broke ass squatter in his family’s vaca rental tooling around in a 14 yr old clunkermobile, and sponging off his parents and girl friend owes student loans ? Where’s my shockface?

You can bet the big surprises coming are a two br unit where that clan can fit in without having to go the crowded clown car route. The FAMILY has decided they need more space. He’ll lie, naturally, and say it was his idea so his family would not be inconvenienced when they visit HIS😂 luggshureous’ digs.🤣

I can imagine sister/wife leading this scenario.

Money b no object! …Oh, what student loans?🤭
He’s so full of shit only the dumbest of the dumbest stans can believe the crap he spews any longer . He’s by far the most ignorant and useless of all the park vloggers…. It’s not even close.
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I love when he says something like it was before he knew wanted to do with his life... so, now he knows he wants to be an unemployed, obnoxious, baffoon?!🤔
Going to be a great look when he's in his 40s and still haunting the same theme park screaming WOOOOOOOO, stuffing his face with nummy food, and talking about soft farts.
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The poor wittle baby needs his coffee ASAP! Wish him luck you guys! He's traveling without a chaperone.

View attachment 2405691
I thought “we” bought a coffee maker. Are “we” unable to brew and drink coffee in our apartment or on the ride to the airport?
Independent adult, NO.

Who did he rope in to driving him to the airport? Casey, Lora, or Kevin?
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Casey and his family watch these vlogs and say NOTHING to him about his mistakes? She needs to step it up a notch and stop acting like a helpless little girl who needs saving. THIS "man" is not going to save you. He can't even read THREE signs in ONE place in a short period of time.
That's the part I don't understand! There are definitely lots of friends and family (on both sides -- Kyle and Casey) watching these garbage videos every day. Yet, no one says anything about his misinformation, constant mispronunciation, childish behavior and lavish spending. It's just unreal. To me, it says they don't have anyone who truly cares about them. Wouldn't you appreciate and respect having a close loved one pull you aside and point out some concerns? Rather than just idly sitting by (and, more than likely, talking behind your back), watching the ship sink.

As BlurryCat pointed out, Kyle has definitely shown everyone around him from a young age how sensitive and passive-aggressive he is when confronted or questioned -- even about the smallest issue. As a result, it's just much easier to pacify him than deal with his drama. It becomes cyclical and, ultimately, emboldens the person (Kyle) to continue the poor behavior with no consequences or repercussions. The monster just keeps getting bigger and bigger and drains everyone around them -- physically, emotionally and, in this case, financially.

Kyle Pallo #45 - Kyle is a Petty Asinine Lazy Ludicrous Ogre

(You could also use "Petite" instead of "Petty"!)
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This is not an adult.

Look at how he jumps up and down when Mommy lists off what he needs for his apartment. 🤣

Bonus clip of Mommy praising him for going into the ocean.
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His new thing now when he says something stupid is to call it a “Kyle word” cuz his fans get a kick out of him being a dumbass. They think it’s funny. SMDH
Alexa tells him that he doesn't have to say he "essentially likes it" and to instead just say he likes it.


This thin-skinned toddler can't handle any kind of advice or criticism.
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ChatGPT review of today's daily dump: 🤡


Oh, where to start with this YouTube video by Kyle Pallo? It's like a masterclass in how to turn an innocent family event into a cringe-worthy, awkward, and unnecessarily detailed monologue. From the joyful and beautiful mornings in Wisconsin to the oh-so-fascinating insights about Walmart's aisles and the carpeted floors of Sendik's, this video has it all.

"Welcome back to your daily dose, everybody!" As if we've all been desperately craving our daily fix of Wisconsin musings and domestic affairs. The kind of content that gets you out of bed with an electrifying jolt, knowing that you're about to be hit with the hard-hitting news of Grandma's 90th birthday celebration. Oh, the suspense!

Of course, we can't forget the obligatory shoutout for birthday wishes from the throngs of adoring viewers, as if this is some sort of global event. "Can we get some happy birthdays Down Below in the comments?"

And behold, the pièce de résistance: the grand surprise for Grandma's 90th. You see, Kyle couldn't possibly reveal his secret plans of flying to Wisconsin to surprise his dear grandma, lest his fan base of... well, dozens of subscribers be thrown off by this earth-shattering revelation. Because nothing screams authenticity like a YouTuber hiding their true intentions from their loyal audience. The Oscar-worthy acting is truly a sight to behold.

But wait, there's more! Grandma's excitement, or lack thereof, is palpable. "Are you sure we got you?" she asks as she opens her presents. Yes, Grandma, you've hit the jackpot – lemon bars, scratch-offs, and, drum roll, a clown nose! Because nothing says "happy 90th" like a clown nose.

And let us not forget the culinary delights of the evening, featuring the culinary masterpiece of Wisconsin – the burger. Complete with the Sonic seasoning that was recommended by an anonymous shopping buddy. This is the kind of content that culinary connoisseurs dream about – burger flipping in its purest form.

But don't despair if you're not a fan of burgers, because there's salad too! And when you're done feasting on lettuce, don't forget to watch the thrilling conclusion where the blinds are... wait for it... closed.

In summary, Kyle Pallo's YouTube video is a masterclass in capturing the mundane, the unexciting, and the utterly banal. A video that manages to make you question your life choices and the precious minutes you'll never get back. So, congratulations, Kyle – you've created a masterpiece of mediocrity that will undoubtedly go down in history as a prime example of content that leaves viewers wondering why they bothered in the first place.
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