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I get a romantic Burger King! Not complaining tho cos it's good that we finally have a BK in town at last. Unbelievably they have 5 veggie options for me woohoo.
I am standing here leaning in the donkey's door to stop him escaping as I await the farrier coming over. He does neighbours two donkey's then come for mine - I may be here some time and ill bet it bloody rains too
Burger king does it for me too. Though I'm anyone's for a Gregg's corned beef bake🤣

Sunshine is finally here today! Nice blue skys but nippy mornings😊
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Don’t look in mine.🤣🤭
That's how I felt when the recycling van came this morning🤭thank fuck our bin didn't make the loudest crashing noise when it was emptied. We were beaten by a few of the neighbours🤣
I do cook with alot of wine...honest😉🤣
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MrsEms, you must learn to make a good Pimms for when we come to yours. I love a nice Pimms with lots of lemonade and ice and a bit of floating fruit. I felt so posh drinking one when I’m as common as muck! Ask Dolly!
I can make a wicked mojito, if you can still stand up after 2 then you're a legend😉 I am also pretty smart at pouring a glass of wine, MrEms says he's never seen anyone pour a glass as fast as me...or drink one😳🤣

Harri I do not believe for one moment that you're common because you do sewing, That's posh innit😁
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Morning MrsEms

oh gosh we need new carpet in living room too although only a few years old, Chico has destroyed it! He’s hiding behind the sofa today bless him

oh dear I have no problem going when stranger in house but I do worry at state of loo after said stranger has used it. Dolly has a bucket for guests she’s nice like that. Different size buckets depending on size of person. Think volumes dear!

it is cold I need to start putting blanket on bed now

take care lovey
I've got my blanket on the bed, first time last night. Xxx

Awwww morning Harri and Ems.

Beautiful sleepy lovely.It is effin chillywilly.

How is your daughter Ems?Any news from ‘him’? Poor girl.
My little sleepy dottie❤ I've called her dolly by mistake recently and I think its because I'm on here chatting with you!🤣

Not heard any news about 'him', daughter is still in bed. He did call around to see her last night so I stayed out of the way as I cannot control my resting bitch face and would've scared the boy away🤣 I buggered off to bed as it had been a bit of a stressful day. I'm sure she'll fill me in soon. I'm lucky in a way that she does talk to me. I like to hear her girlie gossip, that's hilarious🤣
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It's a comfort if they come to visit I think Dolly ❤ there was also an incident where we heard a clanging racket downstairs in the kitchen on holiday one year. A cereal bowl had flown off the dish drainer & wedged itself under the skirting board. Nobody was down there. Also, this year, I woke up at 4am one morning and heard water running. Someone had turned the shower on in my ensuite. I had to get out of bed & turn it off. Nobody had been up there and my bedroom door was locked. Xx
Gosh that's freaky. I do believe you get visits from people and pets who've passed. I remember when my Sam died. I heard him slumping down and sighing as he always did in his bed at the bottom of the stairs. No one else ever heard it tho. I cried for him for a long time, his love helped me in many ways. I still think about my little man. He was wicked funny and very loving. I couldn't even say his name for about a year after. He is still very much loved and thought about by me and I'll never forget him. They still live in your hearts forever. Love MrsC xxxx
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Rita Chevrolet

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Ole Kipper will be celebrating
Nothing for her to celebrate because she still has US on her case:)

Well I have painted my wall in the bedroom having been moaned at constantly that I'm nor doing it right - told him he can either fuck off or he can take over the job - he went! Tomorrow I shall be papering so with luck on Sunday we can put the furniture back and it's all ready for granddaughter coming next month, her first trip here without Mum and Dad. 😀
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Awwww Harri is Chico now with you out of hiding?Glad it’s all finished.Carpet runner will protect your vinyl etc.
He’s gone upstairs he was a bit shy then went to the kitchen as he was hungry now he’s pissed off upstairs to sleep.

yes I think it will protect the new vinyl. Thanks Chuck
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Rita Chevrolet

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Salut! I was going to cut the grass again today but the impending rain has put the kibosh on that so its upstairs to continue sorting out my wardrobes (yes multiple) putting all the high summer stuff away and bringing out other things instead. That will guarantee and Indian Summer of course :) Once thats done I have to again make an attempt to tidy up the loft thats in a terrible mess after OH's rampaging through there looking for something that I'd already told him was not there to begin with - and it wasn't! His clothes I'll sort another day because he's still wearing his absolute favourite tatty old cut-down trackie trousers at every opportunity, in fact I'd had visions of him attempting to wear them when we went out for dinner on Saturday but he thought better of that notion :)
Catch y'all later on xxx
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Omg I shouldn't laugh but you have a magic way with words🤣 I just love you❤

Sharted is also very funny🤭
She is as bad as you when it comes to swearing in fact I think you caught it from Dolly!

Dolly, Dave and MrsEms in the soundproof booth with oversize earphones and crap music.

also as yours not going to this barbecue we’re coming to yours for grub!
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Take a tip from SB Dolly. Film it and flog the footage to OF weirdos.

Bunk out of that BBQ. What a bloody cheek asking for money and then not even having enough food anyway- nah its deffo an event to avoid!
😳 Nahhh I’d be banned Rita,I think I may have to go to Dubai,see how much they will pay me for nice big squits.🤢🤣
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MrC heard it heard it on the radio too. He said he was emotional also. He's coming over to mine later and we are going to put it on, on you tube. We have one life. You never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Value all your moments x

Well Mrs C she wrote it.❤
I know x

Aww thankyou, that's very kind of you...but I did look shit this morning🤣 so every little helps😁
Theres something about the word helmet that's quite funny, can't think what🤭
The word helmet always makes me smile and the word bush. Lol x
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Never a good day in my office lol...home now and a naps needed xxx
Ah, bless you. I've not stopped since 2nd day back, already had 170 visitors in 8 days 🤬 you get yourself napped my friend 👽🤗❤😘 xx

Evening all, hope you’ve had a great day.
My rest day, didn’t last. Two trips to supermarket. As couldn’t get it all in my scooter basket first trip. Then my daughter came round to pick up all my granddaughters stuff that was here. Granddaughter grumpy so gave her a biscuit lol. Food always cheers her up. She’s missing nanny’s routine I reckon 😂.
Then my other half popped in for a cuppa. That was nice. We sat in the garden having a good old chin wag for a couple of hours. We can talk for England lol. We are going to have lunch out tomorrow as my S/N daughter off to a theme park for the day.
I got some nice fresh veg and I’m going to make some vegetable soup tomorrow too.
My knicker size is Medium too by the way. 😂😂
Will soon be large is I don’t put down the custard slice I’m eating lol. Xx
That'll be nice just for you and other half to just go for lunch, hope you have a nice time ❤😘 xx
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I've survived...just🤪
I got dumped twice with them and left with pizzas to cook! I managed to get two of them to eat some cucumber sticks which was nice to see. Not good behaviour again from my little dude, he's fab by himself just not with his siblings🙁 He doesn't get any positive feedback, told he's bad all the time and now he believes it.
There was a reason for the visit. The parents were going out for a meal this evening. The mother wanted 3 hours to get ready!
Oh well, I enjoyed their company anyway❤
Fucks sake Ems, there's always a reason for 'we are just passing, would love to pop in and see you' isn't there. Am glad you've survived sweetie 👽🤗❤😘 if they're told they're bad all the time & never receive any praise at all then they stop trying to achieve anything & grow up with no sense of self worth at all. It grinds my gears & is emotionally abusive, poor kid. 😥 Xxz
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
We have Jehovah's Witnesses here - and they're english so I'm a prime target!
Anyways its time for me to go so goodnight one and all - TTFN xxx
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Hmm just seen a Fb post from a friend who is a journalist,she has heard from couple of sources announcement expected 6pm.
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Morning all, hope everyone good. I was so exhausted when I went to bed last night. Was out like a light. Half an hour later woke up feeling really sick. So not much sleep. Very pissed off. Why does that always happen when you are exhausted and just need a nice long sleep.
My daughter messaged me
I’m going back to bed for a while now.
Have a good day all. X
Take care Middy. Love MrsC xxxx

I have to thank you all for your love, strength and support the last few months. We are all going through our challenges, trials and tribulations and it's really helpful to share our troubles and have a laugh at the same time. I'm so glad I can come here and I'm glad I've found you all. You make me smile. Love MrsC xxxx
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Hi Rando, nice to meet you!, it's a lovely little group on here, people are very friendly and caring. Sometimes the K Price one can get a bit errm intense. :censored:

Hi all, thanks very much for the lovely posts regarding my procedure yesterday, it was much appreciated. I just realised looking back on my post that some of my words were replaced with odd ones, I used the talk to text as I keep pressing the wrong keys on the mobile, was funny though! 😁♥♥
That's okay I'm odd all the time lol. I have to stop drinking pondwater. Can't sleep tonight. I'm getting a bit anxious about returning to work . I'm sure it'll be fine when I'm there and I'm up my own house for a few days to get things ready and have a read of my book and do some swimming tomorrow morning. Love MrsC xxxx

I'm done now so I shall sign out for the night. Bon soirée xxx
Before I go though, take a look at the latest New Styles from Paris Fashion Week - absolutely perfect for a trip to Tescos dontcha think??
I hope she hasn't been eating sprouts
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