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I'm ok thank you Ems, someone had a life changing injury at work, horrible, it's been a bit of a shit week really with one thing or another, I'm ok hunny ❤😘 xx

How dirty, that's the question 🤣🤣❤❤😘
Oh Facey sorry for everything,what a load of awful things happen,it’s so upsetting.You take care loveypoos.❤
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My dear I do not class myself as common as I sew! I am common as I wear tops with holes in and leggings. Granted I do not swear like that common as muck woman Dolly does but I am not far behind her!

Thank you I don’t drink myself my body is a temple ie in a permanent state of ruin and not even 5p will let you enter.

Good day ma’am!
Yes my body is a temple....of doom🤣

I suppose I may come across as common on here because of my writing style (gutter mouth) but that only started when I joined here...and we know who to blame for that don't we auntie dolly😘🤣

I'm really at a loss as what to cook today. Time is ticking, no one will give me the same bloody answer....arghhhhh the feckers🤦🏻‍♀️
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So did I at first, my daughter pointed it out to me! I have a feeling that she did it actually...I don't know where she gets this behaviour from🤣 I told her to at least put in an R so it's ARSE!
I'm trying to think of a herb or spice beginning with r now🤔🤣
Ras el Hanout Ems.🤣
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Morning all

friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your beers!

no actually don’t like beer unless with lemonade.

Quick spot of ironing then opticians later. Broke my glasses yesterday so was bit cheesed off. Aren’t glasses expensive?

Im making apple and almond cake this weekend as have lots of cooking apples. Im fed up with all this produce no place to store it, anyone got any large draws? I hear Queen Victoria had plus size ones.

ok have a good day where is everybody spider hunting?

oh yes apparently spiders don’t like conkers I think the smell deters them. 🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰
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Morning all😊

Thanks for the spider tip harri...I'm off later in search of a couple of conkers😁

Nowt much going on today. Well I've lots I should be doing but I'm a bit tired after a crap nights sleep so instead I've decided to make some chocolate brownies with my youngest daughter. Gives her something to do too.

Now what are peoples thoughts on this. We've been invited to a bbq. We don't particularly want to go anyway but cannot come up with an excuse. What I find very strange about this invite is that we have been asked to contribute £5 per head so it would be £25 for my family to go. It's not about the money for me but when I invite guests then I do not expect them to pay for their food? Am I being old fashioned, is this a new thing...or are these people tight gits?🤔🤣
Morning Ems,brownie day eh,lovely,I had tum ache and loo visits loads of times in the night,effin knackered.
What a fucking liberty 😳 who the fuck invites friends round for BBQ and asking them to contribute dosh to it,fuck off and fuck off again,I’d say,you’d know if they were piss poor,but I imagine they ain’t,couldn’t you say hubs has to work all day on project or something?Also kids have already got plans.
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Middy have a nice kip tonight.

Awww Facey have early night bless working lady.❤
I'm waiting up for son tonight Dolly, it's his last shift in the absolute shit show of a job he's doing at the minute ( he loves the job but the management are arseholes) so I'll see him when he gets home. 😘❤ Xx
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Hi lovely Krusties. Been in the workshop all day. Been teaching my latest apprentice some stuff. No meetings today thank fuck. We've had rock music on all day. I was talking to a young lady about a break up today on the shopfloor. It's her first love. I said whatever you do don't get under someone else to get over someone. Just think about all the shitty things they did. Don't put them on a pedestal. They are not worth your tears and the wrong people will leave and the right people will stay. It's the universe's way of removing the wrong people from your life.If they don't make an effort to stay in your life, they aren't supposed to be there. Never give anyone the satisfaction of seeing you suffer no matter how tough it is. I hope it helped her

Goodnight all. Love MrsC xxxx
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Oh noooo Angel that is fucking dickeng I know about her never dare look at that thread I’d be🤢🤢all the time.
Don’t fret shoe lover Ms. Dolly, there are no photos on her threads (only on Google as far as I know) from the Pringles incident. 🤣 But there are many photos of her showing off her botched plastic surgically enhanced body and photos of Gint the chavtastic monkey man bint and their two offspring. So yes it can be quite sickening but it’s just the same as what we’d see on her Instagram. 🤢
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Thank you MrsC ❤

Hope you are fully recovered and back to you old self. How's MrC doing?
I'm back in work. It's been a challenging time but I'm okay. MrC has been a rock.My friends were looking after me and he took over. We were talking the other night and I said I can go out of your life as easily as I came into it. He said it's the the same for me too. We are are on the same page. We both love each other but if things don't work out we'll both be okay. It's all about the effort you put in, you have to make the effort, investing in each other. I think we understand each other.
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Morning all😊 I shouldn't be awake and hopefully I'll get back to sleep soon. Just thought I'd let everyone know I made a jalfrezi curry from scratch as such. Me and MrEms went out to buy spices and other ingredients. I didn't do this🤭
Oh dear Ems,hope you got back to sleep,bet curry was lovely.Was MrEms snoring?
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Morning all😊

Thanks for the spider tip harri...I'm off later in search of a couple of conkers😁

Nowt much going on today. Well I've lots I should be doing but I'm a bit tired after a crap nights sleep so instead I've decided to make some chocolate brownies with my youngest daughter. Gives her something to do too.

Now what are peoples thoughts on this. We've been invited to a bbq. We don't particularly want to go anyway but cannot come up with an excuse. What I find very strange about this invite is that we have been asked to contribute £5 per head so it would be £25 for my family to go. It's not about the money for me but when I invite guests then I do not expect them to pay for their food? Am I being old fashioned, is this a new thing...or are these people tight gits?🤔🤣
Hi MrsEms,

I’ve never heard of such a thing asking you to pay as a guest. I wouldn’t go. If the event is raising money for charity ok, but if it’s just an ordinary barbecue I wouldn’t dream of asking my invites to pay. Tell them to stuff it!
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Awww I thought that notty,they do deliveries as well,my friend orders them.Our Manzies closed yonks ago but still kept the name of the place.

Rita I’m not sure about Roberts Place? Fill me in?☺
Hairy Bikers Chicken and Mushroom pie recipe is yummy 😋 OH loves cooking and has quite a few recipe books, HB have the best recipes.

The Pie and Mash you showed looked nice Dolly ❤
I gave the 🤢 when you mentioned eels 😖🤢
Don't like slimy things - why Kipper got so excited over those oysters I don't know 😖🤢🤮
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Well,it doesn’t look good Charles and Wills have gone to Balmoral,I think it’s worse than being reported.

Well one poster said she had a contact one of red tops Queen had a fall has passed it will be announced tomorrow 11am.How true I don’t know but BH do keep things to themselves only release bits.
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midsummer blue

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Morning dolly, I am liking the krustiefuckeroos🤣 bit of a mouthful but I've got a big gob😁 Hope you're ok today, it's all feeling a bit flat at the moment.

So you don't recommend the Henry? I've been contemplating one as I do get piddled off with my cordless ones I've had the last few years. I'm a bugger for forgetting to charge them up, they lose suction. I'm looking to get a new one soon so I'll do my homework first.

I had a crap nights sleep last night, had the sweats and nightmares. Told my husband off for an affair that he had never had (he did in my dream and I caught him buying her a tesco meal deal)...he was pissing himself laughing this morning🤣 I am physically and emotionally drained now, I need another coffee🤪🤣
I have to say I love my Henry hoover. It picks up absolutely everything. Screwdrivers, pens etc lol. But it never loses its suction and lasts for years. I use it on my artificial grass. Picks up everything. And it looks really good once it’s done.
I love those type of dreams where you are angry at the OH for them being unfaithful in your dreams!! 😂😂 x
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I've had my orders from my daughter to make two bolonese's, one with out onions for the fussy one. Gotta wash and dry River's football kit, as well as other washing. Hoover up, make the beds.
She's going to go mad at me, after my shower I smothered myself in her Alien perfume, teehee 🤭😄
Bolognese without onions? Woah, that's as bad as the daughter's boyfriend not wanting cheese with his lasagne...which would then make it a bolognese🤔🤣 Pain in the arse these fussy kids!
Love Alien perfume❤

Whose starting the new fred then? I'm not able to due to lack of brain cells😁
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Rita Chevrolet

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Fuck em!fucking cheek..don’t go.Hardly any food crafty bastards.

Better this morning Ems,probably didn’t agree with me,but I hate having squits,fucking noise if the squitty farts you can’t stop.😖
Take a tip from SB Dolly. Film it and flog the footage to OF weirdos.

Bunk out of that BBQ. What a bloody cheek asking for money and then not even having enough food anyway- nah its deffo an event to avoid!
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Morning Krustarians ❤

Hope you are all well...

What a week its been. My best friend's Mum passed away (a couple of days before our Queen). I've been devastated, she was like a second Mum to me. All I know so far is she went to Hospital for tummy pains and never came out again 😢
Then two days after one of my Punky friends past while waiting for a liver transplant.
Since the end of the last lockdown eight people I've known have passed none of Covid.

Did you know some guy predicted the Queen's death 8/9/22 in July and he has predicted our King will die 28/3/26.

When I had my fortune told, he told me I would die aged 92.
An Ex of mine was told by a Ouija board that he was going to die at midnight on Christmas Day (my Birthday).
He hates Christmas and would open his Christmas presents on New Year's Day. I always think of him on Christmas Day and text to see if he is okay a couple of days after.

Has anyone else had their fortune told?
Awwwww Stapes so sorry for awful loss,it’s so hard espevially when you have been close.❤

Can’t remember though,many years ago but was crap.
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