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Chatty Member
Something about all of this has really still been itching at me...she clearly lovely instagram/vlogging and the extreme in the middle of a vlog series really makes no sense.
Some theories I thought worth sharing:
1) A cease and desist letter from Disney, particularly around her small shop infringement and clearly making money off of disney content vlogs.
2) Family funding revoked/challenged, especially in light of I think the second to last video shared. Alternatively, family requested payback of 'loans' in light of clear extravagance.
3) They needed to sell their DVC / stop vactionining in order to pursue the other house.
4) Worry over privacy after clearly oversharing. I don't agree with exact locations ever being shared in real time, or surrounding kids / someone's home address.
5) Maybe, and I hope this is the case, she's investing all of her energy into something bigger and more worthwhile than being an influencer.
6) Callum had enough and their marriage was faltering, and quitting vlogging/instagram was a dealbreaker. Though I don't think so because he seemed so proud of her. I don't think this is it.
7) Perhaps she was blocked on instagram for paying for followers and it was a 'wake up' call.
8) Too many terrible internet comments on vlogs or instagram
9) Her disney content was not doing as well as it used to, the market is clearly saturated with disney influencers and vloggers.

I think it's interesting to see how many of her 'instagram friends' are friends on her personal account. That is quite telling...

I would not be at all surprised to see an instagram handle change and change in direction of her instagram/vlog before it dips below 10k. She clearly had the vlog channel before it was disney (the adventures of lyla). And she is still part of channel mum. Honestly I'd love to see her back in a way that is authentic and not disney centric (maybe more like bucket list family?). And I hope that this forum doesn't stop her from doing that.
Or 10. She can't take criticism? I suspect it's that.
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We noted once that she was a serial quitter. Everything she starts, she quits. The Disney insta just became one of those things.

I’ve lost track of all the things she’s quit…

The year of less, her shop, the house move, rundisney, vlogging and her Disney insta. Peloton and books will be next to quit…
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Exactly. I’d respect them a lot more if they were just upfront about having the money, rather than dragging out this budgeting thing.
The budgeting thing is because Sian in particular genuinely thinks she is budgeting and holding back on their spending. I think one or both of them is the lower earning sibling so they see relatives with a big house, fancy cars, and expensive nights out, as well as expensive holidays and they see this as normal. Sian and Callum don’t have the same income so, despite living extremely comfortably, they believe they are “sacrificing” the house, car, and nights out to afford the expensive holidays.

There seems to be a complete lack of understanding that the normal person on the street has none of this: no fancy car, no big house, rare nights out and they still can’t afford multiple expensive holidays every year. For both of them that is entirely inexcusable. They both work with people who are much worse off than them, who might only be able to afford one week of camping in the U.K. each year.
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Chatty Member
We will never get to see Dullum showing off his run has been mentioned, stopping mid series when this was trumpeted as the return home after 2 years away is the odd bit. Finish the series and step away.
Something has happened.... definitely.
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“What this week has taught me… life is short, so live it”

The queen was 96! And Lyla only injured her finger, it wasn’t a near death experience. What is she on about?!
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Urgh, nothing against Beth O'Leary but it's hardly a blog worthy book of our time is it? Comforting shit to read on the beach, sure, but not blog worthy.
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Chatty Member
Is this what’s it’s come to?!
Obsessively tracking their posts on other peoples news feeds?!

i thought there was nothing more wanted than for the Knapp’s to quit their vlogging and endless stories.
So they do that, and now everyone is desperate to see anything from them

Do You miss them now they’re gone? 😂
I think it's more a disbelief that they have gone, given the sheer levels of desperation displayed and the lengths they had gone to in order to finally get on the Disney invite list etc. I think a lot of people think they will be back, personally I hope not. I assume they have good reason to step back and will prioritise family going forward because those little girls just need time with their parents, true connection and care.
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She's splashed around £150 on a new Tropic skin care system. Could go to thailand if she would of just use soap and the nivea knock off at lidl. Shes slipping.
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I wonder if whatever it was that triggered her to stop her Disney account has gone now. So if it was her job, has she got a different job in the last 6 months etc…have they moved and the kids are at a new school… we shall wait and see. We know it wasn’t that she was simply off having time away from insta or the book insta wouldn’t have been created. I’m intrigued to know what she shares about that 6 months now.
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I'm going for at least 1 of them has COVID and trying to keep it they do the isolation and are back out in time for trip number keeping it quiet she can avoid all the awkward questions about going back so soon and whether the girls will be safe etc etc......
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Chatty Member
It's just another way for her to be smug, pretending to quit insta and improve herself. Pretending to be above the need for validation when she's really anything but. I hope she's rightly branded as unreliable by Disney and no longer invited to things, she doesn't deserve it.
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Chatty Member
"Lyla. I appreciate the nurse is trying to relocate your fractured hand and it probably hurts. But if you could look a little bit more to your right so I can get the perfect shot for the Gram"......
Just when you thought this deplorable fame hungry fuck had sunk to the lowest depths......up pops another reminder that nope.....she can sink further..... Awful


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She’s having to get the train to work? That’s a real trek and can’t be at all convenient for a shift worker.

The fourth trip to Disney isn’t going to keep her warm when she’s plodding to and from the train in the middle of winter. Absolutely insane prioritising.

(And it can only be a financial decision to have one car. If they were concerned about the environment they wouldn’t be regularly taking transatlantic flights).
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She appears to be questioning things at least a little bit. She put out a suggestion that she might not vlog the February trip to WDW. I doubt it but…

…maybe she’s had a realisation that she’s spending masses of money on extravagant holidays and then not even enjoying them because she’s almost entirely focussed on making vlogs and posting whilst she’s on holiday.
If she really cared she wouldn't have vlogged their first trip back and maybe just out out 1 video summary of the races as that would be new/different content.

She should have focused on the first trip back with the kids and enjoyed that and not film every moment and reaction. I mean, I am pretty sure she could have cried on cue the 2nd trip as much as the first trip. You could see on the first look at the castle walking on to main street. The 2 girls were wanting to hold her hand but couldn't as she had her phone out while Callum was filming. Why would you not just enjoy that moment with your girls!
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The budgeting thing is because Sian in particular genuinely thinks she is budgeting and holding back on their spending. I think one or both of them is the lower earning sibling so they see relatives with a big house, fancy cars, and expensive nights out, as well as expensive holidays and they see this as normal. Sian and Callum don’t have the same income so, despite living extremely comfortably, they believe they are “sacrificing” the house, car, and nights out to afford the expensive holidays.

There seems to be a complete lack of understanding that the normal person on the street has none of this: no fancy car, no big house, rare nights out and they still can’t afford multiple expensive holidays every year. For both of them that is entirely inexcusable. They both work with people who are much worse off than them, who might only be able to afford one week of camping in the U.K. each year.
Hancocks brother and partner are consultants. So yeah an assistant store manager and part time nurse dont really stand a chance against a pair or Drs do they? Goves parents have a haulage company. (She posted about it ages ago on her other insta)

It's all to show off and keep up with the Jones'

They are so very out of touch with most of the viewers they want to attract. They need to rebrand to a luxury family going on luxury holidays. Cause thats what they are.
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Just luck I guess 🤣🤣 (my user name and insta name are almost the same 😃)

I think it's connected to Mads do Disney as I mentioned her on the Disney vloggers tattle and was shocked about the testing/not testing then at AK but not posting saying she tested negative, so on her page she asked for questions and I asked if she was negative. She in boxed me on insta to say that yes she was negative and I can tell tattle all about it 😂

To be fair, she could have ignored me so good on her

So I have now been blocked by The Lodge guys for a normal vlog comment and following a spoof insta of them, by Watsons do Disney for calling her out going to USA via the back door and now Princess Sian.....and I'm sure dullum will have too
I'm so proud of you.
Interesting to know Mads def reads tattle though. Thought they didn't give us the time of day anymore 😁😁
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