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VIP Member
That story with Abi in her nighty shows just how overweight she is. What I find particularly sad is all the self care, hello fresh meals, Kelly running and the husband at the gym and in workout clothing all the time but they don’t extend those aspirations or standards to their girls. Two very selfish parents.
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She really hates her kids and parenting doesn’t she? Moaning from her kitchen with her headphones on.

She’s had the whole day to ‘self care’ and listen to radio 2 like we know she does so why is she not present and available for her girls after school?

And if Abi is really honestly moaning about snacks like that when Kelly has already told us she takes snacks to every school pick up and to any after school clubs then she really needs to take a long hard look at herself her parenting and their diet. I’d imagine the girls are having massive sugar highs then massive lows which is entirely Kelly’s doing. It’s no wonder poor Abi is packing on the weight.
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Also if the girls had just been to a party they probably had already had loads of unhealthy party food. They don’t need to come home and have MORE crap food. And why can’t they eat at the dining table, it’s in the living room where the TV is anyway. What minging slobs.
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Blimey she really is scared of her 5 year old isn't she? But luckily she gets 1:1 time with her while the eldest and husband are away. (The 1:1 time being watching Suits on her ipad while Abi plays and eats snacks on her own!) She's just getting worse, and I do think she might need to talk to someone as I'm seeing clear signs of depression there 😕


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Chatty Member
This week's 'content' has been abysmal. The solo trip to a child's film. Excursions out but no tagging of people. The beige board. Is she trolling us?
This has to be one of the most horrific things I have seen in a while 🤢
I still don't understand how she is more overwhelmed than anyone else I know when she has more free time than most. She really is a chump.
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I really think she's missed the boat with all this. Her girls are too grown up now for the stressed mum of toddlers act, she doesn't share anything of any interest - holidays, family life, fashion, beauty, days out, good hacks, cleaning, interiors, just nothing.
When she first gave up her job I thought she may produce some clever content about maternity leave, childcare issues, work life balance etc something like MykindaMum does so well but she's not a patch on her. The compettition is too great now, there are SO many Insta Mums and accounts out there. Every reel of Kellys is filmed in her dismal lounge or kitchen just with some new "loud" sweatshirt on. None of it is original, none of it is clever, none of it is funny.

And to top it all off she doesn't even seem like a nice person.
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That dress is simply vile. Nasty polyester and horrid colour that I wouldn’t even pay the half price it is in the sale. She’ll be a right sweaty mess what with that leather jacket over the top. And Kelly, the 90s called, they want their brown boots back…
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ooh scandalous

Well-known member
it’s so disingenuous.

I actually feel like complaining to some of these places that they choose to gift these idiots, while the rest of us plebs have to pay!
the irony of moaning about soft play pricing... But no complaints when a venue is PR Gifted! Bocketts farm charge pretty much the same for adults as children, yet no mention of that when she's on a gifted day out is there?
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What “work” does she do??! I work from home with an actual proper job and can still feed my kids.. baffling.
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What got me was the fact that she was soo smug about missing school pick up, like it was the best thing ever. On IWD she picked her instahuns tryhards over her girls!
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Isn't it the "ass crack of dawn", not the "crack ass"? Hard to know because she clearly thought it was so funny, she said it twice 🙃

Had to unfollow. Her content is boring and predictable, there is nothing funny or aspirational about her home/kids/lifestyle to keep me watching.

And when oh WHEN is she going to change her Instagram handle? What f*cking commute is there, other than moving between her brown cord sofa, her AstroTurf garden and the clearly heaving snack cupboard in her kitchen?!
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Chatty Member
I've been known to take a couple of deep breaths after successfully dropping all the children off at various things but surely decompressing is a bit much?!! 😂

Where has she dumped the kids today then?

And don't get me started on the drip feeding of 'my life is such a circus, you won't believe what I'm juggling/going through/coping with' etc. Most of us are doing this every day. Just get on with it 🤷‍♀️
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I haven’t got anywhere else to post this so I’m going to have to post it here. I can’t think of anywhere worse than being at that Butlins weekender with mum and Mic. All dressed up in their spandex and lycra, trying to outdo each other, for how wacky they can be. oh God, it just looks so horrendous to me.
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I don’t understand why she needs to get up at 5.52am? Her child is not a toddler. Buy the child it’s own ipad and when child wakes up - give iPad to child and go back to sleep for an hour. That’s what most people do isn’t it ? I certainly used to. My kids are older now but when they were 6 years old I wasn’t starting my day that early.
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Kids and the Commute. Such a misleading name now. There are the high end insta-blaggers. Then there is Kelly - scratching around for content and freebies. I actually liked and had respect for her, when she was working and commuting. As I bet 75% of her followers did. Now she is ANOTHER Surrey idiot instamum begging, grifting, pleading, buying bots and being embarrassingly desperate.
Mum and a Mic upped her game in being an insta-tw@t today. They are all horrendous.
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Chatty Member
What an absolute joker. So much guff posted by Kelly. She might be “inspired” but she has zero motivation and would never actually do this.
More meaningless “content”.
But also, is Garson's the only place she goes? It is a basically a shop. It doesn't constitute any exercise and no doubt the girls are plied with cake/sugar in the cafe while Kelly looks into her phone grumpily. I have said it so often - I live near her and there is literally LOADS of walks etc in close vicinity. If she can drive to Garsons, she can drive to all manner of places and actually walk FOR FREE. Is she basically begging for a Garson's haul and freebies?!
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Why the need to forever decompres? I have many times done the same sort of Journey to school, doctors and worked a full time job. It's what being a parent is all about.
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VIP Member
Ffs, I went there on Sunday. I paid and she gets it free! Glad I said my 2 year old was under 2 to get in free now 🤣😡
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Chatty Member
I might as well. I have been a fair few times over the years and payed the full price and it is galling that lazy Kelly, who frankly can afford it (if she can afford the nails and hair, she can afford a random ticket to Bocketts) gets a freebie. The insta life of getting freebies is hardly putting food on the table as she claims it is. I suspect we don't see her husband because he is embarrassed by this sponging lifestyle she is creating. Head in her phone all the time recording is pretty tragic.
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I’m not sure I’d call giving my 5 year old family sized popcorn one hour before her dinner #winning.
God she’s clueless.
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