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VIP Member
I’ll bet she’s fucked up before New Year’s Day, oh happy Christmas
Coke booze got to have a huge fight in in her nature.
Yep, watch this space. Too many opportunities for her not to screw up. They will definitely be having a white Christmas in that household ( either that or a fight Xmas! ).

He is gaslighting her .... I really believe that she thought they were getting married in LV, he led her on ... He has no intention of ever marrying her ... Whatever else he wants he is enjoying messing with her head about marrying her ... I think he only got engaged to shut her up, that's as far as this will go
I also think that he was trying to keep her sweet over the DV allegations. He knows how vindictive she can be, and so far she has kept zipped lipped on that. They are both vile people who fully deserve each other.
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Hmmm, that fridge & those tins all stacked up just gives me 'Sleeping with the Enemy' vibes 👊
Don't turn those tins bitch! Don't you dare! Also, check the hand towels!

I like the start of that film, then it gets silly
Just to say Happy Christmas to all, it's my birthday today and I'm trying not to drink because I have a drinking problem and can't drink without going on a 3 day bender and ruining my life. 😭 Difference between me and Skanky is that I recognise that, and just because I don't drink every day doesn't mean I don't have a drinking problem. She will go on a bender at some point and all hell will break lose. Just hope Harvey is safe. 🙏
Happy birthday lovely. I too have felt my drinking get out of control, starting earlier in the day, drinking more. I quit for 2 months in October then started again very recently when things got a bit much. I really enjoyed being sober though, and definitely plan to ditch the booze for a long spell, or forever, after the holidays. PM me any time you want to compare notes 🥰
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Pom Bear

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Could this be our hapless pin up?

Pom we need a picture of Lee with his veg
Here you are..a pic of Lee in his fruit and veg shop while been handcuffed and waiting for the police van to take him to court which has just backed into his shop while having his photo taken😄🥰🤗😀😘 xx.

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Rita Chevrolet

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Poor old Lee. He has had a rough go of it
Well he never should have committed that heinous crime of dropping a fag butt on the pavement!

Now had he driven unlicenced with no road tax whilst off his head on coke and booze, turned the car over and blamed it on everyone else then he'd be as free as a bird wouldn't he?
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Joanna Surrey

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Pom is that her butt plug?

So sorry that your father is a nightmare. Must be awful for you.❤ Talking of send offs I'm happy to go straight from fridge to furnace in my butterfly box and my ashes used to grow trees
Squirrelina, my narc mum was exactly the same. Long story very short, she didn't get the grand state send off she demanded we organise. No service, no nothing, just straight to the crem job done. Talk about the last laugh. I told the undertaker exactly why and he said "Bloody hell I don't blame you." Never even bothered to collect the ashes. People without parents like this would never understand INA million years.
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Pink Squirrel

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You have a good heart
Awww, thank you. I think we all do here. It's why we're all united in our extreme dislike for Skanky, who has no heart at all!
So many of us have illnesses, worries, care for children with additional needs etc. Yet we still find time to help others if we can.
She fakes all of these things for headlines. She is a truly disgusting human in every way.

@PTMe a little Christmas tea please ☕🫖😁
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Just to say Happy Christmas to all, it's my birthday today and I'm trying not to drink because I have a drinking problem and can't drink without going on a 3 day bender and ruining my life. 😭 Difference between me and Skanky is that I recognise that, and just because I don't drink every day doesn't mean I don't have a drinking problem. She will go on a bender at some point and all hell will break lose. Just hope Harvey is safe. 🙏

Happy Birthday (& Christmas) to you from Pom 🥳🥰🤗💖😘 xx

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midsummer blue

VIP Member
Cole got him offloaded good.
I think Mr.Price never wanted Harvey. Hence Harvey had his own house with carers and is in full time residential college!!!
Putting a man before her kids!!! What mother does that!!! And he seems to be making her dress like she’s his mother!!!
At least all the other Mr. Prices never did that!!!!
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I loathe Christmas. But happy Christmas to all you cheerful folks
Had an awful year this year, too many losses but forcing a cheery face on for the kids. Fake it till you make it, probably what baby face crawl does with skanky!
Hope you have a peaceful time if nothing else.

Why have they got so much alcohol in for Xmas? It’s worrying really
Worrying or Christmas entertainment? There is never much on the telly!
Edited to add, as long as H is somewhere safe away from them!
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Absolutely. Anyone who can repeatedly hurt animals is not human and therefore is not capable of loving their offsprings properly.
Hence the reason I became a very upset and enraged Tattler. My hatred of the Skank started with Rolo’s death primarily. Once I learned of all the other disgusting things she’s done to animals and humans I just want to see her downfall. No more media exposure would be the thing which would hit her the hardest. So glad her children are safe now but poor, poor Harvey is certainly not.
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Answer to your question Mr Cockface Price is yes, my fridge is loaded BUT with quality, fresh produce to cook meals from scratch. So, shove your ready made turkey stuffing balls 🦃 ⚽ up your arse!! Got that??
And breeeeeeaaaaattthhee!!
Sorry folks!! 🥰🥰
How tactless can he be???
Many people struggling for food and shelter - probably a lot more this year - and this smug wanker posts that. Am boiling a bit....
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HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa I can’t stop pissing myself laughing that it appears Skank and her Wank were planning on jetting abroad, deffo think Vegas, and something like visa issues or restrictions have probably stopped them. HaHaHaHaHa.:)

Reckon she would have kept H in residential for Christmas, but now has to actually look after him instead, as without apparent access to the other kids, she will need to rinse the good mum lark with him.

Can’t wait to see how this pans out with little access to the other children, how is she going to square that with her ‘Mum of The Year” fans. Yes she can say the Dads have them this year, but her contact looks severely restricted at the mo, so the best she is looking at is a few hours at AFP’s over the hols. Can’t see any stay overs being allowed, later in the week. Be interesting to see if any new photos appear with Wanky in them.

So cooped up together, with him looking increasingly bored of late, and her frustrated at not being able to access the kids for publicity, although we will be getting an H overload to compensate.

They’ll no doubt be on it in the days/evenings to come, sat at home, they’ll be so bored, like a tinderbox waiting to explode. If they get through the next 2 weeks without an incident of some sort, gonna be very surprised, just hope H will be ok if it all kicks off.
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Jersey Girl

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Bless her!
She's hobbling on her broken trotters and needs surgery but those pesky NHS people won't see her till Feb.
Guess they've had their time taken up attending to drink/drugged whores crashing their cars going to get another supply in the early hours of the morning.

God, I fucking hate this self centered, story telling vile old hag.
Already working on its excuse to not do community service!
Let's see. Surgery will take place on or around the 14th February? Nah, I'm being unfair thinking she's trying to get out of her bankruptcy hearing AGAIN.
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