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There was a video from one of her earliest documentaries (someone put it up here several threads back) where she is pissed and she's telling the producer she is pregnant (with Harvey). There's also been many accounts from people who saw her in a drunken/drugged state doing nightclub appearances when she was heavily pregnant with him.

Re the PW. I had a good friend in high school whose sister was born brain damaged due to mistakes made at her birth. She didn't have PW either but she was like Harvey.... massive, both tall and wide! She had the compulsion to eat constantly, and fuck me, you daren't refuse her, she'd knock your block off. Her mum once put chains are round the cupboard handles and padlocked them and she pulled the cupboard off the wall! The strength in her was unbelievable, especially when she wanted food. She would kick and punch holes in wooden doors, too. It was scary and intimidating to be around. I can imagine Harvey is similar. Food is comfort for us all, but for the most part we know when to stop...for kids like my friends sister and Harvey, they don't understand that too much is bad for them, they just know they want it and that's it.
Well having just looked it up, his symptoms also match fetal alcohol syndrome too!
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Christmas Eve and the best they can post on Insta is their fridge contents and her popping his zits. Oh how the mighty have fallen!
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Carl wouldn't stand for it, he doesn't want any of her bloody kids around (unless briefly for photo sessions).
If truth be known she really doesn't want them around either.
I imagine that at best they are a distraction from her belief that life revolves around her, only to be wheeled out for the world's best mum photo opportunities that enable her to sell tat and increase clicks and therefore HER money and fame!
Same with the animals but here if they die or get injured, well they're only animals and are easily replaced when the time comes to roll the cameras or sell another sob story.
If her children meant anything to her then she would do all and anything possible to get them back and into her life full time but that isn't going to happen any time soon because the circus must go on.
By the time it realises, if indeed it ever does, it'll be too late.
Children grow up fast and adapting to the fact that one of your parents is an arsehole and doesn't really care for you leaves a stain on the future relationship.
My OH was mistreated by her father and even though when he had a stroke and lived with us for a while during his recovery she wouldn't go to his funeral years later.
The staying she viewed as her duty but it ended there, she has never missed the old bugger either and cannot or will not ever forgive him for the dreadful life he gave both her and her mother.
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I would never normally call someone/or laugh at ‘jaffa’ comments, but natural selection really did get it right with that one!
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AFPs last Christmas this is…. Until next year. The wizzen old wretch must have a Grim Reaper get out of purgatory card. She was on her last legs when Jesus was born.
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In the Daily Fail she is sooooo excited to have Harvey home for Christmas. She has him for Christmas every darn year! It’s the other children she should spare a thought for! I honestly don’t know how those rags can post such 💩 stories with a straight face! AND pay the mare for it!
Poor Harvey brought home for mummy and Half Price to exploit the absolute shit out of him. Camera stuck in the poor lads face, prepping him with what they want him to say. FFS! Give the lad a private and peaceful Christmas
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I’ve mentioned this before but I re-read all her autobiographies last year (easy reads, like a childrens book/teenage diary) and the levels of absolute narcissism are off the scale. For example, she always makes herself the victim of Dane doesn’t she? When you actually read the story - she cheated on him repeatedly, she used him too, she then tried to Kill herself to get him back. She writes all this herself and the level of delusional narcissism that takes is impressive. Her relationship with Peter was so toxic and unhealthy and even when they were “happy” the way she wrote about him was appalling. Another thing - she hated his family and was just so horrible to them. I’m assuming because it wasn’t her family and about her. She did Alex Reid extremely dirty and was just full on nasty. As for the Kieran stuff - can you blame him? And even so, her treatment of him after was just awful. I personally think she liked it because it gave her more power/control. And she knows full well why Peter left her, we all do. She really fucked up there becuase it’s interesting how these people go on to have happy healthy relationships without her. As for Dwight, Two sides to every story here but getting pregnant to trap someone then having camera crews at scans without telling him, slagging him off all the time etc can’t help.

After her latest fucking appalling behaviour, I will not be lining her pockets again. The cynic in me wonders if all this year was designed for a new tell all as Frankly, she is boring. I am very curious why “friends close to…” aren’t telling the papers more of what is really going on.
She is a huge narcissist isn't she. It seems like she played Dwight and Pete off against each other too using Harvey as bait. Dwight said in an interview how insulting it was to be told another man was planning to adopt his child, you could tell he was shocked. ( seems a bit like how she announced she was moving to the US without telling the dads first) He also said that she would make sure Pete was there all the time when he wanted to see Harvey. She will have enjoyed it, then when she split with Pete she stopped access to Harv and made it difficult for him. Complete parental alienation and narcissistic triangulation! The kids wellbeing obvs came last. Then for years she slags Dwight off in the press and never talks about the money he has provided and how he has kept an interest in Harvey through third parties. Lying by ommission.
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Not quite as bad as when he spat on her.
Oh that was bloody disgusting. I don't care what in jokes are between a couple in private or whatever but to goz on her in public deliberately is vile. I can't stand folks spitting at the best of times 🤢
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Pom Bear

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Sorry @SewerGrapes ..I just saw my last post to you and forgot to quote 🥰❤🤗😘 xx.

I leave this here before catching up later tonight old pic from earlier this year 😄 x.

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Pink Squirrel

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Okay at the risk of becoming the Krustie Christmas Grinch I'm sick to the back teeth of Harvey!😲 There I've said it. We know all the lads problems inside out. We know he can be unpredictable, especially with those two awful specimens, we know he likes frogs.So bloody what? He's not and never will be a celebrity in his own right, he'll never have the brain to be an independent "business man" and he'll never progress further in life all the time he's her one trick Victorian freak show. The only thing I'd be interested in hearing is that the SS were finally looking into this money making exploitation. I'm sick of seeing him and hearing about him. Just go away Skanky and stop shoving your very boring son in my face.
Snap! I agree 100% with you. The poor lad has no 'new tricks' to perform for her to ram.down people's throats. She really needs to give it a bloody rest. It's beyond desperate. She has absolutely nothing left & she knows it!
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Don't turn those tins bitch! Don't you dare! Also, check the hand towels!

I like the start of that film, then it gets silly

Happy birthday lovely. I too have felt my drinking get out of control, starting earlier in the day, drinking more. I quit for 2 months in October then started again very recently when things got a bit much. I really enjoyed being sober though, and definitely plan to ditch the booze for a long spell, or forever, after the holidays. PM me any time you want to compare notes 🥰
Hope you and Webster can been the demon drink. I used to have an occasional drink but hadn't been feeling too good for a while and my doc sent me for various blood tests over a few weeks. Eventually I got a result - cirrhosis. BUT! Mine wasn't through drink but I had hepatits C which I got via a blood transfusion. So now I am living with just about a quarter of my liver which still works. So not had a drink for a good few years as I want to keep the bit of liver that is still working as healthy as I can. You definitely don't want to go down that road! Good luck to you both :)
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‘ Ave a chavvy Xmastmas Krusties!
Thanks for all the laughter and tears on all of the threads, and here’s to much more chavvy fun, drama and bullshit for 2022! Cheers Ladies ( and also to the men ). Have a good un 🥂🍾🍷

Just posting so I can see the snow melt on my hot avatar 😆 can’t believe I’ve got insomnia when the threads are a bit quiet. It’s so late that I can hear the local fox bark cos it’s bin day🦊 🗑
🤔 I shall call the fox, Binfest! 😃 We need more cryptic tea 🫖 😂
It’s a quiet one isn’t it Timz. Good job we’re manning the thread on the graveyard shift 😉


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Glad that everything has slowed down a bit as it gives me an opportunity to take a break from getting rilled up by Skanky and Creepy-Crawlie. I’ll look forward to catching up next week, but for now I’m a Skanky and Wanky free zone.

Cherry 🍒 Mistmas Tattlers 🎄
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Imagine if Harvey wasn't disabled. She'd have had nothing to sell for a long time - no documentary, no new book, no sob story interviews. How much longer can she use him for YouTube videos? He's a disabled adult being manipulated and exploited, I don't understand how it's allowed.
Harvey is the exact reason why she survived the pregnancy drinking/drug scandal. She was always seen as distasteful as Jordan, but sex will always sell. There is no way that if she hadn’t had Harvey she’d have suddenly been able to drop the ‘Jordan’ persona and make millions out of her clothing, perfume and equestrian ranges! People love a good sob story about the difficulties of raising a disabled child when most would have discarded him. Those sob stories have made her seem human and the fact that it’s apparently ‘genetic’ makes it acceptable. Honestly people always fall for the ‘good parent’ line. You could literally do anything to anyone but if you’re a good parent, you’re forgiven. Ridiculous really, but human’s can be incredibly short-sighted when it suits them. Also notice that all of her partners since Dwight go on about the public persona being polar opposite of the private Katie, that is until the cross her and she reverts to type!
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Crazy Horse

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The Scum having a dig today 🤣

Recap.....she's a cunt. We hate her. He's a cunt. We hate him.
She won't be spending New Year in Mr Crawl Prices 2nd home. Cami knickers is gutted NOT.
She's not allowed in the USA.
She's not allowed her kids for more than 10 mins supervised access.
She's fooling nobody with her old pics.
Poor Harvey is stuck with the cunts over Christmas.
She's pretending she has poorly trotters to swerve community service.
She's a low life piece of shit.
She shits at the side of the road 🤢
She has pissed herself numerous times 🤢
She's writing another book that nobody gives a fuck about.
😂 if you read that about anyone else you would think it was a piss take, but in her case it’s all true…… Fab Recap 👏
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Hampshire Hog

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Wishing you all a Merry Christmas ❤
Happy Birthday to those celebrating over this festive period.

And a wish you were here for those who are unable to celebrate with their loved ones.

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