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She’s really milking the ‘I’m a good mom to H’ isn’t she🙄 what’s up KP? Something brewing.. 💤💤💤💤💤💤✈
If she has H all over Christmas I'll put my drawers on my head and run round Tesco shouting 'Woo hoo'. She'll make out she's got him by the usual drip feed release of pics but she'll see him for a few hours at most and he'll be elsewhere all the rest of Xmas 👍
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Insecurity and fear of being alone, the same thing really. Apparently, they feel completely empty inside and they cover it up with the attention from fans, men, instaspam. Their deep down self is shallow and built on nothing and they have a subconscious fear of that being revealed, which makes them compulsively look for new attention, new men, new hair, new face to try and prove they are worth something ....... Another reason they love taking photos with family, or selfies, it keeps the delusion going, in an 'everything is perfect' way. The narc. in my family admitted taking 2000 photos on one day out, they then spend hours picking the 'perfect' ones and filtering their face to put online to show the perfect family image. It's all about outward image even though the inside is a cold, unfeeling nutcase!
This is a perfect explanation. I have always felt she needs constant validation.Even when she is supposed to Be in a relationship there has to be some proof of men still desiring her. Most of us here remember the thrill of the chase( or being chased), flirting etc.But most of us who are happy with a loving partner don’t need to be constantly reminded that we are desirable or sought after.
It is a very sad and selfish way to be, because you are betraying someone who cares for you.
The example of her going off with Drury whist still being with Kris is awful.
I won’t go into the morality of roping your young daughter into this, but it’s pretty despicable behaviour hurting someone like that.
If she was so bored with him, then end the relationship.
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Rita Chevrolet

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I was 46 when I cut my narc parents out of my life. It feels wonderful
‘It’s now or never’ was no 1 when I was born. My mum was in labour for 72 hours. Eventually they dragged me out with forceps. My narc father took one look at me and said I was ugly. He delights in telling me. I am the scapegoat, my brother is the golden child. He was born on my 5th birthday.
I’ve struggled all my life with mental health issues as a result of the horrible upbringing I had. He’s such a cunt. He is 84 and my mum is 80. Mum sent me a text today to say that he hasn’t spoken to her for two days. It’s his MO. Her sin was to get the wheels of her mobility scooter stuck in some grass for a few minutes. “you should do as you are told” was his usual retort. Despite numerous efforts to liberate mum to our house, she still enables him but lives a life of utter misery. As a child I used to beg her to take us and leave. Didn’t happen and I was educated by her on enabling him to keep the peace.
I see so many similarities with Skanky. I hate her and I hate my ‘father’.
Phew, that feels better! Now back to Kieran’s appendage. As you were 🐍
Oh dear Lord! I read this and thought "Thats exactly how I felt all my life" My siblings and I were raised by our grandparents because the two teenage morons that created us just carried on just as they'd done before I crashed into their life and ruined it all for them, so having been stuck with Me they decided to have some more anyway because they might just as welll....................

My father was always distant, he couldn't give a damn really but he got a son finally so that was OK in some respects, however we girls were never part of his life and it felt like it :( For me it all came crashing home when I was almost 50 and mother received a Happy 50th anniversary card from someone, that was the fateful day she finally admitted for the first time that actually she was 7 months pregnant when they got married - it was then everything fell into place. I got treated like I did because it was all My Fault that they were stuck with each other basically. The crux of the story is that some ten years ago my sister's crackpot daughter caused a huge family rift by hitting my father, stupidly I defended him because he was an old man after all and yet it somehow became ALL MY FAULT even if I am in a different country FGS but after that I never spoke to that man ever again and he died two years ago unforgiven for how he behaved towards both my children and me.

What really pissed me off was that Mother died in the March that year and he absolutely couldn't bear it that she'd finally escaped him so the bastard went and died 3 months later! I did make my peace with mother a few years before she died when I realised that ALL of the shit in my life was not really her doing aside from the fact she chose to marry that bastard and remain with him even though he treated her like garbage - she readily admitted she ought to have fled back to her parents but did not want her own family shreiking "I told you so!" at her so stuck it out instead. Why indeed? She wasted 63 years on him :( Anyway where that man has gone he will never need a cardigan again but he'll have to deal with the Devil's pitchfork stuck in his backside on a daily basis which is exactly what skanky has to look forward to because her kids won't forgive her either :) haha
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I find it very telling, how she treats a woman who is making a rape accusation.... Given she's alleging she's been a victim of rape herself.

It is VERY difficult to get a rape case to court.

Edited; spelling 🙄
Nothing adds up with his one. BTW tattlers thanks for the moral support yesterday. I really appreciate it. Like I said I'm glad I joined here and I think you are all lovely. You are all stars!❤❤
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A couple of “Thrillz” reviews for your amusement… 😂
Christ she can’t do ANYTHiNG right can she ?

The most basic of tasks , money for old rope & the only thing you’ve got to get right in the name & occasion - which you can have written down in front of you .

What an absolute Fucktard she truly is.
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I think it most definitely is. She is a lazy bitch at the best of times and lives in a hovel. She is working the agenda that her poor feet wont allow her to walk more than a few feet, stand on them for long. Lets hope they find her something that she can do sitting down. I have an idea perhaps Biffa can push her in her wheelchair when she is picking up the litter.
Trying to get out of Community Service will not go down well with the public
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You got further than I did 😂 I ermmm "enjoyed" it a lot quicker than Keiron did. Kudos to the guy! 🙌😂(I'd apologise for TMI but I think that ship sailed after KHA) 😂

In fairness I did fast forward through a lot of it , but he put in a sterling effort I thought

Sure beats the Dane Bowers Toesex video .

And the one where Skank is using a vibrator, just staring at the camera with an expression on her face as if she’s scanning shopping in Asda , that one made me proper laugh out loud .
She’s like an “ Adult”
Catherine Tate character .

Famous for being filthy in behaviour & language , sleeping around , getting her plastic Norks out , doing lads mags , walking around half naked , flashing …. But clearly hasn’t got any clue , nor any interest in sex.
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Yeah, funny that, I’m more inclined to believe Kieran 👍
We know that a few journos read these threads, so how about a story on this great mystery of how KP is posting photos of Bunny and Jet but it
appears they are with their dad too. You could include one of those faux innocent headlines which leaves the reader to draw their own conclusions.
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Isn't the not enjoying sex thing all down to her having been abused when she was young (is that allegedly or the truth, I'm not sure)? If that happened to someone then you'd understand why they would not enjoy sex. It'd be awful that their parent encouraged to do page 3 from a young age, knowing what had happened to their child... but yeah, I guess she'd learn that sex is what people want, whether she likes it or not, and that's how to gain 'love' and success etc.
She comes up with all sorts of stories to suit her narrative. She says she was sexually assaulted during the supposed hijacking in South Africa but it was being filmed start to finish and you can see that no-one tried anything on with her. She lies and lies and lies. I simply don't believe her. She's a raging narcissist and will say anything. I don't believe she was molested or raped as a child but she found that saying she was got her attention and Christ knows she loves attention..
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So Harvey now has a clothing EMPIRE! anyone notice how many times he had to be prompted in the story to say what he is going to do with his money? I think Harvey is more intellectually challenged than she tries to make out. I don’t think the dear boy understands half is what she says to him. I cannot fathom how people can support her when it is clear that she causes him more distress than offers comfort. She keeps dragging him to noisy places without noise cancellation ear muffs. How tone deaf is she to HIS needs? It always has to be about HER!😡😡🤬
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No medical boots on in her grid post today!

And she has just turned the comments off!
I wish she would stop putting Harvey in clothes that says 'Harvey’s Law' its not even been passed yet and why should there be one when HIS OWN MOTHER is the the BIGGEST TROLL of them all 😡
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Quiet day so I had a little look on Twitter, Found different pics of the MM. what a state
It's such a sad state, I think the house originally was quite lovely when the MP had it, I love that arts and crafts look. The garden is such a waste when it originally seemed to have Gertrude Jekyll style planting that matched the era of the house. It could be stunning and cherished by someone else. ( if I only had the money for something like that! 🙁 )
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Well of course non of us would ever put lying past her, but something happened to make her the was she is. She has built her entire life out of a persona that is overtly and deliberately sexualised in appearance and behaviour, but yet she is actually repulsed by participating in the act itself. That is classic signs of someone who has been sexually abused and I’m pretty certain that she is deeply scarred by some kind of sexual trauma. Perhaps not the one’s she’s mentioned but something for sure!
I knew someone very very similar to KP, she had never been abused, nothing horrific had ever happened to her, but she was just a nasty, selfish, vindictive, malicious cunt…some people are just wired that way!
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Jesus not another book! How on earth will she fill more than five pages.
She just embellishes her “stories”. I expect the South Africa carjacking will now feature James Bond saving her, it gets more incredible everytime she retells it. Her fantasy stories with easily fill a few books. The truth not so much.

She may want to write another book but I doubt any publisher would be that interested in a book deal, her life is online, it’s repetitive, it’s boring, she is boring. She already gave the world according to Katie in Harvey & me. I honestly think she just says this crap to try remain relevant & secretly hopes someone takes her up on it.
Wonder if we will see her with a brown envelope with “Book Deal Signed… “ 🤣
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Pink Squirrel

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Morning all

Just saw the Sun article about Harvey and his new clothing range. I don’t know how well his previous range did? It seems a strange article is she making a point she is getting no monetary gain from this new venture? What’s happened to the clothing range? Is that permanently binned?

Everything is connected to money with her and him. Doesn’t matter other people who she owes money to as long as she is ok.

Poor Harvey he is an innocent and his love of frogs is something I share too. Frogs might appear simple creatures and frightening to some they are very lovely and sweet and smooth skinned.

Have a good day
Oh the other day with that article of the family collecting ivy I kept humming The Holly and the Ivy. I wonder how the wreath making is going? I shan’t hold my breath.
She's a rancid old trout 😡 asking him if he wants to spend the money 'on mummy'. Fuck off you shallow, fake, plastic whore. We all know you have spent anything that's his that you can get your disgusting hands on 😡
He clearly has no concept of the money beyond pocket money. He's rocking because he's not happy.
The state of her fucked up face in that clip 🤣 Had she been smacked in the mouth with a baseball bat prior to filming? I think you need your lips pumping up just a bit more Skanky....then next time you have a supervised 10 minutes with B & J they can use your mouth as a bouncy castle 🙄
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