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Chatty Member
If she wants anyone to think there's anything wrong with her feet she should clever and not ponce about in ultra high stiletto shoes. She's such an ace fool.
She was walking around perfectly fine in Vegas. That place you put in serious steps as well.

Nothing wrong with her trotters, it's all for attention!
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Yes, congratulations Winepig 👏👏👏 .....I'm stumping off having a Half Price toddler tantrum, I'm not playing the New Thread Title game no more 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't believe a Pig beat a Cow! All the Heifer bitches are bloody pissing themselves laughing at me 🐄🐖 my farm cred is shot to shit.
In fairness I’ve been trying for ages & felt a bit Fisher Price myself at times - especially when twice I’ve had the most votes but been overlooked 🙄

I stopped joining in for ages but you can’t keep this alcoholic porker down 🐷
Onwards & upwards , Moo , persistence is key !
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So, that gorgeous (wholesome) picture of Princess and Emily at UK Lapland seems to have disappeared from Pete's IG stories. The rest are there.
Hope that's not due to Katie throwing a strop...
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Yes her mum took her to photo shoots from the age of 16, topless shoots. Katie had been asking to be allowed to do topless for years. Her mum shouldn't have left her there, absolutely not.
Yet in the time honoured tradition in The Price Family , each blames the other whilst both wanted the attention, money , fame etc

Neither takes any responsibility for such an obviously ridiculous decision , a parent encouraging a child to go topless , to the point of TAKING them to said photographer .

And a completely innocent child so desperate to get noticed that they’re badgering to go topless before they’ve even taken any O Levels 🤔

Completely abnormal behaviour by practically everybody’s standards.

But both happy with the spoils it has afforded them .

But really , what sort of parent would leave a child with a male photographer knowing topless photographs were planned ? There are such things as female photographers .

Really ? Id be surprised if even AFP was that stupid.

Not stupid , but savvy . Just another convenient narrative .

Just like with everything else , I believe there’s a lot of smoke & mirrors are at play here - a convenient “ victim” narrative yet again for Skank - when we’ve all been told that at school she was over confident , loud ,gobby & loose .
I remember the girls like her at school - all bullies & all more than capable of defending themselves - not a victim amongst them .

Never underestimate their collective talent for spouting utter shit .

They are money obsessed *** and a law into them self , always have been.
Always will be.
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If we do end up going into another lockdown after Xmas, am sure KP will keep us Tattlers entertained throughout. She is bound to do something totally illegal and totally stupid during that time.
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My Mum doesn't remember giving birth to me, she was in intensive care, it was touch and go with us both.
When I looked at the #1 record at that time I was born - thinking it would be a Christmas song - it was only (and nearly was) 'Hello, Goodbye' by The Beatles
‘It’s now or never’ was no 1 when I was born. My mum was in labour for 72 hours. Eventually they dragged me out with forceps. My narc father took one look at me and said I was ugly. He delights in telling me. I am the scapegoat, my brother is the golden child. He was born on my 5th birthday.
I’ve struggled all my life with mental health issues as a result of the horrible upbringing I had. He’s such a cunt. He is 84 and my mum is 80. Mum sent me a text today to say that he hasn’t spoken to her for two days. It’s his MO. Her sin was to get the wheels of her mobility scooter stuck in some grass for a few minutes. “you should do as you are told” was his usual retort. Despite numerous efforts to liberate mum to our house, she still enables him but lives a life of utter misery. As a child I used to beg her to take us and leave. Didn’t happen and I was educated by her on enabling him to keep the peace.
I see so many similarities with Skanky. I hate her and I hate my ‘father’.
Phew, that feels better! Now back to Kieran’s appendage. As you were 🐍
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Didnt she say that time when he threw a live frog that he was trying to make it hop or something? Maybe the lad was trying to make his tree decoration frogs hop too? Or was it bollocks what she said and he does just throw them around? 😔
I didn’t know about the frog throwing.

She recently said he’d smashed lots of his things in his new room and she was happy to hear that 🤦‍♀️

“Katie Price has revealed she knows her son Harvey is ‘extremely settled’ at residential college because he has been ‘smashing up’ his room.

The 43-year-old star’s eldest child – who has a number of complex health conditions, including septo-optic dysplasia, autism and Prader-Willi syndrome – has been living at the National Star residential college in Cheltenham for the last three months and Katie knows the 19-year-old is comfortable there because he’s done so much damage.

She said in an interview with New! magazine (via OK!): ‘I know for certain that Harvey is extremely settled because he’s now smashed things up. He’s smashed his computer and his keyboard up, he’s smashed his printer, his TV and even the lights in his room.
‘He also lifted a table up to try and throw it at the window.

‘I said to the staff at the college, “I’m so happy that he’s done all this because now I know he’s really settling in!” They’re now living and breathing what I’ve had all of these years.’

Katie also revealed that she visits her son, with whom she’s just finished working on the second series of BC documentary Harvey and Me, ‘every weekend, without fail’ to bring him continuity as he ‘wouldn’t understand’ if the pattern changed.”

Also I thought the BBC had pulled the plug on her show with Harvey 🤔.
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She absolutely has stated she was raped in a park at the age of 7. Despite her many faults, if that is true (and I sincerely hope no one would ever make something like that up), it totally explains her car crash life!
Whether she has or not, it doesn’t excuse her car crash life as far as I’m concerned. Many, many children have traumatic childhoods and they still grew up to be decent law abiding adults and not owing a vast sum of money, even though she has made obscene amounts of money in her lifetime.
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KP’s TV career (programmes, chat show appearances etc) must be well & truly over. I can’t see her ever being invited on anything again. If Jeremy Kyle was still on - she might get a gig for that - remember those one off specials he used to do - featuring downmarket train wreck zelebs - like the Westbrook? I’m thinking that.

Imagine "Today with Katie and Carl THE TRUTH" Amy comes on and places the chair miles away from him to show solidarity... Sophie is backstage head to toe in gingham shouting the odds, Cole is going live cos he's never seen such popularity 😆 it's absolute carnage 😆 oh I can dream 🤣
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Chatty Member
Same here! That is a perfect description if me too. I am fair and understanding, but if you cross the line and get onto my shit list you are history.
She is VILE as a human being.

I suggested zoom masterclasses... The next day she's advertising it through Jeyda the JYY entrepreneur

I suggested hand delivering Depop parcels for fun and YouTube content... Two weeks later she was doing it with her bath bombs with Jeyda.

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In the piece about her cancelled trip to the States she says she now intends to spend the time with her kids!


If ever proof were needed they are an afterthought, well there it is.
"My World" one minute and pissing off to get pissed with Cami the next.
Having realised that they might not let her in because of her "high profile" court appearance she falls back to using them for publicity.
Complete cunt.
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I put a sad emoji, because of the possible effect it will have on the children. I think this is the element I feel most uneasy about.
Me too. Though I suspect they will be okay in the end. They'll probably end up like Saffy from Ab Fab, being completely puritanical in response to their parents hedonism!
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Pink Squirrel

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Just having a chuckle.....Skanky & Pete you cunt wedding, OKrap magazine paid £1.75 million for the 'exclusive'. Skanky & Crawl Price, OKrap magazine paid £10,000 but dropped to £7000 after Zoe posted pics first. Oh how times have changed 🤣
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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
KP’s TV career (programmes, chat show appearances etc) must be well & truly over. I can’t see her ever being invited on anything again. If Jeremy Kyle was still on - she might get a gig for that - remember those one off specials he used to do - featuring downmarket train wreck zelebs - like the Westbrook? I’m thinking that.
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She was flashed at apparently. And while that's awful she's never said she was the victim of child abuse or anything similar. I would have thought by now she would have told about it, she doesn't hesitate to hide anything normally. I'm not saying categorically it hasn't happened but she's never said she was abused as a child. How she behaves resonates with me. I was sexually active from a young age. Hyper sexualised, valued myself through being desired and got minimal joy from sex. I grew out of it, she seems to grow more and more into it. She's not changed in 25 years or more, she reminds me of a younger me.
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