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I did not say that I knew so much I simply made some points
As to how much she owes It would have been stated at the start of her bankruptcy. Without looking it up from memory it was maybe 1.3m however i stand to be corrected. Again this is from memory there may have been a 2nd charge on the property for 100k but again I stand to be corrected.

I never said a property developed would not want it.... I simply asked how much you thought it was worth. It is a listed building and although it has land it is very close to industrial/retail outlets. For any property developer to want something it has to be at the right price with a good return anticipated easily.
Which is what I said about a property developer buying it up at the right price, as let’s face it‘s very unlikely the Mortgage company will get their money back from KP now, it‘s not happened in what at least two years if not more.
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I am of the opinion that wanky and wanky senior are in this mess for their own gains, I mean why else would anybody attach themselves to this freakshow unless there was something for Them at the end of it all?

Maybe they are after Trampy Towers at a knockdown price to flatten it to build a housing estate of Lukkshurry 'ahsis instead, but not telling der fing their plans so she thinks they're doing all this to pertec 'er lusciousness?? TBH I will love it completely and utterly when it finally realises she's been conned by bigger & better con-artists than she is, when she's a homeless, hopeless, raddled drunken junkie with no friends whatsoever and no talent for anything aside from escaping Justice time and again. Bring it on karma :)
Good point, whenever i see manky and crawlspace together i always get reminded of the old saying"you marry for money, you earn every penny" and he is BUSY EARNIN'
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This sentence is absolutely disgusting. My friend's father was an alcoholic - he drove his car whilst banned (and drunk) and wrapped his car around a lamp post. It was his second offence. His was sent to prison for 12 months (Preston) - he served 9 months for good behaviour. What makes Katie 'Teflon'? Has she used the excuse that she's a mother to a disabled child ? (who is in residential care)...or that she is a mother - yet, their fathers seem to have custody....?
I'm not sure if her alcohol reading was discussed in court but if it was low, then they would have to sentence in the guidelines for that amount. The people going to prison might have had 4 or 5 times the legal limit. She might have been only slightly over.
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She got off lightly considering all her other driving offences because of a legal loophole. Personally I feel the first judge was not fit for purpose if she thought the Priory was a form of punishment! People have done far less with regard to driving offences and served time in prison.
I don't really think it was a loophole exactly, the judge has to balance many factors and by law take addiction and mental health into account and that's the same for everyone these days. As I said before, the people that went to jail immediately could have had more alcohol in them than she had. I do think it's all compounded these days by a lack of funding for prison. It's hugely expensive.
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I wouldn’t put it past her to have another stint in the Priory booked for February, if she plays the mental health card again I suspect they will have to postpone the bankruptcy public examination again ?
Wasn’t it stated she could face prison if she missed anymore bankruptcy hearings? I know that doesn’t mean much after she’s just got off but surely they wont stand for anymore of her BS. 😶
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Chatty Member
The boots and handbag were noted by the creditors! She owes the courts over £7k. Why wasn’t an order made to clear the fees.

Katie is spending money as fast as she earns it! This isn’t a “lady” who has remorse for her actions.

She could have cleared the bankruptcy by now. All finished and behind her… but what does Katie Price choose to do.

I hope HMRC are paying close attention. Crimes HAVE BEEN committed for which HMRC could take the lead in prosecuting.

Isn’t she making money off of the back of her publicity today?
Thankfully each time she shows Harvey she reveals how little she understands him. His body language and behaviour around Katie also speaks volumes.

I know it’s frustrating for viewers but the more Harvey is shown on screen the more evidence can be gathered to support him.

@Binfest 👍 Thanks for update.
What was the update @Binfest I missed it
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Morning all,

A few thoughts about yesterday.

You know if you lie in court you are held in contempt? What about Joe Harrington her solicitor saying Katie’s mum was terminally ill with cancer? Is there something we don’t know or a plain untruth?

On reading what the court said about what happens if she breaches the order. It first says if she breaches it she will go to prison, then it says if she doesn’t turn up or do her community service “in all likelihood” she will go to prison.

A little bit of research on Mr Harrington again. There is a very strange review left by a client.

Im not holding my breath about police and their appeal. Whatever happened with the domestic abuse incident? Are they still investigating it?

Ok take care and have a good day
Her mother has Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. You can live with it for many years relatively symptom free, but in her case she is late stage and terminal. Life expectancy varies, but she is lucky to have survived more than 5 years. The fact that they say cancer does make me wonder if she has also developed lung cancer, which is much more likely with IPF.
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I don't think her fans are young and gullible, they seem to be middle aged and chavvy. I'm surrounded by teens (hence the greying hair!) the ones that have heard of her think she is an atrocious old whatsit. They follow younger, more attractive people their age. She really is a washed up old has been with a very small target audience.
Beautifully put. Spot on.

The outcome of KP’s “sentencing” was as rigged as the F1 title race.

👩🏼‍⚖️ it was so not right, Judge!🖕
GBP reaction: read the room 😆
My heart can't take it.
I'm a lifelong f1 fan, loathe redbull, loathe both verstappens, and that race broke something inside.
Masi can fek off. He's made bigoted bernie look honest.

And that's still just a fraction of my hatred for the tories and those who vote for them.

Think of it as my version of loathing kp!
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"She loves to get tattoos" doesn't that involve needles! I thought she could not give a blood sample as she did not like needles.:rolleyes:
In fairness I’ve had tattoos and it’s nothing like giving blood, which I also hate. Tattoo’s are a piddle.
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