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“I don’t know why everyone always thinks I’ve gone in their for drink and drugs and rehab, because that’s not the case at all.”

Hmmm, could it be you got pissed and coked up to the eyeballs then drove your car? Also maybe that infamous little rap you did?

Also Mirror journalist, it's THERE not their, Jesus did these journalists receive even the most basic of educations???
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Mellow Yellow

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Looking at the comments on the various Red tops and mags that have run articles on her she is very disliked. The drink drug driving really cemented the dislike of her by the public. Not all the commentators are tattle "trolls" most are just normal people who read articles on the internet and are making their voices heard. There is no fan base just a few people who would like to be wannabe Katies who worship the ground she walks on. Even if she had caused an accident and had badly injured someone they would forgive her. There really is no accounting for stupid. They have the same moral compass as KP which is zero.
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Just watched the latest youtube video ... I could only do 4 mins with the sound turned down, and had to switch off, as her crazed drugged manic eyes were creeping me out ( as was her whole demeanor 😖😖😖 ... she is completely wired to the eyeballs ) ... all I could see was that horn formation on her forehead 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ :oops: ... she really is a thoroughly unpleasant creature 🤢🤢 ... her inner nastiness has nowhere else to go, but come to the surface, which often happens, with vile, unpleasant people ... so very ugly


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I swear, I,m nearly in tears here for poor Harvey, Obvious how she preps him want she wants him to say, Carl standing beside him mouthing the words along with Harvey. Why has someone not stepped in years ago to protect Harvey from his mother using him like this, it makes my BLOOD BOIL 😡😡😡😡😡 this weekend visit isnt about Harvey its about her doing anything to promote the " Harvey" clothing no doubt her benefiting financially in her usual under the table way
I absolutely hate that photo. Wanky deliberately putting his arm round Harvey to prove to people they are wrong about Wanky not liking H, the use of H for self promotion bec that is all skanky has left, promo of his products that he won’t have a clue about and filming him. Give the lad some privacy. So glad he is at least away at residential college away from the monster that is his mother most of the time
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Chatty Member
i worked for social services for 25 years and in private sector for 5years,two things that stuck with me 1, you cover your back (with everything) with written reports, evidence, witnesses etc., and 2, They don't want to be sued, so when push comes to shove, if you don't cover your back, you can end up as scapegoat!
You have years of experience on me; it’s a hard sector, and I can only imagine my experiences barely scratch the surface of yours. I agree with your points, I just hope others are as vigilant, for Harvey’s sake. I would hate to think that people could get dazzled by her being a ‘celebrity’; not so much SS’s, but the workers at his college..

I'm just trying to figure out the time lines so the little ones went to the beach what 10 days ago? Someone rightly says you can see Harvey's snow man in the reflection. However in the vid supposedly filmed recently she gives him carrot cake shown purchased at the she's kept it over a week or she's drip feeding stories (shocker)View attachment 895914
“Here Harv, what is itttttt? Yes, that’s right.. mouldy carrot cake!!! Are you excited?!”

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midsummer blue

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She will stand up in court pretending she’s learnt her lesson. The Priory worked and how traumatising it’s all been. How sorry she is and how her mental health has been affected. How Harvey needs her and her mum is dying!!! Probably missed loads out!!
Will she mean any of it…… fuck No!!!
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Would that be Charlotte Dean aged 5 and three quarters? i always imagined the media employed Youths from Work Experience to write their showbiz sections but I am now wondering if its actually the local infants school they recruit from :(
Wow - almost all the comments on this article have nailed her - basically almost all saying the same thing, slamming her for not taking any responsibility for her own actions and blaming everyone else and also stating that you shouldnt let kids know you hate the other parent because they need both during a public statement via the media that SHE hates the other parent(s) when her older children will see / hear it
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The way Harvey is exploited actually upsets me. She isn’t showing the world how much her son is achieving because she is proud of him. It’s done because she wants people to put praise on her for the AMAZING job she has done. She knows anytime she uses H there will be no negative press. So it’s a win - win situation for her.
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She isn't the mother of a special needs child.. he is in care... since her money stopped when he turned 18.. up till then Amy and every other boyfriend/ family member/ neighbour minded him for weeks at a time. Stop with the crap your talking and learn a lesson...yes the judge can jail her..
She hasn't got any of her 5 children in her care .. and she committed numerous driving offences plus drug and alcohol and lots of other offences. She is a bankrupt drug addict with a tenancy for bullying and deceiving people . TRUTH...
JUDGE will see all of this and react accordingly. FACT.
And hopefully the bankrupcy court too. Everyone knows she's hid earnings. Its Only a matter of the trustees digging and a few people coming forward.
She has neither a management team or an accountant capable of covering up the bankruptcy laws she's broken. 2022 is going to be her worst nightmare
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Start by telling the TRUTH!!!

She never cries, if I talk about one of my lost fur babies I cry, if I think of anything bad happening to my sproggy I cry. It’s like she’s trying to remember the script or recounting items from a laundry list. Does she actually feel anything other than high?
I’ve heard somewhere that people like pricey shouldn’t have therapy as they only learn how better to play the game. I think that’s all the Priory has done for her, it’s taught her how to use “mental health” as a manipulation tactic for all around her and given her other “tips” on how better to game the mental health services.

Not really going anywhere with this, and I know much of this has been said before. It just really winds me up, she’s using mental health again. If she fails to be sent down on 15/12 I will lose all faith in the British Judiciary and justice on the whole. It’s like she encapsulates all that is currently wrong in our society. The only thing I’ve never heard from her is racism, and that’s the only “good” thing I can say about the skanky cunt.
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the slosher KP

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That video on her story with crawl putting his arm around Harv and literally mouthing what he’s saying. I wonder how many times that poor boy was made to practice those lines like a performing seal. It’s exploitation. I don’t understand how it’s never been reported on and how she keeps getting away with it!
Does anyone know if she’s actually seen in person Princess or Junior since her return from LV? B&J have been dumped off - probably because Harvey having special needs is more beneficial to her court case. She only ever cares about herself.
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It can also be reported to the adult safeguarding team at the local authority. The secure place my son works at, nobody would be getting in with cameras, they're not even allowed their phones on shift for safeguarding reasons. If he has to do a sleep in he wasn't expecting at short notice, I'll nip down with a change of clothes or whatever, I have to wait outside & he comes out (even though I'm fully DBS checked). Can't imagine how this lot were allowed in to film. 😐
When someone lacks capacity to make decisions for themselves like Harvey, decisions have to be made for them in their “best interest” I fail to see how putting H in front of the camera is in HIS best interest, it’s definitely in HER best interest as she’s making money from him in her you tubes etc, that amounts to exploitation in my opinion
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the slosher KP

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The courts don’t jail mothers of children with special needs. It doesn’t happen. It shouldn’t ever happen. As to paying ninety quid for three adults pub lunch. Yes, I can see that, especially these country places with a half decent chef. The judge in Katies case would have his sentenced thrown out if he said in summation that his verdict had been influenced by seeing Daily Mail articles. The press coverage counts for nothing.
Even if she doesn’t care for the special needs child anymore and lives miles away from him?
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How odd 'Crawl' mouthing the words. I feel for Harvey, he's an innocent in Pwicceeeeyys crazy fake world. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Why are they posting their receipt on Instagram? Showing off about money again 🙄 How insensitive when people have been made redundant due to the pandemic and its coming up to Christmas?! What complete dicks! 🤬
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I don't like seeing good people being played.

This is just a little reminder(not an attempt to moderate or anything like that) that a certain tinned fruit (from a partridge's preferred tree) is a kp supporter who thinks she's perfectly entitled to' make a living'the way she does. It's all in earlier posts. There were also several that have been deleted.

The scattergun approach, stating loads of obvious or inane comments in recent messages - well, not for me to say what that's for.

Good people are currently being played, and it's a shame.

That's it, I'm done!
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Come on own up. Which one of you tattlers is winding up the pwicey?

Do you think they’ll even bother replying?
So what is this, her usual 'special me ' entitlement mixed with a bit of a paranoid coke comedown?

The police don't deal with invasion of privacy, drones flying over your house or photographers hiding in the bushes. Surely she knows this, even Kate Middleton got her Royal bits photographed and there was nothing much that could be done.
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Katie Price #88 KP with your Teeth so Bright, won't you Guide my Sleigh Tonight ?

Skanky - Wot's innit for ME Santa, it'll cost ya?

Santa - I can give you COAL!

Skanky - Wot?.... I've already got Cole, ain't I

Santa - Oh....I'll give you a Slap then, you have been a VERY, VERY NAUGHTY GIRL!!! 👊
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Have you noticed how the moronic whore speaks in “ Closer Magazine “ style sound bites “ there was a phone call . It was the switch . The truth will come out” etc etc.

i don’t know if she’s been selling her ridiculous stories for that long it’s her automatic default .

Or maybe it’s a robot , it would surely explain the weird expressionless face , lack of blinking , lack of genuine emotions etc .
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