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Interesting to see from Princess’ Instagram that previous posts of hers praising Emily have no been deleted and her recent one is of her and Katie. Wonder if kates been on the phone to her laying into her about it.
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Katie’s constant use of the mental health card is probably one of the most enraging things she does. You’d think if she were so concerned she would just lay low and be a mum. Instead this cunt travels the world, and creates constant drama. The mental health of her children having to get pulled into her tornado of a life is what really matters. She does not deserve any of those kids. I really didn’t think she could get much lower. I truly hope the courts throw her in prison so she can sit there and think about why she is where she is right now.
This is a classic case of giving someone enough rope to hang themselves. She is spiralling out of all control, all by herself. No one else to blame, no MH issues, no tabloids, no social media, no exes…..all 100% herself. Well done Katie.
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Shouldn’t really be surprised but what the hell did she do in a school playground!? 😳
Katie Price has been fined hundreds of pounds after admitting using abusive and threatening behaviour against her ex-husband's new partner in a school playground confrontation.

The 41-year-old mum of five hurled a "tirade of abuse" at Michelle Pentecost during a foul-mouthed rant in front of shocked schoolchildren, Horsham Magistrates' Court heard.

They also banned the former glamour model from contacting Ms Pentecost who is now dating her estranged husband Kieran Hayler.

Price had previously said she was "definitely not guilty" of using threatening and abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress in Shipley on September 6 last year.

She was due to stand trial at Horsham Magistrates' Court on Monday.

But when the 41-year-old, who lives in Dial Post near Horsham, West Sussex, arrived at court she changed her plea to guilty,

The mum of five was fined £415 and banned from contacting Michelle for five years by the magistrate.

The court heard that Price approached her former husband Kieran Hayler's partner, who was chatting to another parent, Andrea Quigley.

Mr Edwards told magistrates Ms Pentecost and her friend Ms Quigley were talking in the playground when they were approached by Price, who was also on the school run.

Price confronted Ms Penticost about pictures appearing in the press days before of her with one of the defendant's children but when she was told she had interrupted a conversation, she replied: "I can interrupt who the hell I like" and called Ms Penticost a "f****** c***".

Ms Penticost walked away before Price turned on Ms Quigley, saying:"I wasn't talking to you, you stupid c***", the court heard.

When she was asked to stop being rude, she replied: "I can be as f****** rude as I want to. Who are you, you stupid c***?"

Mr Edwards said Price was heard shouting "f******" numerous times and when Ms Quigley refused to tell her who she was, she claimed she would be able to find out who she was, adding: "I live publicly. Then you will see."

In a victim impact statement read on her behalf, Ms Pentecost - who did not attend the hearing - said she tried to avoid Price at school because she felt intimidated.

She said: "I'm anxious I may still see her and I just want to get outside the school as soon as possible."

In the statement she claimed Price was "poisoning" the children's view of her, adding: "Saying I'm fat, I have a big arse, that I hate mummy (Price).

"I have told them I like mummy."

Price would also "verbally abuse" Ms Pentecost to Mr Hayler when they spoke, asking "why he's with me instead of her", she said, adding: "The constant attack is wearing me down.

"I just want to be able to live a normal life."

In an outburst from the dock while she was being sentenced, Price denied there were children present when she launched her abusive tirade.

"There was no children around and everything else they've said they've just made up about me," she said.

Price, wearing a black faux fur coat, black trousers and heels, sat in the dock staring ahead as she listened to the evidence.

Paul Macauley, defending, said the outburst was prompted by Price's discovery days earlier that Michelle was in a relationship with Kieran.

He noted Ms Quigley had also used the insult, according to her statement.

Credit card

Magistrate Michael Harris told Price she would be fined a total of £606 and imposed a restraining order lasting five years for what he described as a very unpleasant event.

He denied an application for compensation for the victims, saying this was "actually potentially inflammatory".

Price told the magistrates: "All what they have said is completely untrue.

"I did say it once but not many times."

Asked whether she could pay all costs today, she held out her credit card and said: "I can, they can have my credit card."

Addressing the restraining order, Price told magistrates: "I don't want to contact her."

This is the third criminal court case Price has faced this year. So far she has been ordered to pay more than £3,000 in court costs and fines.
In February she was given another driving ban after being convicted of being nearly twice the limit while in charge of her pink Range Rover and told to pay £2,425 - including a £1,500 fine.

She has been banned twice from driving - for being nearly twice the limit while in charge of her pink Range Rover and for driving while disqualified.

Her latest appearance comes after Boyson appeared in court in Kent on Friday accused of threatening a police officer after a row with a paparazzo.

He denied using threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence near his Gravesend home and is due to stand trial later this year.

The allegation came a day after Price was arrested by police who found her slumped in a drunken state in the back of her Range Rover.

"One off incident"
After the hearing, Price told reporters outside court she felt she had "no option" but to remove her children from the school, adding: "I did swear but the rest is just exaggerated nonsense.

"I feel totally intimidated and isolated from anyone at the school and it's not fair on the children in creating this atmosphere.
"This was a one-off incident and as you all know I'm against bullying or anything like that, which is why I'm doing my Harvey's Law."

Asked if she was sorry, she replied: "No I'm not because I didn't do anything that bad."
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Chatty Member
Why isn’t she showing her face? She looks so much bigger on those pictures!
Can’t find the pics, where did you see them?

I was wondering if she had too much liquor & behaved inappropriately 👀
Does she ever behave appropriately though

I hate that she plays the mental health card for her shameful behaviour. Just because you have mental health issues (and I have been there and had my own demons) does not absolve you of being a cunt. This is why there is such a stigma around bad mental health as people like her just use it as an excuse. She absolutely makes my blood boil.
Having mental health issues also doesn’t mean you can’t be a good mother and devoted to your children, I have suffered with depression but I’ve never neglected or abused my children not would I put them in any danger ever
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This is my song, need help finishing it

Oh dear, what can the matter be
Cole took me Vegas, he wanted to marry me
Wedding was spose to be on Saturday
And now it's all in the air

Bridesmaid, was meant to be Cami Li
Her hubby best man cuz Harvey cannot be
'Ok' won't give me a fucking fee
Boohoohoohoo, it's not fair!
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Would she qualify for a women's prison?
Good point. She's had so many nips, tucks and uplifts that her belly button is now just under her tits and her minge will soon double as a goatee beard.

She'll be popular in jail though. She likely still has that nokia in her fanny from back in her fame days. Plus the charger and a spare battery. So she can rent them out as a side line.
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We have Ice Cube’s 1995 classic, Friday, to thank for the very useful phrase “Bye, Felicia”: In the movie, his character gets rid of a freeloading neighbour with this curt, simple phrase. Bye, Felicia. More recently, the phrase has found new life as the most satisfying way to dismiss Twitter trolls. “Bye, Felicia” is a diss. The ultimate shutdown. You say it to people who annoy you, who’ve insulted you, who’ve dared to disturb your airspace with their existence.
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Evening folks, shit the bed, only just got caught up! 🤣🤣

Yes, guilty, I found her ring on the Lajerrio website. I'm not finding it again though, I was plagued with ads for weeks, it was £96 as far as I remember 👍🤣

As far as the mystery man goes, if it's not a footballer, I can see her panting after that thing that Jossa is married to. 👍
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You look at the idiots who glued themselves to the M25, they were warned ‘If you do it again it’s custodial’ they were banned for doing it once, the 2nd time ‘Jail’ … so they’ve been jailed, no Xmas for these idiots, for breaking a ban… and that’s the problem with 6x banned & gets away with it..
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People like Jan are why tattle gets a bad name. If they read these threads properly they would see that we are a lovely bunch of people who just want to see criminals (which is what they are) held accountable for their actions and the children being in stable environments. If KP wasn’t famous and was in the news for her bankruptcy and many driving offences I doubt anyone would be defending her.

It’s all “be kind” with these people until they read something they don’t like and now we are all nutters 🤦🏻‍♀️
I reckon that photo of her with no knickers on in the front passenger seat of a car and her feet on the dashboard pushing a phone up her clunch should be included in every thread as it is so incredibly telling of the sort of vile creature she really is.
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