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Her latest Insta stories are all Mencap statistics. I swear to Jesus if she becomes an ambassador for them or starts to preach it I will lose it. I can take the piss out of her and laugh at her stupidity BUT if she decides to become a fucking voice for learning disabilities I will actually find her myself.

I work in that area and have a close family member with a LD and it’s a huge touchy subject with me.

Yes H has a LD but she isn’t interested in the statistics of it all. He’s just a money spinner for her.

KP if you’re reading actually do some good and send any fucking revenue you get to Mencap and actually do some good you scheming cunt.

He's a baby, he's a baby......
We’ve gone full circle and we’re back to Sir Bob Mortimer again ❤
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I think all the time her kids are all there he will snap, he likes his house presentable,
I think shes made such a big thing in her statement thats shes gonna try claim another breakdown, caused by this stress , in order to postpone court cases again, delay any other stories that might be coming out. . She's just made such a big deal of it. , i woke up every morning so worried etc etc. One of the papers needs to turn round and say it was your photographer and you that sold us the pics
The papers should stop buying the pics and be 'done and dusted' with the pair of them
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yes the next documentry they are planning is a trip to Tesco to film how easy it is to get bread in a supermarket
I reckon it'll be a documentary about life in a women's prison... "I wasn't sent down, the judge asked me to make a documentary" 👀

I bloody love a bad lie/excuse! I bet she was so proud of that bullshit wedding documentary thing, she was punching the air 🤣
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Hubby and son, got a beautiful roast beef dinner tonight with all the trimmings, made from scratch ... that should shut them up for the next few days :oops::oops: .. Mr Anna is cooking tomorrow, son treating us to take away on Friday ... so that gives me a few extra days ..... to do what's important ... being on here!!! .... reading, posting and having a good laugh :LOL::LOL:
Good - because I love your posts Anna, it's like you take the words out of my mouth and saves me from writing the long posts, thank you my lovely 😘 💕
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It would be hilarious if they were planning on getting married to sell the story but they got offered so little it wasn't worth doing. That might be why baby Cole had a tantrum at the press!
Lol, just imagine if Cole did plan it all,...but he is so thick, that he never did any research on her previous weddings. And probably thought getting married in Vegas is "something that's never been done before" 🙄.

She wouldn't want to enlighten him about her & Alex as it would make him angry and he would call it off (and she was desperate to get married).

Then, when they were at that Cami's, she dropped out to KP "Oh, but didn't you get married here before??" 😮. Cue an almighty row between Skanky & Wanky, and would explain why Cami was never seen again on that trip. And KP crying.

Then Cole posted his Insta statement, saying he had always said he would never do anything that had been done before. Then KP posted her diatribe and repeated this, adding "nor would I". And trying to blame the media, as they should've known this and been "more wise" 🙄.

So it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it all kicked off over this!
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Kieran, I think hes making the point, he now has them weekends as KP said before how that inconsiderate judge had banned her from driving so she couldn't get the kids to school, she had them weekends
What utter shite! She's banned from Jett and Bunnys school for abusive behaviour in the playground. I'm sure Princess and especially Junior want her nowhere near their private school mates!
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P & K definitely put a stop to the wedding going ahead. Cole will be raging, but worries me slapgate 2 may be approaching sooner than we think due to his anger towards KP’s exes and could take it out on her?? They’re back in Blighty now anyway, so only a matter of time until more updates in the KP drama 🙄 Surely she’ll know people will question when her kids aren’t seen on her instagram with her, or will she continue to use old pics acting like they’ve been taken recently? 😂 In bed now Krusties, so tired. Work in the morning again, roll on Friday. *sighs*. Need to win the euromillions asap.
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New article in the Sun, Michelle has said that she and keiron have set a date in June next year to get married and plans are underway! Lovely, that's how you do a wedding twat😂
You watch her set a date for June next year now
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I can't understand her numpties that call her mother of the year, they probably have never had a proper upbringing,, or see themselves in her and therefore cant diss her. Her pics with the kids are staged, thats all she knows pose and pout. Don't get me on Harv, she's the worst person to be his mother, uses him like everyone else, in a settled environment and family life, he would have been spared all that chaos, wondering who was going to be his next Daddy, life was always going to be a challenge for him but she's ruined his life up to now.
Did you see Harvey when he was at the NTA, and that stoopid girl in the green dress was in his face with that finger puppet. She was clearly annoying him and he started rocking and that Skank of a mother didn't even tell the girl to stop 😡

New article in the Sun, Michelle has said that she and keiron have set a date in June next year to get married and plans are underway! Lovely, that's how you do a wedding twat😂
That's great news and I bet Bunny will be a bridesmaid ❤
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I had heard they couldn't get a magazine deal, so maybe finally the press are turning on them too.

Thing is, in a lot of those Red tops/DM stories the journos go to her/her rep before the story is put out, (and that is stated by her rep confirms, whoever that is these days!) so she has time to correct the majority of the stories, so how can they then call so much of what is written fake?
However, I agree that some stuff they write in the press is clearly factually incorrect, we can all see that.

Saying that his Cole's dad and fiancée were there with them, she didn't once mention the Youtube in the drunk Cami live only that they were going to go to the machine gun place and do lots of fun things. Chris Harris was clearly still in the UK according to his girlfriend, plus Chris usually posts lots on his stories when he is away somewhere, plus in the pap pictures of them in Vegas at the registry office, no sign of them being filmed, yet the papers just printed they were apparently there.
She has also removed Ed@proseeders (Youtube) from her bio.
Reckon the magazines are holding off due to “slapgate”. We still don’t know who it was, we can be pretty sure, but its not confirmed yet. No way can they put them in as a happy couple with that still not resolved.

As I said before, he will be her undoing, stuff will eventually surface about him, we still waiting for her to spill “the truth” about that night, still quiet on this, despite promising a statement a few weeks ago. Even if they get away with it, he’s detested by most of the public who follow her life, his Insta is a bonfire of negativity. The fact he took her to Vegas instead of keeping a low profile and appearing contrite, was a bad move for both of them, although a good move for us, it’s really put another nail in his z list career coffin. That trip was a massive PR disaster, really blown up in their faces.

The golden deals are disappearing for her, she must be livid, cue more instability incoming.
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