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I wonder if the wedding charade in Vegas was all bout money. Apart from selling photos & drama of their own making neither of them seems to have an income source right now. I very much doubt there’s much, if anything in the planner after the drug/drink episode so they got to keep the drama coming.
Now back home expect pics of trips to supermarket, Cole. Getting more Clearblue testers, photos with with Harvey & mum. She might have to resort to fashion shoots on Cole’s driveway with empty designer bags again !

Due to her not paying for past legal representation I suspect this time whoever is representing her will want the money upfront too.
It would be hilarious if they were planning on getting married to sell the story but they got offered so little it wasn't worth doing. That might be why baby Cole had a tantrum at the press!
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'Snake eyed man child' I like that one :LOL: Maybe he's into being an adult baby? ( don't google that unless you want to have nightmares :confused:)
I once dated a hairy (it's relevant) Greek millionaire (not andre. Although... ).
We'd gone for a nice weekend away at a beautiful hotel - where i noticed a man size frilly frock in his suitcase. There wasn't just one.
I didn't want to hurt his feelings so pretended to be ill. At one point i sat in the bathroom crying with silent laughter texting my friends.
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Journalists affecting her mental health?
Hmmm maybe reporting on your disgusting antics has affected your mental health.

If I drunkenly shoved a phone up my vagina and it was broadcasted for the world, I’d never come out of hiding and I’d definitely have ptsd 🥴

Fucking addicts denying they’re addicts.
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Mellow Yellow

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I really feel for Michelle, new baby & all this stress from the skank & I’m sure J & B need extra support atm which can’t be easy. Fair play to the Haylers for juggling all this in the public eye in a dignified manner
If I remember correctly on the night of slapgate the reason the 2 small ones were with Skanky overnight was that Michelle had just come home from hospital with the new baby. So it is possible that they would just visit for a few hours and not normally stay overnight.
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False lies? So the truth then? Nothing she writes makes sense!View attachment 874260
Ffs...Whoever it was from The Scum that she gave a Blow job to, it's about time you faced the music with your missus - I'm sick of seeing her!

Take a leaf out of her book and fucking lie to your wife and say it's not true, everyone knows she's a pathological liar so the chances are wifey wouldn't believe this whore anyway. Just get rid of the filthy S L A G !!!
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Ooh I see Pete ya cunt has an announcement to make tmw… he said so on his insta… something that’s made him really proud? 🤔

is he going to reveal that he put a stop to this circus wedding? 😃😃
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Rita Chevrolet

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View attachment 872563
KP, also the Wicked Witch of the East! 😝
Here she is doin' 'er seksi powse smoldring at der camra

Yep DC I said that too, all the stories they complained about always included the line 'she was asked for comment'...which is legally what they
should be doing. So all the crying about false stories is complete bullshit as she could speak to the journos at she has done constantly in the past!

I bet they thought the 'leaks' of info would generate the interest for a deal or exclusive and they still thought it would happen. How sad for them it didn't and then they had to pretend it was all a joke. Like children knocking over a board game when they're losing. :rolleyes:

Do you know why 'Machine gunning with Katie Price' :LOL: never happened?
I reckon the gun range realised the pair of them are nutjobs and refused them entry. I have fired an AK by the way - the vibrations would have shaken all her fillers and teef loose :)

She could always pay for protection......oh, hang on, no she can't
She can get Amy Fucking Price round to sort 'em out by whacking 'em with her oxygen cylinder :)

She is only doing it because she isn’t liked at present. And that’s what pisses me off big time with her. Trying to make out she is doing something good now by posting that. Obviously she can’t get to Harvey to post ‘I love him sooo much’
The only charitable act it ever did was that incomplete London Marathon where it stopped and went to the pub with AFP for a drink and a fag - nothing since.
She has had the wherewithal over the years to do so much good for charity and yet she has not done a thing, instead she's been quickly on the tail of various charities when she needs them to support some grifting scheme concerning H or needs somebody to Big Her Up for her endless toil with H as 'A single parent of a disabled child'. Charity only works in her favour of course
If Mencap or any other charity thinks that letting her get a foot in the door will help their Cause they are very much mistaken :(
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So having mental health problems makes you nuts? Thats pretty offensive on its own. I think we would all agree, anything we say on here, we would happily say to Katies face. I know I would.
Sounds like projection. of course many people have MH issues, it's around 1 in 4 isn't it? The thing is most people try a bit of self-development and
work at managing it so they can have a decent life which doesn't revolve around abusing and leeching off others!

These supporters of Pwicey saying 'be kind' as she has poor mental health constantly are the equivalent of those people that write to serial killers and befriend them.
What crimes would they be willing to let the Pwicey do to them and their families because she's 'not well'? These people are the ones that are absolutely barking!
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Pink Squirrel

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All caught up reading again, 16 no time to comment again 🤣🤣

Just time to say I still think they're a pair of cunts. And I think Jan may have had 1 small sherry too many 🥴
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Mellow Yellow

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I never understand why she’s always so desperate for another baby when she can’t look after the 5 children she’s got 😏
Morning Krusties. The desperation is not for the actual baby it is for the magazine articles and the column inches that it will bring her which equal cash. I don't think she has ever looked after any of the children. Amy Fucking Price had H until she couldn't manage any longer and she had nannies with J and P and Keiran looked after everything including the children animals and the house
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I'm not sure if Michelle said anything, the Skank shouted to her "Do you enjoy fucking my husband!"
Something like that in front of Mothers and their kids
When the man that inserts things into himself on camera for money is a better parent than you, that's how you know you're a fuckwit 😏😒
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Jersey Girl

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I'm struggling tattlers.
In bed shivering, aching, feeling sick with sinusitis. At least I can keep up on here in peace. By the way how does it work? I was a well known member the other day now I'm chatty???🤧🤒🤧
Get well soon!! Over 500 comments gets you chatty status- now 500 more to Vippy!! Take care 🥰
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Here we go, as many predicted, now begins her using H as her “get out of jail” card, for all the shit she’s facing in the next month.

Interesting start, trying to show she’s involved with Mencap, hopefully they will keep a distance from her, surely she is persona non grata to them, after her admittance to drug taking and the drink/drive charge.

We are going to see a full on assault with her using H and her MH in the coming weeks, hold on Tattlers, it’s going to bloody annoying viewing for us, she’s going to use every angle she can think of.

Saying that, I have a feeling she’s going to fuck up badly before Dec 15th. She seems incapable of staying out of trouble, we will get another “incident” soon. I don’t think the gruesome twosome are happy campers after this trip, I sense another public row brewing.

Also think if she has no access to her kids, she will get frustrated at being unable to use them for photo ops, she’s going to cause trouble on that score, by saying something that inflames the fathers even more than they are already. Her fans are going to see she is not the Mum she portrays she is.

Shit gonna happen, she’s learnt no lessons, she never will, but the lies are unravelling, that Vegas statement showed the desperation, its was pathetic, tick tock Pwicey, reality awaits you, no matter what bs you try, there’s too much to answer for now, time’s nearly up.
Thing is, she can't even be contrite in front of a judge. Always has to say something she thinks is funny. She cannot grasp the seriousness of what she's done.
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