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Maybe I’m too raw with thread titles 🤔
Here’s another suggestion cos I never get the winning one anyways, might be a book chapter who knows 😂

KP#73 It sharts of irony and cabbage farts at The Priory
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Do plopkitchen deliver to The Priory? Maybe a little love note from Crawl on the bottom of the reheating instructions 🤣
I imagine microwave instructions and a night of Crawl loving are strikingly similar, "Pop in for thirty seconds, take out stir it about and pop in again for thirty seconds" Job done.
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For the cats stuff there's a thread for that so that this one can stay on topic

Apologies 👍 I think we were just gossiping between ourselves until Skanky does something worth gossiping about, sorry. As animal lovers ( whereas she is quite clearly not 🤬) we do stray sometimes, point taken and noted.
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Pesky Tarian

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I got my fridge freezer on ebay, it was an unopened return. All still in the wrap etc. It had a very small dent in the door, so it was about £300 cheaper then it would normally be in the shops. Its black, so you cant even see the dent. It works perfectly. Not queen of much but getting to be queen of bargains!
Feel I should add something about Skanky to stay on topic but there is nothing happening! I dont know whats worse, total silence from her camp or her non stories in the papers everyday!
This has weighed heavy on me for some time but I once bought a maternity cardigan from skanky 🙈 . In my defence I did not know til it arrived from e bay with a signed pic. Tbf it was in great condition and freshly laundered so i assume from a time when she still had professional people doing her admins. I'll say several Hail Marys and get my coat.
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Chatty Member
As you are probably aware I have said on a number of occasions my spidey senses tingle when the festival of bins puts on cryptic posts that are totally shite and lacking in credibility
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[/QUOTE]@Dollylovesshoes Mum like old English rib sticking foods( steak pudding/pie,stews,roasts etc)although she could cook a mean cock in a van 😉 sadly the last couple of years she survived on Ensure Plus shakes. She told me that Price fed her kids take aways and gave em pizza for Xmas Dinner? Mum loved you and said you reminded her of her dad with your turn of phrase, he was a Cockley 🙂

I know Allan! If this carries on I'll have to show everyone my party trick😉😂
@MrsEms it doesn't involve ping pong balls does it 🤭
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Hi there

I’m confused. The court judgment stated she would be sent to prison immediately if she didn’t attend rehab at the Priory. This is splitting hairs but doesn’t at the Priory mean inside the building?

It’s alright if she’s saying the right things but will she not be undergoing other checks to see she is actually following treatment?

If she is out eating at a restaurant then surely she can’t be in as bad a way as her family have stated?

What is EUPD?
Morning harri. Can you believe I had 4 loads of washing to do just because I didn't have a machine for a day and a half? That's mad, that's down to 3 teenagers changing outfits twice a day for no reason🙄 now I got to iron it. Hate ironing, I do it on a Sunday when I can watch the full run of four in a bed!

I don't know about Katie having eupd, sometimes people are just horrible humans, sticking another diagnosis on her just gives her another excuse for being a bitch🤷‍♀️
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Clothes don't need washing anywhere near as often as folk think.
Wool in particular, the worst thing you can do with a pure wool knit is to keep washing it, it just doesn't need or want it.

(I don't get letting grown blokes (and women) get away with leaving laundry on the floor, not a cat in hell's chance I would be picking up after them!)

This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the wool board.

All advice regarding washing clothes should be disregarded if you are kp, in which case all clothing should be removed after one wearing, doused in petrol and incinerated immediately. Any residue should be sealed in a nuclear bunker or blasted into space with elon musk.
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I had to laugh at this, I brought a fridge a few years ago with wifi. It texts me if it has a problem! I have four kids and I swear the fridge texts me more often! My washing machine has an app you can download, after the fridge I didnt bother! I called the fridge Jeb on my phone, the kids thought I was having an affair! 😂
I've just seen your comment, I have a thing for kitchen appliances. If I could..I would. I like design. I have no idea how to use them.
I was quite upset today. My husband was going into the office and left me with this 'smart' thing. I started to set it up on my phone and asked him which internet we were with. He said just stop, you can't do it. You'll need the password blah blah!
Just leave it alone!
I did it. By myself. Honestly I was so determined. I'm happy and sad. I don't know what emoji to use for that...
I mean he has no belief in my abilities at all.
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Morning my lovelies ❤ I hope you are all well. Grab yourselves a bargain 😂

That’s cos it’s cheap shite from China, replaced with JYY labels, it will be Jeyda reducing it, KP has no input into anything, not even the designs, despite what she portrays that it’s ‘Her’ collection. 🙄
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Hampshire Hog

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Good evening Krusty family ❤ Well all quiet on the Sk(W)anky front, they must be beside themselves not posting,even the papers have given up on them. Let’s hope her mother’s call for understanding and the press being kind it might fall into oblivion🤞 Any news on the 32 yr old attacker has he been re bailed or let off. I can’t find anything in respect of this.
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I'm being really slow at the moment but just noticed some of the press have reported that she was spotted 'near The Priory'. I don't actually believe for a second she is an in-patient.

In my humble opinion, I think she went for an 'assessment' with cash supplied by Iron Lung and now is either a day patient or 'online' patient like last time.

Again IMHO I think it's the latter, can't see her dragging her lazy arse there everyday for 8.30am and stay all-day listening to others problems and not talking about herself.

Sadly due to patient confidentiality the centre can't comment but I think the press know she's not an in-patient IMHO.

I maybe wrong but I don't think a Judge can insist a person bailed goes to rehab. I think that would be voluntary and in some instances to try and get a 'lighter' sentence to show remorse. I don't believe she is remorseful, just trying to get off lightly because she was caught with no licence, insurance whilst banned and high on drugs and booze and to aid the bankruptcy.
Agree completely.
I can't see her managing more than an induction to tick the necessary boxes, a night at most.
She will be doing her usual shite in the background, whilst playing the game.

She doesn't care, that's the bottom line. She's had a lifetime of living it up and having her own way, she's unlikely to be in a rush to change.

Then her trilogy:

'kp, my addiction hell'
'kp, my battle to save myself'
'kp, how prison changed me'

Alongside wanky's offering:

'woods, my story'

Coming to a poundland near you.
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It's such a pity it was two days ago, I could have got someone who lives in Islington to pop in. I bloody bet binfest is genuine and that munter is on the loose amongst the general public!

You should message the person directly and ask! 🙏🤣
I'll message mum used to babysit Lulu and her wee brother, while my gran and her mum used to go to the bingo in Glasgow. haha
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That’s cos it’s cheap shite from China, replaced with JYY labels, it will be Jeyda reducing it, KP has no input into anything, not even the designs, despite what she portrays that it’s ‘Her’ collection. 🙄
Must admit I thought Jeyda had KP on a tight leash when they did the makeup masterclasses. She drove, made sure they were there and on time. She was even out with her the night before at the M bar in Horsham, personally I thought she was babysitting her to protect her own business interests. All of the tickets, makeup, clothes are all in Jeyda's name on companies house so if the classes went tits up she'd cop for the financial hit. Wonder if there'll be a distancing between them now as KP is toxic.
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