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Evening Fellow tattlers
Feeling a bit down today and worried sick about my Dad, stupid sod hasn't been looking after himself properly since he's had Cancer, ignored his diabetes, which has now resulted in him having to have toes removed tomorrow morning.
Honestly I could give his head a wobble.
Anyhow the threads have kept my mind busy and I've been in stitches laughing at some of the comment's.
Love the food pics, they've made me really hungry lol.
Hope your all keeping well xx
Sending you virtual hugs Clairie, stay strong 💪

Slow day on here today
Yes, but this is the calm before the storm. Once she pops her head above that Priory parapet things are gonna go like the clappers on here. Will be the fastest Tattle thread locks in the history of all Tattledom.
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Mellow Yellow

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I thought she had to do 4 weeks at the Priory (or another facility) as part of the judge releasing her until 15 Dec. Am I wrong?
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I agree with the people who tweeted, why would Lulu tag her in a post and then delete the insta post, very fishy indeed!
Would she be that stupid to go out in public?
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I'm not on much due to night shifts/overtime because staff still getting pinged or being off sick/family deaths. The rest of the time im sleeping but punch gate seems to have gone quiet, the crash has all coincided with this and the bankruptcy hearing as well as her ripping off CH4 for the 50 big ones, like Paige said earlier Deplop has disappeared now so she might be in the shit or be investigated for that to.
The priory and her MH and mummy's plea has shut the press up so its all working in her favour.
Crawl posting the shitty sayings and following a Guru and MH stuff is all for show, there is one big conspiracy going on here im telling you, all been planned from day one.
Ive also been told Kirsty is still involved (she wouldn't walk away from the £ she's been getting) !!!!!
Look at who she used to hang about with. Tara Palmer Tomkinson and Danniella Westbrook both heavy coke heads (takes one to know one as they say)
Might be why her and Pricey latched on 😉😉😉
Maybe Kirsty's has backed down because her hubby is supposed to be upper class (well he's not but the company he works for is Braxtad Park and he doesn't want his Wifey's coke habits coming out)
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I don't think there was ever a specified length of time she had to spend in the Priory?
Do correct me if I'm wrong, but only facts please!
There isn't a set length. They don't even have to stay at the rehab facility.

In the simplest form it is a court ordered programme. The person will be required to participate fully in the process until their sentencing date.
They will have a probation officer assigned who's job it is to report back to the court.
If the person complies with the programme the court will go easier on them when sentencing happens.
If they don't comply they will be seen as not taking their actions seriously. If the officer believes they are actively ignoring the order they have a duty to inform the court. This is because the persons behaviour can be seen as potentially dangerous to the public.

So basically she will be advised follow the order, look to be taking it serious or the judge will hammer you.
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Is there any evidence other than binfest’s say so that they actually know anything at all?
Apologies if I’ve missed it.
Otherwise it seems to me they like to rock up here and issue vague, needlessly cryptic announcements then revel in being treated like one in the know. None of their ‘inside info’ is ever accurate, either and their stories have contradicted each other before.
I’m confused why people pay any mind to what it says?

Just seen this! Excuse my late ‘hot take’ 😂 I’m doing an accidental binfest!
There isn't any evidence with that poster no.
We have a few on here who really are involved in some capacity with her though.

When someone says something cryptic or open ended they want you to do all the leg work. It's a form of trolling.
If I said to you "some big news about to come out about her" it's an open ended statement. Eventually she will do something stupid as she has always done that. Then when it happens the troll can claim to be in the know.

In law we are very careful about chain information. You got to ask yourself if someone was being extra careful with information why would they tell random people? And if the person they told respected them why would they run to a forum to tell everyone?
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This has weighed heavy on me for some time but I once bought a maternity cardigan from skanky 🙈 . In my defence I did not know til it arrived from e bay with a signed pic. Tbf it was in great condition and freshly laundered so i assume from a time when she still had professional people doing her admins. I'll say several Hail Marys and get my coat.

Kill it with fire.
It's the only way.
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Was having a look through mum's jotter pad and came across this work in progress....Wanky's song(sang to the tune of Cliff's Living Doll) shame she didn't finish it. Got meself a screeching squawking bullshit talking living troll, gotta do me best to please er dirty skeezer living troll, she's got a wonky eye looks like a guy with a rancid arsehole, got me one and only bullshit talking living troll. Take a look at er hair it's not real it's a greasy wig with a nylon feel, gonna keep er locked up with her junk so no well hung hunk can steal er away from me.......would love to have read the finished song 🙁
Bless you ❤ you did so much for your lovely Mum, why don't you finish it for her. I'm sure she'd approve if you did x
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You've got the wallpaper I want with the peacocks 🤣xxx
I just went back to have a look at the wallpaper, its gorgeous. Ahh, wallpaper is another one of my favourite things! I do my husband's nut in because he used to go out to work and come back home to find me stripping...the walls😂
I HATE with a passion, Katie Prices's glitter wallpaper! Why the fuck did she put it in a period property for a start, it belongs in a hairdressers a push, if they do acrylic nails too. It's a modern day wood chip wallpaper😂
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No new articles. There is a stupid one about Horsham where the Mucky Mansion is located. Apparently some people think it is a wannabe haven full of blandness. Every time her name is mentioned whatever the story they go into the spiel of her driving ban etc. The fact her previously lovely house has been wrecked is if course not her fault.

MrsEms does your new machine have a bobble wash? I wore a new top once and already it’s gone bobbly.

Dolly, does Dave do his own washing?
Harri, I had my washing machine for 8 hours and have only got my first load in. It's a 'smart' washing machine so I've had to download an app and I was ever so deflated when it didn't work. We had another issue with under the sink, all sorted now.
Honestly, it's an awful feeling when your kitchen appliance is 'smarter' than you😂 I felt hurt and was not going to be defeated and wouldn't accept help...I got this😘

Oh about 20 odd different cycles I think...I've not explored it yet. It says hello and smiles. Does a tune when it finishes...its more responsive than the husband 🤣
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Morning MrsEms, we were worried about you. Dave and Dolly were asking,
Thank you I do try,
No, the boob line was a bit of poetic licence!
Don’t try this at home!
Take care x
Aww bless you🥰. I was a bit unwell and couldn't use my phone as the screen was triggering small blips so to speak. I had a small seizure sunday whist cooking and it shook me up so I've had a break. Feel better now😊

Hi dolly and dave😘
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Made me smile Dolly. And if you want to lounge around in your PJs go for it 👍but the vision of them being held up by a peg makes me smile 😘.I bet Dave is looking at you thinking what the bloody heck is going on here.😂😂😂
Here's mine

Crinkle, Crinkle WAS a Star
How we laugh at what you ARE

On a weekend getting high
Had a bust up, won't tell us why?

Crinkle, Crinkle AIN'T no Star
Who the fuck do you think you ARE
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