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I read this thread for ages before joining (I admit I was scared of @liar liar but she has been so supportive and helped me to work out how to use the buttons on here :giggle: 🤗 )

You are one of the fairest posters and I was sad to see you upset. I completely understand why you felt that way. Just want to send you a 🤗

Awwww Ems,don’t like to see you upset,sending huggies to you.🙁❤❤
Thankyou too❤

I'm going to take a break xx
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In the comments section in the DM story of KP in the bath

"I know the person who's making all that scented stuff for her, I hope she doesn't try to play anything off as her own work"
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I haven’t said who it could be recently. Previously it all pointed to Carl but he says no. We are not stupid on here (although a few of us are very eccentric) it’s just there has been so much misinformation at times it’s hard to see the shit from the sewage.
Let's put up a list of suspects and the latest betting odds...
1) CW - Evens
2) KB - 5/1
3) Dane Bowers mum -33/1
4) Victoria Beckham - 60/1
5) Local Loan Shark - 7/1
6) Local Neighbourhood Dealer - 4/1
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Pink Squirrel

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".FACT I’ve NEVER called the police on Carl my police investigation I’m currently going through to a incident a few weeks ago is not to do with Carl ''

I'm actually swinging back to considering that there was another man involved, possible a dealer and possibly intimately involved with the Pricey.
It would still fit the 'attacked whilst wotchin telly' story. She could have taken the hump with Cawl if she didn't think he protected her enough....?
She could even be claiming it was a 'mystery man' to the police like she did with the driving incident.
The only FACT is we can't believe a single word that falls from her pus filled lying gob 🥴
We already know she didn't call the police. It was the paramedics. So that's hardly a revelation from her.
So now Heaton (a fine upstanding A list celebrity) is sticking up for him 🤷. Yet 25 seconds after it happened Horgan-Wallace (another highly successful not at all attention seeking A-lister) very loudly outed him 🤷

I'm sticking with he's dumped her & she's not liking it. I mean honestly, how dare someone actually dump her? Especially a low rate used car salesman. She is The Pricey, a hugely successful in every way A-list star 😂😂
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Rita Chevrolet

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Alex/Mrs Ems ..... Normally I mind my own, however, I have an ASD family member and over the years the person has been referred to, using some frankly disturbing, vile and snide wording.

I won't lie, it stings, big time. Mostly because the family member is able to brush that crap off their shoulder and march on, the rest of us however, take it very personally and hate that other people don't know them for the amazing person they actually are underneath the ASD outer shell.

I guess the wording "Bungle Boy" is mostly the thing that's caused the offence/issue here. I read the word and did the Flinch/cringe tutt thing that has unfortunately accompanied me on a lot of occasions. Like a natural reflex really.

I wondered did Alex mean that he is like Bungle bear from Rainbow? Gentle, unassuming, kind and fragile, to be protected (that's what I always saw in Bungle bear, even as a kid).

Or did Alex mean he bungles everything because of his disability? which is a little awkward and uncomfortable to read.

Equally, I also understand what Alex means when he refers to HP being wheeled out at every occasion, when frankly he should be allowed dignity, care, love and respect to attend College and care in privacy and away from the constant spotlight which he may not be fully able to understand and all it's implications it brings with it.

I do wish KP would understand HP is no longer a little child, so sharing him isn't showing the world how a Mum/Parent/Guardian copes with a special/additional needs child on a daily basis.

She's not enabling other parents who are struggling, leading by example on how best to cope and assist that child in his/her/their growth.

Frankly, she had money, a huge home (carers could live there) and every opportunity to support this young man from birth onwards and her own greed, stupidity and selfishness has now left HP, her and all her other children without any back up or real support other than their Dads (which also have issues).
Skanky actually cares nothing about anybody except herself and will use anybody to further her own interests - it matters not that she gave birth to any of those poor kids, its simply All About Me to which everything else is irrelevant. H is no different to any of the others in that respect :(

For all their faults its as well the other four kids had fathers willing and able to take their children to safety when the SS finally caught up with skanky's foul shennannigans, but it still begs the question why the hell was the most vulnerable of all the children left with it? H should have been removed when the others were in which case his "father" might have come forward with skanky removed from the equation, yet sadly I doubt we will ever know the truth on that score :(
"I wondered did Alex mean that he is like Bungle bear from Rainbow? Gentle, unassuming, kind and fragile, to be protected (that's what I always saw in Bungle bear, even as a kid)." Thats what I took it to mean too, that H is a big ol' bear with a gentle heart ❤
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agree i dont think Harvey should be in the public eye at all and lately it has really ramped up and it just seems so wrong and not in his interest but im guessing nothing can be done but boy is she getting her ££££££ worth out of him,it's so cruel how she is using him
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Rita Chevrolet

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Ive not been on because im faffed off with both of their bullshit but this and her using #Harveyslaw is really taking the piss now
The govt need to bin the thing's 'Arvey's Law because it is evidently only there to protect HER and give her something to hide behind when all her shit erupts in her face.
That saying she must be shitting bricks if she's emerged to defend ol' wanky after all he's allegedly dun to er and why now indeed since if she was so positive he's "innersint" then the time to speak up was when it happened, not weeks afterwards
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Rita Chevrolet

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TBH it matters not WHO called the police - they are involved and thats that sunshine! It can backtrack all it likes on who-did-what-to-whom because its out of her hands and unravelling apace! hahaha! :)

IF wanky is innocent (and theres always the remote chance that unbelievably he is) how could he ever forgive the thing for putting him through this ordeal anyway, not least not even defending him in the press until weeks after the event and allowing them free rein to label him as a Woman Basher when, as she now states, that it was'nt her belovéd wot dunnit? How must that make him feel eh, seeing that she's perfectly happy to throw him under a bus to suit her agenda?
He's now collecting the shit that every single one of the innumerable exes got from it but you know I don't think this edition is the yellow-belly the others were who backed away from it when it started laying down the threats and ultimatums and I hope he's going to give it Hell armed with all the dirt and muck he's gleaned over the past year as The One :)
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Harvey is not 32 either
I reckon that they will say Harvey got out of control, hit his "mother" and Carl "restrained" him. His "mother" then took Harvey back to his house, someone called the police and Carl was arrested. Rather than blame Harvey, our hero Carl took the blame and it's all a big cover up to protect him blah blah blah when in reality it was Carl and KP, pissed up, coked up and they fought.
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Mellow Yellow

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I've heard Katie isn't co-operating...
Well that's no surprise. The police are obviously doing their job and are not ready to go forward and charge or release until they have checked everything. She will not be happy as she thought that this would all go away and Teflon Katie was back in control again. Not this time I don't think.
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I think she's made a big mistake this time. I think she won't come out of this unscathed. I really hope so.
Agree, she called the Police in the heat of the moment and then started thinking of how she would also be dragged into the whole situation if Crawl squealed like a pig. For once this seems to be out of her control, she must hate that.
She is probably thinking of her next book deal to make money too..
How to survive DV and coercive control in a relationship
How I cope with being a great Mum to Harvey
How I cope with a Mum with a terminal illness
How to cope with online trolls and Tattlers
How to look amazing without filters ( yeah right! )
How to be a great business woman and run a family.
How to lose weight with my special weight loss powder.
How to make over your house on a shoestring budget.
The list is endless….

And these are all deadly serious ideas too. See how her mind works.
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All the Blind (Gossip) sites seem to me to be adamant that this "attack" was all about drugs. Who know who actually punched her in the face, but the whole thing sounds dodgy as hell. I think the more she/they say, the worse they make it.
Just. Stop. Talking.
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Pink Squirrel

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It's all a load of boring bollocks.

She states don't believe what you read in the media......and then no doubt 'encourages' The Scum to print the Turkey crap 🙄.

She jetted off this morning for a few days but will be back on Friday due to 'work' commitments. Who writes this absolute shite?

Dear The Scum, please tell me which 'few days' are between Wednesday & Friday? Are there extra ones that only much loved A-list celebrities know about 🤷😂

No photo's of them together confirming this few days 48 hour break.

He seems to be pushing the narrative that he's not with her. If they'd gone to Turkey for 20 minutes would he actually bother going to the gym?

IF she's gone it'll be to a follow up butcher's appointment.

The only way we'd ever find out anything close to the truth would be a full detailed statement directly from the police. Not via the media or her or him. And that's not likely to happen.
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Not a mistake a cash and revenue option
Did you say dwight should've pulled out? Why? Did you call him bungle boy? Why?

I agree she uses him appalling but none of that is his fault. Harvey is who he is and deserves a private life...not insults.
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Pink Squirrel

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Awwww Pinky,I will ask him but he would say fuck orf I don’t like fish! 🤣He is a arsehole..Awww your baby sounds lovely.😻

She is always in a fucking lying mess.Vile bitch.
Here he is @Dollylovesshoes on 1 of his walks. He likes to come when I walk the dogs 🙄. He also likes to go down the slide in the park 😂. He absolutely runs our house. I have 2 large dogs & 1 giant dog. They all know he's in charge 🐈🐕


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