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Will be interesting to see what her plastic wannabe gangsta pal Aisleyne has to say now. She was very vocal about carwash being a wrong un etc. Backtracking ahoy I'll bet.
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It was all fucking lies! Just for attention for them two 💩💩
Let’s see. DV is a serious accusation, Pig Face might be back tracking, however if there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute, the CPS pursue the case.
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#65 Carl and Katie on holiday with Isis, give it tens minutes for another Pricey crisis.
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Now he's put this up
So is he implying he is still her fiancée 🤦‍♀️
not much of a partner why as he not been by her side supporting her if it was not him(condition of bail no contact)no reason for them not to be pictured together if it was not him that was arrested and bailed but she will try and say if all chargers are dropped she as been advised by the police not to name the person and if she as gone back to him they will again be splashed all over the media together(anyone with common sense can work out that if after being pictured together for 14 months then nothing for the month that a unnamed person is on bail then no chargers then pictures together again we can be 99.99% at the time it happened she told the police he assaulted her
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Not that my opinion matters but I think they had an argument of some kind and ended with Pricey running. Cole maybe telling the truth in that he did not hit her but everything is a play on words i.e didn't hit her but something else happened, maybe he was trying to restrain her from lashing out at him etc.
Someone thought there was publicity and or money to made but didn't really think things through. Neither are trustworthy or likeable and will be trying to spin this to suit themselves.
Just hope all the children and pets are safe and well.
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My money's on lil Sid ... in most photos he was giving her the evils .... I think this cute little guy, finally had enough, wanted his daddy back .... Il put 50 quid that Sid whacked her in the mushhh with the candlestick, while she was snorting a few lines in front of the tv in the living room ... 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ :oops::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Well said JakeM. I think we are all sick of them,I think the tide is turning and it won’t be long before they both end up in oblivion. I hope that people see the pair of them for what they truly are a waste of oxygen.

To play the MH card is disgusting if their MH was that bad they would be seeking professional help, but no they swan off to Turkey.
What’s happened to her filming the transformation of her MM.

I hope we no longer have their antics rammed down our throats. 😡😡😡😡
Love your comment! It perfectly sums up how I feel about this vile pair. When my mental health isn’t the greatest the last thing on my mind is a holiday. They’ve already had how many this year, 5? She only bothers about mental health when she benefits from it (being in the media). It isn’t an interest of hers when she’s cheating with some random bloke in a hotel room, is it?
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I wonder if Cole is using his 4 - 5 weeks of freedom to see other girls and line up a pretty young one to be by his side when he gets a shot at solo fame away from Skanky. A nice girl on his arm might up his profile. Pwicey will be desperate to get him back under her thumb.
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Morning Krusties,just finishing catching up,I went for lay down yesterday afternoon and didn’t wake up till 11pm! FFS
Harvey wasn’t there that night though was he also Jett and Bunny was there but what was they doing up at 10.30 etc? Far too late for little ones,did they witness what happened? Bit confusing isn’t it?
Didn't a neighbour say that there was a lot of rowdy noise outside at 11ish? Could have been a row when Kieran picked up the kids which continued after he'd gone?
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Feeling better, been taking paracetamol and resting.

Rebailed doesn’t sound right, bailed again, yes, but I’ve never heard of the word retailed.

My dear old neighbour died the other day. When mum worked, my neighbour looked after me, fed me, etc, in fact I was more round next door than at my parents growing up. Anyway, I’m sorry to hear she has passed away, she made the best toffee apples and was very bright and funny. God bless her.

Sometimes I do wonder why I come on here over seeming trivialities but it’s like a family on here and we have a laugh, share theories and life stories.

In one of those reflective moods.

Hi Dolly and MrsEms.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Sorry about your neighbour passing away. You've known her for many years and have some lovely memories, and it's nice to share them.

I've been in one of those reflective moods for the past couple of weeks but sadly my memories coming back aren't happy ones. It helps coming on here though as laughter is the best medicine for me...always has been.

Or burrowing my head in the sand🤦‍♀️😂
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wimble womble

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jeez its like one huge money tree

whats the odds she pulls out of all 3 next sunday?

non refundable tickets? wtf

looks like the horse will be dead by next weekend no doubt
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Is rebailed good or bad?
It means the Police investigation is still ongoing and they need to gather more evidence. They need a decent amount of evidence if these two are keeping quiet in order to make a charge. So I would like to think of it as a positive step in getting justice rather than a negative? However, as she has a whole history of “ charges dropped “ I wouldn’t hold your breath on this one either.
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Rita Chevrolet

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View attachment 775122Eeerm..has he..has he got a FILTER on?

View attachment 775124
I’m reading here that he’s stating Katie works with the media to print her needs/whim/angle rather than printing the truth. I think he’s butt hurt she did it to him (the track record of doing it to every partner in her life didn’t give him a heads up apparently). How shocking it must be to learn that trash rags print sensationalist bullshit that garners the greatest income whilst tightroping the very fine legal line, rather than hiring genuine journalists who wish to seek out and report on truths…who knew?? 🙄

View attachment 775130
So now they’re writing ‘in his 30’s’ rather than the very deliberate and specific 32
Yes he's been at the filters too giving him a fine chiselled jaw like Desperate Dan (how apt!); I suppose he needed to resort to filters seeing as he's a big lard-arse now thanks to a diet of shit chez skanky, but don't fret wanky, with all the aggro she's lining up for you you'll be a physical wreck in a month :) Nothing like utter misery to make the tonnage fall away :)

Oh and these journos he is slagging off are the very same ones who were heaping praise and luv stuff all over the scabby pair of grifters right up until they cooked-up this Mega-Scam of theirs thats gone so badly wrong. Hahahaha :)

And whats with all the black blots all over wanky's photo? Is he also using the Dalmatian Filter???
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Mellow Yellow

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If I remember correctly they posted a picture of Jett & Bunny in the house that night. If the kids had to go to Kieran I am sure he knows what happened a little odd all the pictures of them were deleted off his ig since
If the two smallies were with her that night, I think the fracas and the white car that the neighbours saw around 11 pm was Kieran picking up his two children. Either Jett has a phone for emergency purposes or Skanky called him to come and get the children. They both had the "my world" photo ops in the previous days so things were definitely not good. Once the children had gone things got very out of hand between the two of them - drink and drugs. All that escalated into the "slapgate" that happened around 1:30.
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