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VIP Member
How bizarre is this story.
so both are saying it wasn’t him, yet it was his house the incident happened in, his age, two of her children unfollow him on social media and it was his house her family and friends went to to collect her belongings. And a photo did show it was them two plus her two youngest children present at time of incident. And him being pretty much silent the whole time since kinda looks suss plus the whole controlling charge speaks volumes.
I feel for any woman who has been involved in dv, but this story clearly isn’t what we think it is.
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Cole saying he 'had' to go in to hiding

No you didn’t you daft twit, you’re on board with this story to come out smelling of roses and make money. You could easily have said on day 1 ‘I’m standing by Katie and supporting her, I didn’t hurt her’
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midsummer blue

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[/QUOTE] why would you allow someone you ‘love’ who is your ‘prince’ ‘the one’ go through a month of crap when you could have stopped all the speculation. Katie if he is suffering that is down to YOU and YOU alone.
I didn’t think you could sink any lower but just goes to show you bloody can!!!
My god you really are a bitch of the highest order. You can’t blame the press when all this is YOUR doing. I thought I was disgusted before but (I am trying not to swear here) FFS I am just horrified by your behaviour this time.
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I bet her plan of using all the footage from visiting Harvey for deflection yesterday, has now gone to pot on the news of being re bailed 🤣
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So he's pretty much denying 'it'. Whatever the truth of it is. He makes a point of saying he screenshotted every comment where someone accused him so it sounds like he'll be going down the legal route to get people to apologise. He must be confident he won't be charged then!
but..... what are the 'good things' he did when he 'first came on the scene'? anyone? You can still be a crappy person who is also the victim of malicious accusations by an even crappier person!
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New member
Yea - you are right ( forgot about this ) - who else could it be if he is saying it’s not him? I need to stop trying to work it out as it’s making my brain tired 😂
Maybe they were both pissed and she’s saying one thing happened and he’s saying another and the police can’t work out the truth.. and now they are all sorry and want it to go away
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VIP Member

So now she’s launching a fake tan range? 🤯
That’s in addition to the barf bombs, the lashes, the baby clothing range, the equestrian range and the master classes? Far too many plates to spin. I see a big crash coming
I'm in. Tried the prototype with my OH.


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That speech just more or less confirms that KP has lied about the incident - if he is stating he hasn’t hurt her then I’d say he most likely hasn’t ( otherwise he is going to look like a massive clanger if he gets charged later down the line).
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Very often police still prosecute even if victim asks to drop charges and retracts statement...especially if they had visible injuries.
An injury like that wouldn't be enough though, he could say he pushed her away in self-defence and she was the aggressive party, or that she fell when drunk. It was hardly the kind of injury that had an irrefutable cause, it was pretty slight. They will be weighing up all kinds of things like,whether there were threats witnessed before the attack or over text etc, whether one side has a history of making up allegations if the alleged assault was premeditated.
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liar liar

VIP Member
This is your weekly reminder to prevent a nationwide doritos and cake and wine shortage.

1. Kp lies. All the time.
2. Most of the press aren't the slightest bit interested in her and haven't mentioned the case at all. Also see 1.
3. Very few people know who cole-ole is. Even fewer care.
4. The entire story of that night is a crock of shit.
5. In an ideal world the police would throw the book at her for wasting police time. But see 1. The police force is pushed to the limit, even if they want to they might not have the staff or money to make an example of her.
6. Her alleged injuries were a broken jaw and split eye. That was clearly a substantial lie.
7. No matter what the outcome there's more to come.
8. The case could take ages. It could still be on the go by the financial hearing, that would be fun.
9. This is just what kp does best.
10. She's a waste of oxygen.
Yup - agree 100%. I think this was a 'story' that backfired badly and there is no easy way out from it. It seems to have cost her her PR person, Kirsty, who may have actually said she was not into mucking around where the police are involved. No 'suspected broken jaw', no split eye, no lip injuries except her usual dry old lips from her hols in Sloosha and the ever-present Herpes. Oh, and the bruise was pathetic.
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Active member

jeez its like one huge money tree

whats the odds she pulls out of all 3 next sunday?

non refundable tickets? wtf

looks like the horse will be dead by next weekend no doubt
£80??! To learn how to do Vulcan eyebrows?!
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What Carl has missed in his IG post is that much of the comment on SM is based upon shit that SHE has posted. People are questioning the obvious lies, contradictions and constant misdirection. The police statement about the alleged attack last month was brief and limited on detail.
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Well-known member
Me too! I don’t really care what she’s up to on a daily basis. All I’m interested in is seeing her finally pay for what she’s done (constant lies, fleecing people out of millions, the animals, the awful parenting, etc.)
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This sounds like they don't believe Katie's version of events either. No surprises there...
I don't think they like her much - it was only a couple of weeks before 'Punchgate' that she was telling Harvey to give the Police 🖕
but the way Harvey does it ☝
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Feeling better, been taking paracetamol and resting.

Rebailed doesn’t sound right, bailed again, yes, but I’ve never heard of the word retailed.

My dear old neighbour died the other day. When mum worked, my neighbour looked after me, fed me, etc, in fact I was more round next door than at my parents growing up. Anyway, I’m sorry to hear she has passed away, she made the best toffee apples and was very bright and funny. God bless her.

Sometimes I do wonder why I come on here over seeming trivialities but it’s like a family on here and we have a laugh, share theories and life stories.

In one of those reflective moods.

Hi Dolly and MrsEms.
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I said at the time this wasn’t DV and was given a mouthful for my observations….us lot know one certain thing about this skanky witch more than the average person….’never underestimate the pwicey’. There are no depths she won’t sink to.
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