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VIP Member
Funny how it has taken THIS long to come out with that statement. Surely if he was innocent, she would have made that statement the first day. They were they ones who did all the smoke and mirrors stuff hiding what really happened.
They only have themselves to blame for all this speculation ( even though it’s quite easy to join the dots on this one ).

Errrrr, Carl suicidal? Out at Sheesh, doing pap shots, Katie, you could of said this weeks ago, instead YOU played stupid games with the media.
Exactly that!
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Hampshire Hog

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This is your weekly reminder to prevent a nationwide doritos and cake and wine shortage.

1. Kp lies. All the time.
2. Most of the press aren't the slightest bit interested in her and haven't mentioned the case at all. Also see 1.
3. Very few people know who cole-ole is. Even fewer care.
4. The entire story of that night is a crock of shit.
5. In an ideal world the police would throw the book at her for wasting police time. But see 1. The police force is pushed to the limit, even if they want to they might not have the staff or money to make an example of her.
6. Her alleged injuries were a broken jaw and split eye. That was clearly a substantial lie.
7. No matter what the outcome there's more to come.
8. The case could take ages. It could still be on the go by the financial hearing, that would be fun.
9. This is just what kp does best.
10. She's a waste of oxygen.

And she will have several phones, absolutely no way that was her only one. Phones and cash,she will have plenty of both.

Not so much a go bag as a ho bag.
Well said crowbag. Agree 💯 , but as my old mum used to say to be a good liar you have to have a good memory, and my Krusty friends is something skanky does not have. She trips herself up with her own lies
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Mellow Yellow

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They've clearly agreed to lie their way out of it, which might have worked, but she sold the story to The Sun the next day. 😂 I suppose the strategy is that kirsty/paramedics called the police, not Katie. What an absolute shit show.
Probably right. Thats why Kirsty is no longer her PR.
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Chatty Member
🤷‍♀️All he had to say was, wasn't me that was arrested. The rest of it should be addressed to Pricey, she's the one that was ahem, attacked. Media won't like him calling them corrupt, they're going to go for him when it all comes out.
Totally agree, he could've ended the speculation right there and then but he wants to be petty and get people to say to him lol...
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Eeerm..has he..has he got a FILTER on?


I’m reading here that he’s stating Katie works with the media to print her needs/whim/angle rather than printing the truth. I think he’s butt hurt she did it to him (the track record of doing it to every partner in her life didn’t give him a heads up apparently). How shocking it must be to learn that trash rags print sensationalist bullshit that garners the greatest income whilst tightroping the very fine legal line, rather than hiring genuine journalists who wish to seek out and report on truths…who knew?? 🙄


So now they’re writing ‘in his 30’s’ rather than the very deliberate and specific 32
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liar liar

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Pointy chin Fern posted this about half an hour ago. I wonder if it was from today? If so, then she’s been sitting and getting dolled up in the Mucky Mansion all day. Doesn’t seem bothered about the ongoing case
All made-up and nowhere to have the reunion - ha ha ha. What is the fucking point of this horrible creature - still filtered to the max?
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Ive not been on because im faffed off with both of their bullshit but this and her using #Harveyslaw is really taking the piss now
All of a sudden out of the blue she is saying it isn’t him. Not for the weeks preceding. Not on the night.
Not in pictures supporting her.
I. Smell. A. Rat.
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VIP Member
Good morning! I hope she is not blaming Harvey. I think it would be a bigger scandal for her blaming her son. Harvey is her only cash cow now and it would leave a bad taste for BBC watchers of the upcoming “What Harvey did next”. I also think Harvey might be able to defend himself if the police did ask him. Remember Harvey’s confusion being blamed for Cole’s broken hand?
Been awake since four lots of stress. Dreamt of my late mother 😩☕😲
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liar liar

VIP Member
Clearly people do give a shit, hence this thread.
The point was that she is generating no positive publicity only negative as people are actually wising-up to her after so long of the same bloody stories being rinsed and repeated. We care on the basis we want those creditors to have the satisfaction of her being held accountable - we don't care about her other invented issues, MH, family or otherwise. She is utterly disgusting without one redeeming feature and she deserves her comeuppance.
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Joanna Surrey

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Can't help wondering what on earth went wrong so quickly, one minute they're glued at the hip now this. I think he realised what a laughing stock he'd become, a national joke. Ah well at least like "Mr Benn" he's got something to help him remember, a couple of wonderful tattoos and a new set of dentures. Tee hee hee you stupid boy!
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I agree that his message was directed at Skanky flaps. He's clearly saying the media has printed in her they always do 🙄😴 But when he's allowed to speak he'll bring her down.

Her, pissed at the NTA's saying she's dumped him & then back tracking when sober. I think it's more likely that he dumped her & she knows he won't keep quiet.

After a slow build up of things pissing him off 1 thing probably tipped him over that night. He told her it was over, asked for the ring back & told her to fuck off. Effectively she had nowhere to go. By whatever means the pissed/drugged up tramp got herself to Kirstys. Kirsty called the paramedics as the hysterical Skanky tramp was on 1. Paramedics couldn't be arsed with all the bullshit & they called the police. Stupid tramp realised she was in the shit & made the false allegations.
After all, she is The Pricey....much loved & adored celebrity by the whole nation. And DEFINITELY the victim every fucking time 🥴🤢


I do think he's a 'good fella'. He wanted fame. He was incredibly naïve. He's just another victim. Another fool destroyed & left in her wake.
I can't excuse a lot of his actions/behaviour. But I believe he was heavily encouraged by her & swept up in it all.
I would imagine anyone stupid enough to engage with her has to hit the ground running & keep up the speed.
He has allowed her to trash his house & his life. He's been too caught up in it all to see it. Now he's finally off the rollercoaster he has time to reflect.

She's like a poison seeping through the system of everyone she encounters.
Yes, any other potential next Mr Pwiceys take note. Yes, you get instant fame and followers on IG, but you will also lose any shreds of decency you may have had, become a laughing stock, and your life will no longer be your own. Is it really worth all that for a bit of fame?

Now he's put this up
So is he implying he is still her fiancée 🤦‍♀️
Obviously have met up to get their stories straight. 😏
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Thats what is confusing the whole situ. Its a 32 year old man. Which CW is. They didnt make a statement to say it wasnt him. They werent pictured together. There was no story about his support of her durning her TERRIBLE TIME. Any of those things would have let people know it wasnt him.
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Well-known member
Thats what is confusing the whole situ. Its a 32 year old man. Which CW is. They didnt make a statement to say it wasnt him. They werent pictured together. There was no story about his support of her durning her TERRIBLE TIME. Any of those things would have let people know it wasnt him.
I think he is saying that the troof is Katie is lying about him. It is him that was arrested and him that has been rebailed but the troof is Katie made it up.
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Mellow Yellow

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They are both rubbishing the press for not telling the truth. KP would not know the truth if it stood up and smacked her one. They use the media it when it suits their narrative. It would be wonderful if the tabloids got fed up with her and stopped reporting anything to do with her/him. That would stop her money fountain dead.
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