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Alex/Mrs Ems ..... Normally I mind my own, however, I have an ASD family member and over the years the person has been referred to, using some frankly disturbing, vile and snide wording.

I won't lie, it stings, big time. Mostly because the family member is able to brush that crap off their shoulder and march on, the rest of us however, take it very personally and hate that other people don't know them for the amazing person they actually are underneath the ASD outer shell.

I guess the wording "Bungle Boy" is mostly the thing that's caused the offence/issue here. I read the word and did the Flinch/cringe tutt thing that has unfortunately accompanied me on a lot of occasions. Like a natural reflex really.

I wondered did Alex mean that he is like Bungle bear from Rainbow? Gentle, unassuming, kind and fragile, to be protected (that's what I always saw in Bungle bear, even as a kid).

Or did Alex mean he bungles everything because of his disability? which is a little awkward and uncomfortable to read.

Equally, I also understand what Alex means when he refers to HP being wheeled out at every occasion, when frankly he should be allowed dignity, care, love and respect to attend College and care in privacy and away from the constant spotlight which he may not be fully able to understand and all it's implications it brings with it.

I do wish KP would understand HP is no longer a little child, so sharing him isn't showing the world how a Mum/Parent/Guardian copes with a special/additional needs child on a daily basis.

She's not enabling other parents who are struggling, leading by example on how best to cope and assist that child in his/her/their growth.

Frankly, she had money, a huge home (carers could live there) and every opportunity to support this young man from birth onwards and her own greed, stupidity and selfishness has now left HP, her and all her other children without any back up or real support other than their Dads (which also have issues).

Hi, You have made a good point about 'that' post possibly not being offensive etc. I saw it much earlier in the day and tried to ignore and look at it as not being said to cause any hurt or offence. The more I thought about it (and I did watch rainbow as a child) the more it seemed odd. Especially combining the nickname Bungle boy with saying Dwight should've pulled out. Dwight pulling out would mean Harvey wouldn't have been born.
It finally got to me and I'm not usually one to say anything but I did! I do completely agree that she uses him and exploits him since he was born. The woman is abhorrent.
I just wanted to make sure that anyone else reading that comment didn't feel the same way it made me feel.

Sorry to anyone that took offence to me making an issue about it.
It has upset me as well, I bloody hate confrontation😔
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If she's now saying it not to do with Carl who else could it be?

She has said the words we've all been waiting for "not to do with Carl"

So.... if its not Carl, its looking like it could be someone she owes money to (drugs?) Blackmailing her?
Would make sense that if Carl was there , he would be a witness and unable to speak out until the police have done their thing.
Maybe he was also attacked?

But in cases of domestic violence sometimes the police/cps prosrcute without the victims consent.
Now she's said this she's going to look very stupid if the cps decide to continue proceedings (pretty sure that's what happened with Caroline flack)
Don‘t overthink it
2 folks in the house at 1:30
Katie gets thumped
„Someone“ takes her engagement ring off her.
She runs away somewhere (PR?), then goes back, then calls the boys in blue, then goes to Harveys.
„Someone“ who is male and 32 gets pulled into the station and is released on bail.
Police are looking at DV and „coercive controlling behavior“

You need a brain made of Angels Whip to think anyone else is involved.

Later, it becomes damage limitation

„Someone“ probably has enough info to seriously and legally screw „Someone“

No Insta/tweets about anyone involved.

PR gets sacked.

Oh look, It‘s not „the One“, honest Guv….
Spoken almost month after the incident.

Sorts like as if someone coerced someone into supporting someone…

BTW, Flack lamped the bf - police arrived to the scene of lit CF, covered in blood….
We don‘t know yet what the cops found at Chez „Someone“, but enough to continue investigations….
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Chatty Member

in the sun
Umm 🤔 which statement is he talking about? One he gave to the police? Or an IG post? Did he hide out at Sheesh? Did the screen shots fill up his camera roll, as there must have been thousands of them 🤪 Doesn’t know how the media game works - what the ex-Love Islander?? #rememerwhoiam
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Pink Squirrel

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Yes, let's conveniently release a little video of Harvey for vomit inducing arse licking wonderful mum comments 🤢🤮
I'm absolutely furious at the way she 'engages' with him. She sounds like me when I'm training my dogs & wanting them to perform a task 😡. She really does just see him as a performing seal 😡 Absolutely vile!
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Good morning! I hope she is not blaming Harvey. I think it would be a bigger scandal for her blaming her son. Harvey is her only cash cow now and it would leave a bad taste for BBC watchers of the upcoming “What Harvey did next”. I also think Harvey might be able to defend himself if the police did ask him. Remember Harvey’s confusion being blamed for Cole’s broken hand?
Been awake since four lots of stress. Dreamt of my late mother 😩☕😲
I hope not too, I was told Harvey usually has his meds at 8pm and they knock him out until at least 5am. Again, despite what Cole tried to portray with Harvey, he was nervous of him. There are plenty of videos out there of him being in bed early, plus usually he has carers, despite KP saying she is a single mother of 5.
They both could of put rumours to bed weeks ago, but have chose not too. I bet this is to make the story bigger and extra ££££ for exclusives as someone mentioned earlier. Even last night he could of denied he was the man who was arrested, but didn't. I really hope the Police put out a full statement and if either/both have lied at all, should feel the full force of the consequences.
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Carls put his dinner from tonight on his story. I think the story about them going away together is pack of lies from her side, and hes purposely showing she is a liar??
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Bargain I’m blaming you as I’ve got Tulips from Amsterdam on my brain now.

If Katie wants to get as dark a tan as possible there are lots of natural ways. Women used gravy browninfor fake tights during the war so she could do that. She could also cover herself in honey and sugar and brown in the oven like gammon.

The article said a source said they hoped the court would be understanding over the slow progress re repayment of debt. How can they when it seems she has never co-operated with the authorities?
The Court should cut her no slack. Surely to God they see all her reckless spending and realise how that upsets the people she owes money to. Since when did HMRC go easy on people?
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liar liar

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Imagine then how that person feels who did contact the police after having their eardrums shredded by it screeching about 'beeeein ataked in me own home wen awl I woz doin' woz wotchin telly on the sofa....................................." and profferring an old injury as evidence of this hideous assault?

How must they feel having believed a catalogue of lies from the thing that the old boot is reeling back in with denials aplenty now because in doing so it is making out the whistleblower to be wun of dem twolz wot is twyin to destry us wiv lyes.
Not forgetting; an ambulance took her to A&E... what a fuckin' waste of money and time...
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Rita Chevrolet

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DC sez in previous topic "We should get a statement from Essex Police later, was supposed to be at 9am at a police station, but some delay apparently."

So whats the delay I wonder? It couldn't haul its massive plastic arse outta bed? Or has it buggered off to Turkey wiv wanky now the red listing has been lifted? Curiouser and curiouser.........................

She'll be on Twitter soon, advertising for a Work Husband, like Goodgers fella
She's already had him of course so who's to say she won't demand he's sent back to her because he after all has (allegedly) produced the Goods wiv der Lozza :)
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Carl’s IG story just seems like a massive threat to Katie that he’s about to bring her down once he’s able to. Remember who I am? Didn’t someone say his family have ties to some not very nice people?
I’m assuming when he says remember everything I did at the start, he’s referring to him carting her around to hospitals and appointments and holding her in sinks to piss 🤷🏼‍♀️

Interested to see how this goes now.

Hopefully if this has all be a load of bullshit made up by KP the next headlines we will see are charges against 32 year old male dropped, 40 something year old washed up skank arrested for wasting police time.
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She has a history with these Mystery Men in her sordid life; Theres the one who drives her car across people's front gardens destroying their flower beds, he who leaves her off-one-of-her-many-faces, sprawled across the back seat covered in vomit minus her drawers - BUT he does generously manage to leave the carkeys in her handbag for her :)

And now this one who breaks into Her Home (aka Wanky's Home) then attacks her and steals her 9 million £ ring off her finger whilst wanky hides behind the sofa. But its not Cole you understand - it woz sumwun else wot dunnit an' I neva foned der plice anyway, dat wos sumwun els anawl.

How manymore "incidents" are there that she has somehow forgotten to regale the world with eh??

Gives the scabby pair time to concoct some more lies then :(

October is going to be one busy month for the old skank monster LOL :)
There we go as we have all seen before

"I’m still all dazed. I’m devastated. I’ve told police that I was assaulted, and am in shock that this happened.

“I ran away after being punched — I ran to Harvey’s house nearby and have now done damage to my feet, which I previously injured.

“I can’t say any more.”

Yes you could have said more (if it wasn't Carl) you could have said he has nothing to do with it (not that people would have believed you, well most anyway)
You went running to the paper with your dodgy looking bruised face for sympathy and £££££££££££££££

What a
💩💩💩💩💩 show this is

He knew what he was getting into being with that lying piece of 💩 they really do deserve each other
Like ive said before give it a couple of months this will be all forgotten and they will be on another holiday and he will be back to tormenting H
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They say that truth is stranger than fiction, in which case I’m going to go for Dave being the guilty party (Dave is Dolly’s cat), in the library with the candlestick. What do I win?
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