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She appeared at a club near me. She was absolutely fucking buckled. Could barely open her eyes and was practically licking every single man that had a selfie with her
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
I wonder what she'll wear today... She's obviously going to brazen it out, lie about what really happened. But will Cole the arsehole let her wear one of her panto dame outfits. Not sure which would be funnier, one of her unironed trackkies, or one of her cry for help sexy outfits.
🎶 A hole noo weld🎶🤡👾⚰
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
as a disabled myself

my heart breaks for Harvey in all of this

it just seems that boy has been under consistent attack all his life FROM HIS OWN MUM

she just does not give two fucks about him unless its to bully hector or threaten him

vile the way she encourages others around her to fuel it

I hope a relative of his is brave enough to phone SS or the police about her psychological abuse of him
and allowing this latest The One to bully the boy whilst she films it screeching and cackling. Its all there on the thing's youtube and stuff yet the SS do nothing about it :(
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I can’t be dealing with this festering pox of a woman any longer. HOW she’s got away with this bollocks for so long is beyond me. Who the fuck keeps hiring her or representing her? They need to be held accountable.
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If it wasn’t him, he’d be by her side protesting his innocence, not hiding away and absent on social media
That alone speaks volumes. She hasn’t mentioned him very much since it happened either. It can’t get anyone else, can it? The odds that Carl and the attacker share the same age are very low.
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The poor horse is probably dying of embarrassment at being pictured with her so much when she owes it's lovely vet thousands.
Or maybe it swallowed a load of her plastic 'diomonty' beads from her jyy and alibabba shite.

Now, I'm not making fun of the "dying" horse in any way, but seriously, if she gets it stuffed then the pap shots of her moving back into Boyson's semi detached house will be hilarious to behold.
On the roof rack? :unsure:
"To me ... to you ... to me ... to you ... UP A BIT! Mind the ears on the door frame you div!"
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Norfolking Good

VIP Member
She a bit buggered with this story now isn’t she? Working on theory (god knows what the truth is) she was hit by Crawl, so the police get involved. She says she may not press charges but it’s up to CPS now and out of her control. She’s just been pictured with Crawl so seems to have sown doubt with her followers about what happened and possibly any follow up DV awareness she could have done publicly.
I’m not sure how she can backspin this into a positive thing for her unless she gets a tame reporter who can give her a soft interview and not press any of the many inaccuracies you guys have already spotted.
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VIP Member

Yep, here we go! Cole doesn't even own his own car! LOL.
all the cars he drives belong to his dads business and are for sale he just borrows them and swaps the plates around so it looks like he as many cars but it is easy to find out they are all for sale
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VIP Member
All hail fellow insomniac.
Sleeping tablets for the last 30 years here, it's a bloody horrible thing to suffer from.
Dear @Crowbag and fellow insomniacs;
I know a great trick to fall asleep! Get comfy and warm in bed and snuggle down then when yer ready, take a few settling breaths and start counting backwards from 300 to zero. Its okay if you need to turn over, ava scratch, cough eg; just resume counting again from where you got distracted or start again. Or begin again - it doesn't matter. By concentrating on counting backwards it focuses the mind and distracts from the everyday niggles keeping you awake.
This technique costs nothing and really helps!
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It's weird how there isn't the smallest bit of anything feminine about her, nothing soft or sweet. *shudder*
I saw her once, many moons ago, at the traffic lights, she was with Dwight in a red sports car, lights were red, in the car next to me ... I took a quick sneaky look, and she had goofy buck teeth ... and her skin looked very greasy, ALOT of makeup .... her hair looked like an afghan hound ( no offence to Afghans, love them ) ... I was shocked at how tiny she was, but those boobs were massive, she was wearing a tight vest top, you couldn't miss them, looked ridiculous 🥴 🥴 :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
We knew it was all bullshit as soon as she ran to the paper the next day.
She has serious issues and the drugs just make it worse.

People act like she's a Saint because she has a disabled son. When has she ever used her experience to help other people in the same situation unless money is involved?
She's only part of that charity to sell Harvey's clothing line.
It must be such a sad life being motivated by making as much money as you can by selling your soul.

Here's pixie to ease people's tension
View attachment 742840
Spot on 👍
She is the biggest hypocrite, she cries trolls and wants Harvey's law... Yet she is one of the biggest on twitter, plus one of her best friends sent her and others a meme with a young lady with disabilities in it.... So I guess it's only trolling when it's her disabled kid being used.... Sod others.
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Oh, god, she's "singing" at a festival tomorrow? That reminds me of the time i saw Amy Winehouse at the concert for Nelson Mandela. By the time she came on, she was absolutely off her tits. She was supposed be singing the song "Free Nelson Mandela" and instead sang "Free Blakey ma fella". The whole crowd, including Nelson were fucking astounded! :LOL: I can just imagine munter-chops doing something similar, or worse.
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Whats new? We already know skanky is a psycho!
Yes I know it, you know it 😄 I'm just thinking that she is the eternal victim and would try and play that card. I know some people have poo- pooed what Binfest said but maybe it's not a question of how bankruptcy hearings work but a question of the lengths she would go to for public sympathy.

She is someone that always has an excuse for everything. So even if it doesn't protect her completely from what is to come, I reckon she will try it as a mitigating factor, which she may be hoping will reduce a sentence or fine. That's my very non-legal opinion.
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liar liar

VIP Member
I realise there won't be mitigating factors at the hearing but, as I understand it, the hearing could find she has committed bankruptcy offences?
which then can result in a criminal sentence/ fines, which is where I think the tiny violins and excuses by the bucket load would make an appearance.
I'm not claiming any of this twaddle would be accepted, just that pathological Pwicey will try it as in her raddled brain she can never accept responsibility for anything.
Yes but it is past the blaming someone else for the mismanagement of her earnings - it is her problem. They don't care about a broken nail or bad surgery. Those were her choices. What they will want to know is the cost of the trip and proof that it was it was not self-funded but paid for via a marketing deal as she said. So where is that money that should go towards the creditors Ms Price? Welcome to her bottomless pit of lies.

W888DSC is registered now from July as a grey Bentley.
Ah the revolving number plate mystery...
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I'm gonna have to stop looking at my phone Anna before I break it.
No wonder why Harvey breaks ipads tv's whenever she's around 😡
That precious young man ... only plays up in her presence, she triggers him ... people suffering with autism have enough to deal with ... he has this vile, loud, crude bitch, screeching in his ears, bringing different blokes like a conveyor belt into his life, once he has formed a bond, they are gone, onto the next fuck boy .. he has no stability in his life .... her manic erratic circus angers us, imagine being Harvey, he has no choice, I feel his frustration ... I hope he gets the right support/help he needs at this new place, and feels settled ... she has always treated him like a stray dog, an inconvenience ... :mad::mad:
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This is why I detest KP she lies about such serious issues, if she was raped at 7yrs old what parent would then leave that same child albeit a bit older alone with a photographer (that then apparently assaulted her also) while you go shopping,
That rape story has changed several times since I first heard her mention it.
Her Mum was meant to have been in that park with her when the unsavoury incident (whatever it was) happened! 🤷

I've found her festival outfit folks, she is resurrecting this beauty 🤣🤣

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