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I expect she will go for a much needed girls holiday as she will claim he stopped her seeing her friends. She will maybe meet the one while out there
Perhaps she will get coked up, and have a 3sum, whilst screeching like a strangled cat, like she did with the German tourists,whilst trying to revive her non existent pop star career
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Pink Squirrel

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Do you think Skanky gets pissed off when her thread is derailed by the Pete can sing/Pete can't sing comments? I mean really, she thinks this thread is for her & her alone surely? I bet she's fuming reading any comment that isn't solely about her 🤣🤣 she's sitting fuck knows where now, too distraught & in too much pain to sleep, reading this & shouting at nobody in particular "those Tattle trolls can't even fucking slag me off without bringing the exes into it. How fucking dare they. The thread is KATIE PRICE & THAT MEANS JUST ME I TELL YOU MEEEEEEEEEEE" 🤣🤣🙈🙈
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Mellow Yellow

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KP is a very flawed person. Maybe her upbringing has caused this, maybe it is just how she is made. She is not capable of showing any affection for anything, her children, her animals or anyone else in her life. This is except for that small window of time when she is "in love with the ONE". Once that happens it lasts for a short time and then she starts to abuse them mentally, with put-downs on how they look, how they perform. When this happens the men in her life are unable to live with her. She likes to "push buttons", it gives her satisfaction and the feeling of control (being in charge). I do really think she has a personality disorder. She seems the closest to Princess at the moment because she sees her younger self in her (or wants to). She will exploit Princess when the time comes because that is how she operates. She is totally destructive to everyone and everything in her life. It seems to me that she is incapable of loving anyone or anything but herself.
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There is one odd thing that I noticed, each new partner has got on fairly well with the children (those who are longer term partners) .

For some reason, Harvey has been out of character, not himself in a lot of ways (and I say that as someone who has an ASD family member).

Junior has also distanced himself too. I feel they may have "picked up" on an unpleasantness (can't think of another word for it).

I also saw the picture of KP on the doorstep of KW's house when they first met in the papers this week, she's got a black jumper on and dark hair in a ponytail.... she looks like a whole other person to who we see now.

Whether that is being comfortable with someone ( you gain weight, or don't always pop make up on, you just feel you can be you, sort of thing) or because she has been coaxed to cover up, dress dowdy, less eye-catching to other men.
I don't know about him making her cover-up, as I haven't seen that many photos of recently but I have noticed over the years that she tends to 'mirror' the new man in appearance. In the Peter days she had black hair and very tanned skin - just like him. Kris Boyson, she seemed to lay off the tan ( he's quite pale) and have lighter hair to match him. When she was with Alex she seemed to encourage his alter ego 'Roxanne' to dress up the same as her, Carl was blondish so she seemed to go back to blonde/light brown. Then there is her encouraging Kris to get surgery with her, then she did the same with Carl, matching teeth FFS! I think there is a lot of unhealthy dynamics there. She does seem to change her hair and face often in an attempt to be a 'new' person. It doesn't work.
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wimble womble

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Much as everyone is praising her cooking skills on masterchef.. i just find it hard to believe she was the only person who knew what a dragon fruit was
and cant help but wonder whether this is all a bit of a fix...the judges seem to be in her corner non stop praising her even when she forgets to put stuff on the plate ,,,sorry bbc but i think shes getting a bit of a easy ride to get the viewing figures
like i said before swash will get the boot tonite.
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Does anyone know where you can watch the old episodes of Katie & Peter
I’m not a fan of Peter I remember the series about them conquering the US and she wants to grab a Segway and he’s so obnoxious to her, and talks down to her. And I’m by no means saying she’s an angel and I’m a mega fan, but at least what you see is what you get (ish) where as Peter’s mr nice guy is too contrived. You know that person when you start a new job and go above and beyond to help you, then you find out they’ve told the boss you said you find the place unorganised
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I hadn’t heard that. Do such doctors exist? What are they called?

On checking NHS guidelines it’s normal to fart from 5 to 15 times a day! Also do not wear loose fitting dentures!
They don’t, as far as I am aware, just another example of Price and the Daily Price concocting BS to keep it in the media. Expecting Harvey and Iron Lung Lil to be wheeled out soon for some sympathy.
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This is the usual ` orchestrated ` BS .. She puts out there, wanting public sympathy ... Im not going to keep putting a disclaimer before my comments ...." No one said she deserved to be beaten DV is wrong " ... Its fucking bollocks, and getting beyond boring .. we ALL know domestic violence is wrong FULLSTOP ..... I wont be guilted, by those who are blinded, at how nasty this vile skank is, and are pulling the " Im disgusted by what people are saying, on here ... in effect she deserved to be beaten ` card .. We only have ` her ` word, that she was allegedly beaten .. she an expert manipulator, LIAR .... ( I lived it for many years, DV and do not wear that badge with pride, because in all truth, Im ashamed that I stayed with him, for the sake of my children .. allowing him to abuse me further ) .... its mostly her dumb little brainwashed ` minions ` coming on here, and as always, will defend this twat, despite her being the worst abuser ever, in all her relationships ... if she were a man, with all her history, no one would touch her with a barge pole ... yet everyone, continues to enable the cunt .... for all anyone knows ` cole ` may in fact be a nice guy, decent ... but because she had this ` power couple ` idea, for them to make money of it .. she told him to come across as nasty, a bully ... Im not defending him, but know, she is capable, of faking a whole relationship, for her own gain .. finally, please do fuck off, with feeling sorry, for this old hag, whose sole intent most of her life, has been to destroy others ... if someone did beat her .. she needs to get help, aside from that, she remains an utterly vile narcissist CUNT bully, whatever really did happen .... and no photo in the scum, showing an old bruise on her face, will change that ... DV is not something, to be used, in the media, to keep herself relevant, or as revenge ... that makes a mockery of real survivors, and to those who have lost their lives, due to domestic violence ( male or female ) :mad::mad:
🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Here, fucking here!

I’m trying to keep up with the thread but by the time I’ve got to the end of one, there’s another bloody well started aaargh! I need my sleep!! 🤣🤣

It seems I’m becoming less of a lurker and a little more chatty, I think it’s you lovely lot.

I wanted to put out a few ideas/questions before the next thread starts and in case I forget, sorry if others have covered it prior to my catching up.

Anyway here goes:

1/ if she’s been crying as much as has been claimed how the fuck aren’t her eyes puffy, red and swollen?Same for her nose, there’s be residual redness and puffiness.

2/ I don’t think the bruise looks fresh, if she has any swelling and further bruising appear in the coming days then I’m wrong.

3/ Does anyone else wonder whose idea it was to have open access to each other’s phones, social media, emails, etc.? It could bring some light as to who was really controlling who.

4/ Bearing in mind this level of “openness” between the two, Cole could easily have trolled through all her past digital communications and copied it for later usage.

Btw Hello again everyone, I think I’ve found my digital home here. Everyone who knows me irl knows I am a sweet, gentle, compassionate person until they hear me talk about Krustie, this bitch just grinds my gears on every level -you all get what I mean. It’s her behaviour that has brought us all here, we need our safe space to vent and release the boiling piss - dolly I think I need the bucket urgently 🤣🤣

I think coal would feel inadequate next to Boyson.

predictions on what Her new bf will be like?
Brain dead as usual 🙄
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It's a bloody good job she never broke her jaw...she would have needed her jaw wired shut and there's not a metal invented that would have stayed attached to those Wilko Gnashers!
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I totally agree. He did use her to get back out there. But then she did exactly the same thing to him. Don’t forget, her star was fading as well. Hence she was in I’m a celeb.
Very few go on there when their star is riding high.
It’s usually an attempt to get back into the limelight and they were unlucky enough to find each other on that show.
Because they were always going to be a car crash together.
I remember when they all came out of the jungle and they did that get together show in the hotel afterwards. When he first saw the way she was dressed and made up you could actually see how shocked and uncomfortable he was but he still went there.
It’s a shame it all became such a tangled mess especially when they had kids together but any sane person could see right from the start that it was going to end in disaster.
I did find it amusing however that John Lydon seemed to be the one who could see straight through it at the time.
Highly intelligent and insightful man that one.
I can’t sleep by the way. Hence why I’m on here droning on at this time of the morning 😂
After he saw the way she was dressed & made up like a slapper in the hotel at I'm a Celeb, she was begging him to be with her when they got home & to put him on a promise got his cock out and gave him a Blowie. 🤢 That's after, of course, the episode IN the jungle where they were both in the same hammock and she gave him a hand job. All while her boyfriend Scott was waiting for her. Classy bird eh.
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She seems to act younger and younger as the years go by. She acts really immature now. She should get herself sorted out and start acting her age.
I think she actually once stated that as everyone else gets older looking over the years she herself gets younger looking 😳 I mean WTF level of delusional do you have to be to even think that to yourself? Let alone open your gob and spout it to the world as if it’s a fact. So she acts like a fifteen year old because there’s no way she can accept she’s now a middle aged woman. Saying that, I think she’s emotionally stuck where she was when she first became a page three girl and has never moved on. Like Baby Jane on steroids.
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😀 💖 Krusties🥰I am catching up! On thread #55! Takes me forever to read and I have to work to😁So much to read and I am slow since English is my second language. Threads have been moving so fast and some posts a couple of days back made me fear being clumsy and misunderstood. But this crazy, and Cole making signs?
👉🤚! Okidokey Cole!
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Wasn't he one
She was a nasty cow before Andre anyway.

I always remember back when she and Andre were on I’m a Celeb,John Lydon he detested her be Sussed her out straightaway back then,he wouldn’t have anything to do with her.
Wasn't he the one who first called out Jimmy Saville?
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I don’t think it’s weird really, they’re children, what are they supposed to say about it? They know it will just bring a barrage more questions that they don’t want. Juniour actually makes me cringe anyway, he did an IG live the other day and he just waffles on like a mini gangsta wannabe. I wonder if his music will be as dreadful as his dads.
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