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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Anyone else wondering how long it will be until she comes out with…….

Wait for it…….

“Oh my god. Carl had the smallest knob I’ve EVER seen in my entire lyfffe”

I give it 10 days
oh don't forget the "Iss no wunda 'e cudnt get me pregnint innit wiv a dick like a magit"
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Chatty Member
We all knew she would be reading this as she Has to read about herself all the time. She can’t keep away from here!!! Probably addicted too. 😂😂
I only found tattle a couple of weeks ago, I’d always been a Reddit true crime person. But ten days isolation and boredom later.. here I am!

In her shoes, I’d be more concerned with my ‘recovery’ and five children than wondering what people are saying on these threads
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Morning all,

As I watched a bit of Masterchef, the thing Katie said which I found interesting was she was enjoying being on the programme as they weren’t judging her, but her cooking. Well yes, that’s why it’s called Masterchef, but…… She’s obviously alluding to the fact she is constantly talked about and judged, not in a positive way. Well maybe if she tried to get your life in order and acted more sympathetically, maybe she would be seen differently?

Unfortunately, as Katie’s ‘career’ is based on her persona and personal drama, that’s what people mainly talk about. She doesn’t appear to have any outstanding skills or talents, unless you class the fact that she was once a successful glamour model a while back. Maybe this Masterchef will take Katie in a new direction? Maybe she’s good at cooking? Who knows?

What I do know is that long gone are the days you had to be talented to become well known and I don’t know who’s to blame for that. The current influx of wannabes and desperados are people literally willing to sell their souls for ‘fame’.

This ‘ring of steel’ she wants since the alleged attack, i take it this is not a literal ring of steel, otherwise it would be very big. Everything is so dramatic and over inflated. Oh well.

It would be lovely to see the Pimpernel today but he appeared and disappeared in a jiffy. Maybe he’s going through an identity crisis like Sir Percy Blakeney was? Is he a cop or hero in disguise? I would like to think he’s the latter.

Have a good day
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
This one is also so funny 😂

Awwww, I love the Hanno song 🥰😍 she sings it sooooo beautifully. In my opinion, it's far superior to her haunting smash, Hurricane. She's absolutely adorable. I'm crying as I type this. It makes me so emotional LOL LOL
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I bet Pricey is sweating it’s trotters off, like a Pig in a Bacon Factory, eating pork Scratchings.
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She does - he probably doesn't really care if he was playing a game from the beginning...
I've got a feeling, he is part of the Essex fraternity " Cough Cough ... the dark element " ... that are into all sorts ... among his circle, what she's accusing him off " cryptically " they wouldn't even blink an eye to be honest ... which may be why he did not seem worried, or bothered in those set up pap shots the other day ... he didn't look like a man, who had lost any sleep 🤷‍♀️
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liar liar

VIP Member
Nah pete is just as much of a narc as she is. He just hides it better which makes him more dangerous. I’ve watched videos of him being really controlling of Emily. And even putting her down. He left Katie because he couldn’t stand being the lesser famous one in the relationship. His plan failed. Just like his music career. She didn’t cheat on him. He wanted to control her. He didn’t want her going out with her friends. So when she lied and told she wasn’t and then did go out he left her. He was also very creepy and close with that friend of hers when she had surgery one time. Can’t remember her name now. But he started seeing her after he broke up with Katie. He also seemed disturbingly close to Claire. Not a normal manager client relationship that’s for sure. The way he spoke about women was disgusting. He saw them as sexual object and that’s it. He thought and still thinks he’s gods gift to women. He was vulgar and probably still is. He made sure when he settled down again it was with a much younger more vulnerable women who had no fame whatsoever. So he could shine as bright as he liked. He can’t sing very well and I don’t think he good looking at all. I used to watch everything about him and Katie before I saw through them both. If she had cheated he would have come out with it at the time to make him look the victims even more. He played the victim anyway and manipulated the press.
KP DID cheat on him.
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Remember when PriceyWoods allegedly went to see a “Fart” Doctor? Priceless Pricey is full of shit without a doubt.
I hadn’t heard that. Do such doctors exist? What are they called?

On checking NHS guidelines it’s normal to fart from 5 to 15 times a day! Also do not wear loose fitting dentures!
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
As my old mum would say lay down with dogs expect to get fleas.

proverb If one spends time with bad people, one will suffer in some way (often by becoming like said associates
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Hi everyone, I follow the threads but don’t often post. I was so sick on mumsnet of her being a wonderful parent, that I commented that while I’m sorry that she’s a victim of domestic violence she’s a terrible mother. They banned me for a week and said I’d have to be nice to come back. I told them if a parenting site held her up as an example of good parenting I wanted no more to do with it and they wouldn’t get any apology from me. What a bunch of muppets they are on mumsnet. How the fuck can they call her a good parent and ban someone for saying good parents usually remember their kids birthdays and don’t fuck off on holidays or hand their obese son a whole carrot cake to keep them quiet or even worse laugh while the bullying boyfriend teases them about the cake
Welcome. You have found your people ❤❤❤
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I’m willing to place a bet that the silence from KP is the start of her scene setting for the next part of the soap opera; admission to a mental health facility to help with her PTSD & whatever. This is her previous MO, she went radio silent, then we were told she was in the priory, then those farcical photos.
This time though, she will need to be admitted for evidence purposes, and the court hearing will need to be postponed etc.

MM which she was told she shouldnever return to (?!) will this time be the beacon of safety that is the only place she feels safe, so a longer stay of execution will be granted.

edit; apologies, I edited to add the last section, and once saved, I realised people had already liked my post!
That could be right, I'm getting vibes of the Amber Heard case from this recent incident. The photo of the bruise is pretty similar in terms of the pose, where it is on the face and quite slight. I'm not saying I disbelieve Heard or the Pricey could have been hit ( I think Heard was but it's a very complex case and she was a right headcase) It's just there are some extremely damaged people who will copy other high profile cases if they can get something out of it. Many people ( because they are decent human beings) can't believe people would lie about such things. It's only when you meet a sociopath in real life you realise that they're out there peddling their bullshite and destroying lives and it's something like 1 in 100 people who have these traits, it's relatively common.
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so Katie does not want to press chargers this from the person who wants trolls that write nasty words on the internet jailed(not nice but words do not kill you)but domestic violence might kill you she think this is a good message to her kids write nasty things jail physically assault someone just ignore it and let them go free more like since the police have talked to her again they are not buying her story of it was a unprovoked attack and it will just come down to she said he said(i think the bruise on her face is more likely from a shove and she caught it on something or he as thrown something like a phone and it has hit her face it is not from a punch from a guy as big as Carl they would be more damage)
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Chatty Member
I googled mumsnet accounts. They were raking in a fortune in their accounts while pleading poverty and trying to get posters to sign up for a premium service.

I also told mumsnet that the website was fairly shit too, and I’ll have more time for Tattle 😃
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Observations as I sit and scoff Worcestershire sauce french fries as fast and my little hands will go:
she doesnt have any new security. No one would do it for free.
she doesnt have a home-which is sad and shameful really
none of her previous husbands/bf have made a statement about this have they?
still a lot of “alleged attack” being bandied about, and no one charged
kids are online like nothing is wrong
just is weird. She must be plotting the new storyline with her “people” who are managing her social media accounts
man. Those “cruel trolls”. Busy week for them lololol
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Isnt that what she did with Alex. Once he won BB she was on him straight away. I am sure had he not won BB she would not have married him.
I'm sure when Alex was on BB she said she was going to dump him, then when he came across as likable and won she rushed him to get married
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A thousand percent KP is a narc. Written all
over her right down to her attention seeking mannerisms, when you’ve known even just one female narc, they are so easy to spot, all very similar, unless they are covert and you have to look a little deeper. KP is definitely more of a grandiose narc. Have seen this scenario played out countless times by an ex friend of mine, she played the beaten up gf so well, all the while goading him into fiery arguments, knowing how he reacts, shagging his mates and telling him about it, visiting him in prison under a different alias, (after putting him in there) she played the game very well even to the detriment of her own children. He was far from a saint and was scum in my opinion but a narc woman will goad, gaslight and mentally f up any man they see as vulnerable (especially drug addicts!)
Used to quite like Katie back in the day before her personality became so glaringly obvious. It seems like she’s finally fallen off her most narcs eventually, will be hard to crawl her way out of this one.
I know one too. She married into my family. She does similar things to what you mentioned. It's all blatantly obvious when you know their traits which hinge primarily on being a compulsive liar, manipulator and lawbreaker. I notice KP was very needy, demanding PA to declare his love and then she would get angry at him because he wasn't quick enough to declare it, although he said it all the time. It's a constant push - pull situation whilst courting attention from anyone else who can be taken in and used. They've always got to have 'The One' who they use for show to try and convince others they are valued and loved...whilst the truth is utter chaos.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
This is taking me back to the old Katie vs Peter threads on Digital Spy!
Nooooooooooooo 🙈🙈🙈🙈 I don't want to suggest a team Katie or team Pete stand off 🤣😂 I think we're all struggling to keep up with the speed these threads are moving at & all the newbie's (all welcome). So it may slow a bit of it down if PA had a thread 👍
Many of us haven't slept, dressed, showered, eaten, participated in the real world for days now. Never mind Skanky, WE need help & support 😂🤣
She seemingly has 'her team' to look after her socials while she takes a break. The truth is even SHE is too busy reading here to do fuck all else!
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I agree with all this.. Pete and Kate were successful because of Pete’s management CAN Associates. Claire was an excellent PR for them, only showing what we needed to see, Kate broke away from that and that’s when the train wreck began. Kieran hurt her because he cheated on her. No one cheats on Kate, SHE’S the one who cheats. A narc will always be seen as the victim. She will claim that none of this is her fault. Poor me! She can’t be on her own, she needs to be adored. As soon as one supply ends, the search for another begins. The next one will also be The One. All CWs faults will be aired… oh I can see it all now. Another engagement, another try for a baby. A baby won’t leave her, a baby needs her, a baby lives her unconditionally. It’s all so predictable.
An episode of petes show always sticks in my mind here juniors really little and says ‘my mum says clares an elephant’ at the dinner table 😂 and then saint pete managed to turn in into a convo about being there for Harvey because he’s disabled. I can’t stand Pete either.

Was Sophie the sister not meant to be a model? What happened those plans?
Not related to the modelling but she’s recently had a baby and doesent show it’s face on social media. That’s a kick in the turkey teef for pricey isn’t it, who exploits her kids at every given opportunity
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