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I’d be interested in this too given the monster she has become …
She was a nasty cow before Andre anyway.

I always remember back when she and Andre were on I’m a Celeb,John Lydon he detested her be Sussed her out straightaway back then,he wouldn’t have anything to do with her.
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View attachment 730995

If she’s pursuing the case then all the details will come out in the wash.
Just so hard to believe anything she says given her history of compulsive lying and complete BS.
But if she was genuinely assaulted then I hope she can tell the truth to the police to push the case through.

I’m no expert but the bruise looks less like a punch and more like an impact with an object…either being struck with an object or falling and hitting an object 🤷🏻‍♀️
That bruise looks like it is beginning to go yellow aswell. Def not a fresh bruise.

I think she is saying she is not going to let the case drop bec she knows there will be no charges brought. Esp with her conflicting statements. I think it’s just trying to save face…..which one i don’t know.
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midsummer blue

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I was just going to say she might have quit social media but will be on here seeing what we are saying!!! And reading all the papers about herself. she is obsessed with seeing what is being said about her good or bad!!!
Just came in for lunch and a new thread started already!! Lol
So you know I’ve been doing my garden. Well I can kneel down fine but I can’t get up very easily. Old age I know.
So to lighten the mood who can’t still stand from sitting on the floor using no hands?
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I think it's a shame that people are either preceding posts with 'i don't excuse domestic abuse' or 'I've experienced domestic abuse', presumably so they don't suffer the rudeness from (mostly new) posters.
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Can I join in? I’ve been reading these threads for the last few days but I know you don’t like newbies 🤭🤗 i can’t stay quiet any longer tho 😂 I reckon that it did happen but it was a fight not an assault (not saying it’s ok) I think they were both high, hit each other she called her paps hence the car outside for 30 minutes she exaggerated her injuries he’s staying quiet for now and soon they will be back together 🤣 he might even go with her to the awards tmw night! Is it on the? I feel like cancelling my night out to watch it!!!!
Welcome to the Tattle madhouse!
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Like I said I think she knew how to amplify all of Pete’s worst insecurities, she has done this with all men she’s ever been involved with. You can always see the lead up to the buttons she presses on people - in the doc posted of K and P, she has been sly digging at him across the trip. He can’t sing, he hasn’t recorded much, taking the piss about MJ, she earns all the money. He then melts down and explodes at her and she sits calmly amused by it (and used to it). She also never said sorry to him for anything and he would end up grovelling to her to make things better. Over time this toxic combination of his insecurity and her enjoying poking it was absolutely awful. She was addicted to this with Pete - the falling out and making up. Every time he grovelled to apologise and make up with her, she pushed it further to make him snap (which he did). Then one day, he had enough and this drove her crazy and why she’s never got over him.

She does this because she enjoys it, she doesn’t enjoy normal relationships - she calls them boring. She found Kris and Kieran boring and normal as wasn’t into her drama, and she would create drama and recently has created drama with Boyson and Carl where they have to ‘rescue’ her from situations where she is weak, this is her building them up until she can take them down again. She doesn't seem to like sex as much as she likes this kind of drama. She likes Princess the most because Princess engages in the drama too. The little ones are too small and I don’t think Jett reacts well to it at all.

This while ‘Don’t underestimate the pricey’ and constant bad mouthing people and making threats to them is normal for her so she’s always confused when people challenge her on it and gets defensive. She sees people as objects to serve her needs
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Agree, nobody ever deserves to be hit. She lives a very screwed up life, and you have to feel sorry for her. Her whole life is played out in front of the public, that has a
ways been her choice and how she makes a living. She has many many faults, but still doesn’t deserve to be hit.
You're much nicer than me, I don't feel sorry for her in the slightest.
Too many people much more deserving of sympathy.
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There is one odd thing that I noticed, each new partner has got on fairly well with the children (those who are longer term partners) .

For some reason, Harvey has been out of character, not himself in a lot of ways (and I say that as someone who has an ASD family member).

Junior has also distanced himself too. I feel they may have "picked up" on an unpleasantness (can't think of another word for it).

I also saw the picture of KP on the doorstep of KW's house when they first met in the papers this week, she's got a black jumper on and dark hair in a ponytail.... she looks like a whole other person to who we see now.

Whether that is being comfortable with someone ( you gain weight, or don't always pop make up on, you just feel you can be you, sort of thing) or because she has been coaxed to cover up, dress dowdy, less eye-catching to other men.
If SM is anything to go by, it seems as though Junior has cottoned on to her life being an absolute car crash and is distancing himself from her. I can't imagine some of the things his peers may have said to him over the years.
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It would be rude to let her down when she's gone to so much effort with the names.

And quite frankly if you resist having a cat called nutsack you would be letting us all down.
When you call it the neighbours will think you're summoning your hubby.

(waves at MrEms)
If I shouted out nutsack my next door neighbour would answer...🤣
My husband only answers to dickhead🤣 it is a term of endearment, it gives my husband a warm fuzzy feeling inside😁
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Chatty Member
So you know I’ve been doing my garden. Well I can kneel down fine but I can’t get up very easily. Old age I know.
So to lighten the mood who can’t still stand from sitting on the floor using no hands?
I would try it but I'd probably fart..and that's not good lol
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For fuck sake, this bullshit again about "He can't sing".:rolleyes: He makes a decent living through singing, enough to live a good life and pay his taxes ... you know, the taxes his trashy ex has dodged for years. The taxes that fund H's disability payments that pricey has been bleeding the tax payers (like Peter and us)of for years without contributing a penny herself. So between his music and appearances and investments in property he's had since long before price came into his life he does very well from singing. Beautiful educated classy young wife, very nice home, well thought of by showbiz/telly circles, living the dream. While pricey is in debt up to her expanded tits, spends her days getting manicures, new wigs, new tits, new teef and pretending she has shared custody of her kids when we all know she only has visits because she's a druggy mess with a dodgy bloke and been sofa surfing since kieran ditched her arse.
Feel free to scroll past now ... byeee.😘
Said it all 👏👏👏👏👏 ... If those kids, didnt have decent fathers and loving stepmothers, they would be in care!!! Well said (y)
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I'm all OK! Pricey fuuuuuming at this thread. Accused me of being detrimental and said she was going to the po po.

I'm yet to see a blue siren two days later.

I've been meaning to do some washing the last couple of days, housework later, tattle first! Addictive!
Good to hear!!

I'm no legal beagle but I'm 99.999999% certain that her calling the police on you will cause a hell of a lot more grief for her than it would you 😂 😂 😂 I think you're safe!

Most of us have been neglecting our actual lives for the past few days 🤭🤭🤭
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Also some posters have real disabilities. Not play acting
I have Aspergers and I dip in and out of Tattle and I seriously think that KP is definitely on the spectrum. I also think that she is a sociopath, devoid of all feelings! She is like a fucking robot.
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Monsieur Crumble

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People are assuming he hit her ..... when in all truth, It may have been she was high, drunk, going Psychotic, he may have tried to restrain her, but in her erratic state, she fell smashing her face on a table or something, and in her hysterical mind, she made up that he did, I cant image her sitting there quiet and meekly, during an argument ... because as we all know, this is what she does, she will use ANYTHING including DV to get attention .... I don't like him, never have ... however, he is a very big guy, looks strong ... if he had beaten her, he would have caused a lot of damage, not just some bruise on her cheek, which looked like it was days old, her injuries IF he had done it, would be more severe ( been there ) .... she has done what she always does .... the guy looks like ending the relationship, shes so fucking spiteful, and wants revenge ... it could have been a dealer, or someone else, who hit her, pushed her, or she may just have fallen over herself while they argued.... whats most likely happened arffaaa boy told her its over, which means in her pea brain, that set off hysteric mode ... we all saw how the silly cunt behaved at boysons house, she was out of control ..... finally, even though I dont like him, no one deserves to be labeled a woman beater, IF he indeed, didnt ... thats something serious, and IF not true ... will affect his life ... shes well known for destroying people, she has said many times, gloats ` thats what happens, when you cross me ` ... if a guy leaves her, she cant handle that .... Im thinking because she was in such a state, she didnt think this through properly, at the time ( drugs .. drink ) ... now sobered up, come down from the high, its dawned on her, that he can cause alot of trouble for her, because she was dumb enough, to let him know, about all her scams, avoiding having to pay her debts ... arffaa boy knows it all ... and when ready, he will talk ... in that sense, she has met her match ... he may have not laid a finger on her ... but because shes doing all this cryptic shit in the media, hes already been convicted in people's mind, as a woman beater, and thats exactly what she wanted ... to destroy him ( she has prior form for this ) ... he maybe completely innocent
I may be in a morphine fug or I need stronger specs but she doesn't look "beaten"to me, that bruise is not fresh for a start! I still remember briefly seeing our Dollylovesshoes terrible injury when she fell in the "offending slippers" now that was genuinely bad 😥 I don't take DV lightly but I'm not buying it 🤔
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You have made very good points. She has literally filmed herself farting by Carl's side, her camera man would have so much footage, mundane day in day out crap. It would build up a big picture.
I still can't understand her letting Carl wind up Harvey and find it funny, that's not working with her story now and how could it?🤔
Sadly " cock " comes before her children ... that's always been the case with her, where her LOOOOONG LINE of men are concerned ..... the most important thing for her, is what goes on between her legs .... her history proves this ... and as a narcissist, with quite a few personality disorders ... a disabled child for her, in her mind ... is damaged goods ... a narcissist, can't feel love for their kids, in the normal sense ... they do make a good show, of it though, if they will gain from it ... its an act, and she would also pick n choose, which child, she would tolerate on certain days, depending on her mood ... don't be fooled by all that " i wuvvvvv ma harrrwwwwey ` that bollocks, is all for the camera, for show ... its all BS ... that young man, doesn't really have a bond or connection with her, not that i've seen all these years .... these kind of creatures, have no tolerance or respect for someone with disabilities, that includes her own child ... thats why :mad: :mad:
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Yeh I think Pete only stayed so long with her for the kids and the insane amount of money they were making as a couple. It's hard to believe it now but they were a really high profile couple and she had all sorts of products out there that were selling quite well and her books and their fly on the wall series were really popular.
But they argued so much, I remember one episode when they are having one of their numerous arguments and Pete brings up that she was arguing at 4am with him because he received a text message in the middle of the night and then he kicked off because she went horse riding with mske up on. It was really uncomfortable watching because it should have been a private argument, and you could tell Katie was really ground down by it. I'm not saying by any means she's a saint- no way is she. But I think they were both as bad as each other. Pete really did do well out of the relationship.

I do think her and Boyson could potentially get back together though, I can see him going back to her somehow. It's a shame she can't just be by herself but I don't think she will, she's too needy.
I actually thought Kris was good for her and quite a stabilising personality in her life. I liked he always seemed quite honest with her whether she liked it or not (not that she ever listened to what he said) but he was brilliant with Harvey and I don't think he was faking that at all. I just hope he doesn't get dragged back into the circus that is her life,but of course that's his choice.
I still say Kieran caused her the most damage of them all, there's something about kieran I just can't seem to warm too. Yes he's a great dad, but I think he caused alot of Katie's problems and I think she really loved him and was quite vulnerable with him. Do I believe the sex addiction story??!- hell no! But I do think it all went downhill for Katie when she met kieran.
I really think Katie brings the majority of things on herself and so she needs to be in proper rehabilitation for all her addictions and problems. Another relationship won't solve a damn thing,it will just cause more problems and more damage to both parties.
I agree with all this.. Pete and Kate were successful because of Pete’s management CAN Associates. Claire was an excellent PR for them, only showing what we needed to see, Kate broke away from that and that’s when the train wreck began. Kieran hurt her because he cheated on her. No one cheats on Kate, SHE’S the one who cheats. A narc will always be seen as the victim. She will claim that none of this is her fault. Poor me! She can’t be on her own, she needs to be adored. As soon as one supply ends, the search for another begins. The next one will also be The One. All CWs faults will be aired… oh I can see it all now. Another engagement, another try for a baby. A baby won’t leave her, a baby needs her, a baby lives her unconditionally. It’s all so predictable.
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I thought I would share our favourite drunk Kp photos to give you all nightmares before bed
That last pic was at Phil Turners Birthday Party where she got so drink she collapsed in a booth and, I believe if I remember rightly, pissed herself whilst Phil was trying to greet his guests.

He, Boyson and Michelle Heaton had to all but carry her out.

Phil looked furious and Kris mortified.

Think this is when he finally washed his hands of her. She's never been seen with him and Gary since.
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With her son Harvey tied-up outside in a shed probably. He's 'just up the road' as a woman jumps from a window ...
just like to clarify, liarliar means that Blade is tied-up outside in a shed, not Harvey*.

*Harvey lives in a cupboard, fed with horse tranquilizers until he is needed for publicity.
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