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I'd like to keep up but I've got to go to bed.

I've just laughed so hard I cried, deep breathing now...
My daughter wants 2 cats to add to our 2 very gentle dogs.
She has gone on and on for a long time about getting 1 cat. I knew she wanted a ginger cat and she wanted to call him wotsit...fine.
This second cat, the bald wrinkled type...she wants to call it nutsack🀣 she's on a wind-up tonight🀣

I don't know where she gets this bizarre shit from...😳
It would be rude to let her down when she's gone to so much effort with the names.

And quite frankly if you resist having a cat called nutsack you would be letting us all down.
When you call it the neighbours will think you're summoning your hubby.

(waves at MrEms)
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midsummer blue

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Do you think KP has quit Social Media to catch up on Tattle? :oops: (asking for a friend.... )
I was just going to say she might have quit social media but will be on here seeing what we are saying!!! And reading all the papers about herself. she is obsessed with seeing what is being said about her good or bad!!!
Just came in for lunch and a new thread started already!! Lol
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Pink Squirrel

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Can someone post the clip of Peter and Katie sing whole new world, the clip without auto tune, cos it's getting a bit hmmm when Katie fans are posting he can't sing. πŸ˜‚
Also, he has custody of the kids because of her drug habit. She's been done for revenge porn, driving offences, she's bankrupt. Peter has paid for the kids private education, he's in a stable marriage, the kids have a clean safe home with role models a million times better than Cole and Katie.
Here you go.....
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House of Tea

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But also Junior is trying to become a recording artist. Maybe he has been advised to distance himself for his image. I would be livid if I were him. Once again her bad decision making has meant that the kids lives are impacted. On the day he should be celebrating his record deal, all focus is on his mother.

Full disclaimer - nepotism gets on my wick. Fed up with all the offspring trying to get into entertainment world because of their familial ties.
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After he saw the way she was dressed & made up like a slapper in the hotel at I'm a Celeb, she was begging him to be with her when they got home & to put him on a promise got his cock out and gave him a Blowie. 🀒 That's after, of course, the episode IN the jungle where they were both in the same hammock and she gave him a hand job. All while her boyfriend Scott was waiting for her. Classy bird eh.
Yeh I think Pete only stayed so long with her for the kids and the insane amount of money they were making as a couple. It's hard to believe it now but they were a really high profile couple and she had all sorts of products out there that were selling quite well and her books and their fly on the wall series were really popular.
But they argued so much, I remember one episode when they are having one of their numerous arguments and Pete brings up that she was arguing at 4am with him because he received a text message in the middle of the night and then he kicked off because she went horse riding with mske up on. It was really uncomfortable watching because it should have been a private argument, and you could tell Katie was really ground down by it. I'm not saying by any means she's a saint- no way is she. But I think they were both as bad as each other. Pete really did do well out of the relationship.

I do think her and Boyson could potentially get back together though, I can see him going back to her somehow. It's a shame she can't just be by herself but I don't think she will, she's too needy.
I actually thought Kris was good for her and quite a stabilising personality in her life. I liked he always seemed quite honest with her whether she liked it or not (not that she ever listened to what he said) but he was brilliant with Harvey and I don't think he was faking that at all. I just hope he doesn't get dragged back into the circus that is her life,but of course that's his choice.
I still say Kieran caused her the most damage of them all, there's something about kieran I just can't seem to warm too. Yes he's a great dad, but I think he caused alot of Katie's problems and I think she really loved him and was quite vulnerable with him. Do I believe the sex addiction story??!- hell no! But I do think it all went downhill for Katie when she met kieran.
I really think Katie brings the majority of things on herself and so she needs to be in proper rehabilitation for all her addictions and problems. Another relationship won't solve a damn thing,it will just cause more problems and more damage to both parties.
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Nooooooooooooo πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ I don't want to suggest a team Katie or team Pete stand off πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I think we're all struggling to keep up with the speed these threads are moving at & all the newbie's (all welcome). So it may slow a bit of it down if PA had a thread πŸ‘
Many of us haven't slept, dressed, showered, eaten, participated in the real world for days now. Never mind Skanky, WE need help & support πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
She seemingly has 'her team' to look after her socials while she takes a break. The truth is even SHE is too busy reading here to do fuck all else!
EXACTLY!! .... Who will take care of our needs? ..... give us support, during these tough few days ..... ive got dishes piling up, hoovering needs doing, more flipping clothes need washing, these things do not do themselves .... WHERE'S OUR SUPPORT???? .... I even did an online shop with Sainsburys last night, and its only 5 mins up the road πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ ... this is getting serious now πŸ€” πŸ€” :rolleyes::LOL::LOL:
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People are assuming he hit her ..... when in all truth, It may have been she was high, drunk, going Psychotic, he may have tried to restrain her, but in her erratic state, she fell smashing her face on a table or something, and in her hysterical mind, she made up that he did, I cant image her sitting there quiet and meekly, during an argument ... because as we all know, this is what she does, she will use ANYTHING including DV to get attention .... I don't like him, never have ... however, he is a very big guy, looks strong ... if he had beaten her, he would have caused a lot of damage, not just some bruise on her cheek, which looked like it was days old, her injuries IF he had done it, would be more severe ( been there ) .... she has done what she always does .... the guy looks like ending the relationship, shes so fucking spiteful, and wants revenge ... it could have been a dealer, or someone else, who hit her, pushed her, or she may just have fallen over herself while they argued.... whats most likely happened arffaaa boy told her its over, which means in her pea brain, that set off hysteric mode ... we all saw how the silly cunt behaved at boysons house, she was out of control ..... finally, even though I dont like him, no one deserves to be labeled a woman beater, IF he indeed, didnt ... thats something serious, and IF not true ... will affect his life ... shes well known for destroying people, she has said many times, gloats ` thats what happens, when you cross me ` ... if a guy leaves her, she cant handle that .... Im thinking because she was in such a state, she didnt think this through properly, at the time ( drugs .. drink ) ... now sobered up, come down from the high, its dawned on her, that he can cause alot of trouble for her, because she was dumb enough, to let him know, about all her scams, avoiding having to pay her debts ... arffaa boy knows it all ... and when ready, he will talk ... in that sense, she has met her match
You can always tell when PriceyWoods is lying, it’s lips are moving and words are screeching out of its ever open gob.
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Do you know, what really makes laugh .... those deluded ` fans ` who have been praising arrfffaa boy, for nearly a year now, as being the perfect gentleman, her knight in shining armour .... the one who treats her right ... a good guy ... are now ripping each other to shreds on their IG .... calling him all sorts, turning on each other ... these people really are from another planet ... they're arguing amongst themselves ... that he's a wrong un, she should get rid .... poor her, must have suffered in silence, he's always been controlling ... blahhhh blahhhhhhh blahhhhh!!! when only last week, they were singing his praises πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ .... he's gone from the patron, holy Saint Michael, the SAVIOUR .... to scum of the earth, very fast indeed :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes: ..... its honestly like a day out at the lunatic asylum ... cant stop laughing, at how dense her ` fans ` followers are πŸ˜† :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Chatty Member
Isnt that what she did with Alex. Once he won BB she was on him straight away. I am sure had he not won BB she would not have married him.
Yeah totally, she saw how he was coming across in the media and how people saw Alex as a harmless guy really and she saw money signs, the bloke didn't stand a chance after that..... I remember in one of their reality shows she was having a go about the way he looked and dressed and was trying to change him, but he stood his ground... Which of course she hated, as all her little lapdog men are meant to heel and do as they are told..... I'm sure she would of debarked all her men if it was legal
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Haha! My ovaries have turned into tonsils, good job I don't bloody well need them any more! You best get your WD40 out Mrs E 🀣😘
WD40 is a bit harsh...
a bottle of wine and Tom Hardy and he'd need a snorkel🀣

I cannot believe I've just typed that....sugar rush, honest😁
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Mellow Yellow

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I remember when in I'm a celeb, she was pestering kerry katona for Mark from westlifes info, kerry of course was trying to put her off(as kerry knew he was gay but he hadn't come out back then) KP was like a dog with a bone, then when she was kicked out, she saw how much Pete was liked on the outside, so then decided to make a move for him more... All this while dating that young lad, who she then dropped... Remember she had her mother beg Claire from can to take her on as a client
Isnt that what she did with Alex. Once he won BB she was on him straight away. I am sure had he not won BB she would not have married him.
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Refreshing my memory of the delightful pairing that was Pwicey and Boyson and I really must say, nothing screams fanny flutters more than a ginger failing to masquerade as a blonde, an obviously padded sock cock and sunburn reminiscent of a drumstick lollyπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
What did you do that for?
I'm going to be dry and clamped for a week and its steak night tomorrowπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚
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liar liar

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That's uncalled for and untrue - half the thread?
There are more polite ways of making your point.
I think this group is doing a brilliant job of balancing the kp insanity of the past few days (and being inundated with offensive, untrue and bonkers statements from many new folk) with more lighthearted, day to day chat.
In many other sites this would have imploded and been locked.
Yes @Crowbag. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and support given to people, including myself, by posters on threads generally across Tattle and here especially. A lot of people had a very bad time last year and were having one well before and continuing to do so with ongoing health and family issues. A page or so of nice up-lifting comments when you feel in utter despair does the world of good and also makes you smile and laugh again. We are not rude to each other and those who are soon find out that Tattle is perhaps not the verminous site they were hoping for. I have honestly cried my eyes out because of some of the things my fellow posters have/are going thru. We have welcomed lots of new posters who are already proving to be great observers and a sense of humour. Love to all my Tattle pals - old and new :love: πŸ€—

My above comment says I don’t mind πŸ™‚ I just think let people talk about stuff that is related to the thread as well and respect that not everyone will like Emily or Pete and just let them have their opinion on that too.
But neither of them hit her so are not part of the issue. They didn't introduce him to Cole either or Boyson or Charles or Alex Adderson or Keiran..... etc.

I think she's had an eating disorder for many years, it's only been the bolt on boobs that have made he look remotely female.
She's had a coke addiction which stopped her eating then she would get the munchies once she got up around midday at MM.
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Here you go
Oh she's so classy, she would (and does!) sell her own mother to make a few quid. And THAT, folks, is somebody the BBC think is acceptable to put on a family show like MasterChef. Dia-fucking-bolical!

Talking of that, do we know why she was allowed to advertise her JYY gear on there by wearing it yet? No? Oh well, I'm sure OFCOM will be having a look at it πŸ‘
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