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So far Junior hasn’t reposted her birthday pictures, but P posted not long ago and he has done those. 🤣
She’s not done a grid post so her ‘fan’ can point out what an amazing mum of 5 she is and what a sterling job she has done to bring him up single handedly, even though he’s out everyday at his dad’s 🙄 I think someone may have told her to back off 🙏
She hasn’t even found time to like and post some comment, all about her and My son on his post with his gf, even ex egg Tom Zanetti commented 🤣
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Oh Lordy hhhaaaa hhhhaaa I’ve just got off the phone to my horsey friend who said she stank when they were mixing with the same horse people. I asked her to describe exactly what she smelt like and she said apart from the usual bo and bits smells it was a bit like sour gone off butter!!! 🤢🤢🤢 We were shrieking and immediately decided on a new Skank name “Utterly Butterly.” This lady isn’t even a tattler, sensibly says she’s too busy. What a shame for us. She’s also a really nice and fair person and said very often she would be smelling of perfume and soap and be really well turned out in all the gear. I find that really odd that you can be clean one day and honking the next. Anyway it’s cheered me right up. Still got major after effects from my chemo and stem cell transplant. Would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for carrying me through the darkest, scariest time of my life with your Skank observations, warmth, friendship and endless wit and humour.❤❤❤
lol, I’ve changed it to Slutterly Butterly, sounds more fitting. Yuk I wouldn’t wanna catch a sniff of that 🤢
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She’s fucking dangerous. I’m so so glad those kids are away from her. She is an abuser. This woman is dangerous. I hope to God she gets exposed for the evil that she is. I know it’s funny seeing people take the piss out of her singing and other irrelevant shit like that on social media, but these same people also likely have no idea of how evil she actually is. When is she going to face proper justice? The damage she has done over the years. Bloody Hell. Sorry. Bit of a rant there.
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Reading her Daily Mail bullshit, it's time for the trustees to get her into court and infront of a judge, since she seems to have overcome all her MH problems and is, in control and in such a good place with a choice of two houses to live in.
She's taken the absolute piss out of the legal system for long enough.
As for JJ's parents, it's obvious his lack of brain cells is hereditary.
Any parent that willingly sits at a dinner table with Katie Price as their son's girlfriend, really have to have some sort of brain defect.
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HaHa she’s done it hasn’t she, she’s done a chapter on each Ex 🤦🏽‍♀️

WTF has she written about Lego, this book is going to be lie after lie after lie, how has it go published, honestly I reckon even if some stuff has been excluded, her lies will mean some of them sue her and the publishers, this book will have little truth in it, she lives in a fantasy world of her lies, it’s crazy the publishers have gone with this nonsense 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Bet the Lego chapter is a late addition ... to make up for all the stuff that had to be removed due to legal challenges ... OK weren't interested in an exclusive, so, Kipper will 'reveal what we will reveal' in her book ... no one has any interest in this fake relationship ... bet he 'saved ma life' by talking her out of throwing herself out of a window just as he happened to be walking past, or protected her from a gang of Sarf African robbers fighting them off with his bare hands ... it will be a load of made up shit just like the rest of the book ... onky about 36 people will buy it anyway
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Thanks @SmillieKylie 😭😭😭 must have been recorded yesterday.

Yep so only a short one, as she’s moving into her new house, so hot spotting the WiFi from her car. Must be where her latest rejuven8 ad was filmed from.
Confirms she obviously not driving in the car, she’s a passenger. Wonder why she made that comment 🤔
(I mean what happened to her work ethic for all her fans 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
They both miss doing the pod tour.
Said a few days later, she was in a different outfit STARTING the GAY prides. (Seriously 🙄) Adrian pulled it out the bag with her outfit again.
Her first proper GAY pride, she was shitting herself (probably why she keeps pulling the outfit from her arse)
She is going to put a clip of her and the crowd up.
On the train back from Newcastle, KP didn’t have headphones on while she was watching some crime thing, SFP was sitting 2 rows away, KP said she checked every one around her headphones on, so she turned it up 🤷🏻‍♀️
Then KP went to Albert’s birthday party.
This week… moving in the new house. Been to John Lewis, she wanted a pink smeg kettle and toaster, but got white instead. Her new kitchen is navy white and blue. She needs to get a new sofa (this woman has had more new sofas than I’ve had hot dinners)
Wants her underfloor heating set at 29/30 degrees, so she can sit there in her shorts and T-shirt 🙄
She has no WiFi at new house, so can’t watch tv. So she hot spots off JJ’s phone when he ‘comes round’ as he has 2 bars.
Now slagging off Love Island 😴
She’s been looking at summer houses and wants a vegetable garden grow tomatoes, carrots, sweet peas maybe potatoes, radishes and she’s going to do it 🤔 loving it, it’s such a reset for her.
Next week, doing all those magazines covers, she’s doing a spread, loads of magazines, not saying who for (wonder/wander if she got a loaded gig and maybe the Daily Fail for her interview) she has mood boards for the shoots, she’s so excited. One BIG shoot coming up.🙄
She was proud to see J&P in the cover of OK. It looked like a (wait for it) a mini Pete and me (god she is obsessed with him)
Been putting all the kids beds together. All homely stuff.
She’s recording her audio book, it’s hard work, she can read obviously, but has to keep stopping and gets frustrated and has to keep saying the lines again, it’s reliving stuff I don’t want to keep repeating, but wants to get it off her chest. It will be good for people to hear her voice 😭😭😭😭
Said it’s Junior and JJ’s birthday tomorrow, so KP is doing her audio book all day 🤷🏻‍♀️ subject quickly changes to the IOW festival 🤣 she’s hasn’t booked the ferry even yet.
She has dinner with JJ’s mum on Saturday, as she’s flown over from America. And dinner with his dad and sister on Friday.
SFP’s kitchen is finally finished.
KP has got a new washing machine, new dryer, she is just loving it, she’s organising it, loves being in a smaller house. The other house was just noise and too many rooms, they are still doing finishing touches.
She’s not being going to the gym, but she is going to start the gym 🙄 she hasn’t had time.
Listeners questions…would she recommend having a boob job… basically yes (but for yourself and no one else)
Will they both be watching the euros? KP doesn’t have a choice as JJ is well into football 🤷🏻‍♀️ SFP can’t wait, can’t believe Jack Grealish isn’t in, so KP sighs and says, well we won’t be seeing those legs then and that’s all she is saying on that. 🙄
SFP asks if she would want to be a wag , KP says being a wag would be amazing full stop wouldn’t it? But doesn’t think there is any footballer out there who would want her.
Next question, would she want to watch Taylor Swift on her tour, if not whose concert would she want to watch…? She can’t stand Taylor Swift at all, doesn’t like her music (must be jealous of her) but Bunny is obsessed with her. She would prefer to watch Usher, Chris Brown, Celine Dion.
Life Advice… talking about a hen do and how to survive it. 🥱
Banging on about everyone seeing her new kitchen….
Someone put a comment on her instagram they saw her at Thorpe Park yesterday.
Thank you DC, for the rundown of more lies. She really is wanting everyone to believe she has purchased the rented place. Also, why put beds together for kids that have all been removed from custody of her? Harvey & Smirkyboy are the only ‘kids’ staying in the rental? She’s beyond deluded, living in La La land. She really thinks she’s now in the league of Lady GaGa etc. when in fact she sounds like a wailing cat. But she seems to be getting loads of work, gigs, photoshoots etc. Really don’t understand who would want to pay & promote this potty mouth liability. 😡.
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I cant breathe for laughing the stupid twat Lego deserves everything thats coming to hin as we know it will sooner or later hes gone the same way as all the things other exes

Hes as bad for not exposing everythingbshes done said he would then nithing samevas AR dont know what all these so called grown ass men are scared of talking out against her but she says and does what she wants
Alex Reid? You know he literally went to the police about her and he's said publically she had sex tapes of Pete and other men in front of the kids.
She was never charged. He's done what he can.
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She's that desperate to prove that this is her house (not rented) & she chose the kitchen, so yet more photos taken on the kitchen worktop! No other fashion brand 🙄 would consider this suitable or normal?! It's a modern brand new large house, surely there was a better location for a shoot? Or perhaps it already looks like TK Maxx on a sale day! 🤷‍♀️
This is why I was so happy she lost the MM, I do believe it all falls apart now, she has to find that £5K a month as she wasn’t paying anything before to live in the MM. She has to lie, lie, lie more than ever, pretend she doesn’t rent, no idea how she addresses the kids not being there, it’s gonna be a big old empty house, even the brain dead lot might start thinking, where are the kids soon. A double bankrupt, with massive debts, kids taken from here, a known drink driver, animal abuser and fleeces her fans online, cannot string a sentence together and slurps when she speaks, whilst vaping in your face, is gonna be a life coach, please 🤦🏽‍♀️ what idiot would listen to this thick twat. All bollox.
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Chatty Member
Well Tattle Chums. . . Off to see a talented, beautiful, professional and all round amazing, inspirational woman this evening. No. Not you Kipper. . . As if! 🙄 Pink!!!
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"She has dinner with JJ’s mum on Saturday, as she’s flown over from America. And dinner with his dad and sister on Friday."

Well thats a bit strange eh? Mummy has flown in from the USA and suddenly The Showmance is OFF?
Has Mummy clamped down on him by flying in to lay down the Law over the Skanky One in combo with Daddy & sister?
Sounds more like an intervention than a nice catch up.
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'Terrifying burgulary....?'..... Now, I realise its not very nice having someone come in and nick stuff but 'terrifying'....? Terrifying is when you see Ring cameras picking up blokes in hoodies armed with machetes and axes hammering on someone's door... (Thinks: Where were the Sarf Affricans and Mexican bandits when you need them....) Walking up and trying the handle is not quite as 'terrifying'....

Its an empty property for godsake, and a few people trespassed there. In a normal world she would not even know it had happened. Since when do police bother looking for people who have trespassed and taken a few bits of abandoned items. They don’t even come out for a real burglary nowadays.
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I reckon the papers deliberately write about her 5 kids living with her, and rely on readers' comments to mention the real situation. Then, their hands are clean.
Katie: "MY" baby girl." Yep, every single fucking time. Does she ever utter any sentence without "me/my" in it?
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Oh Lordy hhhaaaa hhhhaaa I’ve just got off the phone to my horsey friend who said she stank when they were mixing with the same horse people. I asked her to describe exactly what she smelt like and she said apart from the usual bo and bits smells it was a bit like sour gone off butter!!! 🤢🤢🤢 We were shrieking and immediately decided on a new Skank name “Utterly Butterly.” This lady isn’t even a tattler, sensibly says she’s too busy. What a shame for us. She’s also a really nice and fair person and said very often she would be smelling of perfume and soap and be really well turned out in all the gear. I find that really odd that you can be clean one day and honking the next. Anyway it’s cheered me right up. Still got major after effects from my chemo and stem cell transplant. Would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for carrying me through the darkest, scariest time of my life with your Skank observations, warmth, friendship and endless wit and humour.❤❤❤
My friend was at Heathrow a few years ago and her daughter came running out of the loos saying she’d just seen Katie Price in there and that she reeks. So they all went to the exit door of the loos so they could have a sniff too when she came out. Yep, my friend can confirm that she honks. And she is so nice that she hardly ever says horrible things about people. But she does speak the truth 😆

Going back to the charisma vacuum that is JJ - I watch MAFS and while it was on I was genuinely wondering/wandering why he was on there. He is SO fucking dull. My fave bit was when his ‘wife’ let him have it when she found out about him and Ella, the plastic surgery mess. He didn’t know what to do. She really let him have it and he just stood there like the woose that he is.
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Stan Butler

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So because skank can't get a visa,,, kryten can't spend his birthday with his biological mum like he normally does every year so his bio mum has to fly to the UK because his adopted mum has forbidden him from flying to the USA without her. 🤣
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Wow … she really thinks shes something!! She has no shame !!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Nothing screams “all my kids have been taken off me because I’m a fucken disgrace. and I don’t give a fuck about them !!! only myself “

than Katie prices Instagram !!
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