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Appears she’s written a whole chapter on JJ. Must be about 3 sentences long. Here Skankenstein I can help:

I met him and made him sign a 6 month contract.

He has Turkey teef like me.

He’s the biggest I’ve ever had.

Still a cunt


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So lied about her outfit going out to dinner…nothing this woman says is ever the truth.
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I think Smillie said it, he seems to be quite dim and enjoys having some sort of surrogate mother figure. Odd!

Maybe it's like when she announces 'Sophia Hanna Price' as if they're going on stage. Makes it sound like a role, rather than personal, like they're actors in a supporting role for her.

The devaluing phase seems to have begun. JJ has been perfic, the one! but she's been looking at footballers legs and been messaging them and is gutted none of them are replying to a woman nearly 20 years older.

Will JJ put up with the cheating if she does snare anyone? I think it will be barrel-scraping time and she'll have to find someone really
.....damn it I can't edit anymore. I was saying she's going to have to find someone really low grade to cheat with but she will because she has to feel that people want her. She is not cure, her therapy has never even touched this issue.
No footballers going to touch that, with a very long barge pole. Any bloke giving her a Fxck, needs to treble wrap his KnobGoblin, 1 to protect from STD’s & 2, just in case there’s a likelihood of getting it pregnant. God, she’s in no position to be fussy, hence why we’re being fed this pathetic fake relationship 💩 with Slitty eyeballs. She’s relying on the ugly boy to driver her around, so it’s going to be difficult for her to meet another desperate bloke. Plus the state of her mutilated face & body & listening to the monotone, slurping, lip smacking potty mouth, is enough to make anyone 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. Slitty eyeballs really in a big mug, being literally taken for a ride🤣😱
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He actually said he likes first class because he can lay down in the bed so he has some idea
My son is Down syndrome and doesn’t have capacity, but he found 1st class seating on an emirates ad on you tube! He sent it to me with a request to go on the bed seat. The point being he has zero idea of that being massively more money, and if you tell him he just says get a scratch card. I would assume Harvey would think the same.

He is also fairly large (under active thyroid and no satisfaction feedback) and was valiumed the last set of flights not because he kicks off but he’s scared and it’s long to keep him calm, he‘s never ever kicked off physically anywhere but he can cry and that’s heartbreaking, despite all that he’s begging to go to the water parks please! Bless him Harvey probably enjoys the pools and everything as much. It’s a balancing ‘game’

Oh one thing… he’s desperate to go to Egypt, which honestly he’s got no idea where it actually is or looks like, just that his sis went there. You could tell him it was egypt (or st Lucia) and it be Spain, neither would actually understand the geography i dont think, THAT is all fed by someone…
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Getting her hair done at LALinks, should be LAstudio. 🙄
think moon boot guy has been caught too
She also says the extensions cost £799 and you can get a deal with 10% off by quoting her name 🤦🏽‍♀️ There is no way she is constantly getting £800 extensions for free surely, just for advertising 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

What the hell was that guy playing at selling her stuff so openly on FB, that’s played right into her ’I’m a victim’ hands, what an odd thing to do, it was clear he’d get caught. Everything around her is bizarre 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Other Krusties have mentioned this, and I have to agree...

The DM aren't supporting her. They are simply providing her with a platform for this bullshit story because they know that people will be outraged (again!) and can't help but read/flock to leave a negative comment. It hasn't been a fortnight since they dispatched their drone squadron to the MM, which we know pissed her off.
Why do businesses with them if they invaded your "pwivacy"?!

I've just checked and the article was posted at 08.36 and already has over 1K comments... Those clicks are driving serious ad revenue which is a win-win for the DM.

They clearly don't give a flying monkeys about what is being discussed because they don't seem to be moderating the "negative" comments like the Mirror do.

Skank is such a Narc that she won't care that this is nothing but a ragebait article, nor will she care about the "trolls" slagging her off in the comments.
She'll have stuffed her fee under the mattress and simply carry on as per normal... Zero fucks given 🙄
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Its an empty property for godsake, and a few people trespassed there. In a normal world she would not even know it had happened. Since when do police bother looking for people who have trespassed and taken a few bits of abandoned items. They don’t even come out for a real burglary nowadays.
My mum’s neighbour’s shed was broken into after they’d move out but had left stuff in there which was taken & the police said there was no crime as the items were classed as abandoned and therefore as no one “owned” them there was no crime as for theft there has to be a owner. Anyone would have thought her tat had been abandoned. Who would want it? As she keeps saying she’s bought new anyway.
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Wow … she really thinks shes something!! She has no shame !!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Nothing screams “all my kids have been taken off me because I’m a fucken disgrace. and I don’t give a fuck about them !!! only myself “

than Katie prices Instagram !!
Katie Price #398 Lost & Found: Lost - looks, house, kids, career, husbands. Found – begging, renting & Legoboy.
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Just found this... Never heard of the channel before, and to be fair it doesn't get many views, but the comment at 01.38 about his next video is interesting nonetheless 🤔
It may well be stuff we're all aware of, or speculated about, but I'll be checking it out tomorrow regardless...

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The dog's doodah

Well-known member
Split fears?!

Who actually fears this split??? So what if they split, who gives an actual fuck.

Saw on legoboys insta him blowing smoke up that mate of his arse, he sounds obsessed by him. And as for that bump fluff beard Lego has under his chin, I eally cant stand it, it makes me want to puke as its just so unattractive.
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Hi Krusties , haven’t been well, Started 6th June ,
Started bleeding from my ears , The Doctors said that noise can act as a stressor by inducing a state of arousal in the body , which increases levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, My Brain was wasting resources on trying to tune out the noise, so My Brain had less capacity to perform other complex tasks leading to a temporary decline in
Cognitive performance, in fact the Doctors said they had never seen such a bad case , and I had to be put into a medically induced coma because all my vital signs were shutting down, all because I actually clicked on play, that shrieking old Harridan
Singing “ Tell it to my heart” fuck me I thought Whole new world or I got chew was bad
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I still don’t understand how she’s not been completely cancelled altogether. Even just the revenge porn scandal on its own should’ve been enough for her to be completely cancelled, yet here she is with yet another book deal and even some Pride gigs of all things. After what she did to Alex Reid? I just don’t get it.
I agree. It actually blows my mind. Can you imagine a man in the public eye being found guilty of revenge porn? There would be absolute outrage and he would be torn down and cancelled.

Why is a woman doing it either not really picked up on or people are turning a blind eye to it? It's madness
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As somebody already said , everything that comes out if Harvey’s mouth is Skanky . His phrases “ I love it , yes mummy , what a day “ etc …. The calling of people “ slaves” and “ I only fly bloody first class” ….
That is NOT him , he doesn’t have the capacity .

He is simply parroting his vile mother .

It does not show either of them in a pleasant light .
The more horrible / controversial stuff he says is the stuff she says in private , no doubt about it .

THEN she pretends to look shocked or starts winding him up , using triggering words or scenarios like “ not having cake “ or “ not flying first class”
I ask you , what parent of somebody like Harvey would EVER think this was ok ?
And yet she still gets lauded as some sort of fantastic mother.
It really does knock me sick to watch him being conversationally lead by her , knowing exactly what she is doing for likes & attention - all the while his behaviour & language gets more unacceptable & remains unchallenged & not corrected.
Whilst the Chav cackles away delightedly at the clicks it will bring.
Being sat anywhere near them on a flight would be my worst nightmare.
I dont know how anybody can find Harvey cute with his behaviour also its not funny hes too big for Skanky to control now and shes deffo grifting for first class seats also why take him away when she knows hes trashes hotel rooms there must be a reason he does it and why doesnt she stop him useless fucking mother
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