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Excellent recap as usual DC. Some of my takes on that pod as I sit on the train. I couldn’t stop laughing about her meeting Lego’s Mum, how can his Mum think this is a serious thing, surely she must know it’s fake. Again there was no warmth towards Lego on this pod, he’s just another thing in her life, she even made a remark about no footballers wanting her, that’s because Lego means nothing to her, it’s crystal clear, but she needs that chauffeur, so he stays, but methinks Skank is looking for a Nu Egg, she’s restless again.

So she’s in the new rental, she was again making out as if she owns it, saying I’m changing this and that, she’s not letting that drop, plus how is she affording it, and FFS ramping up her heating in summer to 30 degrees, Willow has confirmed she does this, that will cost a fortune, bloody trustees are useless at stopping her spending, I think it’s just wishful thinking for us to believe they will ever limit her spending now, sadly we gotta just accept it. Though the stuff about the new cooker and washing machine she’s bought is a lie, that kitchen will be furnished by the owner.

I will say though, as much as she’s sinking fast, she also isn’t. I know she talks bollox, but I do think she’s getting some deals still, that bloody Daily Mail stuff, and I’m praying Loaded haven’t gone there, but I fear they may have 🤦🏽‍♀️ Edna and her are very excited about something, and I just know it will annoy us, thinking WTF, how.

She can keep getting the singing gigs, as she is just making a fool of herself, everyone but a few of the brain dead lot are laughing about her singing, the hateful Dan Wooton did us a favour posting her Pride video, Twitter tore her apart, he brought her appaling act to a wider SM viewing, she’s a laughing stock because of it, yeah keep doing that Skank 😁

I would be laughing my head off at her, as despite some offers coming in she’s pretty f*cked but her saying she’s making the kid’s beds up, yes I do think it’s BS for the fans, but I have become slightly uneasy about what contact she is trying to get in the future. It should be minimal, but I have a horrible feeling it’s not as final as we thought. Hope it’s just me worrying unnecessarily, but I have a dread that situation is not as sorted as we believed it to be, please be wrong Kylie 🙏🏾
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I notice there’s Harvey deflection on her Insta - tried to post it here but couldn’t- she’s goading H to say next time they go on holiday he’s got to fly economy & he starts rocking because he “ only flies bloody first class”

They really are charmers aren’t they ?
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WTF !!! The shape of her 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is screenshotted off a Insta reel too .

Two Junior birthday photos ( both with her on) and little else apart from a Frank Kafka quote about being delusional ( over footage of her singing on stage) 🤔🤣
My beautiful 24yr old son, leaves for work every morning .... grabs me tight, showers me with kisses ... and before leaving the house ` Lova Ya Mum ` see ya later, without fail every day 🥰 ... my amazing daughter🥰 lives in her own home, few hours away, has a brilliant job which she enjoys ... we have regular contact, phone calls, texts ..... I am in no way ` perfect ` ... however, my two kids come before anyone and anything, always will, that includes myself and they often tell me that I'm a good mum .... which makes my heart swell because I didn't, and still don't have a good relationship with my selfish narc mother, who made my childhood, teenage years hell .... pwicceee should be thoroughly ashamed of herself ( we all know, she isn't ) having four of her children ` ordered by a judge ` to be taken from her, twice with B & J ... because she simply is NOT a decent person, can't behave and an even worse mother ... Always putting self ... men .... her wants and needs first, her poor children an afterthought while she continues to live this self-serving ` dont give a fuck ` life ... posting old pics on their birthdays, because Junior rightly avoids her, and it seems Princess is following close behind ... and she cant see the lil ones anymore, because she can't be trusted ... Nice life Ayeee .... new start, the great reset .... Im gwwwona be a bwwillionawwe :rolleyes:
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Thanks @SmillieKylie 😭😭😭 must have been recorded yesterday.

Yep so only a short one, as she’s moving into her new house, so hot spotting the WiFi from her car. Must be where her latest rejuven8 ad was filmed from.
Confirms she obviously not driving in the car, she’s a passenger. Wonder why she made that comment 🤔
(I mean what happened to her work ethic for all her fans 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
They both miss doing the pod tour.
Said a few days later, she was in a different outfit STARTING the GAY prides. (Seriously 🙄) Adrian pulled it out the bag with her outfit again.
Her first proper GAY pride, she was shitting herself (probably why she keeps pulling the outfit from her arse)
She is going to put a clip of her and the crowd up.
On the train back from Newcastle, KP didn’t have headphones on while she was watching some crime thing, SFP was sitting 2 rows away, KP said she checked every one around her headphones on, so she turned it up 🤷🏻‍♀️
Then KP went to Albert’s birthday party.
This week… moving in the new house. Been to John Lewis, she wanted a pink smeg kettle and toaster, but got white instead. Her new kitchen is navy white and blue. She needs to get a new sofa (this woman has had more new sofas than I’ve had hot dinners)
Wants her underfloor heating set at 29/30 degrees, so she can sit there in her shorts and T-shirt 🙄
She has no WiFi at new house, so can’t watch tv. So she hot spots off JJ’s phone when he ‘comes round’ as he has 2 bars.
Now slagging off Love Island 😴
She’s been looking at summer houses and wants a vegetable garden grow tomatoes, carrots, sweet peas maybe potatoes, radishes and she’s going to do it 🤔 loving it, it’s such a reset for her.
Next week, doing all those magazines covers, she’s doing a spread, loads of magazines, not saying who for (wonder/wander if she got a loaded gig and maybe the Daily Fail for her interview) she has mood boards for the shoots, she’s so excited. One BIG shoot coming up.🙄
She was proud to see J&P in the cover of OK. It looked like a (wait for it) a mini Pete and me (god she is obsessed with him)
Been putting all the kids beds together. All homely stuff.
She’s recording her audio book, it’s hard work, she can read obviously, but has to keep stopping and gets frustrated and has to keep saying the lines again, it’s reliving stuff I don’t want to keep repeating, but wants to get it off her chest. It will be good for people to hear her voice 😭😭😭😭
Said it’s Junior and JJ’s birthday tomorrow, so KP is doing her audio book all day 🤷🏻‍♀️ subject quickly changes to the IOW festival 🤣 she’s hasn’t booked the ferry even yet.
She has dinner with JJ’s mum on Saturday, as she’s flown over from America. And dinner with his dad and sister on Friday.
SFP’s kitchen is finally finished.
KP has got a new washing machine, new dryer, she is just loving it, she’s organising it, loves being in a smaller house. The other house was just noise and too many rooms, they are still doing finishing touches.
She’s not being going to the gym, but she is going to start the gym 🙄 she hasn’t had time.
Listeners questions…would she recommend having a boob job… basically yes (but for yourself and no one else)
Will they both be watching the euros? KP doesn’t have a choice as JJ is well into football 🤷🏻‍♀️ SFP can’t wait, can’t believe Jack Grealish isn’t in, so KP sighs and says, well we won’t be seeing those legs then and that’s all she is saying on that. 🙄
SFP asks if she would want to be a wag , KP says being a wag would be amazing full stop wouldn’t it? But doesn’t think there is any footballer out there who would want her.
Next question, would she want to watch Taylor Swift on her tour, if not whose concert would she want to watch…? She can’t stand Taylor Swift at all, doesn’t like her music (must be jealous of her) but Bunny is obsessed with her. She would prefer to watch Usher, Chris Brown, Celine Dion.
Life Advice… talking about a hen do and how to survive it. 🥱
Banging on about everyone seeing her new kitchen….
Someone put a comment on her instagram they saw her at Thorpe Park yesterday.
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Nor me, I am 100% flummoxed and if it doesn’t add up we are missing something 4 sure x
So she’s moved in, now the bills begin

We have the basic £5K rent, plus her council tax at £300 a month. A new amount for her to find every month, as she hasn’t paid any mortgage for years.
Her bills, she has cranked the heating up to 30 degrees, she’s gonna be spending £1k+ a month on that sort of heat costs and other appliances she’s running.
Car costs, MOT, general maintenance, petrol, does Lego pay the insurance, she couldn’t get any in her name. How many cars does she still have, all have to maintained, again a good amount of coin per month to keep all that going.
The people working for her, Dim Lynne, Jess, Mrs Danvers, Fruitella, at least 4 of them, even if they average about £500 a week, there’s £2K gone. They will be other outgoings, how many pets does she have now, they cost, vet bills etc, even with insurance I’ve paid £1K on various bills for my little doggy in the last year.
Seriously where is this income gonna come from and why as a double bankrupt is she allowed to do this, plus what are HMRC doing about her tax 🤷🏽‍♀️

Time passes, we keep saying the same things, it must end, but no on madam goes, spend, spend, spend, must get new furniture for the new big house rental, sigh, no sign of it ending 🤦🏽‍♀️

Let’s face it, she needs at least £10K a month to keep her lifestyle going. So £120K a year, probably more, before anything else. Nice one Trustees, keep letting her do what she wants 🤦🏽‍♀️ her creditors must look on with dismay at the way she is not being brought to account. I will never understand her bankruptcy situation, she doesn’t comply and no one does a thing about it, just bizarre now 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I still don’t understand how she’s not been completely cancelled altogether. Even just the revenge porn scandal on its own should’ve been enough for her to be completely cancelled, yet here she is with yet another book deal and even some Pride gigs of all things. After what she did to Alex Reid? I just don’t get it.
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Joanna Surrey

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so Harvey wants to go first class(if the holiday ever happens)but she can now only afford easy jet was the last time she took Harvey in 2021 to Saint Lucia and she said in the best seller book Harvey and me she was left with a huge bill because he trashed the room(is she using Harvey hoping to beg free first class from someone)
Who would even want him in first class anything trashing and causing chaos? It’s not his fault, he comes across as far from stupid (he’s certainly got her card marked) it’s the way he’s been dragged up and infantilised to suit her agenda. He should have been put in his place and given boundaries and guidelines from a toddler. He showed his other side on that disgusting post she put up filming the entire birthday lunch outing. He ordered his food with confidence, was polite to the waiter and had good table manners, obviously all learnt whilst away from her. She was in his ear hole the whole time instead of just letting him enjoy the day in privacy. He got fed up in the end and started rocking and howling as if he was ready to kick off. She is beyond disgusting where he’s concerned.
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The earlier prep shots seemed to show the old paint being stripped as it was all bubbled on the surface, so if this is a full respray job, over £3500+ especially if a non standard colour/finish. A wrap would be a similar cost, possibly a little less. Hell of a freebie if she's conned them into it! 🤷‍♀️ Probably worth as much as the car ffs!

Oh well, nobody will spot her in a 2 tonne car the size of a tank in bright pink glitter finish, safe as houses for a high risk celebrity 🤪🤦‍♀️

Edit - at least someone pointed this out to them on insta now!


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“Someone “ may have lied on their insurance application.

that’s all I can think of , to get round this.

Why the fuck are a garage doing up a car for a driver who has countless bans for drink driving????
Another business to avoid by association…
Numerous motoring offences, the worst driving history Judge Amanda Kelly had ever seen…speeding, using her mobile, dangerous driving, no seat belts, banned, drunk, drugs.
Tax avoider, twice bankrupt, animal abuser, child kidnapper, fame hungry, homeless, revenge porn, restraining order breaker, liar, cheat, scammer.
I can see the attraction why they would want to use her 🤪
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Pom Bear

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I wander what they'll be having to eat for dinner - will Kipper amaze them with her lumpy grey mash? What will baby JJ's birthday cake look like eh, @Pom Bear ;) 💐🤭😘 xXx
Katie got a personalised cake made at cake shop nearby ....nothing fancy as money was tight but she weren't too pleased when it didn't look much like JJ so she took it back to make a slight change to the face...

Here is the original 😀😄❤🤗🥰😊😘 xxxx...


When it came back it still weren't right and didn't look much like JJ....something was missing, back it went again...


One more time it got sent back and at last the cake looked more like him 🥳😄❤💖🎂🥳😘 x...

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Joanna Surrey

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Her “work” will gradually dwindle to literally nothing within a couple of years. She’s gradually being forgotten, regardless of her behaviour, bankruptcy etc the simple fact is she’s getting older and time waits for nobody. Not many young people under 30 have a clue who she is and she has no talent or professional broadcasting skills to keep her afloat in the industry. Like PA and Melinda Messenger if you have the like ability factor you can get a break and wing it to a certain extent but you still need a level of intelligence and good diction to progress. Most people start off with a degree in media and a background in entertainment (child actor, former pop star etc.) She has literally nothing to offer she can’t even speak or sit in a chair properly. There have been lots of people who at one time were far more popular and talented than her who’ve gradually drifted away from the industry. They’ve either done well enough to retire early or they go for a complete life and career change and forge out something new. Skank could ha been sensible here had she been a normal decent woman. The house she had before the MM was a proper equestrian facility and farm. She could have produced it as a livery yard and had a lovely lifestyle working from home with horses and all her children around her knowing she had a home for life. What an absolute idiot she has been, not only to herself but the way she’s wrecked those two little kids chances of a beautiful home and financial security.
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Minor tea - there are two applications pending against the title number of the MM at the Land Registry - one is a dealing application on 25 April submitted by a firm of solicitors in Northampton (who act for government depts including HMRC according to their website), and the other is from the Land Registrar on 29 May for official copies. What date was the eviction notice served? Second application lines up with the eviction date doesn't it?
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Training to become a life coach? Is this alongside paramedic training?

Honest to God it's beyond a joke now. The tabloids are fuelling her delusions and insulting their readers by printing her relentless lies.

It's ridiculous
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That’s what fascinates me, @Tedbear. There’s enough info online going back 20 plus years about Price that would surely raise a red flag to any man considering a relationship. He wouldn’t even have to search too deeply to discover how she treats the men she’s been with. Yes, of course there are relationships that end badly, but it’s evident that the vast majority of her dalliances have followed pretty much the same pattern - love bombing, fall outs, making up then breaking up and it’s never her fault. Why on earth do they fall for it?
Mind you, I’ll laugh if at some point in the future she claims that JJ dominated her, telling her what to wear and living off her fame! I’m still not totally convinced he knows what day of the week it is. 🤣
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Katie Price #398 l wander/wonder whether it's boost or boast. Either way, Kipper's toast.
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She’s literally sat in the car with JJ saying here I am with the birthday boy, on her son’s birthday?? Shouldn’t she be seeing him?! She’s fucking shameless.
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