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J & P have a new baby sister, no name yet.
A girl aswell 🤣🤣 how dare he skanky will be frothing at the mouth now, 3 beautiful daughters that will grow up to be classy well mannered girls, juat like their mother / step mother, and completely opposite to the mutilated one. Congratulations to Pete Emily and the kids
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Spoke to soon 🤣🤣🤣 Saline Ellie videoing herself driving off round skanks to top up the lips again in the hovel..very hygienic setting ...

Interesting lou calling out unsafe aesthetics practices going round people's houses yet she follows saline ellie. 🤔
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Stan Butler

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She is actually revolting - I'm also wondering how you poo in a microwave 😂
You take the revolving round plate thing out put it on the kitchen floor squat and drop your log, then put the revolving plate thing back in microwave. Hope that clears it up. 🤣🤣🤣
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So Kryten was meant to be at his “mega millionaire mate Ryan’s” do but had to give it a miss as he had prior commitments. In other words, granny said he wasn’t allowed out!!
She’s taken a while, but it looks like Skank has finally launched Rule 2 of Madam’s demands in a relationship. Even though it’s a totally fake relationship, rules are still rules, Skank’s demands must be met, and Lego-head has to obey…..


Rule 7 & 8 might also be in play, probably lots of attractive women at this event he’s bailed on….

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She tried ivf but it didn't work
I've said this before but I honestly don't believe any stories about her having tried IVF. It's a very long and tedious process that requires many doctors appointments and a strict injection schedule, all things I can't see her sticking to for more than 5 minutes. Add to that if she had been doing it surely she would have been posting photos of herself having injections, scans etc? But she didn't, not once. Standing outside an IVF clinic doesn't count!
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Yet old skank can't ever stop harping about the past exes etc..every podcast she's on regurgitated the past with added extras...

Edna obviously in full deflection overdrive mode with this and that single mother post
Edna must be super glued to her phone furiously squinting posting any shit motivational quote in the vain hope something sticks. Surely the clan must get bored or annoyed with hearing how awful DY,PA,AR,KH and her other ten million ex's have treated her

She's fucking delusional and becoming more unhinged by the minute the ❄ and booze have amplified her crappy and down right evil behaviour
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Chatty Member
PR is Kirsty Shaw Rayner's profession too, it all feels very orchestrated, I'm not buying that CW has suddenly become a nice guy and decided to help the kids. She is up to summat and so is he.
I say good luck to them both, if it gets those kids back to Kieran, in my eyes it's a job well done. It's about time someone had the guts to out her. She gets away with everything.
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It’s testament to just how brain dead this revolting creature is that it’s happily given itself a speech impediment due to its own vanity.
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IF she's off to Thailand, where are the kids going? Kieran should be able to have them back. Would not be acceptable to leave them for 2 weeks with paid (well we think) 'staff'. Can't think the kids are going to Thailand. Not bad, for a now TWICE bankrupt :mad:
I am hoping she is going because she is pissed off that the kids are going home to KH 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
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His dad literally posted stuff on IG all the time about coercion and narcissism all the time so his family were very aware.
We only saw a brief glimpse of their life together, all orchestrated by them or her so none us can 100% say what went on behind closed doors.
This is making me think back to the time someone, maybe @DC16, revealed that J was scared of CW. Now wondering if that was KP spreading lies about CW? I still can't reconcile KH having anything to do with the man his son is scared of.
Also interesting comment earlier with KH saying he used to call CW to speak to the kids. Is this more proof of her manipulation and more proof that CW WAS doing things to help the kids behind her back??
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More so, that clearly Dim Lynne has known for a VERY long time those kids have been neglected & are at risk (Great risk), as have WSSS. DL know's she's an alcoholic, drug taker, everyone knows she is. Someone like DL seeing her every day, coked up & drunk, is complicit in the neglect of those children. Is DL being investigated still & will charges be made? I think, along with everything else, it's unlikely. Those children were taken away from their daddy in November 2022. Numerous allegations were made by KFP about KH, all clearly false. WHY hasn't she been charged with these false allegations? Why hasn't SS intervened & sorted out removing the kids ? Would appear that Kieran has tried everything & played by the book to get those children back to a safe, loving home (at great financial cost & mental trauma). I feel sick in my stomach now, that this has dragged on far too long. The situation is much worse now. This new bloke just want's to be famous, even at the detriment to his reputation. I am sure there is no relationship on his part. Is he a drug user too? He 100% must know she's using constantly & is an alcoholic. Where is she getting the gear from? Can't be cheap either. What a SHIT situation.
There was a pic from a fb comment yesterday saying that BOTH of them were coked up to the eyeballs over the Easter Weekend (I think referring to the secret event thing). So if true, then he’s also a user. At this stage of her addiction I think she can only be with another user.
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Likely culprits?
Graffiti artists
Drug dealers
Everyone else she's wronged :rolleyes:

Wonder if she drives in/out that gate too.
Sadly, the first thought my brain went to was…. Has another animal died and she will claim it got out through here and it’s not her fault 😞
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Chatty Member
Let's not forget she dumped Bunny with a load of strangers for hours getting her hair braided in Thailand ... anything could have happened... if something does, God forbid, she will just cash in on it, she doesnt give a toss about the well being and safety of her kids. She doesn't give a shit when they are inside her ... she is still shagging around, boozing and doing ❄
Especially as skank constantly goes on about the abuse she's suffered from a young age yet puts her youngest daughter in similar positions, randomly left in foreign salons, or with men who she's known for 5 safeguarding .like you say its like she wants harn to come to her to use for media pity press attention just like she fed off the kh cheating for years and years now its the revised versions of abuse with added extras depending whose she's talk to on these podcasts
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You take the revolving round plate thing out put it on the kitchen floor squat and drop your log, then put the revolving plate thing back in microwave. Hope that clears it up. 🤣🤣🤣
😂😂 I had visions of it crouching on a worktop with their arse in the door of the microwave 😂😂
Your explanation makes much more sense.
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
I warned you Stanley! 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣
Come on i took one for the team last night and vanquished the 🐒 KK,,, with no thought for my own safety i put myself on the frontline and told the monkey "i loved and wanted to marry IT" after my second reply to IT the monkey fled and hasnt been heard from since.🤣🤣🤣
Your welcome.😘
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