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At least she has all that cheap TikTok big roll to hand
The screen-cap is always worth a repost, Whenever we think she’s getting away with everything, we need to remember she’s gone from living at the Playboy mansion, jetting the world, invites to big red carpet events to this….selling bog roll wearing Big Plastic Ears, and she ain’t even doing his anymore, oh this cap is glorious schadenfreude 😈😁….

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Off to Thailand.
IF she's off to Thailand, where are the kids going? Kieran should be able to have them back. Would not be acceptable to leave them for 2 weeks with paid (well we think) 'staff'. Can't think the kids are going to Thailand. Not bad, for a now TWICE bankrupt :mad:
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Ooh is this a slight dig at skanks favourite saline filler ellie who's well known to do this at the skank's hovel and was regularly round at sinkyboy house doing this.
Now lou does same lip fillers etc will skank be back getting it there now elles business practices under spotlight
Anderson - 2 faced hypocrite - KFP & Anderson fell out for a few years, same as Julie from the Lanes salon, yet suddenly they're all pally pally again.
Neither Anderson or Julie get paid for their 'services', so WHY are they back in the thick of it again with her? Is it the liking of ❄❄. All so strange.
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How has KP 'sat in silence' whilst she's been slandered?! That's so laughable! 😅. She always, always opens her big fat gob and slanders other
It's obvious Lou just believes KP's version of events, or wants to.

I wonder if reporting your account of what's happened to NSPCC might be worth it? They have a duty to report anything criminal to police.
You can do it online anonymously or if you do leave your name they can contact you and it adds more weight to them taking the concerns seriously. I think F4J have tried reporting to WSSS, so will have gone to Lucy Butler and just been ignored.
I'm going to leave NSPCC to the person who is in the 'know' to report. I will do my best with WSSS individuals. But I think they're very 'closed shop' since the LR fiasco. Strangely an acquaintance does the same job as LR for WSSS & when I mentioned if she knew her I was given a filthy look & knew to shut up :mad:
I must be honest, I was & still am a bit P'd off. They close ranks I think. I wonder, Helena, do you think LR will ever be charged & do you have any ideas about why she's put her bum in the custard & done what she did, all for the mutilated one? It's all so odd.
Yep hurry up summer. Hope you'll be seeing the sun inside a prison confine. And J & B are happy playing in the sun with K, M & the other children.
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Stan Butler

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Wow Pete and Emily have a new baby, Edna the frumpy dumpy enabling and complicit beige cunt has a new fridge freezer, meanwhile at Pricey Towers skanks gate has been robbed by the elusive mexican south African Essex organised crime syndicate that once again drove onto her property unseen (when skank claims she sees and takes pictures of trespassers all the time) and left the area around the gate without a footprint or a single blade of grass trodden on. Me thinks skank will be self medicating tonight wonder who'll be making a delivery,, will skank order a takeaway or will Lou pay a visit to do skanks hair. 😎🤣
Waiting with anticipation for skank to use the birth for some publicity and what a lovely caring person she is to get some fan points congratulating Pete and Emily as if she's already the bestest stepmummy aunty godmother and the slanderous attacks recently on Pete are forgotten about. 😎
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Sunday Girl

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Skank must be shitting herself now after seeing those photos of CW with KH all best mates, I‘m wondering / wandering (makes me giggle every time I see this lol) just how many recordings has he got? He could have all kinds of recorded arguments and and her screaming and shouting at the kids, all kinds of stuff. Look at that poor man who finally had enough and secretly recorded his evil wife, I’m praying CW’s got enough proof to bring her down. Maybe the reason he only hints at stuff, not because he’s selling his story but because of legalities of making anything public??
Just musing really. There was a clip ages ago of KH in the garden with Apollo and he said something like they're 1st class woods? Maybe it wasn’t a dig at CWs drug taking but a compliment to him? 😁
I’m really hoping Carl has realised he’s been taken for a fool, maybe he believed her lies for a time, but now wants to make amends, please please please he’s got recordings and he’s helping the kids
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Yet old skank can't ever stop harping about the past exes etc..every podcast she's on regurgitated the past with added extras...

Edna obviously in full deflection overdrive mode with this and that single mother post
Made me Vomit 🤮 @Mamfe71 Deflection definitely, I hope those kids are with KH soon 🔜 and then Skanky can Spiral 🌀 down the plug hole 🕳 like the Crusty Clinker skiddy 🩲💩she is
Those kids will blossom again with a stable home life 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Pom Bear

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@Mich1969 nope not my work but you gave me an idea so I've added a bigger bum and grant 😄😄😄🥰❤💖🤗😘 xxx...
The original pic ...


..with added bum and grant 😄😄 x...

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Chatty Member
What would you do
If you needed a poo
In an English country garden
Pull down your pants
And shit upon the skank
In an English country garden
Then get a leaf and wipe your underneath
In an English country garden 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Pom Bear

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Rather strangely they've put out an article abouth her stolen gate...!

...and why didn't they take the entire gate...? Perhaps our lovely Stan will know...?

View attachment 2853889

I couldn't resist making this lol 😄😄😄😄❤❤😘 xxx...

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Wonder if her stolen gate means she has had the police pay another visit to the MM :rolleyes:
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Well I've heard some shocking things the last couple of days. I am very, very upset & distressed for J & B. Too much private info about those poor kids to divulge. But certainly even I was dubious about F4J statement, but it appears most of it is very true. They have seen & heard things that are unacceptable to say the least. She's off her face, left with the kid's alone some evening, crawling off to bed, leaving them without any dinner. Had been reported months ago, to guess WHO - yep, the BENT F'ing social worker. WSSS have done nothing & they are aware. I am just unable to get my head around the facts that yes, there is custody hearing supposedly due, but why can't social services get involved? Those children are neglected 100%. I know there are many worse cases, but this is a high profile woman, with criminal convictions. She can't even function for herself & is NOT IN A FIT STATE to be around those children or animals. AFP & Mr PP are aware & this was also another reason for the 'fall out'. They should have a duty of care towards the well being of their grand children. Instead FUCK OFF to IOW, leaving those 2 kids to God knows what. Daniel, Frumpy, Mr PP & AFP have as lot to answer for. They are all complicit in allowing this neglect of those poor children. I am appalled & disgusted. When is someone going to help those children? They need to be removed & back to Kieran immediately. KFP really doesn't give a shit about them. They are pawns for her masterplan of crucifying KH & trying to keep MM, nothing more.
Willow, if it involves J & B have you passed the info to Kieran because he may be able to utilize it in some way?

I agree, all her focus is on keeping the MM, everything she does and every stunt she pulls is calculated to support her story that she must be allowed to keep the MM. She's utterly ruthless and will happily damage anyone and everyone including Harvey, Bunny and Jett, and Princess and Junior too if she can get them involved, if it serves her purpose to obtain that result.

However in many ways it doesn't matter. She doesn't look after the house, she has neither the money nor the inclination to do so, and by the time she's 50 (not long now) her earning ability will be negligible, the house will continue to rot, her looks and behaviour will continue to crumble, whether still with her or back with Kieran, B will be 12 and J will be 13, ages where they will become more aware of how abnormal their mother is.

JJ may actually stay with her, from her point of view he's far and away the most passive and obedient one she's had so far, a man-child who wants media exposure of any sort, and for him the media exposure he craves, good or bad he doesn't seem to care.. MAFSUK always have one plain couple amongst the better-looking ones and he and that nice girl Bianca were them last year.

How can that short-arsed, mutilated, middle-aged woman lie in bed at night and think she's leading her best life!
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Sorry, didn't know the actual barber DC. Even worse. Think that's near where she parks occasionally, near the train gate barriers, using disabled badge. :mad:
I live very close to this location. I've never seen her in town or her car, but I'll keep a look out. If I see her driving I'll try to take a photo and report her.
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Some stuff on WSSS. They have a history of big fuck ups. In 2019 they were so bad the government threatened to take them over. They installed a new boss though in 2019 ( Lucy Butler) and since then she's been praised for turning things around :rolleyes:, they've gone from being rated Inadequate to 'needs improvement' by Ofsted. It seems like they're just keeping a lid on things and stopping the bad news getting out! There must be loads of people aware of this, councillors, MP, judges.

I would guess human rights law has been breached in Kieran's case too, if Lynn Rickwood ignored safety plans or things reported to her about KP to deliberately stop the kids being removed and seeing their dad.

''by Luke Stevenson on June 21, 2016 in Child safeguarding, Children

A mother and two children have been awarded £45,000 in damages after a judge found a council ‘abused’ a section 20 agreement and breached human rights law.
Judge Farquhar made the award after ruling West Sussex Council had acted unlawfully by exercising parental responsibility “in every conceivable area” of the children’s lives without the power to do so; failing to promote contact between the children and mother; and failing to issue care proceedings for almost two and a half years, which had denied the children independent representation''

2019 Widespread and serious weaknesses at West Sussex children's services have resulted in an Ofsted rating of 'inadequate'.

Services have seriously declined since the last inspection, when all areas were judged to require improvement to be good, an inspection of children's services has revealed.
There are long-standing, widespread and serious weaknesses in the provision of services to safeguard children in West Sussex.- Critical weaknesses in how social workers, managers and partner agencies identify and respond to neglect are evident across the service.

'Friday, 17 November 2023 06:00

By Karen Dunn, Local Democracy Reporter
A councillor has predicted that an ongoing inspection of West Sussex County Council’s special educational needs service will lead to ‘a bloody damning report’.
Andrew Baldwin (Con, Holbrook) was one of several councillors to voice concerns
during a scrutiny meeting on Wednesday (November 15).
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I'm happy KH is seeing both kids, hopefully the truth in memories will remind Jett his Father loves him and all the good memories will flood back ♥ KP should only have Supervised visits and if she keeps makes negative comments about K and H she needs to have visitations cancelled. Enough damage has been done by this evil vindictive narcissist.
DC has said Jett wants to see his dad. I imagine the trauma comes from the vindictive cow making him feel guilt and anxiety about it.
I'm sure it's all on schedule and progressing though (y) Why else would we get this sudden flurry of activity by angry monkey's recently!
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So Kryten was meant to be at his “mega millionaire mate Ryan’s” do but had to give it a miss as he had prior commitments. In other words, granny said he wasn’t allowed out!!
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