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I'm just so pleased those dogs have got out of that hell hole. Enjoy your new lives Tank and friends, don't look back for a minute 🧡.
Ironically on MAFS he went on there to try and find the woman of his dreams , away from his usual type which was fake Barbie doll type women ! He was paired up with a lovely sweet girl , but didn’t connect or wasn’t even willing to get to know her at all as she didn’t have that look ! He then got with another bride who was a trans Barbie doll type , who incidentally idolised KP! So he is a complete shallow waste of space because he tried to come across all nice and caring , but really all he is looking for is the plastic look ! All the MAFS people are fame hungry wannabes too, so they are a match made in heaven and of course it will never last !
The funniest thing was the trans Barbie doll type scared him to death and he couldn't bring himself to do the deed!
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While her Niece & Nephew are being abused and are at serious risk, Edna is busy painting fecking fake freckles on. 😡. What is the world coming too. 👿

Shes actually tagged the company who made her glasses. Yes. That‘ll make everyone rush out and buy a pair as she looks so fantastic wearing her specs .

Deluded, beige, boring, frumpy, gravy train riding fucking twat.
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Log onto Tattle every day and hope that today’s the day there’s going to be 10+ pages to catch up on, which means that some great news has broken… but no, everything tootles on with nothing happening
I'm sure it is happening behind the scenes. DC16 has asked that people donate twice recently, it must be getting towards a final hearing where, hopefully Kieran gets the kids back. It would be insane if it didn't at least go back to 50/50.
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I don't know much about this John Joe fella, I don't watch that show but.....he seems to be close to his mum and he's got type 1 diabetes. Surely he's not going to want a clingy, needy woman, old enough to be another mum? ....and surely he won't want to hang around with someone who uses booze to knock herself out and ❄ to get herself up. He'd notice pretty soon that she's a wreck who doesn't take care of herself and she'd drag him down too.
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That court case detailed transcripts made for such interesting reading and really showed the actual scale of what she did to Alex over many years , I hadn’t realised she had sent or shown the video footage and photos to so many different parties , including Alex new partner at the time Chantelle , her family and also shown to bridesmaids / friends at her wedding to KH , also Leo Penna was the one who alerted Alex to what she has stored on her laptop , and Alex also had an unknown male try to blackmail him who said he had come into possession of that KP laptop , all so shocking
Just shows how bitter she is that even at her wedding to KH she was still out to humiliate an ex when she should have been enjoying the best day of her life ! Also the transcript mention she was drunk on many occasions when showing them, including the channel 4 audience , again why on earth does channel 4 still get involved with her after that!
Her so called fans and new men need to do a bit more research!
It was a long drawn-out campaign. I don't think many people realise it lasted years and she seemed to have involved some unnamed parties to blackmail Alex in addition to her showing the footage around. That didn't seem to have ever been investigated by police! Why not?! It had to be either her...or someone she recruited. She also wormed her way into Alex's custody dispute so he couldn't see his child ( sounds familiar!) That's the 'fixated' part of the stalker mentality carrying out these smear campaigns ( which are psychologically damaging) for years.

Personally, I believe she started plotting revenge on Kieran for taking the kids long before she did it. She was talking about 'something that would make people love me again' at the National TV awards, then shortly after, there were anonymous accounts posting here on Tattle about things supposedly K& M had done. It had KP smear campaign written all over it, the next step was for her to say she was responding to the same rumours and accuse Kieran of stalking.
There's also the incident of her climbing through Boyson's window and her bombarding Carl with 100s of messages. Who knows if Carl will get the full treatment now he's left?

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Happy birthday Sewer ❤
Thank you so much @InflateyKatey for the birthday wishes; and all you other lovely Krusties too 😊
Don't want a bollocking from the mods and y'all too, but was wandering(!!) what Kipper got the kids for Christmas? Oh yeah, curry and much suffering. That's two Christmases on the trot that that special time of year has lost its magic. They won't forget either. :cry:
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Lol I'm visiting my son just outside Swansea, went to Neath once, I dunno how to put it but it's got a bit of a rep. I saw a documentary it's one of the poorer places with many unemployed and known for chemical use 🥺. It's not place I'd go to again. I'm going home Sat, I'd love to stay actually see her in person, I know I'd unleash a tirade against her, I have to leave the room if she's ever on TV, my husband said his never heard such a potty mouth I resort to seeing her. I just know she'd get full barrels, to her child neglect, animal abuse, then I'd go on to her awful face body, lack of intellect, the list goes on, I'd have to go home and have a lie down after. Be £6.00 worth spending. News on the streets it's a rough place/area.
I was planning to go to the Birmingham one but she cancelled. My worry would be that I'd arrive planning to ask her about the child and pet neglect, bullying, revenge porn, drugs etc but then as I got nearer I'd be within range of that vampire like charm.🧛‍♀️🦇
Whatever it is that turns intelligent sane people into gibbering idiots when meeting The Skank and would instead find myself saying You're so beautiful, down to earth and such a great muvva! Where's Harvey? 🤔😂😁
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Apparently this was 2020. They may not have been friends, she may have been trying to wheedle her way into their lives.
She really does make it up as she's goes along. In between these article's below, we had lockdown & Covid. She's would never, ever be welcome in Peter & Emily's home. Some of the things that have been said by her & happened (some not even been reported on by the press) are unforgivable. At every opportunity (even now at the panto) she get's in negative dig's about Peter (or Emily). Peter & Claire must be sick of having to get legal warning letter's sent out. One day soon, she's going to explode in a drunken or drug induced stupor, & over step the mark with her rude & ignorant comments. She's getting more unhinged as time goes on.
If it wasn't for the fact she's still bankrupt, there would have been more legal action taken. I'm sure when the time's right, there's a long queue waiting to sue her plastic arse. -2018 2022 - 2022
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Oooooh Dame Edna Sophie Pricey, as if you didn’t know 😂😂😂
Unless she’s thick as shit and thinks Krusty is a new name for herself 🤓
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These comments are from the trial of an airhead influenza who was jailed for murder, they seem very pertinent and could easily refer to Kipper and her disregard for anyone but herself:
Judge Timothy Spencer KC told Mahek: “Your tawdry fame as an influencer has made you utterly self obsessed with... no apparent awareness of the impact you have on others, oblivious to the damage you do.”
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Stan Butler

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I think those kids are well-used to be let down by Mummy so it won't be any shock to them;
In any case maybe Fame Hungry Legohead might go with skanky in which case she won't want the kids there cramping her style will she?
Skank takes the kids on the new eggs first holiday because that fits the narrative of,,
He's the one, he's met my kids and family, they all think he's mister marvelous, look what a happy family unit we are. After that the kids will be dumped off at every opportunity so mummy and new egg can go on romantic baby making breaks. It's all for publicity staged pictures and stories but most importantly to get as much coin and freebies from a new business relationship.😉
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