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I suspected it was JJ after the GS premiere…

This adds up to it being 3 weeks ago.

View attachment 2723651

Then a few days later after unfollowing KP he follows Jess 🤔

View attachment 2723653

I think that poster who said they’ve been dating for 3 weeks is telling the truth, no wonder she seems to of left SB alone.
I think KP will eat him alive. I can’t see it lasting.
JJ took a lot of stick for going with Ella who was trans so I don’t think he’s arsed about going with the skank.
Plus both guys that Ella was with on the show both had the same issue with her when she’d had a drink. Apparently she was vile when drunk and they both did not like it. Should be fun & games then. He ain’t seen nothing yet 🤣
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In court this week? I think that poster just garbles what's said on here and then insists they have inside info!
Also, who would be obsessed enough with Kieran and Michelle to keep fantasising they've broke up? The rumours started by Sooziesu and JonnyJnr were very similar. All this 'M is jealous and angry, she allegedly stopped Kieran seeing women and stopped him working'. ( which he never did)

Just who is bitter and obsessed enough to keep on about it? Maybe someone so obsessed they have a restraining order re. Michelle :unsure:
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Chatty Member
In the case Reid v Price there was an order granted on 13/10/23. Last case update was 29.12.23.
Just looked up the case as is available online as public record …. Even then she didn’t turn up for the trial and failed to comply with previous directions !
Total disregard for any legal process ….
11. At a hearing on 27 November 2019, Master Davison determined that the defendant had failed to comply with Master Gidden's directions. He struck out the Defence, and directed that judgment be entered for the claimant for an injunction, to last until 27 November 2024 or further order; delivery up of any documents or devices on which the Private Information had been stored; and for damages and compensation, to be assessed at this hearing.

This hearing
12. The claimant is present and represented. But the defendant is not present or represented, so the first question for consideration is whether I should proceed in her absence. I have concluded it is right to do so.
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May have been mentioned before, but on the Elizabeth Tierney/Kris Boyson thread, a poster says a it’s a friend of a friend situation how she knows but apparently Kris was very open with friends about his motives for dating KP. He had several failed attempts at becoming an ‘influencer’ and openly said he was only dating KP for exposure and to promote his fitness brand.
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Desperately trying to flog anything these days even more recently alcohol even though she claims she don't drink 🙄
The makeup so heavily applied its struggling to cover the scars around her nose /mouth
She actually looks like a complete chav here. Scraped back hair, caked on makeup, and loads of shit everywhere in the background. Like a scene from Benefits Street.
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Stan Butler

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Is it Lou that owns lastudio,, she must be losing thousands in lost earnings,, skanks in there getting freebies 2-3 times a week and every time she is there isn't another paying customer in sight. Begs the question does Lou having skank advertising the work she does on the mutant actually bring in customers and coin or is the salon a front and providing another service. 😎
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Last night at the final aftershow party ....looks wasted ..wearing the outfit she wore out with chloe by looks of it

So she's got a new bloke who she will flaunt ASAP...sod those young kids welfare etc in her possession ..she needs some publicity and guaranteed jolly away with the latest to prove they are in love 🤮🤮
She looks totally gone in that pic.
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I was planning to go to the Birmingham one but she cancelled. My worry would be that I'd arrive planning to ask her about the child and pet neglect, bullying, revenge porn, drugs etc but then as I got nearer I'd be within range of that vampire like charm.🧛‍♀️🦇
Whatever it is that turns intelligent sane people into gibbering idiots when meeting The Skank and would instead find myself saying You're so beautiful, down to earth and such a great muvva! Where's Harvey? 🤔😂😁
Know the feeling, I can literally feel my heart rate/blood pressure going up! She's everything that's wrong with this country, entitled, ignorant, selfish, greedy, self absorbed, she really needs taking down a peg or two, shame it's In Neath if it was in an area where enough Krusties live and we could go in numbers to heckle her ask all those questions all her numbnuts that follow her don't ask, it'd be worth £6.00. The most satisfying feeling I get is donating to KH go fund me, it's like giving her the finger.🖕
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She really does make it up as she's goes along. In between these article's below, we had lockdown & Covid. She's would never, ever be welcome in Peter & Emily's home. Some of the things that have been said by her & happened (some not even been reported on by the press) are unforgivable. At every opportunity (even now at the panto) she get's in negative dig's about Peter (or Emily). Peter & Claire must be sick of having to get legal warning letter's sent out. One day soon, she's going to explode in a drunken or drug induced stupor, & over step the mark with her rude & ignorant comments. She's getting more unhinged as time goes on.
If it wasn't for the fact she's still bankrupt, there would have been more legal action taken. I'm sure when the time's right, there's a long queue waiting to sue her plastic arse. -2018 2022 - 2022
It's probably why she turned nasty with Emily. She tried to get involved in their lives, planted stories in the press about them being friends and after she was told to sod off.....or was met with silence she turned nasty. Suddenly Emily was 'two faced'. It was only months after saying they were friends that she slagged Emily off.
It was also not long after KP had to take drugs tests to see the kids. I think she played nice with Kieran and Pete to get back 50/50 with the kids.
She is ALWAYS planning revenge!
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Stan Butler

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Skank saying in the podcast she's single again or "not with anyone now" so doinking skank and being seen in public with the mutilated mutant was to high a price for 15 mins of fame for JJ, the fame hungry twat must have had his reality chip re-installed or just couldn't face the amount of piss his mates were taking out of him.🤣🤣🤣
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Yep Mr PP loved that dog. AFP didn't want him to keep it any more & said he had to get rid of it. He should have dumped that old, spiteful Harridan, instead of the dog. A very weak, under the thumb man.
Did she get jealous? She must have agreed he could get it in the first place!

They are a weird lot. PFP was up for rape, KP blames the victim. AFP stands by PFP and turns up to court looking like she's gone to see Nelson Mandela being released when he got off! SFP has her husband spreading disgusting rumours about KH, when her sister has been accused of CS. abuse.
They all get very nasty with anyone or anything that threatens the status quo of the Clan.....even a dog!
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I was planning to go to the Birmingham one but she cancelled. My worry would be that I'd arrive planning to ask her about the child and pet neglect, bullying, revenge porn, drugs etc but then as I got nearer I'd be within range of that vampire like charm.🧛‍♀️🦇
Whatever it is that turns intelligent sane people into gibbering idiots when meeting The Skank and would instead find myself saying You're so beautiful, down to earth and such a great muvva! Where's Harvey? 🤔😂😁
I’ve a narc MIL and met a few celebrities, charm and celebrity don’t work on me. I’m disgusted by celebrity (from what I can see it’s full of corruption and depravity), and Skank is so repugnant I’m going to have to make sure I take anti-sickness pills plus rub a pile of Vicks under the nose so I don’t vomit from her smell and vile personality. Ooh please let her wear another lacy catsuit, I could ask her to get her nipples out then 🤭🤭🤭.
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View attachment 2728038

Happy Birthday @SewerGrapes
Hope you have a wonderful day and a Healthy Happy oncoming Year 💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, you luvverly lot! I'm out for an Italian meal this and celebrating not being in this industry for 62 years!
Just think Krusties, it's February at last and not long till Kippers bankruptcy Hearing. Now what I want really for my birthday month? Justice to finally served on that utter cunt and the two young 'uns back home with their daddy 🕰⌛💣❤♒ xXx
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Cat Eyez

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@DC16 thank you for your update, I can't help feel a little disheartened though and that the push for the Go Fund me means something hasn't quite gone to plan or more hoops - Sorry if I am wrong.

I do know that legals are costly and court is timely, just seems it's never ending for poor KH and he's been through so much 💔

This post is from a good place, just expressing my thoughts.
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