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Pom Bear

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Cole thinks his having the clown girl tattoo done, but his not lol, he gets a shock when he sees what the tattooist has done 😄😄 x.....

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Chatty Member
So, she’s being a victim again. This time, Peter, Alex and Kieran are her “worst mistakes”.

This leads me to once again ask the same question not one of her stans can answer: if all the men in her life are the problem - how come (literally) every single one of them are in long-lasting, healthy and (presumably) happy relationships, while her life continues to lurch from one disaster to the next?

I mean, it’s not a difficult question to answer, is it? Yet it’s crickets from her yes men when you ask them to answer it.
I wonder if F4J like to tell Dad jokes?


When Skanky had the blood red eye, what did her exes call her behind her back?
The common demon-ominator 🥁 🥁 🥁 *

*I’ll see myself out
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I wonder why the SUN has issued this article today?
I'm not going to read anything into this, because the Mutant NEVER get's called out on anything. Literally would get away with murder :mad:

With regard to AFP living in the motorhome, in grounds of MM. It's odd, because it doesn't look like their Broadmark Lane, Rustington property has sold. Showing listed again Dec 2023. Plus the property in IOW they wanted, is still up for sale, not under offer for either properties! House Price History (
someone has been lying to you " The mother-of-three was pictured having a laugh and smoke in the shade of umbrellas on the patio with her holiday companions at the exclusive development. "View attachment 2629188
I never saw her smoke at all. It seem's to be something she started when she met Crawl. Plus the drugs, tattoo's & surgeries are out of control since she met him. Great influence he's clearly been for her.
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So AFP and PP have completed their house sale, and are living in a motor home on Skanky’s drive. How embarrassing to have to say your daughter’s house is too filthy to sleep in. Anyway, what happens when they move off to the Isle of Wight? They are meant to be some sort of supervision for J and B, so how will that work when they are nowhere near?
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I’m afraid the tea is luke warm. Some discussions last night, that I’ve already had with people before.

J & B have been brainwashed into believing K doesn’t want them, as he has a new family.
They are not aware that KFP ‘stole’ them & they just think K has stopped wanting them to live with him.
J’s anxiety levels are high, as KFP keep’s saying house is haunted & there are intruders about. (probably made worse that he has no contact with friends, his football or schooling)
B is out of control & both kids are left to their own devices 99% of the time. Without wishing to sound harsh & make nasty comments about young kids, IF K did get any sort of custody of J & B, I feel very sorry for him. From what I’ve heard, I think so much damage has been done to those poor kids, it is going to be near impossible to fix the relationship with J & B. B especially sounds an utter nightmare. KFP is still telling everyone the kids can’t go back to K as there are more charges pending. Something to do with him at a gym & showing his Willy - to who, I don’t know . Can’t say anymore than that & suspect it’s all lies. I honestly don’t believe KFP will EVER let it rest with Kieran. He is paying the price for all the anger she has about her exes. She even talks about it in front of the children. Constantly making accusations & saying he’s a bad man (well stronger words than that). This is the same pattern of events that she tried on Princess & Junior, badmouthing Peter & Claire. Thankfully, Peter had the backing of Claire & her CAN lawyers, to get access & eventually full custody of his 2 kids. Kieran hasn’t got the finances or own legal team on tap, to have the luxury of getting this shocking situation sorted quickly.
We think this is why J especially has been alienated from his friends & stopped going to school. She’s worried what he may say to teachers/friends.
It’s a terrible situation.
What KFP is doing, is exactly what AFP did, when she split from Ray Infield. Tried turning the kids against their dad. (Thankfully, Daniel did still keep in contact). KFP is a chip off the old block. Taught by the best vindictive, avenging woman – her own mother. To think, some poor person died, to give this revolting Harridan a lung. Mr PP seems to be totally hacked off with KFP & has said, if anything happened to AFP, he wouldn’t need to have any contact with KFP again. But he hasn’t got the balls to do anything about her disgusting behaviour, because AFP controls him. We think, as I suspected, AFP has handed Frumpy Dumpy an amount of cash, (probably from Critical illness policy), to get out of the buying scheme & negative equity of the London flat, to buy a small house. It will have been given in legal way, so Arry can’t get his hands on the property I bet. Wonder if KFP has been given some bail out cash too?
Nothing to report on this ‘bent’ Social Worker, sadly.
Appears the coke thing, goes back a long time, although not an addicted user until meeting Crawl, so there is something going on there.
Most of the house is in a shocking state of repair. There are mice in some rooms & flies everywhere. It's absolutely filthy. It stinks & there is always some dogs mess or poo somewhere.
Piles of boxes & stuff everywhere. Mr PP has refused to allow AFP & him to stay inside the house. As we knew, the mobile home is parked on drive & they are living it that. Frumpy Dumpling's existing London flat has no room for them to stay, so the only option is at MM in the mobile home for now.
Why do women and some men before I’m called take it out on the kids, poison the kids against a parent, I know first hand from experience what this does and it’s disgusting. Like I’ve said before I don’t know how the fuck she has full custody, also telling the kids they’re no longer wanted as Kieran is in a new family I’m sorry but that is down right disgusting. Poisoning children will not work in your favour as they grow older as they will find out the truth and it will backfire big time, again speaking from experience. She’s a fucking awful human being! Those kids don’t stand a chance with her.
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Just searched my Spotify & you can listen to this for free if you’ve got Premium - which I have , though I’ve just started Gary Numan’s Autobiography .

Audiobooks aren’t really my thing , I’d only done 1 before ( Adrian Edmonson Berserker) and I’d far preferred to have read it - but if I can listen to this for free I’ll likely give it a go .
I’m afraid the tea is luke warm. Some discussions last night, that I’ve already had with people before.

J & B have been brainwashed into believing K doesn’t want them, as he has a new family.
They are not aware that KFP ‘stole’ them & they just think K has stopped wanting them to live with him.
J’s anxiety levels are high, as KFP keep’s saying house is haunted & there are intruders about. (probably made worse that he has no contact with friends, his football or schooling)
B is out of control & both kids are left to their own devices 99% of the time. Without wishing to sound harsh & make nasty comments about young kids, IF K did get any sort of custody of J & B, I feel very sorry for him. From what I’ve heard, I think so much damage has been done to those poor kids, it is going to be near impossible to fix the relationship with J & B. B especially sounds an utter nightmare. KFP is still telling everyone the kids can’t go back to K as there are more charges pending. Something to do with him at a gym & showing his Willy - to who, I don’t know . Can’t say anymore than that & suspect it’s all lies. I honestly don’t believe KFP will EVER let it rest with Kieran. He is paying the price for all the anger she has about her exes. She even talks about it in front of the children. Constantly making accusations & saying he’s a bad man (well stronger words than that). This is the same pattern of events that she tried on Princess & Junior, badmouthing Peter & Claire. Thankfully, Peter had the backing of Claire & her CAN lawyers, to get access & eventually full custody of his 2 kids. Kieran hasn’t got the finances or own legal team on tap, to have the luxury of getting this shocking situation sorted quickly.
We think this is why J especially has been alienated from his friends & stopped going to school. She’s worried what he may say to teachers/friends.
It’s a terrible situation.
What KFP is doing, is exactly what AFP did, when she split from Ray Infield. Tried turning the kids against their dad. (Thankfully, Daniel did still keep in contact). KFP is a chip off the old block. Taught by the best vindictive, avenging woman – her own mother. To think, some poor person died, to give this revolting Harridan a lung. Mr PP seems to be totally hacked off with KFP & has said, if anything happened to AFP, he wouldn’t need to have any contact with KFP again. But he hasn’t got the balls to do anything about her disgusting behaviour, because AFP controls him. We think, as I suspected, AFP has handed Frumpy Dumpy an amount of cash, (probably from Critical illness policy), to get out of the buying scheme & negative equity of the London flat, to buy a small house. It will have been given in legal way, so Arry can’t get his hands on the property I bet. Wonder if KFP has been given some bail out cash too?
Nothing to report on this ‘bent’ Social Worker, sadly.
Appears the coke thing, goes back a long time, although not an addicted user until meeting Crawl, so there is something going on there.
Most of the house is in a shocking state of repair. There are mice in some rooms & flies everywhere. It's absolutely filthy. It stinks & there is always some dogs mess or poo somewhere.
Piles of boxes & stuff everywhere. Mr PP has refused to allow AFP & him to stay inside the house. As we knew, the mobile home is parked on drive & they are living it that. Frumpy Dumpling's existing London flat has no room for them to stay, so the only option is at MM in the mobile home for now.
I disagree willow, it's great tea. The clan are disgusting to allow her to do this to those poor children. The skanky bitch has brought so much shit to their door, no wonder Price is sick of it..its a case of what next. I've never known a person have so much drama in their life. And the fact she blames everyone else and doesn't see thst she is the cultivator of it all is astounding.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
True, but it sounds even worse than we thought. After all skanky always claims it isn't mucky anymore, because, you know, she's ALWAYS cleaning isn't she? Lol!

If Kieran was showing women in the gym his willy ( which I highly doubt) it would be up to the people he exposed himself to to report it to the police, not her!
In any case, if they want to see his willy they can always Google it! (Thats a strange thing to call A Willy anyway) :ROFLMAO:
This is skank doing her bestist to keep her claws stuck in tthe kids though, eroding their memories of fun times and love with their Dad which is her umltimate plan :mad:
I don’t like to get involved in the tit-for-tat that sometimes goes on here but I didn’t read anywhere that it was said that Willows info was bullshit, I think that’s a bit harsh and I wouldn’t wish for anyone to take a step back (again) because what they said was misconstrued
Why the arguing? We all want the same thing ultimately - skank finished with and the children Home at last!
We need to be united on this and not fractured surely?
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Exactly this Willow. How did she get this gig 🤷🏽‍♀️ As you say she’s no actress, singer or dancer and just a look at her life over the last few years it’s clear she’s a total mess, they knew what they were hiring, I don‘t believe no one in production didn’t know, why risk it, and if she is getting £60k, again why pay someone who can‘t perform that kinda money, I genuinely don’t believe her name puts bums on seats, quite the reverse. As usual wuth her, It’s weird.

Then she says this on her podcast and it’s been printed in The Scum, so it’s out there…

She then urged listeners to buy tickets, saying: "Watch me make a fool of myself, forget the lines and just mess up.

How disgustingly disrespectful to the rest of the cast and audience, ”oh I’m going to totally f*ck up the show, can’t be bothered with learning the lines, but it will be a laugh”, totally unprofessional, yet here we are, people will still hire her, accordingly the cast are rallying round her, guess they have no other option sadly…the show must go on, but why do people still indulge this completely untalented mess 🤷🏽‍♀️

Only hope is she is so bad, as she must surely be, and it’s reported properly about how awful she is, and this ends her being hired for such things once and for all….roll on tomorrow and those reviews 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

No starts tomorrow Dolly, she has two performances at 2pm and 6pm.
They're going to have to take a hell of a lot of money to pay her £60K & the wage's for the rest of the cast. I would be fuming if I knew this unprofessional, potty mouth, without any talent, was earning that sort of money. I do have to question, like you Kylie, HOW did she get this gig? The production team must be shocked & disgusted about the comments she's making. Doesn't like the songs, will mess up her line's & basically make a big nippless TIT of herself. But never mind, in her eye's it's all about cash & MEEEEEEEE. And they have had to sign NDA's so nobody is allowed to say a bloody word. BUT, hopefully audience reaction (and maybe press) will divulge what an absolute unprofessional, crude horror she is(y):mad:🙏
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I cant fathom, who the fuck in their right mind thought" yeah, let's ask Cunt Whore Price to do our panto this year". All the shit that's gone on over the last year, & the fact she’s always been a cunt with her cunty behaviour, I don't understand why anybody thinks this is a good idea. Who the hell would employ Cocaine Cunty, proven liar, criminal & all round cunt! Have they been living under a fucking rock?!
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I've done a few shows and the costumes often can only get spot cleaned daily especially if covered in sequins, crystals, feathers etc. Dancing and stage lights increase sweat so you have to have scrupulous hygiene, good antiperspirant and underclothes changed regularly and even then after a week it's pretty 😬🙊
She won't do any of the above so 😣🤢🤮🤮
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LiftBoy is back, loves bring in a lift he does, he’s got nothing to do all day but wait around for Madam’s orders, he’s so that Alpha Male he likes to portray himself as 🤦🏽‍♀️

View attachment 2629568
Wow isn't Cole the big man :rolleyes: Had a tattoo and it was ouchy ( not enough eyerolls exist!) No-one's forcing you dickwomble, so no-one cares if it hurt or not. Try having a job and or actually doing something worthwhile with your life instead of humble-bragging and posing.
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So AFP and PP have completed their house sale, and are living in a motor home on Skanky’s drive. How embarrassing to have to say your daughter’s house is too filthy to sleep in. Anyway, what happens when they move off to the Isle of Wight? They are meant to be some sort of supervision for J and B, so how will that work when they are nowhere near?
If they had any decency they would be confronting their daughter telling her shes a fcking disgrace. They would be gathering video and photographic evidence and informing social services that the kids need to be moved to a clean, loving environment where their emotional and physical needs are met. (i.e. Kieran's, or some other family member if SS are not satisfied with Kieran).

If it was my relative I'd be raising hell knowing the welfare of my niece/nephew/grandchild was at stake

I condemn all of Danny, Sophie, PP Fencing and AFP for this reason
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