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You know if I ever met Kieron, I’d be damn disappointed if he wasn’t just walking about with his willy out. I mean he shares it with all the village, all his gym clients, all KFP’s ‘ex friends’ and now flashing with someone new at the gym he went to for the first time in years! He probably stirs his drinks and rustles up a stir fry using it. His unflushable turd of an ex wife seems infatuated by it. #willysuperpowers
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Ahhh itv won’t have her.
Awwwww Willow hope you have ☕For us.🥰
I’m afraid the tea is luke warm. Some discussions last night, that I’ve already had with people before.

J & B have been brainwashed into believing K doesn’t want them, as he has a new family.
They are not aware that KFP ‘stole’ them & they just think K has stopped wanting them to live with him.
J’s anxiety levels are high, as KFP keep’s saying house is haunted & there are intruders about. (probably made worse that he has no contact with friends, his football or schooling)
B is out of control & both kids are left to their own devices 99% of the time. Without wishing to sound harsh & make nasty comments about young kids, IF K did get any sort of custody of J & B, I feel very sorry for him. From what I’ve heard, I think so much damage has been done to those poor kids, it is going to be near impossible to fix the relationship with J & B. B especially sounds an utter nightmare. KFP is still telling everyone the kids can’t go back to K as there are more charges pending. Something to do with him at a gym & showing his Willy - to who, I don’t know . Can’t say anymore than that & suspect it’s all lies. I honestly don’t believe KFP will EVER let it rest with Kieran. He is paying the price for all the anger she has about her exes. She even talks about it in front of the children. Constantly making accusations & saying he’s a bad man (well stronger words than that). This is the same pattern of events that she tried on Princess & Junior, badmouthing Peter & Claire. Thankfully, Peter had the backing of Claire & her CAN lawyers, to get access & eventually full custody of his 2 kids. Kieran hasn’t got the finances or own legal team on tap, to have the luxury of getting this shocking situation sorted quickly.
We think this is why J especially has been alienated from his friends & stopped going to school. She’s worried what he may say to teachers/friends.
It’s a terrible situation.
What KFP is doing, is exactly what AFP did, when she split from Ray Infield. Tried turning the kids against their dad. (Thankfully, Daniel did still keep in contact). KFP is a chip off the old block. Taught by the best vindictive, avenging woman – her own mother. To think, some poor person died, to give this revolting Harridan a lung. Mr PP seems to be totally hacked off with KFP & has said, if anything happened to AFP, he wouldn’t need to have any contact with KFP again. But he hasn’t got the balls to do anything about her disgusting behaviour, because AFP controls him. We think, as I suspected, AFP has handed Frumpy Dumpy an amount of cash, (probably from Critical illness policy), to get out of the buying scheme & negative equity of the London flat, to buy a small house. It will have been given in legal way, so Arry can’t get his hands on the property I bet. Wonder if KFP has been given some bail out cash too?
Nothing to report on this ‘bent’ Social Worker, sadly.
Appears the coke thing, goes back a long time, although not an addicted user until meeting Crawl, so there is something going on there.
Most of the house is in a shocking state of repair. There are mice in some rooms & flies everywhere. It's absolutely filthy. It stinks & there is always some dogs mess or poo somewhere.
Piles of boxes & stuff everywhere. Mr PP has refused to allow AFP & him to stay inside the house. As we knew, the mobile home is parked on drive & they are living it that. Frumpy Dumpling's existing London flat has no room for them to stay, so the only option is at MM in the mobile home for now.
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Don't tag me, there's a support forum!
All, the bickering ruins the thread for everyone.

Move on. Thanks
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I know it’s fairly old news now, but I have been meaning to comment on the Lift Aesthetics butt filler debacle for some time.
As I have mentioned before, I have a background in the cosmetic surgery industry. However, I now work solely in the reconstructive field specifically dealing with severe scar management. When looking at how to mobilise tethered scars and replace lost volume, we did investigate the use of body filler (HYA Corp etc.) and the statistics were alarming. Due to being a larger particle substance it seems it is much more likely to trigger a negative immune reaction, biofilm infections, lumps and irritation. Also because the larger particles mean the immune system can more easily detect it, it actually seems to get broken down more quickly! The 2year claim is pretty optimistic, it seems to break down within a year in many cases. We will not use it and only fat transfer is employed.
Knowing this I was very interested to see Skanky getting butt filler done. I am amazed she has not had more problems with it, considering it was injected whilst animals and children were running around! Looks like Lift Aesthetics won’t be offering it anymore. Maybe KP can get her fix somewhere else and her luck might run out 🤞
Perhaps she could get an infected buttock just as the children are returned to their Dad, the Mucky mansion is repossessed and some criminal charges are brought - is that too much to ask 🙏
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Kieran sending a very strong message on his stories with pictures that he will never give up on Jett and Bunny
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Willow please don't go. Many of us enjoy your posts and have always believed your info and will continue to. Your posts are interesting and well written and give the inside track on the grifting clan.
Thanks Mrs B, but nobody else seems to get the doubts & criticism that I get. It’s not worth posting facts, when you know there’s going to be backlash. Draining. I came on here to give an insight into what I know, so to hopefully help towards justice being given for those poor kids & animals & the people who have been treated badly by the whole Price family, but especially KFP. There are some good people on here & I will continue reading & commenting, but I won’t be divulging anymore info. Honestly not worth the aggravation.
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Thanks @BiffasBeemer for the new thread ⭐

I think I’m making these things too long @Dollylovesshoes but so much is happening 🤦🏽‍♀️

Skank had completely disappeared, despite being the main star (🤮) in a Liverpool Sleeping Beauty Panto, starting on the 16th. Skank had gone to ground, saying or doing nothing publicly as big 💩 was still going down, a recap…..

Thread kicked-off on Saturday, F4J still on her case as the Panto loomed. Was Skank still going to do it, with the threats of action being taken against her, a storm was brewing…….


The day wore on, the Skank was not seen or heard, we chit-chat chatted about where the fugly deluded Twat may be, no one had a clue 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

Sunday came, still no Skank, Edna was dropping bollox like this on Skank’s IG, oh the irony, or was Edna being a twisted Twat🤦🏽‍♀️


Sunday afternoon, Edna posted a photo of the evil matriarch grinning, sitting next to a tired looking, dark circles round her eyes, Bunny. Made us both sad and angry, B does look a very distressed confused child now. It also appeared Skank must have gone to Liverpool for the Panto with SadBoy and Jett, leaving B with AFP, well that was the guess based on Edna’s photo.

Then this happened, F4J weren’t letting it drop, sadly no Red Tops were willing to run the story……


The saddest man in the UK, SadBoySad, then posted this on Monday morning, he wasn’t lying with the caption. I believed he was posting this as some sort of taunt/game to make us guess where they were. Was he in a hotel lift in Liverpool, or elsewhere, another SB Twattish game as usual 🤷🏽‍♀️


Edna started posting loads of Harvey videos/photos, we rolled our eyes as the big gun deflection was now being deployed, and other photos of J & P were posted, both now ‘ IN’ not ‘OUT’, sadly they were photos off them from 3 years ago 🤦🏽‍♀️

Ooh la la ITV ran a report on dodgy ‘Lift Aesthetics’, Ellie & Skank promoting them were both called out for causing health problems to women they had practiced on, nearly resulting in the death of one of the women. ITV said “Katie Price (Edna) did not respond to our request for a comment” and Ellie threw the medical company who performed the procedures under the bus…..oh Skank more💩 for you girl 🤦🏽‍♀️


Next SadBoy posted about his new business venture, racing cars on public roads around the country, and then hosting all night parties in 3 different cities….ummmm sounds highly illegal racing around public roads with ❄ and drink driving from the parties the following day thrown in 🤷🏽‍♀️ The Rally account also started following loads of glamour models and porn stars 🤷🏽‍♀️ Don’t know what this is, but it surely ain’t gonna be legal, money laundering and ❄ moving was thought to be behind this nonsense. What a twat you are SadBoy.


it was noticed Skank finally commented on P’s magazine cover, but as usual made it all about herself 🤦🏽‍♀️…..


F4J were back in the house, showing they’d posted a letter to the Panto theatre, asking why they were employing a ❄ fiend. The Panto people didn’t respond, in fact the whole Panto was in hiding, no promotion, no info was coming out about it at all…hmmmmm 🤔


Meanwhile Edna and AFP were having a debrief in a cafe literally across the road from the flat where I used to live, I gave out a big shudder that the enablers were in my old neighbourhood plotting their next nefarious move…..get out of my old stomping ground you evil pair, grrrrrrrr……also interesting to note AFP continues to play Russian Roulette with her health, Brighton is full of covid, cold, flu and coughs, but seems this is not a problem for this very sick Immunocompromised woman as she sits in enclosed public area after public area without a care 🤦🏽‍♀️


@WillowTree21 mentioned there was some encouraging ☕ appears Skank deffo cannot take the kid out of the country and other things are moving against her now 🙏🏾hoping for more info on Friday. Thank you Willow ❤🙏🏾

There was a lot of chit-chat about Skank and Dim Lynne being in a more intimate relationship than previously thought….hmmmm 🤔

Could it be true, my thinking went into overdrive…..

Skanky and Dim Lynne were papped as an incognito couple, Skank singing the Prefab Sprout song ‘All the world loves lovers” to Dim Lynne, luring her in with the chance of a passionate love affair, as they try to evade the hapless SadBoy jealously following them in a Hot Air Balloon.

Have to say, this is pure Art, hang it in the Tate….


As the Fred drew to a close, this happened….

⭐⭐⭐🚨Sad Boy Revealed Skank is in Liverpool🚨⭐⭐⭐

SadBoy posted a short Live video of himself getting a tattoo of maybe Jodie Marsh on his neck, pointedly saying he was in Liverpool…sooooooo, Skank is in Liverpool, she’s gonna do this thing 🤦🏽‍♀️😁


On we go, it’s are going to be very interesting, the Panto approaches, looks like she’s gonna do it, what will F4J unleash on her next, a 4pm deadline looms today…..and by the way, Skank still isn’t a paramedic 🤦🏽‍♀️🤔😈🥳😁
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I've been on these threads since early summer, lurking a lot longer.

One pattern I have noticed is this: when things are very quiet and people are waiting for KP to make an arse of herself (again!) the bickering starts.

I for one appreciate any info that others may have. Let's face it, none of it can ever be guaranteed to be 100% accurate because of the relentless lies that spill out of her cocaine addled gob
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Excuse me. There was NO incorrect information. I would not post anything false & I think everything where I have been doubted in the past, has shown to be true. Yes I agree, KFP lie’s and I’m sure all her accusations about Kieran are nasty, spiteful lies. I am quoting what she is telling people, if that’s what you’re referring to. No ‘factual inaccuracies’. Getting fed up with this. I’ll keep info to myself in the future. I knew this would happen AGAIN.
Willow please don't go. Many of us enjoy your posts and have always believed your info and will continue to. Your posts are interesting and well written and give the inside track on the grifting clan.
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Still waiting for the Guardian article to appear.
Still waiting for her to receive her driver's licence, as it was just waiting on the admin in August.
Still waiting for her Calendar to be out.
Still waiting on her starting her paramedic course.
Still waiting for the 'How to get married in Vegas' video.
Still waiting for the never been done before wedding of the century.
Still waiting for her Equestrian line to be put on TT.
Still waiting for her to pay her debts.
Still waiting for her to complete every booked masterclass without cancelling.
Still waiting for every bit of lying bullshit to fall from her mouth to happen...
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So.. Josh Kelly (owner of Zest hair Salon in Liverpool)’s boyfriend is Neil McLean. Neil McLean is who’s salon KFP held her masterclass in in Edinburgh - I posted on here back then saying they’re known cokeheads. Turns out Josh is (or at least was) 1000% a police informer. Shocked to be honest because no scouser wants to be known as a grass. Josh’s family is dodgy. His cousin has been in jail and is dodgy as fuck. Seems Josh may have been (probably still is) funnelling his dodgy cousin’s dirty money through his Liverpool salon & extension brand. I’m now thinking these theories about KFP being involved in some dodgy shit, and/including money laundering, aren’t far off the mark at all.
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This week's pod
Must of been recorded on the 6th Dec (Day of GB news and when she got hair done)
Did JL podcast yesterday.
Still sounds croaky, said they are getting cocky doing the podcast now.
KP still slating the songs she has got to sing at the panto, doesn't know how to sing them. Panto gave them to her knowing she could sing them, she calls it an insult.
She's been practising her opening line (same as the last pod, repeat)
Didn't know the name of the arena she is doing panto at.
Sounded like she was going to be making a film with Daisy :rolleyes:
Back to JL podcast, he's the only one who talks to her like he is interested in HER, she's the only ever 2nd guest to come on again so quick, hers was the best episode of the year, Wants her to come back for a 3rd time to do a 2 hour pod. He too had posters of her on his wall (she's all excited) They talked about her time in the Priory, no one knows how bad it was, SFP cried on the JL pod when she talked about it.
Her 30th year blah blah blah, party for celebs (If they turn up for her)
SFP told her not to smell her her cleavage. KP doesn't smell.
Been to see Ben the Osteo, he strapped up her foot, it was so comfortable.
AFP/PFP are in their motorhome on the drive of the MM, AFP wouldn't go in when KP had a cold (yeah right, we all saw she did) AFP moving in with SFP when KP is away doing panto. They are doing Christmas in Jan, as Daniel is away in Thailand. Want to do a big family Christmas next year, she said 'bugsy' not cooking :rolleyes:
Now on the beg for someone to decorate the Liverpool apartment for Christmas, as she will be busy, she has to work, TT shop, wrap the kids' presents.
Her tree at the MM, she was too lazy to take the price tags off the baubles!!!!!!
Going on about Christmas traditions. (Yawn) Princess has bought her one Christmas present, she wanted something she could keep.
She is wearing a bracelet Bunny bought her off Temu, it says on it 'keep fucking going'
Listeners wanted to know her favourite Christmas song, she starts singing Last Christmas, then says No, First Aid, then realised it should be Band Aid, but doesn't know how song goes :rolleyes: then remembers, both excruciating trying to sing it, words all wrong.
She's been watching crime stuff on TV, JKF, mans the JFK programme
She will be cooking a roast dinner for Christmas day, but kids won't want to eat it as they would have had loads of sweets, She cooks every year, it's better than a restaurant roast and she can bash it out in an hour and a half.
She's never had a bad Christmas present, she's not ungrateful, but she wants lots of presents.
Best present was a racer bike.
Goes on about seeing pictures of matching Pjs pictures on social media, she doesn't have time to organise that sort of thing, just wear what you like

Ok. Mmmmmmmm....
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SFP talked about her house move, will get a large bill from solicitors she said. KP said Lawyers always win.
Talked about playing Monopoly, SFP gave an instance and said you were with Pete then...:rolleyes:
Then Life advice with the Price. Question was about a girl's bf liking pictures of other girls on social media...
KP doesn't even follow other men (if she does they are gay) She wouldn't disrespect my other half. Instagram is the root to evil.
Ends the pod trying to sing again.
The reason the motorhome is parked on the driveway of MM is that AFP can't live in the house as it';s full of flies & filthy. There is dog piss & shit everywhere. Nothing to do with having 'colds'. We have seen picture's of AFP inside the MM with Crawl. I assume these are 'set up' picture's to show SS that her & Mr PP are around when the kids are there. It's one lie after another with this bunch of grifters. Don't know how they can remember what lie's they tell.
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J & B have been brainwashed into believing K doesn’t want them, as he has a new family.
They are not aware that KFP ‘stole’ them & they just think K has stopped wanting them to live with him.
J’s anxiety levels are high, as KFP keep’s saying house is haunted & there are intruders about. (probably made worse that he has no contact with friends, his football or schooling)
B is out of control & both kids are left to their own devices 99% of the time. Without wishing to sound harsh & make nasty comments about young kids, IF K did get any sort of custody of J & B, I feel very sorry for him. From what I’ve heard, I think so much damage has been done to those poor kids, it is going to be near impossible to fix the relationship with J & B. B especially sounds an utter nightmare. KFP is still telling everyone the kids can’t go back to K as there are more charges pending. Something to do with him at a gym & showing his Willy - to who, I don’t know . Can’t say anymore than that & suspect it’s all lies. I honestly don’t believe KFP will EVER let it rest with Kieran. He is paying the price for all the anger she has about her exes. She even talks about it in front of the children. Constantly making accusations & saying he’s a bad man (well stronger words than that). This is the same pattern of events that she tried on Princess & Junior, badmouthing Peter & Claire. Thankfully, Peter had the backing of Claire & her CAN lawyers, to get access & eventually full custody of his 2 kids. Kieran hasn’t got the finances or own legal team on tap, to have the luxury of getting this shocking situation sorted quickly.
We think this is why J especially has been alienated from his friends & stopped going to school. She’s worried what he may say to teachers/friends.
It’s a terrible situation.
While this is all terrible, CAFCASS and social services are involved as we know, and Kieran has seen the children this year. All these parties will have told the children that their dad loves them and wants them with him. Your tea comes with a Price filter on it. It's their perspective. It will not be impossible to fix the relationship, they still love their dad and the joy in their faces when they saw him was unmistakable. Helena shared a story of someone who was torn apart from his grandmother 6 years ago, brainwashed and isolated. He never stopped loving his grandmother and trying to find his way back to her. Those children love their daddy and will remember the safety and happiness they had with him. CAFCASS and SS will make it clear to them that they are loved and cherished by their dad. I don't doubt your tea for one minute, but it originates from the Prices so will be skewed.

Also, Kieran does have a legal team. She's the one that doesn't.
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Soooooo assemble Krusties of the world! Today ol' Skanky Pants makes her panto debut! And F4J have essentially said "watch this space"!

She's said the songs are shit and she can't learn em cos they're not "proper" songs like what Hannow is 🤣 she's not learned her lines and she's going to "mess up". She's preparing everyone for the shitshow ahead.

She's also said in the past she gets nervous doing stuff like this. Will she have a few voddies and do some lines beforehand? (We all know which lines I mean). I would think yes, she will. Wonder if she's awake yet and in last minute rehearsals while SB is cry wanking with man flu.

I have cleared my diary for today (ok I had nothing planned anyway), and look forward to the shitshow that's incoming 😊 🍿
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I do wish people wouldn't keep trashing vaping - it could put people off switching from smoking to vaping.

Vaping is far safer than smoking. It got me away from a long smoking habit which no other method would work.
honestly, with all the stuff coming out about vaping, I dont know if it really is any better. I wouldnt trust it either.
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I do wish people wouldn't keep trashing vaping - it could put people off switching from smoking to vaping.

Vaping is far safer than smoking. It got me away from a long smoking habit which no other method would work.
KP never smoked before, she just took it up to try and appear 'cool' I honestly don't think she should be vaping in front of her kids
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