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Says she CAN remember her script, so there…..well you couldn’t remember and perform the dance routines….someone just asked why Sinky wasn’t at the opening night, she said “who’s that” 😂 then she had a pop at Tattle, saying “they are awful” 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Re: the podcast, an 8/9 year old ordering online. Shocking for a start. What she ordered - even more shocking. The fact her incubator wears it and probably thinks it’s ALL great - not surprising. “Princess wants to buy her something that she can keep” - a kid?? Nah scrap that one lol
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This week's pod
Must of been recorded on the 6th Dec (Day of GB news and when she got hair done)
Did JL podcast yesterday.
Still sounds croaky, said they are getting cocky doing the podcast now.
KP still slating the songs she has got to sing at the panto, doesn't know how to sing them. Panto gave them to her knowing she could sing them, she calls it an insult.
She's been practising her opening line (same as the last pod, repeat)
Didn't know the name of the arena she is doing panto at.
Sounded like she was going to be making a film with Daisy :rolleyes:
Back to JL podcast, he's the only one who talks to her like he is interested in HER, she's the only ever 2nd guest to come on again so quick, hers was the best episode of the year, Wants her to come back for a 3rd time to do a 2 hour pod. He too had posters of her on his wall (she's all excited) They talked about her time in the Priory, no one knows how bad it was, SFP cried on the JL pod when she talked about it.
Her 30th year blah blah blah, party for celebs (If they turn up for her)
SFP told her not to smell her her cleavage. KP doesn't smell.
Been to see Ben the Osteo, he strapped up her foot, it was so comfortable.
AFP/PFP are in their motorhome on the drive of the MM, AFP wouldn't go in when KP had a cold (yeah right, we all saw she did) AFP moving in with SFP when KP is away doing panto. They are doing Christmas in Jan, as Daniel is away in Thailand. Want to do a big family Christmas next year, she said 'bugsy' not cooking :rolleyes:
Now on the beg for someone to decorate the Liverpool apartment for Christmas, as she will be busy, she has to work, TT shop, wrap the kids' presents.
Her tree at the MM, she was too lazy to take the price tags off the baubles!!!!!!
Going on about Christmas traditions. (Yawn) Princess has bought her one Christmas present, she wanted something she could keep.
She is wearing a bracelet Bunny bought her off Temu, it says on it 'keep fucking going'
Listeners wanted to know her favourite Christmas song, she starts singing Last Christmas, then says No, First Aid, then realised it should be Band Aid, but doesn't know how song goes :rolleyes: then remembers, both excruciating trying to sing it, words all wrong.
She's been watching crime stuff on TV, JKF, mans the JFK programme
She will be cooking a roast dinner for Christmas day, but kids won't want to eat it as they would have had loads of sweets, She cooks every year, it's better than a restaurant roast and she can bash it out in an hour and a half.
She's never had a bad Christmas present, she's not ungrateful, but she wants lots of presents.
Best present was a racer bike.
Goes on about seeing pictures of matching Pjs pictures on social media, she doesn't have time to organise that sort of thing, just wear what you like

Ok. Mmmmmmmm....
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SFP talked about her house move, will get a large bill from solicitors she said. KP said Lawyers always win.
Talked about playing Monopoly, SFP gave an instance and said you were with Pete then...:rolleyes:
Then Life advice with the Price. Question was about a girl's bf liking pictures of other girls on social media...
KP doesn't even follow other men (if she does they are gay) She wouldn't disrespect my other half. Instagram is the root to evil.
Ends the pod trying to sing again.
If she can cook a roast in an hour and a half then she clearly isn't cooking it from scratch is she? Obviously all pre cooked stuff she just reheats! And how about don't give the kids sweets until after dinner? Stupid cow!
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I doubt she’s important enough for them all to have had to sign NDA’s just for her? The cast may have had to for the actual production though?
Not sure how it works.
I just hope she makes a complete cunt of herself (more so than usual) 😁
Supposedly the NDA's were required signing by cast/team. Still believes she's THAT IMPORTANT.
I think junior, Harvey, Dan and his wife and family. They all look odd
Well for a start, Daniel had a thick, bushy beard 2 days after this photo, as he was in/around Ladies Mile pub in Mackie Ave, Patcham. Louise is photo shopped in too, which means I suspect so is their ONE daughter.
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LiftBoy is back, loves bring in a lift he does, he’s got nothing to do all day but wait around for Madam’s orders, he’s so that Alpha Male he likes to portray himself as 🤦🏽‍♀️

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DCI Jack Logan

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I think the whole bracelet thing is appalling, and I wouldn't put it past KP to have had a hand in the purchase of it just to rile Kieran. That's certainly why it was discussed on the podcast 😞

Another thought, MM is too filthy for AFP but she's no qualms about the kids actually living in that squalor, while she facilitates them being kept from their loving dad, and safe, warm, clean, stable and fun filled loving home 😞
I agree with the bracelet being appalling, bought by what a 9 year old, what was she thinking oh I’m just sorting me mums life out mate.
Id like to add how the fuck she lives in a house where all the dogs aren’t house trained pissing and shitting everywhere is totally beyond me. We have a dog and a guest house where we also live and not one of our guests have ever known there is a dog in the house, he’s trained not to bark when the door bell goes unless I tell him too and we are super attentive about dog hairs and dog smell, I’m actually quite obsessed but quite rightly so because I know you can become nose blind and it’s our business. She must of snorted so much snow she can’t smell anymore. I know she’d be far to lazy to clean up herself that’s obviously what all the lackys are for, she’s one selfish slovenly cunt.
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I haven’t seen any cute photo’s of J and B visiting a winter wonderland to buy a tree and see Father Christmas. Not to worry I am sure they’ll both get to visit a new nail salon before Chrimbo arrives.
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Still waiting for the Guardian article to appear.
Still waiting for her to receive her driver's licence, as it was just waiting on the admin in August.
Still waiting for her Calendar to be out.
Still waiting on her starting her paramedic course.
Still waiting for the 'How to get married in Vegas' video.
Still waiting for the never been done before wedding of the century.
Still waiting for her Equestrian line to be put on TT.
Still waiting for her to pay her debts.
Still waiting for her to complete every booked masterclass without cancelling.
Still waiting for every bit of lying bullshit to fall from her mouth to happen...
Still waiting for her to realise the kids are better off with their dad and return them.
Still waiting for her to realise she is not actually an animal lover, rehome them all and collect garden Gnomes intead
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Kieran posted this earlier too, he really is posting a lot about J&B lately and I'm hoping it's because he is feeling positive.

Re Willow's tea that the kids have been brainwashed into thinking their dad is more into his 'new family', I can imagine KP badmouthing poor Valentino and Apollo in front of J&B too:cry:
That's a completely different Bunny there compared to what we're witnessing.
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I do wish people wouldn't keep trashing vaping - it could put people off switching from smoking to vaping.

Vaping is far safer than smoking. It got me away from a long smoking habit which no other method would work.
That's what I'm trying aswell Biff, so far I'm down from 20 a day, to 20 over 3 days, using a little vap to help, I think I'm doing OK andI'm really trying to stop and cut it out all together due to a diagnosis of MS.

Any way over to our wonderful Kylie for a fab update
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Junior sits down to read his favourite publication ‘BirminghamLive’ and sees this…

Katie has been frank about her dislike of her ex Pete. In 2019, she told Closer magazine: "I can’t stand him and all the legal letters he sends me, he’s tried so hard to bring me down. He’s so different from what he was. He brings me so much stress, but there is nothing that he or any of my exes can do to bring me down or get to me. All these people have wronged me, I didn’t make them do it, I didn’t ask for it."
Katie's mum Amy has also slammed Pete. In her new book she claimed that Pete had 'manipulated' her daughter to become rich and famous and then 'left her at her lowest ebb'.

Junior sighs, thinks I’ll stay ‘Out’ on Christmas Day f*ck that rapping and dancing she’s trying to make me perform.

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@WillowTree21 I love your tea, you give invaluable insights to the behaviour and lies spread by the clan. Please keep posting you give us something to look forward to.

what the fuck is that indentation on her cheek? She looks fucking miserable, I’m hoping Skanky has taken a look in the mirror and sees what the fat, ugly bitch she truly is. This real life kipper, no filters on stage productions - you really are as fucking ugly and FAT as the photos show. Has someone shown her the portrait in her attic and it’s all now caught up with her actual face 🤭.
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SadBoy is posting his motivational video bollox again, about not giving control of your mind to anyone. They’ve probably had another row, this time about him out and about with his new bestie wearing his best ‘pulling eyeliner’, while Madam’s ‘working’ all day to pay for it. SadBoy, seriously just stop going up and down in lifts all day, get a proper job and grow the f*ck up. Gee he’s such a wretched pathetic individual, he’s a weird one alright, made for each other though 🤦🏽‍♀️😁
Is Sad boy looking after her in Liverpool maybe? AFP said KP needs looking after but the Amish Dumpling will be at home spinning wooden hoops and showing Master Albert how to ride a Penny Farthing.

If she can't look after herself and needs minding all the time, should she even be performing? It's a bit like Britney being sent out to perform whilst her dad insisted she was ill and needed a conservatorship.
Has a draw full of them. just photo copies them. Original was drawn up when she was managed by CAN. AFP used to take control of it all, now I assume Frumpy Dumpling is doing it all. Probably frightening tactics. She definitely couldn't afford to sue anyone.
I think there's a story there if that's the case. She's a bully plain and simple. The Equity guidelines talk about sketchy NDA's being used to bully actors. If these were drafted years ago they're probably not even up to date with current legal requirements or law.

Any Journos reading.........get on to it!
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just been to the afternoon panto and i must say KATIE WAS SPECTACULAR she really brought the all thing together espec when all the other cast members seem to let the side down(well that is what i would be saying if i was not really to busy watching paint dry or i was one of her brain dead fans)
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I saw this story and thought of J&B going back to Kieran and people keep saying it might be too late. This boy was living with his Grandmother in 2018. He went on Holiday with his mum and Grandfather and they didn't bring him home. They didn't want him to go to school and didn't let him have access to a phone or ever contact his Gran. 6 years later he's walked for days alone to get back home to her.
There's a video shortly after when his mum took him to France and he didn't look happy, he looked scared. So for 6 years he's probably been thinking about his loving home and wanted desperately to be back there!

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