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I’m afraid the tea is luke warm. Some discussions last night, that I’ve already had with people before.

J & B have been brainwashed into believing K doesn’t want them, as he has a new family.
They are not aware that KFP ‘stole’ them & they just think K has stopped wanting them to live with him.
J’s anxiety levels are high, as KFP keep’s saying house is haunted & there are intruders about. (probably made worse that he has no contact with friends, his football or schooling)
B is out of control & both kids are left to their own devices 99% of the time. Without wishing to sound harsh & make nasty comments about young kids, IF K did get any sort of custody of J & B, I feel very sorry for him. From what I’ve heard, I think so much damage has been done to those poor kids, it is going to be near impossible to fix the relationship with J & B. B especially sounds an utter nightmare. KFP is still telling everyone the kids can’t go back to K as there are more charges pending. Something to do with him at a gym & showing his Willy - to who, I don’t know . Can’t say anymore than that & suspect it’s all lies. I honestly don’t believe KFP will EVER let it rest with Kieran. He is paying the price for all the anger she has about her exes. She even talks about it in front of the children. Constantly making accusations & saying he’s a bad man (well stronger words than that). This is the same pattern of events that she tried on Princess & Junior, badmouthing Peter & Claire. Thankfully, Peter had the backing of Claire & her CAN lawyers, to get access & eventually full custody of his 2 kids. Kieran hasn’t got the finances or own legal team on tap, to have the luxury of getting this shocking situation sorted quickly.
We think this is why J especially has been alienated from his friends & stopped going to school. She’s worried what he may say to teachers/friends.
It’s a terrible situation.
What KFP is doing, is exactly what AFP did, when she split from Ray Infield. Tried turning the kids against their dad. (Thankfully, Daniel did still keep in contact). KFP is a chip off the old block. Taught by the best vindictive, avenging woman – her own mother. To think, some poor person died, to give this revolting Harridan a lung. Mr PP seems to be totally hacked off with KFP & has said, if anything happened to AFP, he wouldn’t need to have any contact with KFP again. But he hasn’t got the balls to do anything about her disgusting behaviour, because AFP controls him. We think, as I suspected, AFP has handed Frumpy Dumpy an amount of cash, (probably from Critical illness policy), to get out of the buying scheme & negative equity of the London flat, to buy a small house. It will have been given in legal way, so Arry can’t get his hands on the property I bet. Wonder if KFP has been given some bail out cash too?
Nothing to report on this ‘bent’ Social Worker, sadly.
Appears the coke thing, goes back a long time, although not an addicted user until meeting Crawl, so there is something going on there.
Most of the house is in a shocking state of repair. There are mice in some rooms & flies everywhere. It's absolutely filthy. It stinks & there is always some dogs mess or poo somewhere.
Piles of boxes & stuff everywhere. Mr PP has refused to allow AFP & him to stay inside the house. As we knew, the mobile home is parked on drive & they are living it that. Frumpy Dumpling's existing London flat has no room for them to stay, so the only option is at MM in the mobile home for now.
Thank you Willow, really appreciate the update. She is a cruel, ugly hearted bitch.
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Interesting to note that M&S Bank are promoting the Panto through their stories option rather than their Grid on IG, therefore not giving anyone access to questioning or criticising their decision to continue featuring Skank in this production. Seriously all this subterfuge and hiding her from the public is ridiculous. Who decided to hire her should be sacked, she must be costing this production money, they are barely advertising it, and I do think this is now down to a real fear of action from F4J. Reckon they have also hired extra security for the duration of the run as well, a further cost.

Skank hasn’t done Panto since 2015, where the reviews were shockingly bad. Who researched her recent behaviour, with her public claims about her broken feet and MH issues and still thought, yes she’s the person we want. Honestly it’s really odd how she got this gig, I so hope it really blows up for the producers badly, they deserve it for booking her.
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I know someone in a hotel she came to stay in back last Summer. She arrived with Carl and they ended up using the hotel room as an onlyfans set. This is a very snazzy hotel and certainly not where they’d want that going on.
Bill was huge for various extra costs to room. Person just told me she is tiny in real life and that she was actually quiet and polite. The bill was huge. I wonder if you owe lots of creditors whether this is a reasonable trip or if it’s just discounted as a business trip.
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I cant fathom, who the fuck in their right mind thought" yeah, let's ask Cunt Whore Price to do our panto this year". All the shit that's gone on over the last year, & the fact she’s always been a cunt with her cunty behaviour, I don't understand why anybody thinks this is a good idea. Who the hell would employ Cocaine Cunty, proven liar, criminal & all round cunt! Have they been living under a fucking rock?!
I think for many she is still vaguely famous from back in the day, she flys under the rader for most people. Who reads the non stories of mum shamed, latest surgery, on off relationship etc? most scroll by unless a particularly laughable shot. Most of the public aren't interested and unless you take the red pill and read on here you wouldn't know how dreadful and unstable she really is. However the truth is getting out there and f4j are speeding this up and the papers are sharpening their quills in readiness😍🙏
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I agree with your earlier post it seems strange that Bunny got a kindness award after the Youtube video. Seems to get rid of my theory that the school intervened after seeing the video?

On Jett, I agree it's good news that he is at least getting an education through distance learning. I can't help wondering though, could the school be doing more to try and get him back in the classroom? Maybe their hands are tied.
Perhaps the school did intervene regards Bunny and this weekly award could be encouragement for recently improved behaviour there? It's a positive anyway, so I am happy to see that ❤
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Morning Krusties! Well that video of her attempting to dance is one of the best things I have seen in a long time. She's lagging behind like a dell laptop running windows xp.
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It appears it’s on Celeb Big Brother oh dear but so are Jed Wood 😂
No, she's not. Clickbait and speculation. ITV won't touch her with a bargepole, she wasn't even allowed on the This Morning sofa with it's enabler.
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I don’t believe Jett is getting schooling. So not sure why his name is in the newsletter. Strange.
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Kieran posted this earlier too, he really is posting a lot about J&B lately and I'm hoping it's because he is feeling positive.

Re Willow's tea that the kids have been brainwashed into thinking their dad is more into his 'new family', I can imagine KP badmouthing poor Valentino and Apollo in front of J&B too:cry:


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On X ( Twitter)🤣
Ooooh, get in, that’s what we wanted, not that she was amazing and great from the Brain Dead fans, I believe this is the truth. It is clear in those short videos she was dreadful, had no idea what she was doing, as we expected the cast are carrying her, she hasn’t got a clue, can’t remember even the basic routines. She’s not got any ability to do this, what a joke she’s the headline act 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Take away the 'support staff' and this is what you get.... including scruffy trousers...

View attachment 2629148
This picture enlarged looks like she’s finally being carted off by The Wardens .

Oh that it were so !

As for somebody having to share a dressing room with her - can you imagine ? It would be hellish . Constant “ me, me, me …. Am I like you thought I would be ? Don’t look bad for 45 do I ? Peteyacunt , Kieronyouwankah”

And then there’s the smell .

And the hoovering up of lines ( not to be confused with the learning of)

That poor person , I’ll wager they’ll be dropping out of the panto long before Skanky ever does 🤣🤣🤣
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Stan Butler

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I'm crying as i type this thank you all for your messages of support ❤ Chicken and veg curry tonight for tea. 🤣🤣🤣 To stay on topic first there was slymi fat little fuck Rymi and his hotel/airport filtered to fuck toilet pictures now we have ugly fat little filtered to fuck sink boy wearing makeup doing lonely lift pictures and boys night out pictures for attention because skanks on a egg hunt. 🤣
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....and here she is in all her.... erm.... glory....!!

Has she forgotten to take the coat hangers out of her costumes as every pic has her arms outstretched or is that her acting evil?
Actually, method acting might explain why she has been such an evil, jealous piece of dung all year, she's been rehearsing her part😈😈😈😈😈
My take on the argument for what it's worth, I believe what is reported is a true report of what's been said to you Willow, always believe you. ❤❤❤
And you Angelic, believe you too, you're not saying the report is incorrect just the actual truth behind what Willow's been told?❤❤❤
Like if Willow said she was told KFP keeps SBs balls in a glass at the side of her bed but Angelic knows KFP ate them with some fava beans and a nice Chianti both would be great tea. ☕☕☕
Please keep reporting and posting.🙏🙏🙏
We're all so desperate to get kids back to K, animals safely rehomed and some kind of justice to finally get Skank and the enablers, emotions run high on here. ❤❤❤
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Still waiting for her to work out how tall she is.
Still waiting for her to be able to say the word “Carl”.
Still waiting for her to admit that there was a box of Full fat CADBURYS hot chocolate on her kitchen shelf ( which the camera zoomed in on) when she was advertising Skinny foods hot chocolate.

Still waiting for her weekly volunteering at the local Hospice.
Still waiting for her to attend her weekly therapy sessions.
Still waiting for her to attend college with Princess.
Still waiting for Baby No 6 (even though all five live with her full time...)
Still waiting for her to make the MM habitable.
Still waiting for her to engage brain....
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So it’s tumbleweed again out there as far as I can see regarding the promotion of this Panto 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s the final day before it goes live, no promotion by the theatre, none of the cast pushing ticket sales, no local press/TV interviews, Madam has been totally hidden away, honestly I’ve never seen anything like it, it just isn’t being advertised, normally productions swamp the media, the stars out in force, flogging it, there’s nothing 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ I do think they are running scared of F4J causing trouble, so are lying low, this must be costing them a massive loss, kinda hilarious really 😁
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Stan Butler

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I've been thinking about the while J&B thing and how Skanky, on repeat, tells the world that her ex's were only with her for fame and money.
When the kids are back with Kieran, he should bring out a book. Not about Skank, but about his experience with Parential alienation, and highlighting how out lengthy, costly legal system needs updated for DAD'S.
Yes he'd make some money from the book, but for once Skanky's name could help to finally benefit others. if Kieran's book raised concerns and possible discussions and TV programmes about Parential Alienation.
It might even help him, and the kids with Rebuilding their lives again.
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