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Hampshire Hog

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I may be alone in this, but isn’t the true value of an engagement/wedding ring more to do with the meaning and thoughtfulness that has gone into buying the ‘right’ ring for the person you are giving it to rather than it’s financial value. Surely the only time an engagement ring’s financial value is important is if you are intending to sell at a later date?
No your not alone I agree it’s the sentiment and the thought not the price tag. But then I would not dream of selling my ring I have been with the same partner since I was 14 now 50+ years on we are still together ❤
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Old Clearblue was never a celebrity , That Sheesh has a VIP membership by invitation only , I always wonder if he was like a kid with his face on the window wishing he could get into the sweetshop , and by being with Shitface he gets a VIP membership ,yes I do believe he is that shallow , Little Bigman syndrome
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Thanks everyone ❤ Pink Squirrel & Gashers I’m so sorry you lost family but totally understand why her behaviour infuriates you too. I presume she’s not trying to claim PIP because those of us who do know how humilating and difficult it is to prove to an assessor how impacted by disability we are even with all the pain and limitations to prove it!

her proclaiming she’s in chronic pain and then trotting about theme parks, moving house etc just makes a mockery of it. Is it wrong to hope the MM just collapses on her head?
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I know a lot of the Krustie's have Kids , and sometimes they get hiked up with people you might not take to , you can't say a lot because you don't want to upset them , But Imagine if your Son Brought that Fucking thing home , Hes younger , single , Fuck me you'd be crying every night wouldnt you ?
Unfortunately my estranged son is married a narcassist. As well as myself, none of my side of the family went to the wedding, never received an invite. My sister saw the Narcassist signs not long after meeting her and long before I did.
Since Sam has been with her 13 years now, no one has been able to see him on his own, couldn't even have a phone chat with him without her barking in the background.
When my sister distanced herself from HER and I was still on speaking terms with the Narc she admitted to me that she tells my grandchildren my sister is a "Witch!"
She is evil but my son can't see it.

I am still waiting for KARMA!
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
I spoke to my son earlier about his moving to Horsham shortly; I mentioned the fact Trampy Towers is local to his new place towhich he groaned "F??? me! You mean that thing is nearby? OMG!" The prospect of seeing that buying it's pregnancy tests in Tesco Metro was a horrific shock for him! LOL

Well peeps, nip over to the Noel Clarke topic pls! I commented on there that it wouldn't be long before price popped up on there to jump onto the "I was abused by him too!' Bandwagon like she's done with everything else and that actually he wouldn't even need to try very hard either - some berk is getting all uppity FGS! Pathetic :(
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Lots of people say how shes a great mum. Shes really not, for starters peter should have been able to stay in harveys life. Secondly she forever posts videos of harvey, allowing him to get the hate and also using him for attention. Asking him silly questions for him to answer! Ugh poor harvey genuinely makes me sick how she uses him
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member

Someone email them & point out that she's sold the bloody lot & the 1 they've shown is all that's left 😡.

She must be seriously desperate for cash to be selling his special things for a few quid 😡

I can't imagine EVER selling any of my kids things without their permission.

And you can bet the Skanky tramp won't give Harv the money from the sale of his things.

She is not fucking human.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
For some reason a rude thought went through my cranium!!!!

Brilliant, in more ways than one.
Thank you too 💖💕😀👍😘 xx
He would make a sinister tellytubbies sun too 😄😄 xx.

Is he wearing Donald Trump's makeup looool 😄😄and

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She absolutely has, I can’t stand the way she behaves she has no moral compass and for the life of me I can’t understand what these young blokes see in her I sometimes think they do it for a bet because there is nothing remotely endearing about her.
Hi Hoggie , Like I have said many times , We are all Nice people on here , and I have tried to be fair , tried to look at her side , give her the Benefit of the doubt , But cannot find one good thing to say about her , and I have tried , Take Harveys Frog , you'd give it to the boy , He'd prob be thrilled to bits , But no you get a statement saying Harvey wants new decorations next year ,As though it would cross his mind ?Who the fuck sells their kids decorations , wouldn't even cross your mind no matter how hard up you were , DOLLY PASS THE POT

I would not be crying at all. My lad would have got the full force of my displeasure in his choice of woman plus his bags packed should he not see the error of his ways 🤣 I am thankful he has more sense and his fiancee is lovely 🤣
Good Mum

I know we have all said wankasaurus is using her for what ever reason, but I can’t help but think when this goes wrong (which it will ) she could end up neck deep in shite, he will I’m sure spill all her secrets . When he sees what she’s really like I think he will drop her like a red hot potato. There is nothing endearing about either of them.
She hasn't got a Bank account . any money squirreled away goes to dickhead and his dad , Priceywoods , Think shes in shit street

Well its very quiet , No excitement today , So thought Id talk about what as happened since I stumbled on this thread ,
Well made a lot of good Friends , Like a Family on here , All united in exposing one of the most horrible woman on the Planet for what she is , Only Downside is I find I have Acquired a very unhealthy obsession with Lozzas arse , Need help really
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I would not find it hard to believe they could have made £100k in lockdown. They both blag most stuff for free, they pay Paige the dog poo picker prob min wage and Pointy Chin in promo. All their food is free and she isn’t paying any creditors. He has a mortgage but it’s a 3 bed semi and his cars are from his dads garage. Even if the lash companies pay £2k an ad they will be on commission. 2 OK spreads now?

She’s made thousands from depop too
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Pink Squirrel

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She really is vile, talk about the pot calling the kettle. She looks like bloody Medusa when she wobbles her head & the wig starts flopping about, who the hell is she to call anybody else a dog. Eyes on in the mirror Skanky.
She's a desperate, jealous, insecure old hag. It's a reasonable question to ask him if he's single. How are girls supposed to know she's his girlfriend & not his mother? Easy mistake. I've never come across that podcast or those 'presenters'. Looks like I haven't missed anything.
She's fucking 42 going on 17 🙄. The crack's will be showing soon enough because of her jealousy & insecurity. All her life she's cheated & she's the one that accuses 🤷🤦. And now she's old, ugly & rotten, nobody wants her. She's so paranoid she'll be off on one if Crawl so much as says thank you to a female checkout assistant.
Do you think they got together on 'grab a granny' night & he doesn't know how the ditch her 🤣😂🤣🤣
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lanacane?is it a vaggy thing? Oh dear where have I been? 😳
It'll soothe them piddle burns nicely Dolly don't you worry about that 🤣🤣😏

Everything is about money to her. She's always trying to prove she has the biggest, best, most expensive, fastest, shiniest whatever. In reality she no longer has a pot to piss in & it's all bollocks. And at the end of the day, nobody gives a flying fuck about her or what she has/hasn't got. Her exes couldn't give a fuck, the general public couldn't give a fuck, nobody in the media gives a fuck. "My ring cost £250,000".... you're a cunt. "Crawl's buying me a house for £800,000"..... you're a cunt. "I'm wearing £550 trainers"..... you're a cunt. She can have a £30 ring, live in a tent & wear £10 trainers......still a cunt.
Go on Squirrel, you tell her ❤❤ and all this while she's dressed in a cuntish chavtastic tracky made in a sweat shop somewhere 🤣 She is indeed a cunt. Xx
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Maybe I am oversimplifying this but if a house is under offer then it shows on Right Move as ‘Under Offer’! It doesn’t, because it’s a load of lies AGAIN! 😳
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I see he’s out this video on again. Banter really? 😡

Wonder if he told his mum 🤔🤣
So the tosser is at Harvey's house, getting pissed and tormenting Harvey again. Big guy eh. I hope Harvey turns around and knocks him out.

So much for him keeping off the drink too. Wanker.
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I can't believe I'm posting here as I don't follow Katie price and I don't ever watch GMB but flicked TV on and I couldn't stop watching her & him. (That's my disclaimer done!!)

He looks really controlling and domineering (and likes to talk like alot)

(Have now bleached my mind of them and GMB 😂)
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Yeah, told Furbar radio it was Feb 20, but then said she hadn't 'drunk nothing', which we know was a lie because the day of the accident she said she hadn't drunk that much:

The 42-year-old star checked into the rehab facility in February 2020 to get "severe trauma rehabilitation" which made her turn to alcohol and cocaine to cope with the post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) she experienced after she was sexually assaulted during a carjacking in South Africa while filming her reality show in 2018, and her mother Amy Price's diagnosis with incurable lung disease idiophatic pulmonary fibrosis.
Since completing her treatment at The Priory, Katie has never felt better and feels as though she's got her spark back now she is teetotal.
In an interview recorded with Bobby Norris and Stephen Leng on Access All Areas on FUBAR Radio, she said: "Since I've been out of The Priory, I have not drunk nothing. And now I've forgotten what it's like to drink, and that's not like me because I'm quite sociable and stuff. And then obviously I was into the coke because I was self-medicating.

After her accident

Now reliant on a wheelchair and potentially facing up to two years off her feet, Katie explained on her YouTube channel that she'd attempted to vault a wall, not realising how big the drop on the other side was.
"I’m never ever drinking again and I wasn’t even that p****d," she told The Sun.

No wonder people don't believe a word that comes out of those false teeth and lips....she doesn't remember her own lies and this is what the court needs to see.
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