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Megan Bacon

Active member
@peeko, I totally understand where you’re coming from and your heartfelt post.

As I have shared before my son has a diagnosis of Autism. He’s 23 now but since he was old enough to walk his obsession has been traffic lights/ cones and road lamps. His obsession means I’ll never have a ‘nice’ garden or a house where every room doesn’t have at least something ‘traffic! related in it 😂. My back garden is currently home to a bus stop, a pelican crossing light and about 4 sets of traffic lights and too many road cones and lamps to count! The smallest room in the house is my bedroom while he has both the huge master bedroom and the spare room for all of his collection (plus we rent a garage for him).
As a parent, it’s what you do - your child’s interests are supported, their needs and wants come before your own. How Katie could ever sell something so important and meaningful belong to her son is beyond my comprehension. Would I ever get rid of any of my son’s items? Not a chance, the woman is despicable.

And if you thought I may be exaggerating 😂


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I would just like to speak from the heart here . I have made many Krustie friends , had many Heart to Hearts , a few of us have relatives that are special, I have spoken on here many times about my Grandson who has downs , My Daughter in law's Brother has Aspergers which is a mild form of autism , Bit disconcerting when I was watching a match with him the other night and he could tell me how much every player cost, who they played for before made me look very stupid , , But even though he trusts me completely ,I made a sudden move and He flinched like Id thrown a punch, I have had a lot of experience with Special people. See Special people look at the world in a different way . So I can speak from experience, You can have Banter , But it takes time and Trust , My Grandson loves my Hot chocolate, marshmellows squirty cream , I might say we've run out , He says "Your winding me up" you can tell by his body language , Hes comfortable , He knows hes going to get his Hot Chocolate ,thats banter , But I would never ask him if he wants a beer ,
that is not banter that's teasing , you can see the Boy is not comfortable , Same as the Carrot Cake , If the Boy was comfortable it wouldn't bother him, He's Special NOT stupid . Why Post it on instagram ? I would love Harvey in my House he'd be my mate , He is not a toy ,He is a Person , Where are the videos of that dickhead and Harvey in the Gym , reading books , etc , all I ever see is him winding him up , There is no pride in the Boy WHATSOEVER , I see no love there not even from his Mother , in fact have any of you seen any pride from their mother of anything any of the kids have done that doesnt further her own career ? Their outside interests , School plays etc
Sorry to go on Krusties , All these people enabling her do not think of the kids, Thank God For their Fathers ,very upsetting
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Sorry for going awol.

I have to try to detach myself from Katie’s behaviour as I find myself struggling to understand her actions. I am Autistic and have been taught to “place my self in others shoes” if I want to understand a behaviour from someone. So, if someone owed me money I would want it back and vice versa.
I find Katie a contradiction in everything she says.
If people owe her money she will hound them and claim she’s been used.
If she owes money then people have used her.
She goes after men in relationships but calls out woman who message Carl. In Katie’s world there are no rules for her, only rules for others to not do as she does.

So many other examples but I’m not feeling 100% and don’t want to use my energy on her.

She is still married to Kieron and he would be wise to not finalise the divorce until she has answered her allegations against him. She claimed he stole off her and he is partly responsible for her debts. No, she doesn’t have a police report.

In fact we’d like to see some evidence of ANY reports. She ISN’T considered a credible witness at all. It is expected she will lie which isn’t surprising. She has lied previously when she stated she would be more compliant going forward. She hasn’t ... The only thing Katie has ever done consistently is lie.

To the best of our knowledge she has been clearing out the MM prior to handover but if she wants to increase the value or condition of the property this would be welcomed. She has released the address and the plans of the property which IF her children were living with her would put them at risk. It was a very silly move Katie.

I suspect Katie is building up her next storyline.This will involve Katie and Carl having their futures ruined by HER past. The MM will be taken off them, they’ll have to sell the engagement ring, she won’t be able to conceive due to stress, they’ll be forced to take Carl’s house off the market which means she’ll be 2 hrs from her children. They’ll have to get married at her Mothers bedside etc etc. She is fully aware what is happening next.

If anyone does know a creditor of Katie’s or anyone who is owed money by her, I urge them to write a statement explaining just how much their life has been affected by it. Media outlets are aware that this has been requested. I have been genuinely shocked at just how far the ripples, of Katie’s non compliance, have many families 😞Maybe Katie could donate clothing to the people who can barely keep their head above water because they trusted her...

We will be expecting Katie to prove her charitable donations. I’m sure she’d like to prove Tattlers wrong by having the receipts 😉

I don’t want to jeopardise the court proceedings as this is a public forum. I’m in no doubt that Katie reads these pages. We planted some seeds and Katie picked them.

I’m completely exhausted lately and apologise for lack of updates.
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Skanky has made my blood boil today.

Why the hell is she posting about Michelle Heaton going into rehab for drink problems and threatening Michelles friends? The poor women has been critically ill, hysterectomy, double masectomy. Michelles husband Hugh, family and poor kids really need this splashing all over the press for some publicity for Price.

What the hell has it got to do with her?

Michelle is fighting her demons which KP should think about doing herself.

Last time they were seen together was at Phil Turners 50th (I think). She was so pissed she collapsed in a booth and Michelle, a bouncer and Kris B had to carry her out. Another precious event for Phil and Gary that she ruined.

She turned up at their wedding in a wedding dress, got pissed (standard), interrupted the speeches and was reported in the press as follows: "Phil and Gary had a civil partnership in 2009, attended by their friend Katie Price, who was famously reported at the time to 'ruin' the reception.

Katie was set to serenade the couple for their first dance with a rendition of Whitney Houston’s I Have Nothing but is said to have launched into a foul-mouthed tirade at the guests, allegedly telling them: 'You’re all c***s, then attempted to sing 'A Whole New World' on the dance floor, collapsed again and had to be carried out. She was not invited to the wedding vow renewal".

She has no moral compass. Complete Troglodye bitch. Can she not see how she is persevered by doing these things for her own publicity?


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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Thread suggestion...Katie Price #34 Another ring she's proudly flashing, same old stories, she just keeps re-hashing 😴
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
As nobody has done a recap, I shall do 1.....Katie is still a cunt. Crawl is still a cunt. They are both lying cunts. We hate lying cunts 👍
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Well-known member
Fellow Krustie's..... please help me try & understand why this Skanky tramp gets me in such a rage? I honestly wish she didn't get under my skin. I don't mind Goodger, Katona, Westbrook. I can laugh at their desperate shenanigans. But Skanky is on a whole level of her own when it comes to detestable in every single way 😡
Hello Krusties, I've been lurking in and out of these threads for a few months now as I find your posts hilarious, but never had the bottle to comment as you all seem like quite a close-knit group and didn't know if you'd take to a random new user popping in infrequently to comment?! (Work shifts so don't get much time online some days)

However, I saw the above by @Pink Squirrel and it struck a nerve... I feel exactly the same way! I hate myself for even dedicating my time and braincells to "Ol' Lumpy Face" but her obnoxious personality, toxic lifestyle, lack of personal and financial responsibility, the constant grubbing for a fast buck, which includes exploiting her "Brood" (hate it when The Scum & Daily Fail use that term) and the faux-romance with a Z-Lister who's chompers are so dazzling that they present a genuinedanger to low flying aircraft, just all really pisses me off?!!

Anyway, hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend, and thanks so much for the many laughs you've provided me with for the short time I've been aware this site even existed lol (y)😘

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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
❤ Exactly it’s the meaning behind it not the how much it cost. But that’s where we are different to skanky she is very materialistic it’s all about the price tag that’s all she and wanky go on about.
Everything is about money to her. She's always trying to prove she has the biggest, best, most expensive, fastest, shiniest whatever. In reality she no longer has a pot to piss in & it's all bollocks. And at the end of the day, nobody gives a flying fuck about her or what she has/hasn't got. Her exes couldn't give a fuck, the general public couldn't give a fuck, nobody in the media gives a fuck. "My ring cost £250,000".... you're a cunt. "Crawl's buying me a house for £800,000"..... you're a cunt. "I'm wearing £550 trainers"..... you're a cunt. She can have a £30 ring, live in a tent & wear £10 trainers......still a cunt.
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TLDR/recap of the last thread (Apologies to Billy Joel)

Gashers had the title won ,peeko sulked again, Mi5, enganment, Peter didn't know
Skanky and Wanky, Prepkitchen UK , Celebrity Masterchef, harassing Michelle,
Harvey calls her dickhead, staples was a skinhead girl ,bez and shaun ryder,Pixies on the piss
Clearblues hustle dream ,her nails done again , she ditched her ring ,poses in the bath,
DC cracked the rose' , mrsems on the sauvignon, walk in brighton ,our dolly's dosing up with wine,
Jellymen have chewy dicks , everyone has boiling piss, Facehuggers rubber cock stolen by her bloody dog
We cant stand the liar , she don't care who's hurting ,as long as she's earning

jersey girl and watches, Liars in hysterics, squirrels, emmerdale, queenie in Mcdonalds
Bigblues mind boggles , Woburn safari , lozzas arse is massive ,50 grand on surgery,
Theme park in the MM, Pinks finally gone insane, decorations, harveys frog ,welcome to the scrunchies,
265 sunday roast , lucid counted up depop, No celebs no exes but is she divorced yet?
tanned in gravy granules , loves being bankrupt, more balloons,ditched her wig , ex bodyguard hates her
rita thinks she needs a bag on her head ,pictures of them both in bed , sewergrapes giggles loves being a krustie
We cant stand the liar ,she dont care who shes hurting,as long as shes earning

Titanic, quality st . skanky' s won masterchef , monsieurcrumble thinks their loves a sham , pom bears birthday
Hampshire thinks they are right chavs , skankys filtered to the max, clearblue gets the needle, he wont go out with a dog like you
costume jewellery , or QVC, penguin86 birthday , ghosts and talking candles , whereisprecious needs a whiskey
deformed titties ,sex in the city, keirons a nobody, too much lip filler
looking queer in harveys gear, advertising lip filler gear , more surgery's a step too far, with each op she gets uglier
Zelda and the terrahawks , going out for fucking walks , stephs packed lunch ,she hates her eyes, we all hate here fucking lies
my recaps over now im done , All ive gotta do is look at my title suggestion and see if ive won , I would do but
cant ,ill just go to bed ,liar liars lost the bloody thread
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liar liar

VIP Member
Thanks to @Stapleyourtongue for this early leader.

Perhaps someone would like to do a summary???

Well thanks to whoever picked-up my report that I had wrongly put it on Families! Off you go piss boilers!
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Oh shit,shit my god !im a VIP oh..☺☺😢so pleased…ohdear..😢 crying cos of pleasure.Never thought I would deserve it. Thankyou mods..☺ only just noticed..awwwww.🥂🤕head will get better me thinks.🤣
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I think that's a bit harsh.....Crawl says she's a natural beauty & The Scum says she's got flawless skin. So surely they're right 😜🤣🤭

I will say something in her favour (doesn't happen very often), I think she has ball's going on like that. I'd not be brave enough!

Can you imagine the screaming & yelling she did because there was no time for wigs & makeup? Serves her right. Stupid idiots should've set off 5hrs earlier!

I still don't know why they even had them on. It's hardly newsworthy 🤷. Some brutal comments on GMB tweet 🤣
One of the comments:
“Been rogered more times than a coppers radio”!!
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Hello Krusties, Apologies if it’s already been quoted on here but my fave Daily Mail comment calls them ‘the tracksuit twins’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
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Chatty Member
Well deserved 😭
Don’t cry Peeks your time will come 💕

How much do you love mummy Harvey, Harvey, Harvey how much do you love mummy, is it loads is it is it loads ye mummy loves Harvey give me a kiss ye mummy loves.....
Katie sorry to interrupt we’ve finished filming, oh right somebody ring the fucking residential to take him back he’s costing me a fucking fortune in food to stop him kicking off 😳
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See you can be ambiguous, but you cannot tell outright lies , I think people may have questioned the fact that if he bought it why is it still up for sale
On the estate agents site ?

Might even have been Rightmove themselves?
If he is publicly claiming to be in the process of buying it then other potential buyers will not bother looking at it. Simple as that.
So yeah, the Estate agents and whoever they are selling it for needed to set the record straight that it is still for sale.
You cannot just pick a big house online and then claim across the media that you are buying it. So childish.
The days of nobody questioning her bullshit are gone, thank fuck. It's so refreshing to watch all their lies unravel on here.
On DS you could never ever post anything questioning her tall stories. And you could never ever post negatively about her ridiculous surgeries and spending or you copped a ban because her apologist gang on there (a couple of whom now post on Tattle like 😇😇) kept banging the report button like the loonies they are.
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