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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member

Now I was hoping to keep it quiet but the media are desperate for the 'exclusive'. I've bought it! I thought it would be a nice holiday home for the Krustie Krew. I phoned up & said "I want that one" & made an offer of £16.50. I'm confident it will be accepted. Of course you're all invited to the housewarming 👍🤪 I think 'Krustie Krew HQ' has a nice ring to it 😊
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She's clearly got money stashed under the mattress & is funding this in his name 🙄

@DC16 find it for us please 🕵️‍♀️😂 I haven't got time. Just about to cook dinner, collect the cat from the vets, collect the eldest from work & run 3 Zoom meetings.....I'll join you all which time I predict I'll need a large drink 🤣😂
DM is running the story and allowing comments. This one's interesting:

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Chatty Member
That magazine is kind of staggering. I mean the way her brain must work to put something like that together and think people will love it....

Also, very few people are aware in real life but it seems appropriate after Krusties own brush with death to say last week my GP referred me to hospital as she’s 99% sure I have skin cancer on my scalp. Not life threatening (are you paying attention Pricey?) and I am hoping when they biopsy it they can take all of it at once. My scalp is scared to buggery after 2 brain surgeries so no idea if anything else is lurking. I’m telling virtually no one because I’ve had so many health catastrophes and this is minor but i don’t mind telling you Tattle is keeping me going. Theres only so much a person can take and I’ve had enough life threatening shiz to last however long I have left.
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I’ve just tried to post a shitty comment about the treatment of Harvey but it’s not letting me🤬
My piss is so boiled tonight im starting to get a headache!
Just fired off an email to Anna Kennedy too. Normally I don't bother with things like that because I don't think it would make a difference but I've had enough
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I see he’s out this video on again. Banter really? 😡
What an absolute cunt. Poor Harvey he has to have this cunt and his twat of a mother to put up with.
The only satisfaction I get is that this fucker will be the downfall of skankyflaps 😡
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Thanks to @Stapleyourtongue for this early leader.

Perhaps someone would like to do a summary???

Well thanks to whoever picked-up my report that I had wrongly put it on Families! Off you go piss boilers!
Aww, thank you LL I'm really chuffed. My first thread suggestion and I won, sorry Peeko 😟 better luck next time, teeheehee!
And thank you to all you lovely Krusties for your likes, lets hope what the thread says happens. Cheers to you all 🥃🍻🍷☕😘❤
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Good morning from the beach 😊🌅 cuppa anyone?
Now then Squirrel 🐿 I love this time of the morning (only benefit of working nights to be honest lol)
Hope you have a lovely day down at the beach, and I'll take a builder's tea, no sugar, and a Choc Digestive if you've got any going, please?? 😁

Hope to hear more from you and welcome 🎖, a Krusty medal for joining the club 😘
Good Morning! Thank you all for making me feel so welcome! Apologies for not replying to everyone directly, but it's been a busy night!!

Anyway, it's stuff like THIS that really "Boils my piss" (lol) I was reading the comments on a story about Kerry Cracktona getting her dirty pillows reduced (despite being another bankrupt scrounger) and saw this post about our mate!
Feel absolutely gutted for these hardworking people who will never see a penny of what she owes them... I can't even begin to imagine how brassed off they feel when they see her and "Crawl" gurning back at them from their screen or newspaper?!! 😤


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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Ohhhhhhh Krustie's......I asked my kids what they'd like to do tomorrow.....they want to watch the sun rise at the beach 🌅. Alarm is set for 3.30am 😴. Also requested that I cook brekkie at the beach 🥓🍳. Maybe I'll write 'Krustie Krew woz 'ere' in the sand 🤣. Or Skanky piss boiling cunt 😂
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The Sun has just posted this article.

She is getting a positive write up for her ID work.
I suppose in her defence she's quite happy to publicly troll, threaten and bully people (including her own disabled son) and put her name to it most of the time. Happy to be filmed doing it/on social media. Slags off and names people, even posting their pictures and get her moronic 'fans' to harrass people.

In my humble opinion she does hid behind some social media accounts anonymously.

But the facts speak for themselves.

At least 3 restraining orders for threatening behaviour, found guilty in court at least twice of lying and threatening behaviour and ordered to pay damages. Multiple driving bans, no regard for the law. Four kids living with their dads, 5th morbidly obese.

No shame or moral compass. What I fail to comprehend is that she clearly doesn't think she's doing anything wrong.

I'll never forgot her outside court after getting the most severe restraining order against Michelle trying to defend herself in an illerate statement. She then said when a reporter asked her did she feel sorry "No I Don't. I Didn't Do Anything That Bad". She called parents and teachers 'fucking cunts' in the playground in front of kids. It must have been bad as she was banned from going anyway near the school. Why does she think in her thick head that's "Not That Bad". Hate to see what goes on behind closed doors?

Yet the media continue to support her. Again I'm baffled Blue!
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Monsieur Crumble

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My son and daughter in law came to clean my windows this afternoon and we got on the subject of Skanky and Wanky, my daughter in law thinks it's all a sham as I do but it was my son who summed it up and I quote " that geezer def doesn't drive the pink skin bus into tuna town, and the thought of him mounting her from behind whilst she's firing on all cylinders doesn't bear thinking about" 🤧🤢 he's got a wonderful turn of phrase my boy 🤣
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Kieran just said on his IG he gets Jett and Bunny back tonight, so they must be there, hope little Jett isn’t left out this time!😡
Why do Kerian and Peter allow their kids into her 'care'?

No carseats/seatbelts on, Bunny with no shoes, unkempt. Jett just ignored sad and crying. No healthy food, just pizza and McDonalds. Bunny caked in make up and plastered on social media for any perv to see. Ditto Princess. All 4 (Junior seems to have wised up pre Covid diagnosis) used commercially for that tramp to make money.

Harvey bullied by Wanky and posted on social media to laugh at.

Three of her kids have been 'injured' and hospitalised in her 'care'.

What the fuck is wrong with SS in this country? Most normal, sane people are horrified yet no one in authority or their other parent do nothing. WHY?????
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She’s not paying anything back. She stopped paying a long time ago! She was hoping she would get discharged back in November.
She’s living rent free with Cole and funnelling her income or freebies through JYY or Cole.
If she was actually working hard towards paying it back I would respect her but instead or handing over money to her creditors she’s viewing expensive houses she doesn’t need (she has weekend visits with kids so doesn’t need a 6 bed house) and spending it on Botox and wigs. It’s so shallow it’s actually revolting

It is also revolting that the media allow her to get away with it and that these pair think it’s funny to flaunt it all
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Just off to get my 2nd vaccine dose 😬😬 💉 hope I don’t pass out like last time!
Oooh has he removed the post about Thorpe park... can’t see it 🤔
Had my second one this morning. Feeling OK and didn't faint!

That's my 6ft 4 sons specialty.

I'm only 5ft 2 and he slaps me on the head as he walks past like Benny Hill did to that old baldy guy. But put a needle near him and he faints.

Last time he had to have a blood test whilst I was seeing my stoma nurse the door burst open and a nurse ran in shouting 'is Joes mum here? He's down'. Ran into the next room and he was unconscious on the chair with a nurse who looked like Hattie Jaques and was about 105 pouring Lucazade down his throat!


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Here we go.
How to spot fake friends...... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Mother hasn't got long to live, Oh fuck off Katie, you have been saying that for YEARS!!


Back to catching up and eating my meal, yes I know that's a little dangerous but "dangerous" is in fact my nickname!!
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They already go to that Tesco’s they live near me nearer to the airport side!

Been roadworks down there so going the other direction for a couple weeks now

Money wise I am not sure how his plumbing business is doing but he isn’t selling cars
I think he might be able to scrape £80k together with all their income from SPL, YouTube (low income from that to be honest), the IG shilling and selling stories, OK mag will have paid a bit for that story but he’s got to prove he’s got the steady income to pay the mortgage. The ring is weird, no one will ever really know the cost of it, it could be anything
I may be alone in this, but isn’t the true value of an engagement/wedding ring more to do with the meaning and thoughtfulness that has gone into buying the ‘right’ ring for the person you are giving it to rather than it’s financial value. Surely the only time an engagement ring’s financial value is important is if you are intending to sell at a later date?
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Seriously, I mean, what is she on there to talk about? The petition is a no go, she has recently done her sick mum, Harvey, is she just going to flaunt her expensive ring and in the same breath talk about how her staying in bankruptcy is best all round....biatch😡😡😡
Well they have just received a massive email , I have also done the complaint to IPSO re Thorpe Park and contacted the Mirror asking them to retract the story about Bully boy buying that house . They have acknowledged my email and awaiting my reply. I’m a keyboard warrior tonight and as Dolly say’s “ boiling my piss” 🤣😂
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