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midsummer blue

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Why is she asking Jett to say she doesn’t take drugs. How the hell would he know. Surely it’s not something she would do in front of her kids. (But who knows with her). At the end of the day she can do what the fuck she wants, but give the kids to their dad first. Pay your debts get rid of all animals to loving homes. Then I don’t give a flying fuck what You do KP.
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Making MM3 in January 🤷🏽‍♀️ Two new shows currently filming for C4, Jett is still up, sees ghosts in the house, a little boy, but he now has a blank face, Skank agrees ghosts are everywhere …..this is total madness, why do I watch these things 🤷🏽‍♀️

Skank ending the live now, but back tomorrow at 8:30, having her hair done live….there’s a date for your diary….it’s ended, bliss 😁
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She Lies and truly believes her lies, she's not selling dogs, not losing MM. She has to believe or her magical world where she is centre will fall apart and that is what truly petrifies her deep down. Found this interesting article about Narcs -

"Since reality doesn't support their grandiose view of themselves, narcissists live in a fantasy world propped up by distortion, self-deception, and magical thinking. They spin self-glorifying fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, attractiveness, and ideal love that make them feel special and in control. These fantasies protect them from feelings of inner emptiness and shame, so facts and opinions that contradict them are ignored or rationalized away. Anything that threatens to burst the fantasy bubble is met with extreme defensiveness and even rage, so those around the narcissist learn to tread carefully around their denial of reality."
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Surely it’s a front,we a know what bullshiter she is.Fantasy world.
Claiming to look after 'all 5 kids' being 'busy filming' 'Princess lives with me' even 'feeding the horses' are all smokescreens for her dwindling fans because she has naff all going on ... the horses arent even there, anymore than Carol is and Princess doesnt live there
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Cat Eyez

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Sorry but I have to disagree she may be a good mum to her son but she is not a good aunt. She stands by and watches the dangerous situations Skank let's those kids be in. She must see how sad their life is now with Skank, kept away from their loving dad. It speaks volumes she won't leave her son with her. She sees the state of the house, the animals etc. She enables Skank and I can't forgive her for that 😓
This is the part I find so difficult about Sophie.... Sometimes I'd agree with Pepe, especially on some points like brands etc....

But when it comes to the kids.... It really does seem like she lets them down, obviously not her own but J&B. And like you Janet I really struggle with that.

It's incredibly difficult to see how B&J are being treated and what they are seemingly missing out on with K&M.

Part of me think as their Aunt Sophie should be doing more, but then part of me also realises we don't know everything that goes on behind closed doors. Sophie lives far away from KP, has a small flat, her job, her own son.... She definitely isn't in a position to take on J&B.

That recent Guardian interview with Sophie on Zoom is telling, they don't trust KP, but why the family isn't doing more to protect B&J is perplexing and really really sad.

I can only assume that B&J aren't on a child protection plan and if KP isn't engaging as she should be, then the SW's role becomes harder and courts become involved which takes more time.
It's possible that whilst making the allegations about KH, KP engaged with SW's or their team and now she's stopped the allegations, perhaps she's stopped engaging. The to-ing and fro-ing between Sussex and Essex won't help the situation and actually aids her in not engaging.

P.s I'm now a vippy 🌟
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My main take from that story is the screengrab The Scum have used, oh my she looks like a character from a horror film, and they’ve deffo picked this one on purpose…..f*cking hell that close up 😱😱😱😱😱

Skank’s now scarier to look at than the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 😱

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Rockin' Robin

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Price has revealed in an article in the DM, five red flags regarding her relationships!
I posted a list of my own
1. She is a liar
2. She has no natural maternal instincts
3. She is bankrupt, both morally and financially.
4. No animal is safe in her "care."
5. Only 50% of her is real, the rest is either inflated, or penciled on!

For some reason my comment wasn't published!
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we still have her and Jett seeing Ghosts so that narrative is still being used.
What she needs is to see the Ghost of Christmas Future, a last chance to change the present. The Ghost would show her alone at xmas, just out of prison. No children, friends or family visiting. No pets as shes banned for life, no car as also banned for life. She is wearing a wig as hair so badly damaged. Leathery skin and tiny eye remain, sagging lips hang thinly as filler removed due to multiple infections.
Phil and Grant have fallen out and the remaining spanials ears droop onto her lap. No surgeon will touch her.
Upstairs in his attic Cole slowly rocks back and forth mumbling about blue ticks and Vegas, he can't leave either he lost his passport when drugs were found in a range rover.
Cue Ghost of Christmas present. She rehomes her pets to loving homes, kids returned to their dad, sells house, pays creditors, genuinely shows remorse,lives a quiet kindly life, then small chance her future will be better👻🎄
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Nothing of her shape in these pictures makes sense, huge arse, box shaped body, comedy norks, and those bloody awful trousers, about as seksiy as a tin of corned beef.
She's got a bit of middle aged spread, which is being MASSIVELY exaggerated by the ridiculous boobs.

I can't say that I'm really enjoying the aging process myself, but I honestly don't see how being covered in scar tissue would make me feel better. I shudder to think what her boobs look like now, the scarring was terrible three boob jobs ago.

I'll live with my crows feet if it means I don't look like someone sewed my hair on.
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She only had her last lot of extensions in the middle of August, surely they should last longer than 2 months?!!!!
But she’s a dirty, lazy pig. Can’t wash or style her own hair. Bet in between her hair stinks. She gets the extensions free, for some unknown reason.😡💩
She needs to be using a water pik with those or she will be needing to replace them as the gums will inflame and shrink even worse. Prob why she had the very expensive ones replaced . But eventually she is going to have to have implants as the more you redo them the more tooth is list so you go from veneers a couple of times then the crowns and each time they take more tooth in prepping them . She is a fanny. Always chasing the instant gratification never thinking of consequences. Well you reap what you sow and her harvest is due
You can see the fake veneers don’t fit into the gums. Not sealed. So food etc will get behind them & rot the stumps she’s got left. Yes, you’re correct, she will have to have screw into the jaw replacements👎. Bet her breath smells like a dirty penis😡🤮
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I dunno what to make of anything anymore, is she just lying or is nothing actually changing, just goes round in circles doesn’t it 🤷🏽‍♀️
Bluffing! She is in complete denial and thinks if she denies it long enough people will believe her! As for getting Jett to deny things, that is coercive control or she has bribed him with lots of money for his game.
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theres something about the cleaner that is disturbing me ( not in a bad way ), the way she was back and forth in front of the camera and skanky had to block her out, there was a bit of arragance about it, as if she had a right to be there, she was also wearing a pandora type silver bracelet, complete with charms, who wears jewellery like that when they got to clean a tip ? does anyone think she may be security of some kind, regarding the house ? some thing dont sit right, im sure skanky would have said something to her or even sacked her if she could. perhaps she paid to be there even and thats why skanky had money for oil and never said anything to her about being in front of the camera. God knows whats going on in that house.
Apparently she's a traveller, a grandma of one of the kids at school.
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She does a lot the same things , forgetting that it was Claire Powell who ensured it was a success by hard graft behind the scenes and nothing she did in particular. All she saw was the success and believed it was HER. She thought she had the knowledge and the skill set to replicate it with someone else. The other thing she failed to notice is the world has moved on tremendously since the 1990”, and mid 2000’s . Great business woman 🤣🤣🤣 that myth is consigned to the bin marked failure along with great mum to 5 kids 🤣
Great business woman who can never turn up on time or, if indeed at all. People get fed up with lateness or not turning up, no doubt when she is late the kids get the blame. :mad: Even SFP confirms that she is always late.
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I kind of wish we hadn't stumbled upon the advert for the little dogs being sold,until after they had been rehomed. I'm so worried for them now, she will probably just dump them on any old waster or backstreet breeder for pennies, not giving a shit how they will be looked after as long as she gets some pennies and they are puy of her way 😕 she's a sick animal abusing cow and I hope everything she has done to her animals comes back tenfold on her in the coming year
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Stan Butler

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"forgot she was coming" thought Princess lived with skank seems to blow Jetts rehearsed " looks after 5 kids" out the window and skanks claims of Princess lives with me now lies.
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She doesn’t have a moustache or a cleft lip, people just want to be her *cough*
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